Speaking in Tongues, April 13, 1906

-- April 13, 1906
[James Henry Martineau] Lyman Sherman joined the church in 1831, Was the first who ever spoke in tongues in this dispensation. Prest Kimball told me that L. R. S. was the sweetest singer in tongues in the church, and was JosephÂ's Â"right hand man.Â" in Missouri. (1)

-- Aug 1, 1906
"Fast meeting in 1st Ward. . . .Sister Jarrett speaks in tongues and prophesies." DER STERN reports Joseph F. Smith's statement to conference at Bern, Switzerland: "The time will come when this land [Europe] will be dotted with temples . . ." (2)

-- Aug 30, 1906
At testimony meeting of general board of Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association invited guests Lillie T. Freeze and Maria Young Dougall speak in tongues and interpret. Sisters Freeze and Dougall are general board members in other auxiliaries and speak in tongues and interpret at such meetings until they die in 1937. By then glossolalia no longer occurs in LDS meetings, since all Mormons with this gift have died without successors. After 1930s LDS leaders redefine "gift of tongues" to be ability to learn unfamiliar language (such as Japanese), rather than spontaneous speaking of "unknown tongues" which correspond to no recognized language. (2)

-- October 16, 1908
[James Henry Martineau] Attended a reunion of Temple workers, at which the wid. of W. W. Phelps was present and spoke in tongues. (1)

-- Apr 09, 1909
[U.S. Religious History] The first recorded instances in America of groups speaking in tongues occurred in Los Angeles under the leadership of black evangelist William J. Seymour. This event marked the beginning of the three-year-long "Azusa Street Revival," key in the development of Pentecostalism. (3)

-- September 29, 1909
[James Henry Martineau] Attended a reunion in 19th ward in honor of the widow of W. W. Phelps, a veteran of Missouri persecution times. She spoke in tongues, interpreted by a daughter of Orson Hyde, Sis M. White. (1)

-- Oct 5, 1913
Heber J. Grant preaches: "I seldom hear a hymn written by Sister Eliza R. Snow sung in any of our meetings, or sing one myself, that I do not thank God for the gift of tongues to that noble woman. She gave to me a blessing when I was a child, predicting incidents in my life, promising me that I should grow to manhood and become one of the leaders in the Church of Christ, Sister Zina D. Young giving the interpretation." (2)

1 - An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
3 - Cline, Austin, History of American Religion: Timeline

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Thursday, Jan 10, 1901

-- Thursday, Jan 10, 1901
[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary] Salt Lake City. Clear and cold, freezing weather. 10 a.m. Continuation of quarterly conference of the Twelve. Present: full quorum.

... Apostle Reed Smoot dwelt briefly upon the law of tithing. Said the spirit of indifference prevailed more or less among the saints in the various stakes. Referred to some of the fast meetings in Provo last Sunday and said the spirit and power of testimony rested upon the people and the gifts of the gospel were manifested. One brother spoke in tongues to the effect that the impressions given to Pres. Snow of late regarding the redemption of the center stake of Zion and the building of the great temple were from the Lord and such event would transpire much sooner than many supposed.... (1)

-- Monday, Feb 11, 1901
[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary] ... 7 p.m. I arrived at Idaho Falls and put up at Bp. [James] Thomas'. Before going to meeting Bp. Thomas informed [me] that a peculiar and somewhat serious condition prevailed in the ward and he wanted counsel regarding it. He said that one of the sisters had been speaking in tongues at their fast meetings and he feared that it was not done by the Spirit of the Lord. A very unpleasant and unsatisfactory feeling prevailed in the meeting whenever she spoke or sang in tongues. And not only so but the interpretation was not given of the Spirit of God. As a further evidence that the tongue was not from the Lord, one of the sisters in the congregation immediately upon hearing the tongue was visibly affected and went into spasms.

Upon one occasion the bishopric administered to her and rebuked the spirit that was afflicting her, but the administration was without effect. The afflicted sister, contrary to the order of the church, called upon one of her sisters to rebuke the spirit, which was done and it left her. The bishop took occasion to point out to the saints the evil resulting from the exercise of this strange tongue and warned them against it. This greatly angered a young man, who was related to the sister who had spoken in tongues, and who had just returned from a mission to the world, and he arose in the meeting and cursed the bishop in the name of the Lord.

I was very much shocked at the bishop's statement and said that it now became his solemn duty to forbid the sister alluded to from further exercising the strange tongue; and that the young man who had so grievously offended, should be called to answer before the bishop's court, and that if he did not make ample and humble reparation for his fault, he should be disfellowshipped, and the case sent to the high council for further action.

8 p.m. Meeting at the ward house, Bp. J. Thomas presiding. I was speaker of the evening. Topics treated. The excellent conference held at Lewisville. The authority pertaining to the bishopric and his right to the spirit of discernment. (1)

-- 8 June 1901
Susa Young Gates wrote to Elmina S. Taylor describing a meeting in which she interpreted tongues. [Susa Young Gates, Letter to Elmina S. Taylor, 8 June 1901] (2)

-- Jul 7, 1901
Lorenzo Snow presides at Salt Lake Temple's monthly fast meeting, "and Sister Lillie T. Freeze sang in tongues." (3)

-- November 19, 1904
[James Henry Martineau] Blessed Bishop John Neff and his daughters Frances and Eugenia, the latter about to go on a mission. Sister Mary A. Hyde White also blessed the two girls in tongues. We had a delightful time. (4)

-- December 1904
James X. Allen reported in 1904 that "he had never in his life heard anyone speak in tongues," although he had been reared in Utah. [James X. Allen, "Passing of the Gift of Tongues," Improvement Era 8 (December 1904): 109] (2)

-- January 4, 1905
[James Henry Martineau] With Sister Mary Hyde White visited her Sister Zina Virginia Hyde Bull, widowed recently, who has cataract growing over her eyes and is losing her sight. She wished me to rebuke blindness and to bless her, which I did. Her sister Mary also blessed her in tongues, with the interpretation. I know Zina may be healed, through faith. She felt very happy. I enjoyed my visit very much, as I always do in visiting and blessing the sick. (4)

1 - Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson
2 - Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
4 - An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Mon., May 22, 1894

-- Mon., May 22, 1894
[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon Journal] The Elsinore choir furnished the singing, and during the services yesterday they sang a piece to the words, "O My Father," which Bro. Durrans; of Parowan received in a dream. H dreamed that he saw a Navajo blanket floating down a river, and as he watched it, he suddenly saw several Indians appear on it. They came to the shore where he stood, and one of them placed an instrument to his mouth something like a clarionet, on which he played the tune which was rendered, with the exception of one high note which he could not reach. Bro. Durrans arose and wrote out the piece, Some time thereafter a birthday party was given at his house when one of the brethren spoke in tongues. In the course of his remarks he said that this tune was the one used by the ancient Nephites, just before the last remnant was slain at the hill Cumorah about the year 421 A.D. It was a kind of lamentation. (1)

-- 7 May 1896
At a Relief Society meeting in Woodruff, Arizona, Hannah Savage "received the gift of tongues and the interpretation. . . . Medora Gardner testifyed that it was the tongue of Adam that had been given." [Hannah Adeline [Hatch] Savage, Journal, May 1896] (2)

-- Sunday, Apr 2, 1899
[Apostle John Henry Smith Diary] Salt Lake City

I attended fast meeting in the Temple and heard speaking in tongues by [?] Y. Dougall. Interpreted by Zina D. H. Young.

D. L. Moody, the Methodist Evangelist, spoke at the Tabernacle today. (3)

-- Apr 2, 1899
Lorenzo Snow presides at Salt Lake temple monthly fast meeting: "Sister Maria Y Dougall bore her testimony and wound up by speaking in tongues which struck me as the finest expression of that beautiful gift to which I had ever listened and when Aunt Zina (H. Young) interpreted it[.] it was sweet in deed." (4)

-- Jun 8, 1899
... Salt Lake Temple, 11 A.M. Present: Presidents Lorenzo Snow, Joseph F. Smith and Franklin D. Richards; Apostles Brigham Young [Jr.], George Teasdale, Anthon H. Lund, Matthias F. Cowley and Rudger Clawson. Also, Apostles J[ohn]. H[enry]. Smith and A[braham]. O[wen]. Woodruff.

... Brother John Henry Smith briefly reported the visit of Brother Cowley and himself to Tennessee. They found the Elders in that region industrious and feeling encouraged. The winter had been exceedingly severe for that part, and the spring season had opened very hot, resulting in the taking down of many of the Elders with malaria. In a fast meeting which they attended with the Elders and Saints the gifts of the Spirit were exercised, such as speaking in tongues and prophesying. ... (5)

-- Feb 25, 1900
Returned missionary from Southern States Mission speaks in tongues at Salt Lake tabernacle and gives "the interpretation which was very beautiful" This may not be first time, but is probably the last, that someone speaks in "unknown tongue" (glossolalia) in Tabernacle. (4)

-- April 1900
Joseph F. Smith told the Church in general conference in 1900 that "where two men or women exercise the gift of tongues by inspiration of the Spirit of God, there are a dozen perhaps who do it by the inspiration of the devil. . . . I do not want the gift of tongues except when I need it." [Report of the Semi-Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1900 (Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, semi-annual), 41] (2)

1 - Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4
2 - Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993
3 - Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith
4 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
5 - Journal History

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, April 1, 1883

-- April 1, 1883
My wife, Jane and I went to fast meeting.... At the meeting the gift of tongues was used wherein the Lord said that when the destroyer should leave the realms above upon his work to lay waste the earth, it will be communicated and made known to him that stands at the head of the church - (1)

-- Sunday May 18, 1884
Just 7 yrs ago to day at 12 M the ground was dedicated & broken for this temple. This morning at 9 O.C. I went to the Temple& prepared to receive the audience for the 2nd dedicatory Service and the Same Opening him was Sang& Same pray repeated. Choir Sang Apostle Erastus Snow Who related the Kind of Ordinances administered that was the anointing of heads & washing of feet by Quorims Spoke of the 3 Golden Keys presented in token of the Keys of the Priesthood. Spoke of an angel being Seated by the of father. Fred G. Williams during the offering of the prayer the Same place that Pres Taylor ocupies. Many Spoke in tongues and the congregation was filled with the Holy Ghost. (2)

-- July 28, 1884
[James Henry Martineau] [Blessing by Wm J. Smith of wife Susan] You shall do a great work in bringing souls to Christ, and shall do a mighty work among the Lamanites, and shall have power to learn tongues and languages, and shall be preserved from every evil.... (3)

-- During 1884
(Heber J. Grant) When Heber was fifteen, Eliza R. Snow prophesied in tongues and Zina D. H. Young interpreted: eventually Heber would be one of the leading men in the Church.... (4)

-- Thursday, Apr 1, 1886
[Apostle John Henry Smith Diary] Salt Lake City

I attended fast meeting and heard the speaking in tongues. (5)

-- November 1889
Ezra C. Robinson said in 1899 that although he had been "born and reared in the Church," he had "never had the privilege of hearing the gift of tongues manifested" before being called on his mission. [Ezra C. Robinson, "Evil Spirits Rebuked-The Gift of Tongues and Prophecy," Improvement Era 3 (November 1899): 31] (6)

-- Apr 19, 1894
[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary] [Meeting of Apostles and Presidency] Prest. Woodruff spoke of the first time he had ever been in a meeting witht the Prophet Joseph and said that Joseph had said to the few men in the room at the time that they had no more idea of the magnitude of the work of God than babes. Among other things Joseph had said that there would yet be tens of thousands of saints in the Rocky Mountains. Referred to hearing a large number speak in tongues in the Kirtland Temple and that a sister Hman Hyde interpreted most of what was said and there was more in the talk about the Rocky Mountains than any other subject. He did not then understand that the saints were to be located in these valleys. (7)

1 - History of the Life of Oliver B, Huntington Written by Himself 1878 -1900, typescript
2 - Diaries of Ora Charles Card: The Utah Years 1871-1886 Edited by Donald G. Godfrey and Kenneth W. Godfrey
3 - An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty
4 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
5 - Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith
6 - Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993
7 - Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, 1878

-- 1878
Orson Pratt, who did not always agree with Young's teachings, complained about the infrequency of spiritual gifts, observing, "The reason why we have not enjoyed these more fully is, because we have not sought for them as diligently as we ought." [Journal of Discourses, 25:145] (1)

-- 5 February 1878
[Zebedee Coltrin] Thomas Matley, Wark Clerk, recorded the following address made at a meeting of the High Priests in Spanish Fork, Utah, February 5, 1878

"At Kirtland we were called to the school of the prophets, and at one time when Joseph was in the translating room, myself and others were talking about the gift of tongues, when the spirit of tongues fell upon me and I spoke under its influence. joseph came into the room and said, `God bless you Brother Zebedee, that is the spirit of God.' He told me to continue, and the gift of tongues and prophecy rested upon the greater part of the brethren present and we continued speaking in tongues and prophesying through that day and the greater part of the following night. ....

"In the Kirtland Temple I have seen the power of God as it was in the day of Pentecost and cloven tongues as of fire have rested on the brethren and they have spoked with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance. I say the Lord high and lifted up, and frequently through the solemn assemblies. The angeles of God rested upon the Temple and we heard their voices singing heavenly music. At another time while consecrating a bottle of oil, we saw visibly the finger of God enter the mouth of the bottle. (2)

-- July 17, 1880
Meeting held on July 17, 1880:

Â"Sister Whitney then sang one of her sweet songs of Zion in the language which was spoken and sung (the Prophet Joseph said) by our first parents in the Garden of Eden. Sister Snow explained that Joseph Smith told Mother Whitney Â'If she would use the gift with wisdom it should remain with her as long as she lived.Â' Sister Zina then gave the interpretation. The theme of which was rejoicing and praise to the Great Author and Giver of good.Â" (3)

-- Thursday, January [February] 2, 1882
I attend fast meeting this forenoon at 10 O.C. Where the Spirit of God was made manifest. One of the Sisters Spoke in tongues Interpreted By Mother Crocket Wife of David Crockett12 deceased which was to the effect great calamities that were Shortly to come upon the nations exhorting the Sts. to not set their Hearts upon the things of the world & prepare themselves for the work of the Lord. A Synopsis of the above was given to me & I was filled So with the Spirit that I could not but give utterance only Briefly. (4)

-- Saturday, September 2, 1882
Sister Snow gave Some instructions to the Sisters in one unknown tongue and Blessed the children in another which was interpreted by Sister Zina Young.7 They both gave good instructions in our own Language. (4)

-- February 1, 1883
Being fast day Feb, 1st I went to meeting Considerable prophecying. Bro. L< N. Scovill was told in tongues that he should be promoted by the spirit to call his children together and bless them as the patriarchs of old; and tell them what should come to them if they would listen to his council. (5)

-- March 1, 1883
was Thursday and fast day. I went to the meeting, Had tongues and prophecy. Bro, Erastus F. Clark told a dream, which was, that he saw a terrible pestilence in Springville; the doctors could not find anything that would stop it or do it any good. It was a disease that they had never seen nor heard of. There were some persons that escaped the disease and a voice said to him, "Behold they upon /whom" the plague has no power are they that keep the word of wisdom," (5)

1 - Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993
2 - High Priests, Spanish Fork, UT
3 - R[elief], S[ociety]. Reports,Â" WomanÂ's Exponent 9 (September 1, 1880):54
4 - Diaries of Ora Charles Card: The Utah Years 1871-1886 Edited by Donald G. Godfrey and Kenneth W. Godfrey
5 - History of the Life of Oliver B, Huntington Written by Himself 1878 -1900, typescript

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, 1870

-- 1870
John H. Beadle of Utah, writing in 1870, remarked that "this exercise [of tongues] is a little too ridiculous, even for the Mormons at present, and is rarely heard of." [John H. Beadle, Life in Utah: or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism (Philadelphia: National Publishing Co., [1870]), 323.] (1)

-- May 7, 1871
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... Now, to our experience again. Suppose you obey the ordinances of the Gospel, and do not speak in tongues to-day, never mind that. Suppose you do not have the spirit of prophecy, no matter. Suppose you do not receive any particular gift attended by the rushing of a mighty wind, as on the day of Pentecost, there is no particular necessity that you should. On the Day of Pentecost there was special need for it, it was a peculiarly trying time.... (2)

-- Aug 11, 1872
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... From China let us go directly to the Cape of Good Hope, and there an Elder is preaching and baptizing people into the kingdom of God, and when they get into this kingdom they begin to read and understand, and to prophesy, and if they are not checked in the gifts, you will hear them speak in tongues. Let me say here, to the Latter-day Saints, it is frequently asked by our brethren, '"Why do not the people speak with tongues?'" We do, and we speak with tongues that you can understand, and Paul says he would rather speak five or ten words in a language that can be understood, than many in a language that can not be. This is what he conveyed. We speak with tongues that can be understood; but the reason that we do not encourage this little, particular, peculiar gift, which is for the edifying of some few in the Church, I have not time to explain. ... (2)

-- 1873
T. B. H. Stenhouse, a disaffected Mormon, complained that Young was "the least desirous of listening to the exercise of this 'gift [of tongues],'" relating also an instance in which a woman glossolalist was cautioned by two of Young's wives "not to mention the circumstance, as 'Brother Young' was opposed to such manifestations." [T. B. H. Stenhouse, The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History] (1)

-- Aug 31, 1873
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... Some may receive the gift of tongues, that they will get up and speak in tongues, and speak in many other languages beside their mother tongue, the language that they were brought up in, that they were first taught, and be able to proclaim the Gospel of life and salvation that all men could understand it. ... Are we entitled to the gift of speaking in, or the gift of the interpretation of, tongues? No. .... (2)

-- Feb 21, 1874
During meeting of Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association in Assembly Hall on Salt Lake Temple Square, "Mother [Elizabeth A.] Whitney sung in tongues, and Carrie Carter in attempting an interpretation threw her bonnet and muff on the floor, & fell on her knees, remaining for some time in that position." (3)

-- May 14, 1875
"after urging," Elizabeth Ann Whitney spoke in tongues with fluid ease for some five minutes. Eliza R. Snow affirmed that it was the "pure tongue of Adam." (3)

1 - Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993
2 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Jul 31, 1864

