The history of the Word of Wisdom, Jul 7, 1834

-- Jul 7, 1834
[Orson Pratt Journal, http:] July 7, 1834. I was ordained one of the standing high council in Zion, under the hands of President Joseph Smith. [July 12. History of the Church contains the following: On the 12th the High Council of Zion assembled in Clay County, and appointed Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt, Isaac Morley and Zebedee Coltrin to visit the scattered and afflicted brethren in that region, and teach them the ways of truth and holiness, and set them in order according as the Lord shall direct; but it was decided that it was not wisdom for the elders generally to hold public meetings in that region. It was also decided that Amasa Lyman assist Lyman Wight in his mission of gathering the strength of the Lord's house, to which labor I had appointed him. [DHC 2:136)] July 19. Bishop Partridge and myself having been appointed by the high council to visit the scattered Saints throughout Clay County, and set the Church in order, commenced our mission. We hel
d eight meetings in different parts of the country. July 31. We reported the results of our mission to the high council, which accepted the same. After which the council selected John Corrill, Simeon Carter, Parley P. Pratt and myself to visit the Church throughout the county and hold public meetings, which we accordingly did. [July 31. History of the Church contains the following: The High Council of Zion assembled, and heard the report of Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt, Zebedee Coltrin, and Isaac Morley, concerning the mission appointed them at the previous council. President David Whitmer gave the council some good instructions, to the effect that it was their duty to transact all business in order, and when any case is brought forward for investigation, every member should be attentive and patient to what is passing in all cases, and avoid confusion and contention, which are offensive in the sight of the Lord. He also addressed the elders, and said it was not pleasing
in the sight of the Lord for any man to go forth and preach the gospel of peace, unless he is qualified to set forth its principles in plainness to those whom he endeavors to instruct; and also he should be informed as to the rules and regulations of the Church of the Latter-day Saints; for just as a man is, and as he teaches and acts, so will his followers be, let them be ever so full of notions and whims. He also addressed the congregation, and told them it was not wisdom for the brethren to vote at the approaching election; and the council acquiesced in the instructions of the president. William W. Phelps proposed to the council to appoint a certain number of elders to hold public meetings in that section of country (Clay County), as often as should be deemed necessary, to teach the disciples how to escape the indignation of their enemies, and keep in favor with those who were friendly disposed. Simeon Carter, John Corrill, Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt were appointed
by the unanimous voice of the council and congregation to fill the mission. Council adjourned on the evening of the first of August; but previous to adjourning, the council gave the following letter to the elders appointed to visit the churches in Clay County: To the Latter-day Saints who have been driven from the land of their inheritance, and also those who are gathering in the regions round about, in the western boundaries of Missouri. The high council established according to the pattern given by our blessed Savior Jesus Christ, send greeting: DEAR BRETHREN--We have appointed our beloved brother and companion in tribulation, John Corrill, to meet you in the name of the Lord Jesus. He, in connection with others also duly appointed, will visit you alternately for the purpose of instructing you in the necessary qualifications of the Latter-day Saints; that they may be perfected, that the officers and members of the body of Christ may become very prayerful and very faithf
ul, strictly keeping all the commandments, and walking in holiness before the Lord continually; that all that mean to have the destroyer pass over them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them, may live according to the "word of wisdom," that the Saints, by industry, diligence, faithfulness, and the prayer of faith, may become purified, and enter upon their inheritance, to build up Zion, according to the word of the Lord. We are sure if the Saints are very humble, very watchful, and very prayerful, that few will be deceived by those who have not authority to teach, or who have not the spirit to teach according to the power of the Holy Ghost, and the scriptures. Lest any man's blood be required at your hands, we beseech you, as you value the salvation of souls, who are within, to set an example worthy to be followed by those who are without the kingdom of our God and His Christ, that peace by grace, and blessings by righteousness, may attend you, until you are sanctifie
d and redeemed. (1)

-- 1834. October 4
(Aurelia S. Rogers) Her family joined the Church and moved to Nauvoo when she was seven. Aurelia learned to smoke a pipe at her grandmother's knee, but finally responded to a "monitor within that told me it was wrong, and what it would lead to if persisted in: I should be, if I lived, an old lady smoker. This thought disgusted me, for I never did like to see women smoke."

Aurelia was only thirteen when her mother died during the Nauvoo exodus. Orson Spencer related the last days of his wife's life: "Under the influence of a severe cold, she gradually wasted away, telling her children, from time to time, how she wanted them to live and conduct themselves, when they should become motherless and pilgrims in a strange land."

Aurelia and her older sister Ellen cared for the other four children in Winter Quarters while their father filled a mission to England. (2)

1 -
2 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons,

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom