Lorenzo Snow, Friday, Mar 27, 1846.
[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Chariton River. Wind in northwest, sky cloudy. From 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock, President Young was in the post office and heard a letter read for Emmitt and his company, also one for the trustees at Nauvoo. President Young wrote a letter to Eleazer King to send the team of the widow Gardner immediately to Richardson's Point, and signed it. A mail of about 40 letters was made up about 9 o'clock and delivered to John Young and Evan M. Green, who started immediately for Nauvoo. President Young told Captain Stout that his guard was of no use to the camp, that he would not give the skin of an ox, that they would sit by the fire and sleep and let the cattle eat pickles out of the tub and crackers out of the sacks as they did at his tent the night before.
About 10 o'clock a.m. President Young, Heber C. Kimball, and John Taylor of the Twelve, Captain Charles C. Rich, William Clayton, Samuel Bent, C. Shumway, Jedediah M. Grant, H. Stout, Stephen Markham, J. D. Hunter, J. Gleason, G. D. Grant, H. G. Sherwood, John Pack, L. Young, E. T. Benson, Peter Haws, and J. D. Lee left headquarters on the Chariton in carriages and on horseback. After passing through one mudhole only, which was about six miles in length, arrived at Captain Elisha Averett's tent where they met Captain Parley P. Pratt, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, and Bishop Miller, who returned with President Young and company to Parley P. Pratt's encampment, l/4 mile west of the east fork of Shoal Creek, and assembled in council at the tent of George A. Smith 20 minutes before 2 o'clock p.m., agreeable to adjournment. Father John Smith, Elisha and Elijah Averett, and others met in council.
Parley P. Pratt reported that division of the camp had purchased about 100 bushels corn at 20 cents, mostly in trading. The price has since gone to 25 cents. President Young said that it was his mind that we pay no more than 20 cents, the camp can be supplied at that price. Council adjourned to dinner which was prepared by P. P. Pratt and G. A. Smith, and corn for horses in abundance.
The business of the council was resumed at a marquee furnished for the occasion. President Young called for the captains of fifties. No one answered; he responded to his own call. I am the captain of the first 50. Heber C. Kimball said, I am the captain of the second 50. P. P. Pratt [is captain of the] third 50, Peter Haws fourth 50, John Taylor fifth 50, and George Miller sixth 50. Up to this period the organization of this camp was very imperfect. When it was decided that the Saints would remove from Nauvoo, about 25 men were selected by the council of YTFIF and called captains of hundreds, whose business it was severally to select 100 families and see that they were prepared for a journey across the Rocky Mountains.
Afterward the captains of hundreds selected their own captains of fifties and tens, clerks, etc. At the time appointed, such out of all of these companies as were ready commenced leaving the city. Charles Shumway being among the first, crossed the Mississippi on February 4, 1846, and was followed by others from day to day and night to night, forming an encampment on the bank of the river and afterwards at Sugar Creek, where they continued to gather and remained until after the arrival of President Young and council, when a partial organization was entered into and still farther advanced at Richardson's Point, all of which is written in this history under its proper dates. But to the present time, so many have been returning to Nauvoo which came on to assist the camp only for a little season, and the different divisions have been so far separated from each other by storms, bad roads, and other circumstances, that it has hitherto been impossible to affect anything like a perfect organization which was the object of the present council.
President Young was unanimously elected president over the whole camp of Israel by the council. Ezra T. Benson was elected captain over first 100, John Smith captain of the second 100, Samuel Bent of the third 100. Albert P. Rockwood [?Young] was elected captain of the first 50 of [the] first 100, Stephen Markham [Kimball] captain of [the] second 50, John Harvey [Young] captain [of the] third 50, Charles C. Rich of the fifth 50 in the] second 100, Howard Egan [Kimball] of the fourth 50, and John Chrisman captain of the sixth 50 in [the] third 100, in place of the former captains of fifties who were promoted to be presidents over their divisions of fifties, except that of the first, which was laid over for further considerations. President Young said from this time forth let the companies be called by the numbers and not by the name of the commanding officers. Also, let every individual hereafter be called by the name that they received by adoption.
William Clayton was appointed clerk for the whole camp. John Doyle Lee [Young] was appointed clerk for the first 50, John Pack second 50, George Hales third 50, Lorenzo Snow fourth 50, John Oakley fifth 50, and Asahel A. Lathrop sixth 50. President Young remarked that Willard Richards was the standing historian for the Church and camp. Brother John D. Lee, [Young] by the request of the historian who was sick in bed and unable to be in council, spoke of the importance of every clerk keeping a perfect history of his company and of reporting the same to the general clerk in camp so that the historian might have before him of which to compile the history.
Henry G. Sherwood was appointed the contracting commissary general for the first 50, David D. Yearsley [Kimball] contracting commissary for second 50, William H. Edwards ditto [contracting commissary for the] third 50, Peter Haws [Young] fourth 50, Samuel Gully fifth 50, and Joseph Warthan sixth 50. H. G. Sherwood ranks as acting commissary general. The duty of the commissaries is to counsel together and agree on terms, prices, and courses, to make purchase of corn fodder, provision, and such articles as may be needed by their respective companies. Charles Kennedy [Young] was appointed distributing commissary for the first 50, Jedediah M. Grant for the second 50, Nathan Tanner ditto [distributing commissary for the] third 50, Orson B. Adams ditto [distributing commissary for the] fourth 50, James Allred ditto [distributing commissary for the] fifth 50, and Isaac Allred ditto [distributing commissary for the] sixth 50, whose duties are to make a righteous distribution of grain, provision, and such articles as shall be furnished for the use of the camp, among their respective fifties.
President Young charged the captains very particularly to instruct their respective divisions to be very careful about setting the prairie or woods on fire, particularly in a dry time, lest they bring trouble on the camp, to prohibit all discharge of firearms in the camp, and to keep their guns and pistols out of sight. Council adjourned to Monday 10 a.m. In camp on Chariton River 5 p.m. The members of the council from the remaining encampment arrived home a little after sunset.
Benjamin F. Johnson visited the post office sometime today. Stated that his teams were 3 or 4 miles back, that two of his company had broke out with the measles just before he left and that he could not come up with his company without assistance. John L. Butler [Young] left headquarters for Shoal Creek encampment on his way to Emmitt's Company. (1)
-- Mar 27, 1846
[Brigham Young Sermon] I was unanimously elected President over the whole Camp of Israel, by the Council; Ezra T. Benson was elected Captain over the first hundred; John Smith Captain of the Second hundred; Samuel Bent Captain of the Third Hundred; Albert P. Rockwood, Captain of the first fifty of the first hundred; Stephen Markham Captain of the Second fifty; John Harvey Captain of the third fifty; Howard Egan Captain of the fourth fifty; Charles C. Rich Captain of the fifth fifty; and John Chrisman of the sixth fifty, in place of the former cap- tains of fifties, who were promoted to be Presidents over their divisions of fifties, except that of the first hundred which was laid over for further consideration; I directed that from this time forth the companies be called by their numbers, and not by the names of their commanding officers. William Clayton was appointed clerk for the whole Camp; John D. Lee was appointed clerk of the first fifty; John Pack was appointed clerk for the second fifty; George Hales was appointed clerk for the third fifty; Lorenzo Snow for the fourth fifty; John Oakley for the fifth fifty; and Asahel A. Lathrop was appointed for the sixth. I remarked that Willard Richards was the standing Historian for the Church and Camp; John D. Lee, by the request of the Historian, who was sick in bed, and unable to be in Council, spoke of the importance of every clerk keeping a perfect History of his Company, and of reporting the same to the general clerk in Camp, so that the Historian might have sufficient matter before him from which to compile a correct History. Henry G. Sherwood was appointed the contracting Commissary for the first fifty; David D. Yearsley for the Second; Wm. H. Edwards for the third; Peter Haws for the fourth; Samuel Gully for the fifth; and Joseph Warthan for the sixth fifty. Henry G. Sherwood ranks as acting commissary General. The duty of these commissaries is to counsel together, and agree on terms, prices and courses to make purchasing of corn, fodder, provisions and such articles as may be needed by their respective companies. Charles Kennedy was appointed distributing Commissary for the first fifty; Jedediah M. Grant for the second; Nathan Tanner for the third; Orson B. Adams for the fourth; James Allred for the fifth; and Isaac Allred for the sixth. Their duties are to make a righteous distribution of grain, provisions and such articles as shall be furnished for the use of the camp among their respective fifties. I charged the Captains particularly to instruct their respective divisions, to be very careful about setting the Prairie or woods on fire, especially in a dry time, lest they bring trouble upon the Camp; to prohibit all discharge of fire arms in the Camp and to keep their guns and pistols out of sight. -- Chariton River, Iowa [Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1846- 1847. Elden J. Watson, ed. Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1971.:107-109] (2)