-- Jul 31, 1864
[Brigham Young Sermon] In my remarks this afternoon I wish to address strangers, as well as the Saints; ... Again we read of certain ones, who had been baptized to John's baptism, who were baptized again by Paul, '"and when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them, and they spake with tongues and prophesied.'" This is the Gospel we believe in and practice, now judge ye for yourselves whether we have the Bible to sustain us in this practice of the ordinances of the Gospel. I say let God be true, if it makes every man a liar. Now the inquirer asks, '"is not the Holy Ghost given to others, as well as to members of your Church?'" I would answer yes, in some instances; but in such cases they receive it through grace, not through obedience to the ordinances. ... The gifts of the Gospel are given to strengthen the faith of the believer;'"'"They shall speak with new tongues,'" saith Jesus. The stranger who is ignorant of our history inquires:'"'"Have you the gift of tongues in your Church?'" Yes, and were I to permit it now, hundreds of the Elders and the sisters would rise up in this congregation and speak in new tongues, and interpret as well as the learned of the age; but I do not permit it. Does the gift of prophesy exist with us? This fact is so evident and plain that it appears to us almost a loss of time to talk about it.... (1)

-- Nov 6, 1864
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... In my reflections I foresee a time, when we shall be able to communicate with each other easier and with much more pleasure and satisfaction than we now do; but we will then use a different language... Although the language that we now speak is as good as any language that has yet come to our knowledge, still it is very meagre, and limited in its range and power, and though it is a good medium at ordinary times, yet it comes very far short of being such a medium, as man needs to convey thoughts, when he is inspired by the power of God, through the gift of the Holy Ghost, and is full of the revelations of Jesus... It is written '"Therefore, wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy... For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent...'" When a man rises up to speak in the name of the Lord, and is filled with the light, and the intelligence and power which cometh from God, his countenance alone will convey more, to those who are inspired by the same spirit, than can possibly be conveyed, by the words of any language now used by mankind. ..... -- SLC Bowery [Journal of Discourses... Liverpool, England, 1853-86... 10:353-357; Deseret News... Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City]. (1)

-- 1-Aug 10, 1865
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... every president, bishop, elder, priest, teacher, deacon and member standing in his order and officiating in his standing and degree of priesthood as ministers of the words of life, as shepherds to watch over departments and sections of the flock of God in all the world, and as helps to strengthen the hands of the Presidency of the whole church. A sister who receives the gift of tongues is not thereby empowered to dictate her president, or the church. All gifts and endowments given of the Lord to members of His church are not given to control the church; but they are under the control and guidance of the priesthood, and are judged of by it. ... (1)

-- Aug 26, 1866
[Brigham Young Sermon] Pres. B. Young delivered a very instructive discourse on various principles of the gospel, teaching the Saints on the gift of tongues and other gifts promised to believers, and showing how the Christian world profess a belief in the bible, but refuse to obey its teachings. -- Salt Lake City (1)

-- Jul 11, 1869
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... Jesus set in his Church, according to Paul's words to the Corinthians, firstly apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Again I will ask the question: has there been any revelation from heaven that God has taken these gifts out of His Church; and if so through whom and when? .... When I look at the economy of heaven my heart leaps for joy, and if I had the tongue of an angel, or the tongues of the whole human family combined, I would praise God in the highest for His great wisdom and condescension ... (1)

1 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Jun 22, 1856 (Afternoon)

-- Jun 22, 1856 (Afternoon)
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... In the first rise of the Church, when the gifts of the Gospel were bestowed on an individual, or upon individuals, the people could not understand but that the giver of the gift gave also the exercise of it; how much labor the Elders that understood this matter have had to make it plain to the understandings of the people. Take, for instance, the gift of tongues; years ago in this Church you could find men of age, and seemingly of experience, who would preach and raise up Branches, and when quite young boys or girls would get up and speak in tongues, and others interpret, and perhaps that interpretation instructing the Elders who brought them into the Church, they would turn round and say, '"I know my duty, this is the word of the Lord to me and I must do as these boys or girls have spoken in tongues.'" You ask one of the Elders if they understand things so now, and they will say, '"No, the gifts are from the Lord, and we are agents to use them as we please.'" If a man is called to be a Prophet, and the gift of prophecy is poured upon him, though he afterwards actually defies the power of God and turns away from the holy commandments, that man will continue in his gift and will prophecy lies. He will make false prophecies, yet he will do it by the spirit of prophecy; he will feel that he is a prophet and can prophecy, but he does it by another spirit and power than that which was given him of the Lord. He uses the gift as much as you and I use ours. The gift of seeing with the natural eyes is just as much a gift as the gift of tongues. The Lord gave that gift and we can do as we please with regard to seeing; we can use the sight of the eye to the glory of God, or to our own destruction. The gift of taste is the gift of God, we can use that to feed and pamper the lusts of the flesh, or we can use it to the glory of God. The gift of communicating one with another is the gift of God, just as much so as the gift of prophecy, of discerning spirits, of tongues, of healing, or any other gift, though sight, taste, and speech, are so generally bestowed that they are not considered in the same miraculous light as are those gifts mentioned in the Gospel. We can use these gifts, and every other gift God has given us, to the praise and glory of God, to serve Him, or we can use them to dishonor Him and His cause; we can use the gift of speech to blaspheme His name. ... (1)

-- September 4, 1856
[James Henry Martineau] Had an excellent meeting (fast) to day. Sister Zilpha Smith, wife of Geo. A. Smith spoke powerfully in tongues. I had to some extent the gift of interpretation for which I have long prayed. (2)

-- January 18, 1857
[James Henry Martineau] "Now I look at you [Julia Sherman] I see you have his [Lyman R. Sherman] eyes exactly - and his hair. He was a good man - Joseph's right hand man. He was a most beautiful singer, especially in singing in tongues - the finest I ever saw. He died a martyr to the Gospel, and will receive a Martyr's crown."

I was much rejoiced to hear Br. Kimball say this, for it shows to me that a truly good man will never be forgotten, in time, nor in eternity. (2)

-- Aug 23, 1857
Heber C. Kimball preaches: "Some of you, ladies, that go abroad from house to house, blessing the sick, having your little circles of women come together, why are you troubling yourselves to bless and lay your hands on women, and prophesy on them, if you do not believe the principle? You make yourselves fools to say that that same power should not be on the man that has got the Priesthood, and with sisters that have not got any, only what they hold in connection will their husbands. We can tell what will come to pass; and one of you can talk in tongues and pour out your souls to God, and then one interpret; that is the course you take, and it is all right: go ahead, and God bless you and multiply blessings on you; but do not go round tattling about your husbands and talking against the Priesthood you are connected to. I do not say many of you do it; but you that do it are poor, miserable skunks." ... (3)

-- Jun 6, 1858
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... Some do not understand duties which do not coincide with their natural feelings and affections. Do you comprehend that statement? I have tried to tell you; but I am sometimes at a loss to convey a correct understanding with words. I should have the language of angels to enable me to exactly convey my ideas, and that would require an audience who understand that language. ... (1)

1 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
2 - An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, May 10, 1854

-- May 10, 1854
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... The Indians here are of the house of Israel yet they are our brethren in sorrow because of the sins of their fathers, and we are called to redeem them. .... Now mark it, that if you do not do this, I will tell you that it will not be a many years until your throats will be cut and the Indians will take scalps enough to make a wick-a-up, and you will write this down as a prophecy, and write it down too, that if you will follow my counsel and do as I tell you and build your walls and forts as I direct you, not one of you shall be hurt. Write it down that if you want to know why these things are so I will tell you, it is because God will not be mocked, and have the priesthood which he has given trampled upon, and if you that have the privilege of coming to this place, you are in a situation to save Israel. I will tell it right out here, there was an army of elders called to go to the Lamanites and there was not one man that manifested any wisdom about it, and that was Porter Rockwell, he is an old Mormon, he said, I think it best to go to the Lamanites and live with them and preach to them, and teach them, and to make them know that we are their friends, and stick by them until they do know the truth. I have heard the people speak in tongues and prophecy and say I have got to go and teach the Lamanites and teach them to work and prepare them to receive the gospel, but as soon as they come among them, they want to kill them, but at the same time they will steal worse than the Indians. Now what should you do in such a case? Kill the Mormon thief and teach the Indian, for I have a thousand excuses for the Indians, to where I have one for the brethren in stealing from and killing each other. ... (1)

-- May 21, 1854
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... We shall have to mingle this people until the whole house of Israel is gathered together and even the ten tribes come again to the earth and inhabit the land given to their fathers. We have a considerable pill to swallow but it is so. I am sure there are women present who have spoken in tongues that they would have to go among the Lamanites and instruct them to sew, to knit, to wash and perform all domestic works. And the men have said that they were going to preach to the Lamanites. I ask you now are you going to swallow your faith and eat up your own revelations and persecute [-] you degraded beings who are forsaken of God. Now I tell you the time has come that you will have to carry out that which you have seen years and years ago and make them honorable.... (1)

-- May 13, 1855 (Morning)
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... If the kingdom was left without the Presidency or Twelve, what should we do, let's see, in Great Salt Lake we have got President and Councillors of Stake, and High Council, 19 Bishops, one in each ward. Great Salt Lake is in difficulty, we want to know what the Lord designs about the temple. How shall I find out, says the architect? I can tell you how. Who is the leading man, the President David Fullmer. He presides over all the counsellors, and the High Council, and all officers of the Stake. Well, we will fast and pray, not for this invitation to speak in tongues and this brother and sister interpret. In D. Fullmer should be concentrated all the faith, and if they had common sense they would do this. David Fullmer is the man who should get the word of the Lord, and the only man who can dictate in absence of the Twelve and First Presidency.... (1)

