-- Thursday, Oct 15, 1903
[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary] Salt Lake City. Clear and Cool. 10 a.m. Meeting at the temple. Present: Presidents Jos. F. Smith, Jno. R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund, and Elders Jno. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, Jno. W. Taylor, Matthias F. Cowley, Rudger Clawson, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, Geo. A. Smith, and the clerk. It was suggested by Elder Jno. H. Smith that Elder Geo. A. Smith be retained as president of the Y.M.M.I.A. of the Salt Lake Stake for the present. Adopted.
Pres. Smith said that he felt that the brethren ought to take a personal interest in Z.C.M.I., at least more than had been done. The directorsâ€"six of whom were presentâ€"should feel a special interest in the matter as to who the employees are and how they treat the customers. He had heard, he said, some complaints in this particular. Considerable discussion was indulged in regarding Z.C.M.I. and similar institutions.
Song, "Away with Our Fears, the Glad Morning Appears." Eider Geo. A. Smith was mouth in prayer, and Elder Lund was mouth at the altar. Song, "In the Sun and Moon and Stars." Minutes of Oct. 8 were read and approved.
The clerk read a letter from Elder Francis M. Lyman, in which he endorsed the recommendation of Pres. [Anthon L.] Skanchy of the Scandinavian Mission that a certain piece of property in the city of Stockholm (90 x 100 feet) be purchased for church purposes. The said property would cost about $35,000 and was considered a splendid bargain. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Elder Clawson that the purchase be made and that the church advance sufficient means up to $15,000 to secure the property, with the understanding that it be mortgaged for the balance. Carried.
Conference appointments: San Luis, Elder Clawson; Weber, Elder Hyrum M. Smith and Elder Cowley; dedication of Sandy meeting house, Pres. Jno. R. Winder and Elder Teasdale.
Elder Jno. H. Smith attended the Utah Stake Conference. There [were] the usual meetings and a conjoint meeting Sunday evening. Elder Teasdale went to Richmond Saturday night to visit Elder Merrill, who is sick. Found him much improved in health. Brother Teasdale attended Sunday School at Richmond in the morning and general meeting in the afternoon and a seventies meeting in the evening.
Elder Jno. W. Taylor attended the funeral of Elijah Ellison on Saturday. Elder Cowley was present at the Emery Stake Conference held at Huntington Sunday and Monday last. Attendance fair. Found a little bad feeling among the brethren at Huntington. The bishop [James W. Nixon], he thought, was a little straight-laced.
Elder Clawson reported the attendance of Elder Smoot, himself, and the presidency of the Pocatello Stake at a meeting of the O.S.L. Ry. officials (namely, Mr. [W. H.] Bancroft and Mr. Calvin). All the information that could be obtained, relative to the situation at Pocatello regarding the attitude of the unions and the railroad co. to our brethren, was laid before them. They listened patiently and said that measures would at once be instituted to correct the evils complained of and that we would shortly hear from them. However, during the interview Mr. Bancroft candidly admitted that when it came to adjusting matters with the labor unions there were many difficulties in the way.
Elder Hyrum M. Smith in company with Elder Jos. W. McMurrin attended the Beaver Stake Conference. The attendance was poor, and things seemed to be pretty "dead" down there. Elder Geo. A. Smith said that he not only attended the Utah Stake Conference but also attended a meeting at Springville Sunday night. Pres. Winder attended a ward conference at Big Cottonwood last Sunday. Pres. Smith attended a funeral Sunday afternoon.
Reports were approved and the meeting adjourned. Benediction by Elder Cowley. (1)
-- Thursday, Mar 17, 1904
[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary] Salt Lake City. Cloudy and cool. 10 a.m. Meeting at the temple. Present: Presidents Jos. F. Smith, Jno. R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund, and Elders Francis M. Lyman, Rudger Clawson, Hyrum M. Smith, Geo. A. Smith, Jno. Smith, and the clerk. The brethren clothed and sang, "Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion." Pres. Smith was mouth in prayer, and Elder Hyrum M. Smith was mouth at the altar. After disrobing, the brethren sang, "Lord, When Iniquities Abound."