1 - Apostle Willard Richards Journal
2 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
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Lorenzo Snow, February 1846
Lorenzo Snow: Left Illinois for West February 1846. (1)
-- Mar 23, 1846
[Hosea Stout Diary] Monday March the 23rd 1846. Today was warm dark rainy and muddy. We had no corn for our horses and cattle but President Young had purched some 4 miles back and sent some of my teams to draw it to camp & when it came he gave us half of it. It made but one feed for us of four years to a beast. I rode out on the road with Hunter & Anderson and found it to be very mudy travelling. Lorenzo Snow and his company went on today. George Miller & his company who were now 8 miles ahead also moved on. This was contrary to council & it was decided that if they did not stop they should be cut off from the camp and their names not known in the "Camp of Israel." (2)
-- Mar 26, 1846. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ... [] The whole camp accordingly was organized,10 A[lbert] P. Rockwood over 1st 50; Stephen Markham, 2nd 50; [] Young, 3rd 50; Howard E[gan] Kimball, 4th 50; Charles C. Rich, 5th 50; Charles Crisman, 6th 50. Each fifty had also appointed a contracting commissary for the purpose of contracting for work and grain as follows: Henry [G.] Sherwood 1st 50; David [Yearsley] Kimball 2nd; W[illia]m H. Edwards 3rd; Peter Haws 4th; Joseph Worthen 5th; Samuel Gully 6th. It was understood that I continue to preside over the band and in the absence of Brother Haws over the whole fifty. After this there was appointed for each fifty a distributing commissary to distribute feed in camp as follows: Charles Kennedy for 1st 50; J[edediah] M. Grant 2nd 50; Nathan Tanner 3rd 50; Orson B. Adams 4th 50; James Allred 5th 50; Isaac Allred 6th 50. The brethren then gave the following instructions for the whole camp with orders that same be observed hereafter, viz. No man to set fires to Prairies. No man to shoot off a gun in camp without orders. No man to go hunting unless he is sent and all to keep guns, Swords and pistols out of sight. There was then appointed a clerk for each fifty as follows: John D. Lee Young, 1st 50; John Pack 2nd 50; Lorenzo Snow 3rd 50; Geo[rge] H. Hales 4th 50; John Oakley 5th 50; A[sahel] Lathrop 6th 50. The council then adjourned to meet at Shariton Ford camp on Monday at 10 o'clock. We then returned to our Camp where we arrived just at dark. (3)
1 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
2 - Diaries of Hosea Stout
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
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Lorenzo Snow, 1845
[Marriage of Lorenzo Snow] Marriage to Mary Adaline Goddard (1)
-- Jan 17, 1846
Lorenzo Snow: Married Charlotte Merrill Squires, Nauvoo Temple sealing 17 January 1846. Two children: Leonora Charlotte and Roxcy Armatha. (2)
Lorenzo Snow: Married Harriet Amelia Squires, Nauvoo Temple sealing 17 January 1846. Five children: Abigail, Lucius Aaron, Alonzo Henry, Amelia Henrietta, and Celestia Armeda. (2)
Lorenzo Snow: Married Mary Adaline Goddard, Nauvoo Temple sealing 17 January 1846. Three children: Rosetta, Oliver, and Isadore. (2)
Lorenzo Snow: Married Sarah Arm Prichard, Nauvoo Temple sealing 17 January 1846. Five children: Elisa Sarah, Sylvia, Lorenzo, Parintha, and Laurin Alvirus. (2)
-- 17 January 1846
[Marriage of Lorenzo Snow] Marriage to Harriet Amelia Squires (1)
1 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
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Lorenzo Snow, Feb 6, 1845
[Brigham Young Journal] Thursday 6 Br Lorenzo young started for ohio with Lorenzo Snow Br Folk took them in his carage to Lyma I Preached Br Whitney funral Surmon in the consert hall a large congration took dinner with Br Orson Spencer supper with Saria Whitney (1)
-- 1845, April 6
The Twelve Apostles issue "ProclamationA...To all the Kings of the World; To the President of the United States of America; To the Governors of the Several States, And to the Rulers and People of all Nations." (2)
-- Apr 9, 1845
Lorenzo Snow returns to Nauvoo and brings tithing he has collected consisting of money and in-kind donations including a six-pound cannon. (3)
-- 21 April 1845
[Marriage of Lorenzo Snow] Marriage to Sarah Ann Prichard (4)
-- Jun 17, 1845
"While in this condition, Elder Phineas Richards, the father of Apostle F. D. Richards, assisted by other kind brethren, took me [Lorenzo Snow] from my bed, wrapped in a sheet - placed me in a carriage, drove to a stream of water, and baptized me in the name of the Lord, for my recovery. The fever immediately abated, and through kind, unwearied nursing and attention . . . I was delivered from suffering and restored to health." [Eliza R. Snow writing as Lorenzo Snow in "Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow" Salt Lake City: Deseret News Company, 1884] (5)
-- Dec 19, 1845
Lorenzo Snow: Received endowment 19 December 1845. (6)
1 - Brigham Young Journal (1801-1877) Journal #2 July, 1837- Mar. 1845
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
3 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
4 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
5 - Stapley, Jonathan and Wright, Kristine, '"They Shall Be Made Whole": A History of Baptism for Health,' Journal of Mormon History, Fall 2008
6 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
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Lorenzo Snow, October 3, 1844
Brigham Young (aged 43) marriage to Eliza R. Snow (1804-1887) (aged 40) plural widow of Joseph Smith, Jr. sealed to Joseph Smith, Jr. for eternity and Young for life [making Lorenzo Snow a brother-in-law to Brigham Young] (1)
-- During October 1844
[Marriage of Lorenzo Snow] Marriage to Charlotte Squires (2)
-- During 1844
Public address known as the King Follett Discourse has similarities to the couplet attributed to Lorenzo Snow: "As Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become". Joseph Smith's discourse says in part:
"If you were to see [God] today, you would see him like a man in form." He continued stating that man must progress "from one small degree to another ... until [they] arrive at the station of a God. ... You have got to learn to become Gods yourselves, the same as all Gods before you have done." (3)
Age 30, Learned of martyrdom of Joseph Smith while campaigning for Joseph Smith's candidacy for united states president. (4)
Lorenzo Snow: Mission to Ohio 1844 to campaign for Joseph Smith as president of United States. (5)
-- Sunday, January 12th, 1845
[Apostle John Taylor diary] I attended the Seventies Hall according to previous appointment in company with Pres. B. Young, Bro. G. A. Smith, and Bishop Whitney.
Bro. Young arose and said he wanted to make a selection of a few men to [go] out into this and the adjoining counties, to forestall our enemies in their designs to prevent the trial of the murderers of Bros. Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the spring. They intend to charge the thefts that have been committed around here, upon the Mormons; and the devil reigns in their hearts and in the hearts of all the children of disobedience; and they will continue to act devilish as long as we continue to receive revelations from God. His advice would be for the Saints to look out for thieves, he would like to catch such men. If they want a method to detect them give a ball of lead it would show who were the theives, Mormons or Anti-Mormons.
When we get power the devil loses his; those that trouble us are disembodied devils, all they want is to get a body, and to get power over men and beasts, this is the warfare we have to fight with these who seek to possess a body and when they get possession, legions of them enter as of old. [p. 24] He did not want young Elders belonging to the Seventies to go to dancing schools if they persisted in so doing, they had better come and give up their licenses; we will not bear their sins if they will not bear our scoldings. The Twelve are the scape goats that have to bear the sins, and them the Church.
He wanted to select a few men to go to the adjoining counties to preach to them, and they shall succeed in their purposes. He wanted them to go to Warsaw, Morley's Settlement, Pike County, Brown County, Adams County.