-- May 23, 1855
Attended a party given to John Steel and W. C. Mitchell, who are appointed to go on a mission. Zilpha, wife of Elder G. A. Smith spoke in tongues with great power: also Job P. Hall: and Prest J. C. L. Smith sang in tongues. Prest Smith gave the interpretation of Sister Zilpha's tongue, which was to encourage the missionaries; and warned and reproved the sisters for their non-compliance with the law of celestial marriage, and predicted many things that should come upon them, and the trials shortly to come upon the saints. (2)

-- Jul 15, 1855
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... B. Young said he had something to say concerning the saving of Israel. Can not imagine that we could have need [of] this priesthood had it not have been for this Book of Mormon. Here we are of the Gentiles and inasmuch as we have received of this gospel, that duty binds us to look after this House of Israel [Indians]. The Lord makes it our duty to look after the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Lord has planted this people in the midst of the House of Israel; and no matter how we profess to be an enlightened people, but when we come to the principles of eternal life we have wandered far from the true faith. Yet we account of these traditions of the Gentiles. We have imbibed those things in our hearts. We are now called to look after Israel, who are a loathsome people. Yet some of the Gentile nations are not filthy as any [of] these Indians. They will eat that which we would not. The Lord in his wisdom has appointed our location in the midst of Israel, which is a astounding miracle. How many times have you heard it spoken in tongues and prophesied of in days past and said that you should yet go and teach the Lamanites. If the Latter-day Saints are faithful in these things of teaching that people, all will be well with us; but if we neglect it we shall regret it, and they always, yeah, ever and ever.... (1)

1 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
2 - An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Feb 19, 1851

-- Feb 19, 1851
[Lorenzo Brown] Attended meeting this evening at Israel Hoits good meeting & a good deal of talking in tongues because they could not talk in their own (1)

-- Apr 7, 1852 (Morning, Conference)
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... You brethren who can, you are not called up here to preach, take the stand. You are at liberty to speak in [-] pray can shout, as the Lord may dictate. There never has been a day that I have felt better than I do today, I do not feel I preach [-] and with thunder it through me. I could talk in tongues till your were too tired. I could prophesy but I had better stop as we will make me a prophet. God has been as visible in leading this people as it was in leading Moses and Israel and Abraham. ... (2)

-- Apr 9, 1852 (Morning, Conference)
[Brigham Young Sermon] President Brigham Young addressed the saints on the subject of their endowments and poured forth revelation after revelation on the subject. A most heavenly influence prevailed. He closed by shouting Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord'- Sister Bybee spoke in tongues, when President Young declared it to be a proper tongue, and enquired, what the nations would do if they were here; and said, if he was to give way to the brethren and sisters, the day of Pentecost would be in the shade in comparison to it. -- SLC Tabernacle [Deseret News. Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City; 1850-current. 2:46] (2)

-- Nov 8, 1852
[Journal History, Nov. 8, 1852] ... Pres[ident] Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Tho[ma]s Bullock, W[illia]m C. Staines, James Ure, James W. Cummings, Samuel L. Sprague, W[illia]m W. Phelps, each with a wife met in the Temple room. The brethren annointed each other. The wives were annointed by Sister [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney and [Eliza R.] Snow; afterwards all partook of cakes and wine. Some spoke in tongues, etc. (3)

-- Apr 13, 1853
Ninth General Epistle-- NINTH GENERAL EPISTLE of the Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from Great Salt Lake Valley, to the Saints scattered abroad throughout the Earth, Greeting:

... Keep yourselves pure, live spotless and undefiled, all ye who profess to be Saints. Show your faith by your works. Let the Elders flee from any country where they are persecuted beyond endurance, and open the door of salvation to the first people who are willing to receive them. Translate the Book of Mormon into every language and dialect under heaven, and print the same, as God shall give you the opportunity. And from this hour the gift of tongues, and by it translations, from language to language, shall be more and more manifest unto the Elders of Israel, until no nation, kingdom, tribe, or family, shall be destitute of the offer of the word of God on the earth. ... (4)

-- Feb 3, 1854
... Woodruff writes that "during the evening Sisters [Elizabeth] Whitney & Eliza Snow called upon us and spent the evening. . . . Before they left Sister Whitney sung in tongues in the pure language which Adam & Eve made use of in the garden of Eden. This gift was obtained while in Kirtland through the promise of Joseph. He told her if she would rise upon her feet (while in a meeting) she would have the pure Language. She done so and immediately commenced singing in that language. It was as near heavenly music as any thing I ever he[a]rd." (5)

-- Mar 2, 1854
Wilford Woodruff writes, "I addressed the Saints. Many spoke prayed & sung. One spoke in tongues & Brother Covington interpreted it." (5)

1 - Journal of Lorenzo Brown: 1823-1900
2 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
3 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship
4 - Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)
5 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Dec 29, 1846

-- Dec 29, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... The fore part of the evening was occupied in conversing upon a variety of subjects And Had a little intermission during which time Elders Young Kimball and others had a little recreation and bodily exercise and had prayers after which Presidents Young and Kimball spoke in tongues a while. ... (1)

-- Tuesday, Dec 29, 1846.
[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Winter Quarters. ... [At] quarter [to] 9, instrumental music ceased when all in the house united in singing three or four hymns, "Roll Round with the Years," etc., after which all united in prayer led by President Young in which he thanked the Lord for the privilege of praising God in the song, dance, etc., etc., after which he gave an address in tongues, then conversed in tongues with Elder Kimball. President Young proposed that he form a company of 50 of his own family, then see how many men can go as pioneers, etc., how many families can go, how many families will stay etc., etc.... (2)

-- Jan 1, 1847
Eliza R. Snow's diary mentions receiving a blessing "thro' our belov'd mother Chase and sis[ter] Clarissa [Decker] by the gift of tongues," adding: "To describe the scene . . . would be beyond my power (3)

-- Mar 14, 1847
... Eliza R. Snow writes in her journal: "with Mother Chase & [Patty] Sessions. Father [Heber C.] Kimb[all] called in and gave us much beautiful instruction, after which we had some glorious communications of the spirit of God both by way of prophecy and the gift of tongues, and our hearts were made to rejoice and praise the name of God." (3)

-- Jun 18, 1847
... Eliza R. Snow writes: " I spoke to br. H[unter] in the gift of tongues, sis. S[essions] interpreted, after which br. H[unter], sis. S[essions] & I laid hands on sis. H[unter]'s head and rebuk'd her illness & blessed her. I then sang a song to them & sis. S[essions] sang the interpretation. Susanna present & arose & bless'd sis. H[unter]." (3)

-- Oct 9, 1847
[Hosea Stout Diary] We were all over safe at 9 oclock[.] Jack Redding who was with the pioneers turned back with us as a pilot[.] We now traveled on over a leve[l] Bottom for five miles when we came to the Blufs through which we passed for thirteen miles.

It is a barren country of sand hills or a continual succession of Mounds through which we had to pass. The day was very warm & still together with the heat of the sane, made it very pleasant traveling to prairie Creek.12 feet wide & 1 feet deep[.] Low Banks and some miry where we arrived at three o clock and encamped[.] Here was plenty of grass but no wood.

To night was the most sad and gloomy time which we had. Not knowing where the Twelve and those with them were or what had become of them.Perhap they were broke down, & robbed of all their animals and now near Larimie coming slow afoot.Distressed & nearly exhausted.We sat pondering over these THS[.] Some of our own company were sick.While in this melencholy mood Bishop Calkins took me out aside and said that he felt like he wanted to speak in toungs which he said was an uncommon thing for himand if it was right & any one here who could interpret he would be glad to speak.

I spoke to the company about who all were anxious to hear him. Saying if there was any intelligence for us in toungs there would be an interpretation also.

He spoke some time vehemently. Levi Nickerson only understood enough to know that it was relative to our situation and those we were in pursuit of & that all was well.

Bishop Calkins then gave us the interpretation which in substance was that our mission was of God, whose eyes & the eyes of angels were over us for our good.

That the Lord had turned away our enemies from us & we had not been seen

For us to press on & be faithfull and our eyes should see those who we sought and we all should return to our homes in peace.

We all felt the force of what was said & agreed to try and do better if we could & press on untill we met them if we had to go to the valley.

This was a very singular circumstance for there was not one of us who was given to enthusiastic notions of this sort which is so common with some brethren[.] But now we all felt an assureance that we would realize what had been spoken. (4)

-- May 26, 1850
[Brigham Young Sermon] ... when the Spirit of the Lord touched your understanding and told you Joseph was a descendent of Joseph sold into Egypt that spirit told you to look to the welfare of scattered Israel - labor to preach the gospel and gather Israel - the Spirit of the Lord has poured out on this people - I witnessed it in 1000s to seek diligently to save Israel. I have heard them speak in tongues and our Poets and Poetesses have stretched their arms and minds to write about gather Israel - your prayers are answered in a degree, your desires and anticipations may be realized, if your hearts are ready to receive you are now situated and located as this people have desired to be year to year - they have poured out their souls to God - fasted, prayed and wept to place them precisely where they are .... (5)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Apostle Willard Richards Journal
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
4 - Diaries of Hosea Stout
5 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Jan 2, 1846. Friday.