The presidency of the Utah Stake wrote, saying that Bp. Wm. D. Lewis of Vineyard had been honorably released to move away, and recommended Geo. M. Smoot to succeed him. On motion of Elder Clawson, the recommendation was approved. Pres. Geo. C. Parkinson reported that Bp. N. R. Lewis of Oxford had been honorably released on account of ill health and recommended Walter Hatch to succeed him. On motion of Elder Hyrum M. Smith, the recommendation was approved. A letter was read from Isaac Smith of Logan, in which he said that the published report of a fast meeting held in Logan, by which it was sought to influence the enemy against us, was very inaccurate and misleading. He explained just what was said.
Pres. Smith said that he and the brethren who went east visited the cemetery at Florence, Nebraska, where a number of the saints who were driven from Nauvoo were buried and he thought perhaps some steps should be taken looking to the erection of a monument to mark their graves. After some discussion the matter was referred to the Presidency to take such action as in their judgment might seem proper.
Brother J. Havinga of Holland, Europe, wrote, saying that some years ago he turned over some $200 to W. D. Bingham for investment in Utah. The money, he afterwards learned, was loaned to J. S. Bingham of Brigham, a brother of W. D., at 10% per annum. He now complained that he had neither received back the principal nor the interest, and asked the Presidency to investigate and do what they [could] for him. The matter was referred to Elder Clawson.
Pres. Lewis Anderson of the South San Pete Stake wrote the Presidency in regard to the importance and necessity of piping the water owned by the temple association down to the Manti Temple. There was urgent necessity for this move, as the claim on the water was endangered. He submitted an estimate showing that the cost would be about $5000. This was considered to be a very important matter by the brethren and was referred to Elder Geo. A. Smith to ascertain what could be done through Z.C.M.I. in reference to the cost of piping.
The clerk read a letter from Pres. H. J. Grant of Mch. 5th in relation to matters in the Turkish Mission. He did not believe it wise, he said, to colonize the saints in that land.
The matter of reorganizing the presidency of the Davis Stake was discussed. Brother Jos. H. Grant seemed to be the choice of the Presidency were he in good health, but it was thought in view of his physical condition that it would probably be necessary to select another. However, this would not be done without first learning Brother Jos. Grant's feelings in regard to himself. Henry Blood, Jesse N. Smith, and Amasa Clark were mentioned for the new presidency with a slight leaning to Jesse for president.
Conference appointments: Hyrum, Elder Geo. A. Smith; Davis, First Presidency.
Pres. Winder attended Sabbath School in Farmers Ward last Sunday and enjoyed himself. Elder Geo. A. Smith attended meeting at Linne, Alpine Stake, last Thursday night. On Sunday and Monday he attended conference at Morgan. During the conference met with the presidency of the stake and high council, and, as some of the council failed to observe the Word of Wisdom, spoke upon that subject. He ordained Frank B. Hopkin a high priest and bishop and set him apart to preside over the Croyden Ward. Elder Hyrum M. Smith said that while at Washington he and the brethren met with the saints there at the home of Brother Willey. They had an enjoyable time.
Elder Clawson reported the Sevier Stake Conference. Good attendance and good spirit. He ordained Parley Anderson a high priest and bishop and set him apart to preside over the Koosharem Ward, and Jno. E. Gledhill, Jr., a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Vermillion Ward. Henry W. Nielsen, who had been cut off the church some years ago for transgression and later restored to fellowship, was ordained an elder and his former blessings sealed upon him. This action was approved by unanimous vote of the high council. Pres. Smith enquired if the presidency of the stake had been authorized to submit this matter to the high council. Elder Clawson replied, not that he knew of. Pres. Smith thereupon reminded the brethren that in the future the high councils could not take an action of this kind without special authority from the First Presidency.
Jno. Smith attended meeting at home last Sunday. Pres. Lund attended Sunday School in the 17th Ward and a funeral, that of Sister [Mary R.] Bouton, in the afternoon. Reports were received and the labors of the brethren approved. Meeting adjourned. Benediction by Geo. F. Gibbs.
Pres. Lyman enquired if Peter A. Druby of Tooele, who had been cut off the church some years ago and had repented, might again be received into fellowship. It was decided that no action should be taken in this matter at present. (1)
1 - Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993
LDS History Chronology: Z.C.M.I
Mormon Timeline: Z.C.M.I