Thousands of people think we are thieves from the misrepresentations of our enemies. A man of the name of Brown that had been a Mormon, he had stolen on our credit, and had lately been put in jail; he stabbed a man of the name of Lawson a Mormon, in an attempt to take him. Men say they can do an injury to this Church what can they do? They can spill innocent blood; but after they have killed the body, there is no more that they can do, their power is limited; they attempted to take Bro. Joseph's head wen he lay by the well; but could not. I arose and said Bro. Young has spoken as I would have done. I acquiesce in the statements made by him to select men to go and instruct the Church and put them on their guard; and when those in the counties round see that we are using our influence to put these things down it will have some effect on the honest. The Anti-Mormons wish to publish the thefts and charge them to the Mormons and thus raise an excitement, and to bring ruin and desolation upon this people. The following persons were then nominated: Chas. Bird, Jesse C. Braley, Wm. Cutler, John Eldridge, H. B. Jacobs, Thos. McKenzie, H. Eldridge, Wm. Miller, Jacob Gates, B. Wilson, Egan Holton, Danl. Browett, Truman Gillett, W. G. Wilson, Alphonzo Young, Saml. Richards, Israel Barlow, D. D. Hunt, Wm. Anderson, John Spires, D. M. Repsher, Andrew Moore, Brother Sanders, J. L. Burnham, [p. 25] There was a meeting appointed for the High Priest's Quorum, at 2 o'clock.
I arose and made a few remarks like the following. I expected Bro. Young here, he wanted to bring some business before this quorum, concerning the thefts committed by the Anti-Mormons, with the intention of bringing a stigma upon us, for the purpose of creating an excitement in the spring.
It is for the purpose of quelling these things that we have organized the police. Our object is to select men to clear up the misrepresentations of our enemies. Some men go out under the cloak of Mormonism, and steal when they have a chance, and lay it to the Mormons. Some would insinuate that these are the mysteries of the kingdom, there are not any mysteries of this kind; there are indeed mysteries pertaining to the kingdom of God; and things which it would not be prudent to reveal. When the commandment is to reveal these things then you shall hear them. Some say they will believe everything the priesthood teachers if they know it to be right; but if you knew it you would not require teaching. I wonder if these doubtful characters would not disbelieve God, how do they know but what he might lead them astray. You must therefore have confidence in your teachers if you wish to be made acquainted with the things pertaining to the kingdom. If men have confidence in one another they will be respected and the blessings of God will be with them. There are no people under the heavens that have possession of the power we have. God gave Joseph the keys of the kingdom and he gave them to us. We live in a day that princes, prophets, and kings have desired to see. I would not exchange the office of a High Priest for the Crown of any nation. The troubles that we go through are not to be noticed in comparison with the things that are awaiting us, we should consider ourselves as princes, kings, and priests unto the most High God that will possess rule and government in this world, and in the world to come thrones, principalities, powers, and dominions.
Elder Young arose and said there were a great many High Priests came to him to see if they should go to preach now they would have an opportunity.
We want to select about fifty men a portion of them we want to make agents for the Church. When the Twelve were first sent out, they had to give $2,000 bonds for the faithful performance of their duty. Joseph done that as a precedent for us to go by, it now becomes our duty to have others enter into bonds likewise, many men have been wronged out of their property, and for this reason we have to take all precautionary measures, to prevent the saints from being imposed upon. A Natural born thief or liar will never enter the Celestial kingdom, they may try till doomsday. The following persons were then selected: Wm. Snow, David Pettigrew, Wm. Hyde, Lorenzo Snow, Chas. C. Rich, Jacob Foutz, Benjn. Brown, Wm. Perkins, Wm. Moss, Franklin D. Richards, A. H. Perkins, M. H. Peck, E. D. Wooley, David Evans, Jas. Newberry, Elisha H. Groves, Alexander Williams, J. C. Wright, Willard Snow, Wm. A. Gheen, Noah Packard, Alvah H. Tippets, Aaron Johnson, Joseph W. Johnson, E. Fordham, Stephen Markham, Jacob G. Bigler, J. H. Hale, Evan M. Green, Dominicus Carter, Erastus Snow, Jonathan Dunham, Edmund Fisher, Winslow Far, John Pack, Lorenzo Young, Stephen Litz, Henry G. Sherwood, Elam Luddington, Jesse D. Hunter, Ezra T. Benson, David H. Redfield, Ormus E. Bates, Thos. Pearson, Pelatiah Brown, Jedediah M. Grant, Thos. Kington, [p. 27] The subject in selecting a number of the Seventies was to go forth and preach, lecture, and read documents in Hancock and the adjoining counties, that we might be enabled to frustrate the designs of our enemies, who we have been informed have entered into compacts to steal from each other and from the Mormons, in order to blame us with their evil deeds, and bring reproach upon this community, that by false statements and misrepresentations, they may be enabled to prejudice and excite the public mind, so as to prevent the execution of the law upon the murderers of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. (6)
1 - Wikipedia, List of Brigham Young's Wives, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Brigham_Young%27s_wives
2 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
3 - "Origin of famous Mormon couplet," Clair Barrus, examiner.com
4 - http://lds.org
5 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
6 - 'The John Taylor Nauvoo journal, January 1845-September 1845,' BYU Studies 23:3 (1983) edited by Dean C. Jessee
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1844, March 11
The General Council (Council of Fifty) organized in Nauvoo. (1)
-- 1844, April 7
King Follett Discourse delivered by Joseph Smith. (1)
-- During Spring, 1844
Lorenzo Snow Journal, "Sent early in the spring [of 1844], by the Twelve, on a Political mission to Ohio. Delivered on the Steamer Osprey the first political lecture that was ever delivered to the world in favor of Joseph for the Presidency the day after the Conference 6th April Received an appointment by the Twelve to form a political organization throughout the state of Ohio for the promotion of Joseph for the Presidency. On the 23rd of June presided at a large Convention in the Temple at Kirtland. Procured the Printing of 4000 copies of Joseph's "Views" on Government. Got the state nearly organized and heard of the death of Gen. Smith." (2)
-- Jun 7, 1844
[Brigham Young] --7-- Lawyers and doctors called to converse with us, and obtain copies of General Smith's "Views." Afternoon, with Brother Richards I went to Mantua, where we met Brother Lorenzo Snow and others. We proceeded to Hiram and held a meeting in sight of the house where Joseph and Sidney were dragged out by the heels and tarred and feathered.
Arrived in Kirtland on the 8th; found my brother John Young and my sister Nancy Kent well.
--9 -- (Sabbath) I preached in the temple in the morning, and Brother F. D. Richards in the afternoon. I lectured in the evening on the subject of the location of Nauvoo; the Saints were dead and cold to the things of God. (3)
-- 1844, June 7
Nauvoo Expositor, anti-Mormon newspaper, published. (1)
-- 1844, June 27
Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith martyred in Carthage Jail. (1)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - Crawley, Descriptive Biography
3 - Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1843
(Elijah Abel) Abel's desire to engage in missionary work in Cincinnati, Ohio, presented special difficulties for a traveling high council comprised of Apostles John E. Page, Orson Pratt, Heber C. Kimball, and Lorenzo Snow. Despite their respect for "a coloured Bro.," the brethren felt "wisdom forbids that we should introduce [him] before the public … [but] Bro Abels [sic] was advised to visit the coloured population." (1)
-- Jan 17, 1844
[Nauvoo Neighbor] - Poetry: "The Ode of Genius to Truth" -- E.R. Snow -- Written in the Morley Settlement, Nov 28, 1843.
- Note: "Queen Victoria" -- Editorial -- Elder Lorenzo Snow (through Sir Henry Wheatley) gave Queen Victoria two copies of the Book of Mormon, donated by Brigham Young.
- Poetry: "Queen Victoria" -- Lorenzo Snow -- Poem he wrote after giving Queen Victoria 2 copies of the Book of Mormon
- Story: "An Appeal to the People of the State of Maine" -- Benjamin Andrews -- Andrews, a native of Maine, writes to describe the persecution of the Church, as well as providing a history and testimony of the Church.
- Story: "Ancient Ruins" -- Editorial -- Describes ancient North Texan ruins as evidence of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon
- Announcement: Deaths -- Editorial -- Sarah Richmond (38, Chill Fever), Oscar C. Rolph (1, Croup), Mary Zenmour (1, Teething), Theresa M. Bell (8 months, Inflammation on the Brain), Henry Boyd (Infant), Israel Hess (22, Quick Consumption) (2)
-- Feb 14, 1844
[Nauvoo Neighbor] - Poetry: "Farewell to Nauvoo" -- Signed "L. S." -- A farewell letter to Nauvoo
- Story: "Who Shall be our Next President" -- Editorial -- Describing the right person for President, speaking poorly of Martin Van Buren, and endorsing Joseph Smith
- Note: "Public Meeting" -- Editorial -- Judge Phelps read an address written by Joseph Smith.
- Ordinances: "An Ordinance to Repeal Certain Ordinances therein mentioned" -- Joseph Smith -- Repeal of Ordinances, "An Ordinance for the Extra Case of Joseph Smith and Others," and "An ordinance to Prevent Unlawful Search and Seizure of Person and Property."
- Ordinances: "An Ordinance to Repeal an Ordinance Regulating the Currency" -- Joseph Smith -- Repeals the "Ordinance Regulating the Currency."
- Announcement: Deaths -- W.D. Huntington (Sexton) -- Belsey Turner (33, Fever), Isabella Burns (5, Canker), Lucy Waid (28), Sariah M. Waid (3)
- Announcement: Deserting Son -- Elijah Fordham -- Announces the abscondment of George Fisher Fordham, and prohibits Saints from aiding him, or allowing him credit in his father's name. (2)
1 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - http://boap.org/LDS/Nauvoo-Neighbor
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1843 Apr
Lorenzo Snow returns from his mission to England and is taught of the plurality of wives by Joseph Smith. Orson Hyde is sealed to his second plural wife, Mary Ann Price. (1)
-- May 14, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... Elder G. A. Smith followed with a few remarks. I also followed him & meeting closed for one hour, & we met again. I opened meeting & spoke upon revelation obeying the Commandments by building the Nauvoo House. Was followed By G. A. Smith on the same subject. Elder Lorenzo Snow then spoke sumwhat lengthy concerning his mishion to England which was interesting. Then our meeting closed.... (2)
-- 1843, July 12
Revelation on celestial marriage received (D&C 132). (3)
-- Dec 19, 1843
[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of Lorenzo Snow by Isaac Morley on December 19, 1843]
Br. Lorenzo I lay my hands on thy head in the name of Jesus thy Redeemer & I seal & ratify the blessing that has been confer[r]ed upon thee by the authority of the Everlasting Priesthood I seal upon thee the blessings of Abraham & equal blessings with Isaac & Jacob. Thy name is regestered [registered] in heaven Thy offering and thy sacrifice is accepted before the Lord, and for all thy labours and sacrifices, thy toil thy travels, and fatigues shall blessings from on high be pour[e]d out upon thee thy Creator has given thee a mind capable of reception and of expanding wide as eternity. And it shall be thy gift and blessing to receive the Comforter even the Spirit of Truth which shall lead and guide thee into all Truth Thou hast thy gift & blessing of discernment of spirits to detect error and imbrace [embrace] truth Ask and thou shalt receive the gift and blessing of a white stone in that stone a new name written that no man knoweth save him to whom it is given. And thro' [through] & by that blessing thou shallt [shalt] attain to the faith once delivered to the Saints. Prisions [Prisons] shall only cause thee to smile to see the follies of men. Power from on high shall be given thee & clear thy way before thee
Rememember [Remember] thy calling that thou art call[e]d to prune the Vineyard of the Lord in this last Dispensation The heavens above are stored with blessings for thee The Earth will unbosom its treasures to thee and to thy Posterity after thee. And thou shalt have the blessing to win thousands unto Christ. Thy love and thy labor in the Gospel of Jesus that is past will be realized and blessings will follow it to the latest ages of Posterity. Thousands will honor thee & claim thee their Father in the Gospel Thou hast a spirit & principel [principle] in thy bosom that cannot be subdued or conqu[e]red by wicked men And thou shalt have the blessing to stand in the ranks when one shall chase a thousand and two shall put their ten thousand to flight The principal of love shall cast all fear from thy mind & thine enimies [enemies] shall ever flee from before thee & thou shall yet wear the laurels and crowns of victory upon thy brow Thou shalt ever be admired by all who are lovely & enjoy the society of Kings and Nobles. Brother Joseph shall be thy Prophet and Friend. The fidellity [fidelity] of thy heart shall cause many to rejoice because thou wilt never deviate by influence of flattery & deceit. Ask and thou shalt receive length of days untill thou shalt be satisfied with life & see the kingdoms of this world of our Lord and our God, and no good thing shall be withheld from thee.
Ask and thou shalt receive the Anointing and the ordinance in the House of the Lord Thy Posterity shall be as numerous as was promised to Abraham because thou hast the blood of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. The blessing to be in the same Everlasting Covenant I now ask God the Eternal Father to let his holy spirit rest down upon thee that it may perform its proper office in bringing to thy mind and thy memory all things that are necessary for thy present and thy Everlasting welfare: and in the name of Jesus I seal the blessings of Eternal Life upon thy head Amen & Amen (4)
1 - Hales, Brian C., Joseph Smith's Polygamy: History and Theology, 2 vols., Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2011 (www.JosephSmithsPolygamy.com)
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
4 - Patriarchal Blessings
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, Apr 13, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] April 13th 12 The Steem Boat Amaram arived at Nauvoo with about 230 Saints from England led by Elder Lorenzo Snow who had been in Englang about two years laboring. He was with me in London. We all felt to welcome him & the Saints to our Shores. (1)
-- Apr 19, 1843
3, Oclock P. M. Council of the twelve at Josephs office B. Young. Wm. Smith, Parley Pratt O
Pratt John Ta ylor. Wilford Woodruff. Geo A Smith. W. Richards Joseph Smith. go in the name of the Lord God & tell Woodworth to put the hands onto the Nauvoo House & be patient till men can be provided.
...The Twelve shall not go to England. I dont want them to go this year, I tried them in England & they have broke the ice. I want to try some of elders & try them I will not designate. where should go. Lorenzo Snow may stay at home till he gets rested. the twelve must travel to save your lives. I feel all the veins & states necessary for the twelve [to move in] to save their lives.
....Voted that Elder Hyde be called Bro Hyde Parley offered to pay for the book Voted that O. Hyde & W. Richards take charge of the book & bring up the records. (Voted that Elder L. Snow & L Richards obey the first commandment in 3 weeks.) adjouned to next Monday 4 o clock P. M. (2)
[Joseph Smith Diary] ...President Young asked if the Twelve [Apostles] should go to England? Said Joseph, "No, I don't want the Twelve to go to England this year. I have sent them to England and they have broke the ice /and done well/ and now I want to send some of the Elders and try them. I will not designate who. Lorenzo Snow may stay at home till he gets rested.
"The Twelve must travel to save their lives. I feel all the veins and stratus [strata] necessary for the Twelve to move in [are provided] to save their lives.... (3)
-- April 28th 1843
[High Council Minutes]
Council met according to adjournment at J Smith's Store up stairs. Marks & Rich presiding
Present 1) Bent 2) Allred 3) Wilson 4) Fulmer 5) Cutler 6) Harris 7) Grover 8) Sidney Roberts pro tem Johnson being released 9) Danl Shearer pro tem. 10) Huntington 11) Soby 12) Lorenzo Snow pro tem
Prayer by Br Aaron Johnson
H.G. Sherwood against Peter Forey.
"To the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Nauvoo Illinois April 12th 1843.
I hereby prefer a charge against Peter Forey as follows,
1st For refusing the reasonable remuneration to my wife my daughter Jane, and family that justice and gratitude require for the labor and attendance on him and his daughter when sick and living in my house AD 1841.
2nd Also for seeming to smuggle and secrete his property appearantly to evade a visible means in him to spy any or all the just due as aforesaid.
3rd Also for ungenerous and ungrateful, sarcastic and slanderous epithets by him made respecting my family.
H.G. Sherwood.
The defendant plead that as his witnesses were not here he was not ready for trial whereupon the trial was adjourned untill the 12th of May next at 9 oclock.
Council then adjourned untill the same time.
Hosea Stout Clerk (4)
1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Minutes, Quorum of Twelve
3 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries
4 - Minutes of the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nauvoo Illinois: Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois, http://amzn.to/uXAcJh%20
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1842 10 Oct.
[Joseph Smith] Missionary (and later president) Lorenzo Snow delivers two ornamentally bound copies of the Book of Mormon to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert through Sir Henry Wheatly. Queen Victoria probably never read, and may never have handled this presentation copy, but it has since resided in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. (1)
-- Oct 20, 1842 (Thursday)
Thomas Ward succeeded Apostle Parley P. Pratt as president of the British Mission, with Lorenzo Snow and Hiram Clark as counselors. (2)
-- During 1842
[Wives of Wilford Woodruff] In the Family Record, Wilford writes, Phebe W. Carter [born] March 8 1807 [married] April 13, 1837 [died] /November 10/85." She had nine children, but five died in infancy. Wilford lists Sarah Emma (1838-1840), Willford Jr. (1840-1921), Phebe [Phoebe] Amelia (Snow) (1842-1919), Susan Cornelia (Scholes) (1843-1859), Joseph Carter (1845-1846), Shuah [Sarah] Carter (1847-1848), Bulah [Beulah] Augusta (Beatte) (1851-1905), Aphek (1853-1853). Phebe Amelia became a plural wife of Lorenzo Snow. (3)
-- Jan 16, 1843 (Monday)
The ship Swanton sailed from Liverpool with 212 Saints for New Orleans, led by Lorenzo Snow. The emigrants arrived at Nauvoo April 12th. (2)
-- April 12, 1843
He returned to Nauvoo [from London] in 1843 as leader of a shipload of 250 converts. En route, Elder Snow's quiet confidence, his healing of a dying steward, and the faith of his company of Saints led to the baptism of the ship's first mate and several of the crew. The party arrived in Nauvoo on April 12, 1843. (4)
-- Apr 12, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] ...Conference of Elders commenced at 10 [A.M.] and closed at 12:20 having ordained about 22 Elders and appointed about 118 to different Missions in U[nited] S[tates] and Canida and restored Almon Babbitt to fellowship &c., &c. See Minutes of the Quorum of the Twelve [Apostles].
Before the Conference closed the Steamer Amarenth appeared in sight of the Temple coming up the River and about noon landed her passengers at the wharf opposite the old Post office building. About 240 of the Saints from England in charge of Elder Lorenzo Snow who has been preaching in England 2 or 3 years. Joseph and Emma were present and a large company of the brethren and sister[s] ready to greet their friends on their arrival.
/Notice was given at Close of the conference for the emigrants to meet at the stand tomorrow morning [at] 10 to hear instructions./ After unloading /Saints/ the Amarenth proceeded up the river. This is the first boat up this season. Bro[ther] Snow and Co[mpany] left Liverpool in January.... (5)
1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power
2 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
3 - Compton, Todd, 'The Wives of Wilford Woodruff', http://toddmcompton.com/WWfamilies.htm
4 - http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/people/lorenzo_snow.html
5 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1842, May 4
First Endowment ordinances given, Red Brick Store, Nauvoo. (1)
-- May 5, 1842
At a British Mission conference in Manchester, Lorenzo Snow sings a hymn "beautifully in tongues." In Nauvoo Joseph and then Hyrum Smith receive their anointing and endowment in the upper room of his store from the men who were anointed and endowed the day before. (2)
-- Jun 29, 1842
[Lorenzo Snow becomes brother-in-law to Joseph Smith] Elder Brigham Yong officiating Marriage - Joseph to Eliza R. Snow, age 38 ,. PLACE: Navuoo, IL SOURCE: FamilySearch.com record for Joseph Smith Jr. (3)
Eliza Roxcy Snow (single, age 38) marriage to Joseph Smith
Sister of Lorenzo Snow. ... William Clayton said Smith told him in February 1843 that Snow was one of his plural wives. She was married to Brigham Young from 1844 until his death in 1877. (4)
-- 1842 September 22
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] In addition to my own sickness Mrs Woodruff has had a rising on both of her thumbs which appears to be a species of the fellen which has caused her much pain for two or three weeks. Also our Baby Phebe Amelia [future wife of Lorenzo Snow] has been quite sick for two or three weeks & for two days has been considerd dangerous. (5)
-- Oct 10, 1842
Lorenzo Snow presented copies of the Book of Mormon to Queen Victoria of England. (6)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
3 - Joseph Smith Polygamy Timeline, http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/JS_Polygamy_Timeline.htm
4 - Wikipedia: List of the Wives of Joseph Smith, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_wives_of_Joseph_Smith
5 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
6 - Hemidakaota, "Church Chronology from 1800-2000," http://www.lds.net/forums/scripture-study-forum/12108-church-chronology-1800-2000-part-1-a.html#post214550
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1842, March 17
Female Relief Society organized, Nauvoo, IL. (1)
-- Apr 6, 1842
Sarah Miller told Nauvoo's high council that Chauncey Higbee (also spelled "Chancy Higby") visited her "soon after a special conference" in April 1842, and "began his seducing insinuations by saying it was no harm to have sexual intercourse with women if they would keep it to themselves." She added that "when he come again, William Smith come with him & told me that the doctrine which Chancy Higby had taught me was true." In May 1842 she told the high council that "nearly a year ago" (i.e., in the summer of 1841, almost a year before Sarah Miller's seduction), Catherine Fuller began having sexual intercourse with Bennett, and "not only with him[,] but with Chauncy Higbee and the prophet's younger brother, Apostle William Smith.Â" Someone tried to eradicate the name of William Smith from the manuscript of testimony that he also visited these two women for sexual intercourse during 1841-42. His first cousin, Apostle George A. Smith, later complained about "Wm Smith Commit[t]ing iniquity & we have to sustain him against our feelings." : Two women identified William Smith as one of Bennett's friends who visited for sexual intercourse ... According to a later reminiscence [by Apostle Lorenzo Snow], Joseph Smith then asked Brigham Young to excommunicate his brother for `adultery and many other sins.' As Young was about to act, however, the prophet changed his mind, accused the quorum's president of maligning the Smith family, and required Young to exonerate William. Then someone (probably Joseph) tried to eradicate William's name from the women's testimony. [John S. Dinger, ed., The Nauvoo City and High Council Minutes (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2011), 415n40 ("Sarah Miller's statement, dated May 24, 1842 ... [about] the special conference this spring"), 417 ("Charge [was preferred] against Mrs. Catherine Warren for unchaste and unvirtuous conduct with John C. Bennett and others"), 417n46 (for Mrs. Warren's testimony); also "CONFERENCE MINUTES," Times and Seasons 3 (15 April 1842): 761 ("Special Conference ... April 6, 1842"); Quinn, Origins of Power (1994) 220] (2)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - "Evidence For The Sexual Side of Joseph Smith's Polygamy," Comments by D. Michael Quinn on Session #2A "Reconsidering Joseph Smith's Marital Practices," Mormon History Association's Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 29 June 2012 (unabbreviated version, revised during July)
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1840
Lorenzo Snow remembers coming to a realization of the concept ("as Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become") in 1840 prior to his mission, and then sharing it with Brigham Young in a private conversation in 1841. (1)
-- 1841, April 6
Nauvoo Temple cornerstones laid. (2)
-- November 11, 1841
Letter to parents: "I have sent you a tract [The Only Way to Be Saved] which I have written and got published I have published four thousand copies. It is expected that annother Edition will be wanted. Tho' they have been out of the press only a week or two yet they have been mostly spoken for." (3)
-- During 1841
In 1849 Brigham Young remembered the couplet ("as Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become") came to him as a strong impression in 1841. He shared the couplet with Lorenzo Snow eight years later in 1849. His 1849 reply to Lorenzo Snow was recorded immediately (by several individuals) which includes the text of the couplet. (1)
-- 1842, March 1
Publication of Book of Abraham commenced in Times and Seasons. (2)
-- 4 March 1842
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Phoebe Amelia Woodruff, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (4)
1 - "Origin of famous Mormon couplet," Clair Barrus, examiner.com
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
3 - Crawley, Descriptive Biography
4 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, Feb 14, 1841 (Sunday)
The London (England) conference was organized with [26-year-old] Lorenzo Snow as president. (1)
-- Feb 15, 1841
On a mission in England Heber C. Kimball receives a letter from his wife Vilate relaying a message from Joseph Smith "for the Twelve to come immediately home for our personal Safety, as great Judgments are nigh in this land even at the Door." Kimball, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow are apostles on missionary assignments to England at this time. (2)
-- Feb 17, 1841
Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow visit the "DISSECTING ROOM" of an Bartholomew Hospital in London. "The Dissecting apartment consisted of three Rooms, which contained about twenty Subjects viz. Human Bodies which the Doctors were dissecting that lay upon tables. Some were just commenced upon while others were nearly finished. Our stay was short as their was a great stench in the room. Limbs & parts of the body were hung in all parts of the room." (2)
-- Apr 5, 1841
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 5th I again met in Council with the Twelve according to adjournment & transacted some business & talked about many things. Perfect union & harmony prevailed in all the deliberations of our councils for the last four days. Many of the Elders came in in the evening which I was glad to See among whom was Elders Levi Richards A. Cordon, Lorenzo Snow, Alexander Wright, George D Watt & others.
I have felt the voice of the spirit stealing across my breast for the last few days whispering that I should lift up my voice unto the people of Maine Connecticut, & other places New haven esspecially when I return.
The following is the entire minutes of the Business of the quorum of the Twelve for several Days in success[ion].
Manchester England April 2d 1841
This Day Elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hide, Parley P. Pratt Willard Richards, Willford Woodruff John Taylor & G. A. Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve met together at the house of Br James Bewsher Coachman No 4 Gray Street near Oxford Road in this City in Council after having been seperated & dispersed in various countries for the last four years.
To meet once more in council after a long seperation and having passed through many sore and grieveous trials exposing our lives & our characters to the slander and violence of wicked & murderous men, caused our hearts to swell with gratitude to God for his providential care over us.
Elder Young opened the council by prayer. Elders B. Young H. C. Kimball and P P. Pratt the committee appointed about a year ago to secure a coppy right of the Book of Mormon in the name of Joseph Smith jr. Presented the following certificate:
Feb. 8th 1841 Then entered for his Copy the property of Joseph Smith Jun. the Book of Mormon an account written by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi. Translated by Joseph Smith jr. First European from the Second American Edition. Received five copies.
George Greenhill
The above is a true copy of an Entry in the Rejister Book of the Company of Stationers Kept at the Hall of the said Company.
Witness my hand this 17th day of February 1841
George Greenhill
Warehouse Keeper of the Company of Stationers
The quorum voted that they accepted the labours of said Committee.
Resolved that as the quorum of the Twelve have had nothing to do with the printing of the Book of Mormon they will not now interfere with it, but that the said committee settle the financial or business matters thereof with Joseph Smith Jun. to whom the profits rightly belong.
Resolved that Elder Amos Fielding be appointed to superintend fitting out the Saints from Liverpool to America under the instructions of Elder P. P. Pratt.
Resolved that Brother G. J. Adams go to Bedford & Northampton and labour in that region.
Adjourned till 10 o-clock tomorrow A.M.
Elder Kimball closed by Prayer.
Orson Hide Clerk
Manchester April 3d 1841
This Day the quorum of the Twelve met pursuant to adjournment. The President called upon Elder Hyde to open by Prayer, which was accordingly done. The Quorum then signed a letter of Commendation to the churches in England for Elder Hyde. The Business of Publishing the Star & Hymn Book was then taken into consideration. Br John Taylor moved that those who have had the care and superintendency of publishing the star & Hymn Book should dispose of them according to their own wishes & dispose of the procedes in the same way. Seconded by Elder O. Pratt and carried by a unanimous vote.
Moved by Elder Young seconded by Elder Richards that Elder Parley P. P. Pratt Conduct the Publication of the Millennial Star as Editor and Sole proprietor of the same after the Close of this present volumn.
Resolved that Elder P. P. Pratt reprint the Hymn Book if he deem it expedient. The hymn Book is not to be altered except the typhographical errors. The above resolve was moved by Elder G. A. Smith seconded by Elder W. Woodruff. Carried unanimously. Conference adjourned.
Orson Hyde Clerk
Manchester April 5th 1841
Met pursuent to adjournment. Elder Orson Pratt opened the Council by Prayer. It was resolved that the 17th day of April be the day appointed for the Twelve who are going to America to set sail from Liverpool. This was moved by Elder Richards and seconded by Elder Woodruff & carried by a unanimous vote.
Moved by Elder Kimball Seconded by Elder Woodruff that the Twelve do business at the Conference as a quorum & call upon the church or conference to sanction it. Adjourned till the 6th Inst. to meet in general conference at Carpenters Hall at 10 o-clock A.M.
O. Hyde Clerk
I wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor, Tailor.
The Council of the Twelve assembled at Manchester in the carpenters Hall, on the 6th day of April 1841 for the first time to transact business as a quorum in a foreign land; being the first day of the 12th year of the rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Nine of the quorum were present viz B. Young H. C. Kimball O. Hyde, P. P. Pratt 0 Pratt W. Richards, W. Woodruff J. Taylor & Geo. A. Smith.
President Young having called the house to order & organized the conference then opened by Prayer. Elder Thomas Ward was then chosen clerk. The President then made some introductory remarks relative to the organization of the Church in the house of the Lord in America in refference to the different quorums in their respective orders and Authorities in the church.
The representations of the churches & conferences throughout the Kingdom were then called for which were represented as follows:
Locations By whom
Represented M E P T D
Manchester P.P. Pratt 443 7 15 9 0
Clitheroe Conference H.C. Kimball 318 6 12 13 3
Preston Do P. Melling 675 11 15 13 3
Liverpool J. Taylor 190 9 8 4 3
Isle of Man Do Do 90 2 4 2 0
London Conference L Snow 137 3 8 4 2
Brimingham Do A Cordon 110 4 13 4 1
Staffordshire Conference Do Do 574 19 49 28 16
Garway Conference W. Woodruff 134 5 6 4 1
Gadfield Elm Do Do Do 408 8 33 11 1
Frooms Hill Do Do Do 1,008 27 67 27 8
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Glasgow, Paisley, Johnstone O. Pratt 203 6 9 6 2
Bridge of Weir and R Hedlock 368 12 15 13 11
Thorney Bank Ireland, T. Curus 35 2 0 1 0
Wales, J Burnham 170 2 5 3 3
New Castle upon Tyne A Fielding 23 1 3 1 0
Alston J Sanders 26 1 0 1 0
Brampton Do Do 46 0 1 0 0
Carlisle Do Do 43 1 0 0 0
Bolton Elder Crooky 189 1 11 8 1
Duckinfield J Albertson 120 2 4 3 2
Stockport Elder Magan 161 1 5 2 2
Northwich, Middlewich &c S. Heath 112 2 6 6 6
Oldham Wm Black 86 1 4 1 2
Eccles 24 1 3 1 0
Pendlebury 62 0 2 1 1
Whitefield 41 1 2 3 0
Radcliffe Bridge 18 1 3 0 0
Total 5,814+ 136 303 169 68
+Note Near eight hundred Saints have emigrated to America during the past season who are not included in this representation.
After these representations the Conference adjourned at 12 o'clock till 2 P.M.
The Conference met pursuant to adjournment. Opened by Prayer. Scattering members were then represented Consisting of near 50 not included in any of the Above branches.
The President then proceded to make some remarks on the office of Patriarch and concluded by moving that Elder Albertson be ordained to that office. This was seconded by Elder Kimball and carried unanimously.
Resolved that:
D. Watt Thomas Richardson
G. J. Adams James Whitehead
Amos Fielding Thomas Dunville
Wm. Kay James Galley
John Sanders & George Simpson
J. Riley Be Ordained High Priest.
Resolved that the following persons be ordained Elders viz:
Wm. Miller Joseph Brotherton
Wm. Leach Richard Benson
John Sands Theophilus Brotherton
Wm. Moon John McIlwrick
Wm. Hardman & Wm. Green
Wm. Black
John Goodfellow + * *
The Council then proceded to organize all the Churches into Conferences throughout the Kingdom & appoint presiding Elders over them. The Conference then adjourned till 7 o-clock.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Open by prayer & Singing. The Patriarch P. Mellen was then called upon to pronounce a Patriarchal blessing upon the head of John Albertson Previous to his being or-dained to the office of Patriarch. He then laid his hands upon him & Blessed him. + * See Millennial Star 303 page.
The Twelve then lade hands on J. Albertson & ordained him to the office of Patriarch. The High Priest & Elders were then Ordained & much Council was given from the President & others of the Twelve.
A vary richly ornamented cake a present from New York from Elder Adams wife to the Twelve was then exhibited to the meeting. This was blessed by them & distributed to all the officers & members & to the whole congregation consisting of about seven hundred people. A large fragment was left for some who were not present.
While the cake was passing P. P. Pratt composed the following lines:
When in far Distant regions
As Strangers we roam
Far away from our Country
Our friends and our home
When sinking in sorrow
Fresh courage we'll take
As we think on our friends
And remember the CAKE.
The number of official members present at this Conference was then taken viz:
Quorum of the Travelling High Council 9
Patriarchs 2
High Priest 16
Quroum of the Seventies 2
Elders 31
Priest 28
Teachers 17
Deacons 2
Elder O Hide appealed powerfully to the meeting & covenanted with the saints present in a bond of mutual prayer During his mission to Jerrusalem and the east which was sustained on the part of the hearers with a harty Amen.
Elder Joseph Fielding made some remarks, & spoke of the rich cake. Considered it a type of the good things of that land from whence it Came & from whence they had received the fulness of the gospel.
+ * After a hymn was sung Elder Young blessed the congregation and dismissed them.
Brigham Young Chairman
Thomas Ward Clerk (3)
1 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, Oct 2, 1840
[Brigham Young] --2-- Returned to Liverpool and proceeded to Manchester, where we found Brothers Levi Richards, Lorenzo Snow, J. Blakeslee and James Burnham, who had just arrived from America on a mission. (1)
-- Dec 23, 1840
[Brigham Young] --23-- Went to Birmingham, and from thence to Gret's Green, and found Brother Lorenzo Snow just getting over the measles. I stayed all night with him. (1)
-- 1841, January 19
Saints commanded to build Nauvoo Temple and Nauvoo House (D&C 124). (2)
-- Feb 11, 1841
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 11th We finished our Peace for the Press. Elder Lorenzo Snow arived at our lodgings this day from Birmingham to [take] charge of the church in London in our absence as we Shall leave it in his Care. I was truly glad to once more greet Br Snow As I have not seen him before since 1837. (3)
-- Feb 14, 1841
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] [14] Minutes of A Conference held in LONDON
A Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was held at Mr J. Barretts Academy 57 King Square Goswell Road on Sunday the 14th Feb 1841, There being present Elders H C. Kimball W. Woodruff L Snow & Wm. Pitt & 4 Priest.
The meeting was Called to order by Elder Kimball at 2 o-clock. It was then moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Pitt that Elder W. Woodruff should be president of the conference. Carried unanimously. Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Woodruff that Dr. Wm. Copeland be chosen Clerk. Carried Unanimously.
The meeting was opened by singing & prayer by Elder Kimball. The President then called upon the official members to Represent their respective branches.
The Church at Bedford Represented by Robert Williams, Priest containing 42 members, one Priest 7 Removed 2 Died.
The Church at Ipswich Represented by Elder Wm. Pitt, consisting of 12 members, one Elder one Priest, & one Teacher.
The Church at Woolwich Represented by John Griffith Priest, consisting of 6 members 1 Priest.
The Church at London Represented by Elder Kimball Consisting of 46 members, 1 Elder, 2 Priest generally in good Standing. Excellent Prospect of continued increase.
Moved by Elder Kimball Seconded by Elder Woodruff, that James Albon be ordained Elder. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Snow that Thomas Barnes be ordained Teacher. Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Elder Kimball Seconded by Elder Pitt that Br R. Williams be ordained Elder to oversee the Church at Bedford. Carried Unanimously.
Moved by R. Williams Seconded by Elder Pitt that Br Wm. Smith Be ordained Priest at Bedford.
Moved by Elder Kimball Seconded by Elder Pitt that Br Richard Bates be ordained a Priest in the Church at Woolwich. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Br R. Williams, Seconded by Elder Pitt that Br John Sheffield be Ordained Teacher at Bedford. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Elder Kimball Seconded by Br Griffiths that Br A. Painter be ordained a Teacher at Wool-wich. Carried unanimously.
The Above named persons were then Ordained under the hands of Elders Kimball Woodruff & Snow.
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Woodruff that Elder Snow be Appointed President of this conference Also to take the Superintendicy of the Church in London.
Much valuable instruction was given by Elders Kimball & Woodruff in relation to the Duties of the Official members.
It was then moved by Elder Kimball & Seconded by Elder Snow that this conference be Adjurned to Sunday, the 16th of May 1841. Carried unanimously.
The Conference was then closed by the President by singing & Prayer at half past five.
W. Woodruff President
106 members 2 E. 5 P. 1 T. Dr Wm. Copeland Clerk
We also broke bread with the Saints & confirmed 4. We had a happy time through the meeting. We again met & opened meeting at half past six. I opened meeting & was followed by Elders Albon, Pitt, Williams, Snow, & H C. Kimball. We had the fullest house we have ever Seen there & a great prospect of the spread of the work. One came forward for Baptism. This is a day I have long desired to see, for we have laboured exceding hard to esstablished the work in this city, & in several instances it seemed as though we should have to give it up but by claiming the promises of God & holding on to the word of God, the rod of Iron we have been enabled to overcome, & plant a church & esstablish a conference which we are enabled through the grace of God to leave in a Prosperous Situation which has the appearance of a great increase which Church & conference we leave in the care of our Beloved Brother Elder Lorenzo Snow. May God bless him & roll on his work in Mighty Power in this city I pray, & raise up a great people here to the Honour & Glory of his name. Thy Purposes O! Lord + must roll on. Thy Decrees are Sure. Wisdom how Precious thou art. (3)
1 - Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1839
Lorenzo Snow: Taught school in Shakersville, Ohio, 1839-40. (1)
-- 19 May 1840
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Mary Elizabeth Houtz, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (2)
-- During May 1840
Lorenzo Snow: Moved to LaHarpe Illinois, May 1840. (1)
-- July 17, 1840
He was ordained to the office of Seventy on July 17, 1840 by Joseph Young. Lorenzo Snow enjoyed perhaps the shortest tenure in priesthood office in the history of the Church, for on the very next day, July 18, 1840, Don Carlos Smith, younger brother of the Prophet, ordained him a High Priest. (3)
-- Jul 18, 1840
Lorenzo Snow: Ordained high priest 18 July 1840 by Don Carlos Smith. (1)
-- 1840, August 15
Baptism for the Dead publicly announced by Joseph Smith. (4)
1 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
2 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
3 - G.A. Pages, http://gapages.com
4 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1838, December 1
Joseph Smith and others imprisoned, Liberty Jail, Liberty, Clay Co., MO. (1)
-- During 1838
In 1838 the Snows joined the Saints in Missouri, and Lorenzo left for another mission, this time to Illinois and Kentucky. While the Saints settled Nauvoo and his parents moved farther on, to Walnut Grove, Illinois, Lorenzo went as a missionary to England. (2)
(Lorenzo Snow) In Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Missouri, "I took my gun with the intention of indulging in a little amusement in hunting turkeys. … It never occurred to my mind that it was wrongâ€"that indulging in 'what was sport to me was death to them'; that in shooting turkeys, squirrels, etc., I was taking life that I could not give; therefore I indulged in the murderous sport without the least compunction of conscience.
"While moving slowly forward in pursuit of something to kill, my mind was arrested with the reflection on the nature of my pursuitâ€"that of amusing myself by giving pain and death to harmless, innocent creatures that perhaps had as much right to life and enjoyment as myself. I realized that such indulgence was without any justification, and feeling condemned, I laid my gun on my shoulder, returned home, and from that time to this have felt no inclination for that murderous amusement." (3)
Lorenzo Snow: Moved to Missouri 1838. (4)
-- During February 1839
Lorenzo Snow: Returned to Ohio February 1839. (4)
-- 1839, December 16
Nauvoo charter signed by Illinois Governor Thomas Carlin. (1)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/people/lorenzo_snow.html
3 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
4 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
More History?
Lorenzo Snow, Spring, 1837
Giving up his plans for further formal education, Lorenzo set out on a series of missions for the Church in early spring 1837, first to the Mantua area, where he baptized some of his friends and relatives, and then to other Ohio counties before returning to Kirtland. (1)
-- During 1837
(Lorenzo Snow) Sent alone on a local mission to Ohio, the first night he knocked on eight doors before finding lodging. (2)
-- 1838, August 6
Election-day fight, Gallatin, MO. (3)
-- 1838, October 25
Battle of Crooked River, between Missouri State militia and Saints. David W. Patten, apostle, slain. (3)
-- 1838, October 27
Missouri Governor Lilburn W. Boggs issued Extermination Order, Jefferson City, MO. (Rescinded June 25, 1976, by Governor Christopher S. Bond.) (3)
-- 1838, October 30
Haun's Mill Massacre, Caldwell Co., MO. (3)
1 - http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/people/lorenzo_snow.html
2 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1836: 15 December
[Patriarchal Blessings] Lorenzo Snow. (Given by Joseph Smith, Sen.)
"Brother Snow, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon thy head and give thee a Father's blessing.
I ask God to have mercy upon thee, who art but a youth. Thou hast been diligent in thy application to learning. God has looked upon thee from all eternity and has been bountiful in gifts; has given thee intelligence, talent and great faculties of mind that thou mightest be useful in His cause. Thou hast a great work to perform. God has called thee to the Ministry; Thou must preach the Gospel unto the inhabitants of the earth. Thou shalt become a Mighty man. Thou shalt have great faith, even like the brother of Jared. Thou shalt have power to translate thyself from one planet to another; and power to go to the moon if thou so desire; power to preach to the spirits in prison; power to rend the veil and see Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father; power, like Enoch, to translate thyself to heaven,--there shall not be a Mightier man on earth than thou; thy faith shall increase and grow stronger, till it shall become like Peter's:--thy shadow shall restore the Sick; the diseased shall send to thee their aprons and handkershiefs and by thy touch their owners shall be made whole. Thou shall have power over unclean spirits; at thy command, the powers of darkness and devils shall flee away.