-- Jan 2, 1846. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] ... At an early hour those who slept in the Temple were stirring, and large company had assembled in the vestry, waiting for their washing and anointing... After the regular exercises and business of the day was over ... the President gave permission to any one to speak or pray, or shout, or speak in tongues. No one seemed disposed to use the opportunity, where upon the President arose and made a short address to those present, himself. ... (1)

-- Feb 28, 1846
[Samuel W. Richards journal, Feb. 28, 1846] - at sundown to the Temple, where we spent the evening in holy conversation, administering the Sacrament, and speaking in Tongues, enjoyed the fruits of the Gospel. (2)

-- Mar 15, 1846
[Thomas Bullock journal, Mar. 15, 1846] At sundown went to the Temple. [There were] 14 [in attendance, who] partook of the Sacrament[,] after which we had a most glorious time. Some of the brethren spoke in tongues. Bro. Z[ebedee] Coltrin and [Benjamin] Brown held a talk in tongues which was afterwards interpreted and confirmed. Some prophesied. Bro. [William] Anderson related a vision. And all of us rejoiced with exceeding great gladness. A light was flickering over bro. Anderson's head while relating his vision, Phinehas Richards face shone with great brightness. Two men arrayed all in priestly garments were seen in the n[orth]e[ast] corner of the room. The power of the Holy Ghost rested down upon us. I arose full of the Spirit and spoke with great animation, which was very cheerfully responded to by all, and prophesied of things to come. A brother testified that our meeting was accepted of God. And we continued our meeting until after midnight, [a meeting] which was the most profitable, happy, and glorious meeting I had ever attended in my life, and may the remembrance be deeply rooted in my soul for ever and ever. (2)

-- Mar 21, 1846
[Patriarchal Blessings] ... The Blessing of Abigail Hall, the daughter of Thomas and Catherine Harback; given in the City of Joseph, March 21st, 1846 by Isaac Morley.

... The gifts of the Gospel will become thy blessing, the Spirit of the Lord will cause thee to speak in unknown tongues and to understand truth from error. Wisdom will become thy gift, and faith will cause thee to be endowed with power from on high. Power will be given thee to act upon thy agency in behalf of thy deceased friends, and all the blessings that have been sealed upon thee will be verified in thy salvation and thy exaltation ... (3)

-- Mar 22, 1846
[Samuel W. Richards journal, Mar. 22, 1846] Went to my Quorum meeting in the Temple. The whole Quo- [rum] being present consisting of 15 members ... it was proposed by C[urtis] E. B[olton] that we pray for the Prophet Joseph [Smith] to come into our midst and converse with us, some consented to do so but the idea was first objected to as being unwise by Bro. Levi [Richards] who received a reprimand by way of [a] hint to leave the room from Bro. B[rown,] [though] not being agreed [to by the] Quorum. The matter was taken up, and after some remarks from several of the brethren, it was decided by the President, that we had no right to pray for such a thing, and all was right again. The Sacrament was administered and our great joy encreased by the gift of Tongues and Prophecy by which great bless- ings were spoken and made known to us. (2)

-- Apr 29, 1846
[Minutes, Apr. 29, 1846] Minutes of the Dedication of the [Nauvoo] Temple April 30th, 1846. 7:45 p.m. Present at the dedication of the House of the Lord this evening ... Elder Hyde then requested the brethren to form a circle ... and then dedicate the House, they moved to the front part of the Melchizedek Stand and formed a circle. Elder O[rson] Hyde President (Elder Wilford Woodruff entered). This temple has been built in 5 years and the Gov[ernmen]t has oppressed us more and more every year and now they drive us away from it and now "I prophesy in the name of the Lord God of Hosts that this Government shall begin to be oppressed and be oppressed more and more every year and at the end of five years they shall be as badly oppressed as this people now is and they shall not know which way to look for Sunday" "It is the general government." (Amen.) ...

- * W[illiam] Anderson says as Brother Hyde has prophesied he would tell what was spoken in tongues and give the translation of it and he fully believed it. I rejoice in this thing and am willing to do all in our power to accomplish these things [and] get away [with] the brethren - ...

May we rise before we close. We shall offer up our Hosannahs and where there's [time, to] shout out the ranks of the [priesthood this] evening. The order of it is Hosannah, Hosannah, Hosannah to God and the Lamb Amen Amen and Amen[,] and I don't know that there'll be any hour [available] if we should speak it out [in] the angels voices [tongues]. We belong to God. [I] feel like giving one shout in the House of God. If this is your mind signify it by rising upon your feet (all upright). The signs and shouts (thank God [for] being [here][.] You are dismissed with the blessings of thy Lord and your God Amen.) - * The brethren adjourned to the attic story where a table was spread and loaded with "A Feast of Fat Things For the Righteous" in the shapes of wine, grapes[,] intestines [?] cakes &c &c which made a delightful banquet & was blessed by Elder Wilford Woodruff after which the feast was partaken of in great good harmony & happiness in testimony of the occasion of the dedication of the House of the Lord. ... (2)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
2 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship
3 - Patriarchal Blessing, typescript, Marquardt Papers

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Aug 4, 1845

-- Aug 4, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of John Needham given by William Smith on August 4, 1845

... the Lamanites shall hear thy voice for in other tongues the Gospel shall be preached to them the gift of tongues and interpretation shall be given thee, by Revelation thou shalt speak and thy tongue shall be unloosed none shall deceive thee for thou shalt have the discerning of Spirits also great wisdom even the true knowledge of God power to organize kingdoms and build up a church of God ... (1)

[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of John P. McEwan given by William Smith on August 4, 1845

... for thou shalt have the gifts and blessing[s] of the Gospel the discerning of Spirits; gift of tongues and interpretation none shall have power to gainsay thy word for in distant lands thy voice shall be heard and while the heathen rage and imagine vain things

the Lamanites shall rejoice in thy testimony and they who are of thy Bretheren [Brethren] thy father[']s house shall hear thy voice and incline thine ears and their hearts shall understand and with thee when thine inheritance is sealed shall they be brought into the celestial mansions ... (1)

-- Aug 6, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Joseph McNeill given by William Smith on August 6, 1845

... gird thyself for the work for as a Messenger of peace thy voice shall be heard in distant lands and thy kindred shall be brought by the labors of thy ministry and even of the fruits of thy labors shall thousands call thee blessed for by Revelation shalt thou speak the gift and power of the Holy Ghost shall be upon thee and in other tongues shalt thou make known the fulness of the Gospel the gift of discerning Spirits the gift of wisdom power by faith to heal the sick cast out Devils the interpretation of tongues and every necessary blessing temporal & spiritual necessary to perfect thy ministry and complete thy Salvation shall be thine ... (1)

-- Dec 15, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 15 Conference met again this morning. The fore part of the day was spent in making such Changes in the conferences as the circumstances required. In the Afternoon the Joint Stock Company was taken up And much said upon the subject. The evening was ocupied mostly upon the emegration. At the close I gave some Council to the Elders, such as to sustain the Presidency, the Priesthood & to be governed by it & not by tongues or the visions of some woman, but learn the operation of the spirits as there are many gone out into the world. Dont spend the time in whiping the sects but Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. (2)

-- Dec 30, 1845. Tuesday.
[William Clayton Journal] The morning was pleasant, and at an early hour a very large number were at the Temple waiting for the washing and anointing, they having been notified the day before to attend at an early hour . . .

The labors of the day having been brought to a close at so early an hour viz; half past 8, it was thought proper to have a little season of recreation, accordingly, Brother Hans Hanson was invited to produce his violin. He did so, and played several lively airs, among the rest some very good lively dancing tunes. This was too much for the gravity of Brother Joseph Young, who indulged in a hornpipe, and was soon joined by several others, and before the dance was over several French fours were indulged in. The first was opened by President B. Young with Sister Whitney and Elder H. C. Kimball with Sister Lewis. The spirit of dancing increased until the whole floor was covered with dancers. After this had continued about an hour, several excellent songs were sung, in which several of the brethren and sisters joined. The Upper California was sung by Erastus Snow. After which Sister Whitney being invited by President Young, stood up and invoking the gift of tongues, sung one of the most beautiful songs in tongues, that ever was heard. The interpretation was given by her husband, Bishop Whitney, it related to our efforts to build this House, and to the privilege we now have of meeting together in it, of our departure shortly to the country of the Lamanites, and their rejoicing when they hear the gospel, and of the ingathering of Israel. Altogether, it was one of the most touching and beautiful exhibitions of the power of the Spirit in the gift of tongues which was ever seen. (So it appeared to the writer of this.) After a little conversation of a general nature, the exercises of the evening were closed by prayer by President B. Young, and soon after most of the persons present left the Temple for their homes . . . (3)

1 - Patriarchal Blessing, typescript, Marquardt Papers
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Dec 29, 1844

-- Dec 29, 1844
[Brigham Young Sermon] .... Now the office of the Holy Ghost concerning the speaking in tongues and prophesying we know these things are brought to us to know that there is such a thing but we cannot tell how we know or whence they came for it is utterly impossible for us to speak these in our natural tongue. But they can be uttered by the spirit and also the interpretation is given in the same way. Now this is that what the Savior Jesus meant and said to Nicodemus in John 3, when he said the wind blows where it listeth, ye can hear the sound thereof but ye know not from whence it comes or wither it goes. So it is with everyone that is born of the spirit but he told Nicodemus that he spoke to him the things that he knew and understood and I bare witness of these that they are in our Church and are made manifest unto us in these last days by the power of the Holy Ghost. Amen. -- Nauvoo, Illinois [George Laub Journal] (1)

-- Mar 26, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of Matthias Cowley on March 26, 1845]

... and thou cause thine enemies to flee before thee, and thou shalt be able to put ten thousand of them to flight, thou shalt have the spirit of Prophecy, and Revelation, the gift of tongues, and be able to do many miracles in the name of [the] Lord - shalt live to see Israel gathered in fulness - the City of Zion built in Jackson County, Missouri, and the House of the Lord, and the cloud rest upon it, according to the Revelation. ... (2)

-- 18th of June [1845]
Brigham Young, George A. Smith, and myself went to the temple to see how things were progressing. The rafters were mostly on, all things going well. Returned home and found Sister Whitney. She anointed my wife and sang in tongues; I also sang and the Lord blessed us. (3)

-- Jun 19, 1845
[Heber C. Kimball] My wife porly. Br. come to work on my timber. Went to work reding history at W. Richards, B. Young, G. A. Smith. Br. Benson red for us. Sister Richards sent for us to Cloth us [in the robes of the Holy Order] and pray for hur as she felt as she should not live long. We offered up the Signs and praided for my wife; after dinner B. Young, G. A. and my self went to the Temple to see how things ware going on. The Rafters most on. All things going will. At fore in the after noon, we met at W. R. for prair, may the Lord bless His people. Present to this meting of the twelve B. Y. [Brigham Young], G. A. [George A. Smith], J. T. [John Taylor], Orson Pratt, Bishop Miller, Wm. Claton, W. R[ichards]. and my Self, Elder Levi Richards, A. Limon, O. Hide. We offerd prair Br. Whitney as he had gon to St. Lewis, that he might proper [prosper], also for Sister Richards, and for my wife that they might recover, that Elder Hide might prosper in the East, and that Jugment to come on Juge Young, that our Enimes might be cursed. Returned home found my wifee quite sick with fowing[?]. Sister Whitney come in annointed hur and sung in Toungs [tongues]. I also sung. The Lord blest us. (4)

-- Jun 20, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Sidney Roberts given by William Smith on June 20, 1845

... for the gift of wisdom shall be given unto thee and also the gift of tongues and by Revelations thou shalt speak unto the Gentiles and thy voice shall be unto them as one that hath a familiar Spirit and they shall say who is this that turneth things upside down yet thou shalt prosper in the labor of thy hands and in thy ministry and none shall hinder thee for the Spirit of God hath said it and it shall be fulfilled every whit upon thine head ... (2)

-- During June 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Mathew L. Peck given by William Smith [no date, probably June 1845]

... the time shall come when enemies shall seek thy life but like Paul of old who was let from the window in a basket thou shalt escape from them thou shalt have the Spirit of prophecy to prophecy of things to come, and they shall come to pass. thou shalt also have the gift of tongues and speak in other languages the wonderful works of God thou shalt visit many cities and as a messenger of peace thou shalt be called upon to decide the cause of the innocent and stand before multitudes of people after thine enduement [endowment] ... (2)

-- Aug 4, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Charles Azleton given by William Smith on August 4, 1845

... true wisdom and true knowledge shall be given thee and the gift of discerning spirits and speaking other tongues a name that shall be like precious ointment for the Priesthood is also to thy posterity for of thee shall come a mighty people and their names shall be great prepare thyself watch unto prayer study to show thyself approved get wisdom and learning from the best books and works of nature seek the holy spirit that it may prepare thee for thy ministry ... (2)

1 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
2 - Patriarchal Blessing, typescript, Marquardt Papers
3 - Heber Kimball, in Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, "Life Incidents," Woman's Exponent 9 (1880)
4 - Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Jan 2, 1843

-- Jan 2, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] ...."Because faith is wanting the fruits [of faith] are not [evident]. No man since the world was, ever had faith without having something along with it. The ancients quen[c]hed the violence of [nature and] escaped the edged of the sword. Women received their Dead &c. By faith the worlds were made. A man who has none of the gifts has no faith. He deceives himself if he supposes it. Faith has been wanting not only among the brethren but professed Christendom also, that Tongues and healings and prophecy and prophets and apostles and all these gifts and blessings have been wanting." Joseph spoke at great length and edification to the little co[mpany]. ... (1)

-- Jan 22, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 22d Sunday President Joseph Smith deliverd an interesting discourse at the Temple to a large congregation. ....

Their is a difference between the kingdom of God & the fruits & blessings that flow from that kingdom becaus their was more miracles, gifts, graces visions healings, tongues &c in the days of Jesus Christ & the Apostles & on the day of pentecost than under Johns Administration. It does not prove by any means that John had not the kingdom of God; any more than it would that a woman had not a milk pan because she had not a pan of milk. For while the pan might be Compared to the kingdom the milk might be Compared to the blessings of the kingdom.... (2)

-- 1843: 30 May
[Patriarchal Blessings] Thomas Smith. (Given by John Halbiston {Holliston?}, Manchester, England.)

.... The Lord will keep thee faithfull in thy high calling & thou shalt carry the gospel to other nations & preach in other tongues & gather the tribes of Israel & Judah & be mighty in word & deed & be an honored instrument in the Lords hand in accomplishing his great designs & bring many to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus Christ. The mystery of redemption shall be revealed unto thee in plainness & thou shalt see the propheses accomplished. ... (3)

-- Jul 30, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 30th Sunday Six of the quorum of the Twelve met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh with the Saints. .... He was followed by Elder B Young who also bore testimony to the work of the Lord and among the many remarks he made he argued in the following manner:

Why do the people oppose the gifts & graces? If a man Can get faith by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Gost so as to lay hands upon his wife & Children or friends when they lie sick & languishing nigh unto death & Command the fever or disease or the power of the destroyer or even death itself to depart to cease its work, to be still & the person is relieved I ask what harm is their in all this? Or if a man by faith & humility before God can get the testimony of Jesus Christ & prophecy of things to Come or speak in tongues or cast out devils, I ask what harm in all this? Does it do any harm? No it does not. I know the New Testament is true for I have proved it according to the pattern given by believing in Christ obeying the gospel & knowing the signs do follow. Then I ask does these things harm any one? No they do not. ... (2)

-- Aug 2, 1843
[Brigham Young] --2-- Elder Charles Beck gave us $48 to help us to Baltimore. On the 3rd we started at 6 a.m., by stage, and rode all day and night, and arrived in the morning of the 4th at Cumberland.

While in the stage we had a very interesting conversation with two Campbellite preachers who attacked us on "Mormonism." They contended that that which was in part had been done away, and that which was perfect had come, and that there was now no need of tongues, interpretations, and etc. Elder Woodruff replied,--"You then have no need to contend, for if that which is perfect has come, you certainly should all see eye to eye, being in possession of perfect knowledge." ... (4)

-- September, 1843
[Joseph Lee Robinson] We will now mention our exhortations or prophecy given in tongues one Sunday evening in my house. On this evening Brother Archibald Patten gave us a very lengthy and spirited lecture in tongues. E. T. Benson wished someone to give the interpretations on Brother Patten and said Brother Robinson could give it. I immediately arose to my feet and commenced by saying the Saints should continue their labors in building the temple of God in that place to completion so far that they should receive their endowments in the same and after the Lord should remove the Saints west out from these United States into a goodly land among the Lamanites in the midst of the Rocky Mountains. And there that they should preach the gospel to the house of Joseph and that many of them would be baptized and that the elders should go to the nations of the earth and preach the gospel to them and gather out many of the honest in heart and gather them out and that the work of the Lord should prosper with mighty power and that he would establish His Saints and increase them and bless them abundantly and that he would raise a mighty army of the Lamanites and that they should come forth from the mountains and that they should fall upon the Gentiles with mighty power and that a trembling and fear should fall upon these Gentiles but they should have no power to resist them that as well might the puny arm of man be raised to stop the mighty northwest winds for the Gentiles to stop this mighty army. At that time when I was saying these words I could see them coming over the hills across the river west of Nauvoo. They looked terrible as a dark cloud. Then I said they should avenge the blood of the prophets that was shed in Carthage Jail and that Governor Ford would not execute one man (as Governor Ford at this time with an armed force was in pursuit of the murderers saying that he would bring them to justice).

But that this army of Lamanites should avenge the blood of the prophets. Yea, that they should make a clean job of it. This is only a synopsis of the prophecy but it gives some of the particular parts of the prophecy. We consider it a very interesting prophecy that would be literally fulfilled. (5)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1842-43, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Selected LDS Patriarchal Blessings, New Mormon Studies CD ROM, Signature Book, 2009, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
4 - Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).
5 - Journal of Joseph Lee Robinson

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Apr 19, 1842 - Tuesday

-- Apr 19, 1842 - Tuesday
Minutes of the Proceedings of the

Fifth Meeting

of the

Female Relief Society.

Lodge Room, April 19th. <1842>

...Councillor Cleveland stated that she many times felt in her heart, what she could not express in our own language, and as the Prophet had given us liberty to improve the gifts of the gospel in our meetings, and feeling the power resting upon, desired to speak in the gift of tongues, which she did in a powerful manner.

Mrs. Sessions arose and gave the interpretation of what Councillor C. had spoken in an unknown tongue, and said that God was well pleas'd with this Society, that if we would be humble and faithful the Lord would pour out upon the members generally the gift of prophecy - that when the speaker laid her hand on the head of Sister Snow, she said that not only she should have the spirit but that all should have it also ... (1)

-- Apr 28, 1842 - Thursday
[Relief Society] Minutes of the Proceedings

of the

Sixth Meeting of the Society.