If expedient the dead shall rise and come forth at thy bidding, even those who have long slept in the dust. Thou shalt have long life; live to the age of Moses yet not be old; age shall not come upon thee; the vigor of thy mind shall not be abated and the vigor of thy body shall be preserved. Thou shalt have power to stand in the flesh and see Jesus come in the clouds. No power shall be able to take thy life so long as thy life shall be useful to the children of men. Thou shalt preach the Gospel so long as there is an ear to hear or a heart to believe. Thou must open thy mouth and the Lord will fill it with arguments. Thy voice shall cause the earth to tremble. Thou must pray for thy kindred and be diligent and they shall all receive a celestial glory.
Thou art of the seed and lineage of Abraham, through the loins of Joseph and Ephraim and thou art entitled to the Priesthood. God will give thee a companion of thy hearts desire and thou shalt have posterity. Thy sons shall be large and mighty men, even large in stature. Thou shalt sit in counsel with the hundred and forty-four thousand, and be able to sing the song.
This is thy blessing and in the name of Jesus Christ, I seal it upon thy head, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up to eternal life. Amen and amen." (From typescript; Ms 1330, LDS Archives.) [Age, 22; Scribe, ?] (1)
-- Apr 3, 1837
Lorenzo Snow: Ordained elder before 3 April 1837 by Alva Beman. (2)
1 - Selected LDS Patriarchal Blessings, New Mormon Studies CD ROM, Signature Book, 2009, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1835, February 28
First Council of the Seventy organized, Kirtland, OH. (1)
-- 1835, July 6
Mummies and papyrus purchased, and Joseph Smith commenced translation. (1)
-- Jan 6, 1836
Joshua Seixas, author of "Manual of Hebrew Grammar for the Use of Beginners" (1833, second edition 1834) and former Hebrew instructor of Lorenzo Snow, is "hired" for a term of seven weeks, to teach "forty scholars," beginning in about fifteen days. It is reported that he will "give us sufficient knowledge during this term to start us in reading and translating the language." He does not actually arrive in Kirtland until Jan 26. (2)
-- Jan 26, 1836
Joshua Seixas, former Hebrew teacher of Lorenzo Snow, begins instructing Joseph Smith and his colleagues of the "Hebrew School" in the Kirtland Temple, to enable them to translate biblical Hebrew texts. He gives two lectures per day, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. and from 2:00 to 3:00 PM five days per week. The class has about forty students but more are added as the class continues. By mid-February, Seixas is teaching four separate classes. Joseph Smith says, "His introduction pleased me much. I think he will be a help to the class in learning the Hebrew." (2)
-- June 1836
About two weeks after being baptized in 1835 [1836], he retired to a grove of trees some distance from him home. He reported that as he knelt in prayer, he heard a sound like the rustling of silk gowns, and the Spirit descended immediately upon him. He arose from that prayer with an unshakable testimony that would never falter through the course of a long eventful life. The gentlereader is referred to The Greater Things Web Site for an account of this amazing experience in Lorenzo's own words. (3)
Lorenzo Snow: Baptized June 1836 by John F. Boynton. Confirmed by Hyrum Smith. (4)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
3 - G.A. Pages, http://gapages.com
4 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1831
(Lorenzo Snow) At seventeen, Lorenzo heard Joseph Smith preach in Hiram, Ohio, and concluded that he "could hardly be a false prophet." His mother and sister Leonora were baptized, but Lorenzo had no interest in Mormonism until after his first term at Oberlin College (Snow was the first Church president to attend college), when his recently-baptized sister Eliza urged him to come to Kirtland and study Hebrew under Joshua Seixas. Her real motive was to bring Lorenzo into contact with the Prophet. The strategy worked; Lorenzo was baptized in June, 1836. (1)
-- 1832, February 16
Revelation known as "The Vision" (D&C 76) received by Joseph Smith, Hiram, OH. (2)
-- 1833, July 2
Joseph Smith concluded first draft of Bible translation. (2)
-- 1833, July 20
Mob at Independence demanded removal of Saints from Jackson Co. Printing office destroyed, halting printing of Book of Commandments. (2)
-- 1833, November 7
Saints fled from Jackson Co. mobs across Missouri River into Clay Co. (2)
-- 1835, February 14
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles organized, Kirtland, OH. (2)
1 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1830, April 6
The "Church of Christ" organized, Fayette township, NY, and "Articles and Covenants of the Church" revealed (D&C 20). (1)
-- During 1830, December
First revelation on gathering given. Command for Church to move to Ohio (D&C 37). Reiterated (D&C 38). (1)
-- 1831, February 1
Joseph Smith arrived at Newel K. Whitney Store in Kirtland, OH, and commenced ministry there. (1)
-- 1831, August 3
Temple site, Independence, MO, dedicated by Joseph Smith. (1)
-- 14 August 1831
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Eleanor Houtz, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (2)
-- During 1831
President Snow was born under more opportune circumstances than most early leaders of the Church—his family of Mantua, Ohio, having been quite well-to-do. In his youth he attended schools near his home and planned to pursue a military career, a choice that his beloved older sister, Eliza, opposed heartily. Religion played no important role in his early life. When he attended Oberlin College to prepare for his chosen vocation, he noted that although Oberlin was supposed to have the epitome of a fine Protestant atmosphere, it fell far short of his expectations. He said, Â"If there is nothing better than is to be found here in Oberlin College, goodbye to all religions.Â" (3)
1 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
2 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
3 - Lawrence R. Flake, Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001)
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 13 September 1819
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Harriet Amelia Squires, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (1)
-- 1820, Early spring
Joseph Smith received First Vision in a grove near his home in Palmyra, NY. (2)
-- 1823, September 21-22
Joseph Smith visited by Angel Moroni and told of Book of Mormon record. Joseph viewed Gold Plates buried in nearby hill (Cumorah). (2)
-- 19 November 1825
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Charlotte Squires, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (1)
-- 29 November 1826
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Sarah Ann Prichard, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (1)
-- 25 December 1828
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Caroline Horton, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (1)
1 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow, 1801. June 1
(Brigham Young) : Born in Whitingham, Vermont, ... brother-in-law to Lorenzo Snow (1)
-- 1804. January 21
(Eliza R. Snow) : Born Eliza Roxcy Snow in Becket, Massachusetts. The family later moved to Ohio. She was the older sister of future apostle Lorenzo Snow and a distant cousin of Erastus Snow. (1)
-- 1807. March 1
Wilford Woodruff born: father-in-law of President Lorenzo Snow. (1)
-- 8 March 1812
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Mary Adaline Goddard, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (2)
-- Apr 3, 1814
[Lorenzo Snow] Born 3 April 1814 in Mantua, Portage County, Ohio, Snow was the fourth of seven children. As the eldest son, he assumed much responsibility for the family farm. The Snows were hard-working settlers, well-to-do by local standards. Though the family was active in the local Baptist congregation, their home was often a forum for other religious teachings. Lorenzo loved to read; he was educated in local schools until he left for Oberlin College, a Presbyterian school, where he distinguished himself in his studies. (3)
1 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children
3 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Lorenzo Snow, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/s/SNOW%2CLORENZO.html
LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow
Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow
A Selected Chronology of Lorenzo Snow
The Priesthood / Relief Society manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow will be studied by Latter-day Saint men and women in 2013. In conjunction, LDS-Church-History will present a in-depth chronology of the life of Lorenzo Snow.
Lorenzo and his sister Eliza R. Snow joined the Latter Day Saints in Ohio when Joseph Smith and his followers settled near their home. He soon became immersed in the Mormon movement, living near Kirtland, then Nauvoo, and on to Utah, with missions in between. This study will look at his rise through the hierarchy, family background, and touch on a number of items such as the origin of his famous couplet; "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become."
Lorenzo Snow merged his intellectual abilities and compassionate outlook with his fervent religious views. As a young man, he studied Hebrew. As a new apostle, he liked to ask deep doctrinal questions of Brigham Young. As president of the Quorum of Twelve, he believed that by achieving perfect harmony among his fellow apostles, the 2nd coming would quickly follow, with the church returning to Zion within a few years. He labored intensely to resolve tensions among his fellow apostles.
This study will also look at his visions, his quest to relieve the debt burden of the church, how he interpreted the manifesto, and other issues faced by the LDS leadership.
Aspects of his life are drawn a variety of sources including the journals of his fellow apostles. Source material is presented as is, without commentary -- allowing the sources to speak for themselves.
Each day over the coming months, several items from this chronology will be posted, providing an unparalleled look into his life. The best way to follow LDS Church History is by subscribing to one of the following:
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