Lodge Room, April 28th, 1842.

The Meeting met according to adjournment, present Prest. Joseph Smith and Elder W[illard] Richards-

President Smith arose and said that the purport of his being present on the occasion was, to make observations respecting the Priesthood, and give instructions for the benefit of the Society ...

Those ordain'd to lead the Society, are authoriz'd to appoint to different offices as the circumstances shall require.

If any have a matter to reveal, let it be in your own tongue. Do not indulge too much in the gift of tongues, or the devil will take advantage of the innocent. You may speak in tongues for your comfort but I lay this down for a rule that if any thing is

is taught by the gift of tongues, it is not to be received for doctrine.

Prest. S. then offered instruction respecting the propriety of females administering to the sick by the laying on of hands- said it was according to revelation &c. said he never was plac'd in similar circumstances, and never had given the same instruction.

He clos'd his instructions by expressing his satisfaction in improving the opportunity.

The spirit of the Lord was pour'd out in a very powerful manner, never to be forgotten by those present on that interesting occasion.... (1)

-- May 5, 1842
At a British Mission conference in Manchester, Lorenzo Snow sings a hymn "beautifully in tongues." (2)

-- Jun 15, 1842
The Gift of Holy Ghost-- THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST Various and conflicting are the opinions of men in regard to the gift of the Holy Ghost. Some people have been in the habit of calling every supernatural manifestation the effects of the Spirit of God, whilst there are others that think there is no manifestation connected with it at all; and that it is nothing but a mere impulse of the mind, or an inward feeling, impression, or secret testimony or evidence, which men possess, and that there is no such a thing as an outward manifestation. ...

We believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost being enjoyed now, as much as it was in the Apostles' days; we believe that it [the gift of the Holy Ghost] is necessary to make and to organize the Priesthood, that no man can be called to fill any office in the ministry without it; we also believe in prophecy, in tongues, in visions, and in revelations, in gifts, and in healings; and that these things cannot be enjoyed without the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that the holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and that holy men in these days speak by the same principle; we believe in its being a comforter and a witness bearer, that it brings things past to our remembrance, leads us into all truth, and shows us of things to come; we believe that "no man can know that Jesus is the Christ, but by the Holy Ghost." We believe in it [this gift of the Holy Ghost] in all its fullness, and power, and greatness, and glory; but whilst we do this, we believe in it rationally, consistently, and scripturally, and not according to the wild vagaries, foolish notions and traditions of men.

The human family are very apt to run to extremes, especially in religious matters, and hence people in general, either want some miraculous display, or they will not believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost at all. If an Elder lays his hands upon a person, it is thought by many that the person must immediately rise and speak in tongues and prophesy; this idea is gathered from the circumstance of Paul laying his hands upon certain individuals who had been previously (as they stated) baptized unto John's baptism; which when he had done, they "spake in tongues and prophesied." Phillip also, when he had preached the Gospel to the inhabitants of the city of Samaria, sent for Peter and John, who when they came laid their hands upon them for the gift of the Holy Ghost; for as yet he was fallen upon none of them; and when Simon Magus saw that through the laying on of the Apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money that he might possess the same power. (Acts viii.) These passages are considered by many as affording sufficient evidence for some miraculous, visible manifestation, whenever hands are laid on for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We believe that the Holy Ghost is imparted by the laying on of hands of those in authority, and that the gift of tongues, and also the gift of prophecy are gifts of the Spirit, and are obtained through that medium; but then to say that men always prophesied and spoke in tongues when they had the imposition of hands, would be to state that which is untrue, contrary to the practice of the Apostles, and at variance with holy writ; for Paul says, "To one is given the gift of tongues, to another the gift of prophecy, and to another the gift of healing;" and again: "Do all prophesy? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?" evidently showing that all did not possess these several gifts; but that one received one gift, and another received another gift-all did not prophesy, all did not speak in tongues, all did not work miracles; but all did receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; sometimes they spake in tongues and prophesied in the Apostles' days, and sometimes they did not. The same is the case with us also in our administrations, while more frequently there is no manifestation at all; that is visible to the surrounding multitude; this will appear plain when we consult the writings of the Apostles, and notice their proceedings in relation to this matter. Paul, in 1st Cor. xii, says, "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant;" it is evident from this, that some of them were ignorant in relation to these matters, or they would not need instruction.

Again, in chapter xiv, he says, "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy." It is very evident from these Scriptures that many of them had not spiritual gifts, for if they had spiritual gifts where was the necessity of Paul telling them to follow after them, and it is as evident that they did not all receive those gifts by the imposition of the hands; for they as a Church had been baptized and confirmed by the laying on of hands-and yet to a Church of this kind, under the immediate inspection and superintendency of the Apostles, it was necessary for Paul to say, "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy," evidently showing that those gifts were in the Church, but not enjoyed by all in their outward manifestations.

But suppose the gifts of the Spirit were immediately, upon the imposition of hands, enjoyed by all, in all their fullness and power; the skeptic would still be as far from receiving any testimony except upon a mere casualty as before, for all the gifts of the Spirit are not visible to the natural vision, or understanding of man; indeed very few of them are. We read that "Christ ascended into heaven and gave gifts unto men; and He gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers." (Eph. iv).

The Church is a compact body composed of different members, and is strictly analogous to the human system, and Paul, after speaking of the different gifts, says, 'Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular; and God hath set some in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all Teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?" It is evident that they do not; yet are they all members of one body. All members of the natural body are not the eye, the ear, the head or the hand-yet the eye cannot say to the ear I have no need of thee, nor the head to the foot, I have no need of thee; they are all so many component parts in the perfect machine-the one body; and if one member suffer, the whole of the members suffer with it: and if one member rejoice, all the rest are honored with it.

These, then, are all gifts; they come from God; they are of God; they are all the gifts of the Holy Ghost; they are what Christ ascended into heaven to impart; and yet how few of them could be known by the generality of men. Peter and John were Apostles, yet the Jewish court scourged them as impostors. Paul was both an Apostle and Prophet, yet they stoned him and put him into prison. The people knew nothing about it, although he had in his possession the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our Savior was "anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows," yet so far from the people knowing Him, they said He was Beelzebub, and crucified Him as an impostor. Who could point out a Pastor, a Teacher, or an Evangelist by their appearance, yet had they the gift of the Holy Ghost?

But to come to the other members of the Church, and examine the gifts as spoken of by Paul, and we shall find that the world can in general know nothing about them, and that there is but one or two that could be immediately known, if they were all poured out immediately upon the imposition of hands. In I. Cor. xii., Paul says, "There are diversities of gifts yet the same spirit, and there are differences of administrations but the same Lord; and there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestations of the Spirit is given unto every man to profit withal. For to one is given, by the Spirit, the word of wisdom, to another, the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing, by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another the discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues. But all these worketh that one and the self same spirit, dividing to each man severally as he will."

There are several gifts mentioned here, yet which of them all could be known by an observer at the imposition of hands? The word of wisdom, and the word of knowledge, are as much gifts as any other, yet if a person possessed both of these gifts, or received them by the imposition of hands, who would know it? Another might receive the gift of faith, and they would be as ignorant of it. Or suppose a man had the gift of healing or power to work miracles, that would not then be known; it would require time and circumstances to call these gifts into operation. Suppose a man had the discerning of spirits, who would be the wiser for it? Or if he had the interpretation of tongues, unless someone spoke in an unknown tongue, he of course would have to be silent; there are only two gifts that could be made visible-the gift of tongues and the gift of prophecy. These are things that are the most talked about, and yet if a person spoke in an unknown tongue, according to Paul's testimony, he would be a barbarian to those present. They would say that it was gibberish; and if he prophesied they would call it nonsense. The gift of tongues is the smallest gift perhaps of the whole, and yet it is one that is the most sought after.

So that according to the testimony of Scripture and the manifestations of the Spirit in ancient days, very little could be known about it by the surrounding multitude, except on some extraordinary occasion, as on the day of Pentecost.

The greatest, the best, and the most useful gifts would be known nothing about by an observer It is true that a man might prophesy, which is a great gift, and one that Paul told the people-the Church-to seek after and to covet, rather than to speak in tongues; but what does the world know about prophesying? Paul says that it "serveth only to those that believe." But does not the Scriptures say that they spake in tongues and prophesied? Yes; but who is it that writes these Scriptures? Not the men of the world or mere casual observers, but the Apostles-men who knew one gift from another ...

Be not so curious about tongues, do not speak in tongues except there be an interpreter present; the ultimate design of tongues is to speak to foreigners, and if persons are very anxious to display their intelligence, let them speak to such in their own tongues. The gifts of God are all useful in their place, but when they are applied to that which God does not intend, they prove an injury, a snare and a curse instead of a blessing. We may some future time enter more fully into this subject, but shall let this suffice for the present. {1842-June 15-DHC 5:26-32} (3)

1 - Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, http://josephsmithpapers.org/paperDetails/nauvoo-relief-society-minute-book
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
3 - Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues

Speaking in Tongues, Feb 19, 1842

-- Feb 19, 1842
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... It is truly interesting edifying & glorious to contemplate the great & mighty work which God has set his hand to esstablish in these last days by revealing the fullness of the everlasting gospel as recorded in the Book of mormon & esstablishing his church & kingdom as at the Beginning which is according to the order of heaven with Seers prophets Apostles, Elders Priests, Bishops, Teachers, Revelation, Administering of Angels gifts, graces, Knowledge, wisdom tongues healings &c &c.

Truly the Lord has raised up Joseph the Seer of the seed of Abraham out of the loins of ancient Joseph, & is now clothing him with mighty power & wisdom & knowledge which is more clearly manifest & felt in the midst of his intimate friends than any other class of mankind. The Lord is Blessing Joseph with Power to reveal the mysteries of the kingdom of God; to translate through the urim & Thummim Ancient records & Hyeroglyphics as old as Abraham or Adam, which causes our hearts to burn within us while we behold their glorious truths opened unto us.

Joseph the Seer has presented us some of the Book of Abraham which was written by his own hand but hid from the knowledge of man for the last four thousand years but has now come to light through the mercy of God. Joseph has had these records in his possession for several years but has never presented them before the world in the english language untill now. But he is now about to publish it to the world or parts of it by publishing it in the Times & Seasons, for Joseph the Seer is now the Editor of that paper & Elder Taylor assists him in writing while it has fallen to my lot to take charge of the Business part of the esstablishment.

I have had the privilege this day of assisting in setting the TIPE for printing the first peace of the B00K OF ABRAHAM that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the EARTH in the LAST DAYS.

My Soul has been much edifyed of late from time to time in hearing Joseph the Seer convers about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Truly GOD is with him & is making him mighty in wisdom & knowledge & I am convinced for myself that none of the Prophets Seers or Revelators of the Earth have ever accomplished a greater work than will be accomplished in the Last days through the mercy of God By JOSepH THE SEER. (1)

-- Mar 1, 1842
The Wentworth Letter-- THE WENTWORTH LETTER. March 1, 1842.-At the request of Mr. John Wentworth, Editor and Proprietor of the Chicago Democrat. I have written the following sketch of the rise, progress, persecution, and faith of the Latter-day Saints, of which I have the honor, under God, of being the founder. Mr. Wentworth says that he wishes to furnish Mr. Bastow, a friend of his, who is writing the history of New Hampshire, with this document. As Mr. Bastow has taken the proper steps to obtain correct information, all that I shall ask at his hands, is, that he publish the account entire, ungarnished, and without misrepresentation.

I was born in the town of Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, on the 23rd of December, A.D. 1805.....

We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, etc.

.... Respectfully, &c., JOSEPH SMITH. {1842-March 1-DHC 4:535-541} (2)

-- 1Apr42
[Joseph Smith Sermon] Article appearing in Times and Seasons 3 (1 April 1842):743 "TRY THE SPIRI Recent occurrences that have transpired amongst us render it an imperative duty devolving upon me to say something in relation to the spirits by which men are actuated.

... Every one of these professes to be competent to try his neighbor's spirit, but no one can try his own, and what is the reason? Because they have not a key to unlock, no rule wherewith to measure, and no criterion whereby they can test it. Could any one tell the length, breadth or height of a building without a rule? test the quality of metals without a criterion, or point out the movements of the planetary systems, without a knowledge of astronomy? Certainly not; and if such ignorance as this is manifested about a spirit of this kind, who can describe an angel of light? If Satan should appear as one in glory, who can tell his color, his signs, his appearance, his glory?--or what is the manner of his manifestation? Who can detect the spirit of the French prophets with their revelations and their visions, and power of manifestations? Or who can point out the spirit of the Irvingites, with their apostles and prophets, and visions and tongues, and interpretations, &c., &c. . ...

The Irvingites have apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and angels. They profess to have the gift of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, and, in some few instances, to have the gift of healing.

The first prophetic spirit that was manifested was in some Misses Campbell that Mr. Irving met with, while on a journey in Scotland; they had [what is termed among their sect] "utterances," which were evidently of a supernatural agency. Mr. Irving, falling into the common error of considering all supernatural manifestations to be of God, took them to London with him, and introduced them into his church.

They were there honored as the prophetesses of God, and when they spoke, Mr. Irving or any of his ministers had to keep silence. They were peculiarly wrought upon before the congregation, and had strange utterances, uttered with an unnatural, shrill voice, and with thrilling intonations they frequently made use of a few broken, unconnected sentences, that were ambiguous, incoherent, and incomprehensible; at other times they were more clearly understood. They would frequently cry out, "There is iniquity! There is iniquity!" And Mr. Irving has been led, under the influence of this charge, to fall down upon his knees before the public congregation, and to confess his sin, not knowing whether he had sinned, nor wherein, nor whether the thing referred to him, or somebody else. During these operations, the bodies of the persons speaking were powerfully wrought upon, their countenances were distorted, they had frequent twitchings in their hands, and the whole system was powerfully convulsed at intervals: they sometimes, however, (it is supposed) spoke in correct tongues, and had true interpretations.

Under the influence of this spirit the church was organized by these women; apostles, prophets, &c. were soon called, and a systematic order of things introduced, as above mentioned. A Mr. Baxter (afterwards one of their principal prophets) upon going into one of their meetings, says, "I saw a power manifested, and thought that was the power of God, and asked that it might fall upon me, and it did so, and I began to prophesy." Eight or nine years ago they had about sixty preachers going through the streets of London, testifying that London was to be the place where the "two witnesses" spoken of by John, were to prophesy; that (they) "the church and the spirit were the witnesses, and that at the end of three years and a half there was to be an earthquake and great destruction, and our Savior was to come. Their apostles were collected together at the appointed time watching the event, but Jesus did not come, and the prophecy was then ambiguously explained away. They frequently had signs given them by the spirit to prove to them that what was manifested to them should take place. Mr. Baxter related an impression that he had concerning a child.

It was manifested to him that he should visit the child, and lay hands upon it, and that it should be healed; and to prove to him that this was of God, he should meet his brother in a certain place, who should speak unto him certain words. His brother addressed him precisely in the way and manner that the manifestation designated. The sign took place, but when he laid his hands upon the child it did not recover. I cannot vouch for the authority of the last statement, as Mr. Baxter at that time had left the Irvingites, but it is in accordance with many of their proceedings, and the thing never has been attempted to be denied.

... Again it may be asked, how it was that they could speak in tongues if they were of the devil! We would answer that they could be made to speak in another tongue, as well as their own, as they were under the control of that spirit, and the devil can tempt the Hottentot, the Turk, the Jew, or any other nation; and if these men were under the influence of his spirit, they of course could speak Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Italian, Dutch, or any other language that the devil knew.

Some will say, "try the spirits" by the word. "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God." John 4:2, 3. One of the Irvingites once quoted this passage whilst under the influence of a spirit, and then said, "I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh." And yet these prophecies failed, their Messiah did not come; and the great things spoken of by them have fallen to the ground. What is the matter here? Did not the Apostle speak the truth? Certainly he did--but he spoke to a people who were under the penalty of death, the moment they embraced Christianity; and no one without a knowledge of the fact would confess it, and expose themselves to death, and this was consequently given as a criterion to the church or churches to which John wrote. But the devil on a certain occasion cried out, "I know thee, who thou art, the Holy One of God!" Here was a frank acknowledgment under other circumstances that "Jesus had come in the flesh." On another occasion the devil said, "Paul we know, and Jesus we know"--of course, "come in the flesh." No man nor set of men without the regular constituted authorities, the Priesthood and discerning of spirits, can tell true from false spirits. This power they possessed in the Apostles' day, but it has departed from the world for ages.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has also had its false spirits; and as it is made up of all those different sects professing every variety of opinion, and having been under the influence of so many kinds of spirits, it is not to be wondered at if there should be found among us false spirits.

Soon after the Gospel was established in Kirtland, and during the absence of the authorities of the Church, many false spirits were introduced, many strange visions were seen, and wild, enthusiastic notions were entertained; men ran out of doors under the influence of this spirit, and some of them got upon the stumps of trees and shouted, and all kinds of extravagances were entered into by them; one man pursued a ball that he said he saw flying in the air, until he came to a precipice, when he jumped into the top of a tree, which saved his life; and many ridiculous things were entered into, calculated to bring disgrace upon the Church of God, to cause the Spirit of God to be withdrawn, and to uproot and destroy those glorious principles which had been developed for the salvation of the human family. But when the authorities returned, the spirit was made manifest, those members that were exercised with it were tried for their fellowship, and those that would not repent and forsake it were cut off.

At a subsequent period a Shaker spirit was on the point of being introduced, and at another time the Methodist and Presbyterian falling down power, but the spirit was rebuked and put down, and those who would not submit to rule and good order were disfellowshiped. We have also had brethren and sisters who have had the gift of tongues falsely; they would speak in a muttering unnatural voice, and their bodies be distorted like the Irvingites before alluded to; whereas, there is nothing unnatural in the Spirit of God. A circumstance of this kind took place in Upper Canada, but was rebuked by the presiding Elder; another, a woman near the same place, professed to have the discerning of spirits, and began to accuse another sister of things that she was not guilty of, which she said she knew was so by the spirit, but was afterwards proven to be false; she placed herself in the capacity of the "accuser of the brethren," and no person through the discerning of spirits can bring a charge against another, they must be proven guilty by positive evidence, or they stand clear. ... (3)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)
3 - The Parallel Joseph, http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues