History of the Word of Wisdom, Sep 5, 1856

-- Sep 5, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 5th President Young was about home most of the day also presidents Kimball & Grant. Brother Grant is doctoring Brother Thurston who is vary much afflicted with the Rheumatism. The following remedy is given for a Cure. Take a Cucumber about ripe. Cut out one side. Take the seeds out. Put in salt as much as the Juce will dissolve. Put it in an oven & bake it soft. Squ[ez?]es it all through a cloth. Rub the Juce on the parts Effected. Annother cure is given. Take sh[....]s oil, beefs gall, spirits of Terpentine & High wines mixed together & rub on the parts Effected. Is said to be a Cure Also brandy & soap rubed on hot. Also salt peter Oil & vinegar rubed on. I have tryed many of these without any good. I spent this day in the office on the History. (1)

-- Sep 27, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... Presidet Young said that Washa[peek?] the Indian chief had cut up [the] smoothest bad trick that I ever heard of. So Brother Robinson related the circumstances as follows: Washa[peek?] with several other Indians came in to his store & ordered him to give them some spirits. He told them He had none to sell. They undertook to get it by force & Robinson pulled them out of the Store. He went away & soon came back with 100 Indians & pulled Robinson up to the door & told him he must open the door & give him some liquor. So they forced him to open the door & deal out Liquor to them. The 100 Indians drank 20 gallons & all got drunk but behaved vary well. They offered to pay for the Liquor. He has been used to such sprees. Brother Robinson said that if he was to do the same over again He should present a pistol to him & try his luck at it. (1)

-- Dec 1, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I Called upon President Young at his office. He had been down to lay hands upon president J. M. Grant who lay vary low. His lungs appeared to fill & no power to raise any thing from his Lungs. It appeared as though he could not live but a short time unless there was a change soon for the better. He said he felt as though He wanted an apple some grapes or wine or sumthing upon his stomach. President Young sent him down some & they rosted an apple & he eat it about 12 oclok & seemed to relish it well. He also drank some butter milk which he relished well, but it seemed to be sumthing like a death Apetite....{President Jedediah Morgan Grant Died Dec 1st 1856; 20 minuts past 10 oclok PM. Aged 40 years 9 months & 7 days.}... (1)

-- During 1856
[Nauvoo] Dissension split up the Icarians and they moved out in groups. In the next few years, the Icarians were gone. Early 1860s: A group of German settlers took over the city and established a thriving wine industry. (2)

-- Feb 7, 1857
[Brigham Young Letter] Wm. A. Hickman, -- You must recollect your instructions here that the men in your employ and all other hands upon the route must be men of good character no drinking of liquor, or swearing will be allowed on the route by our hands. (3)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - LDS Church News: Nauvoo -- The City of Joseph, http://www.ldschurchnews.com/articles/58063/Church-history--Nauvoo.html
3 - Letters of Brigham Young--Excerpts, 1856-1866, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, 1855

-- During 1855
[Prohibition] By 1855, thirteen states had adopted "dry" statutes restricting the manufacturing and consumption of alcohol. This early temperance movement was stalled by the Civil War, during which time most of these early laws were repealed; however, the issue was not forgotten. (1)

-- Apr 29, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 29th + Tuesday [The asterisk is Woodruff's.] This was a trying day to my life. The poison had so circulated through my system that it was affecting my whole body seriously. I became so weak I could not stand upon my feet. It took two persons to lead me from the fire to my bed. I could not talk no more than if I had been drunk. My stomach & bowels sceased to Act And to Judge from outward appearances it seemed as though I should not live 24 hours. My wife & friends labored with me through the day faithfully & with Emetics & injections & with raw Onion poltices upon my arm I got my whole system in operation before night.

President Brigham Young called upon me in company with Dr Sprague at about evening I was some better than I had been through the day. Brothers Young & Sprague laid hand upon me & blessed me. The following is a synopsis of the blessing which He pronounced upon my head which I wrote from Memory After my recovery:

"Brother Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy priesthood I lay my hands upon your head to Bless you And I ask my Father in heaven to stay the disease which is resting upon you & to cleanse your Blood & to heal you up & I say in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is appointed you to do upon the Earth. The Adversary has sought many times to destroy your life from the Earth but the Lord has preserved you & will preserve you untill your work is done. I feel to say that all is right here. I fell to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for your recovary. You shall be healed up from this disease & live to enjoy the society of your family & your Children shall grow up around you & you shall be a blessing to them. Let your heart be comforted. All shall be well with you. And I seal these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. (2)

-- May 29, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 29th I spent the day at the Historians office writing to correspondance. I wrote a Letter to Sir Wm Jackson Hooker Director Royal Gardens kew London In answer to a letter from him wishing to open correspondence with us in order to get an exchange of seed, flours, herbs, or any thing that grows in our Territory. I also wrote Letters to Honrs. J. M. Bernhisel, John Taylor, G A Smith, Erastus Snow, The Western Standard, C. C. Rich & O. Pratt & A. Bablam. (2)

-- Aug 26, 1856
Brigham Young's office journal records: ". . . Bro[ther] Brown lately arrived from Kanesville left a Bottle of Wine of his own make made from the juice of the grape as a present for President Young . . ." (3)

-- During August 1856
[Francis M. Lyman] In August 1856 he began courting Rhoda Taylor, an LDS immigrant from Australia; but he met resistance from her mother because he had become addicted to smoking. They married on 18 November 1857. (4)

1 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Prohibition, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/p/PROHIBITION.html
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
4 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Francis M. Lyman, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/l/LYMAN%2CFRANCIS.html

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Dec 31, 1855

-- Dec 31, 1855
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...What the future Year will bring to pass, time must determine, but it will lay many low in death. Judgments will Continue to increase upon the gentile Nations & great calamity awate the wicked. May the Lord Preserve me from evil sin & transgression. May he enable me to keep the word of wisdom & be preserved in life & health with my wives & Children. (1)

-- During 1855
(Brigham Young Jr.) A year earlier, Young was injured in a Christmas Day street fight between a group of Salt Lake City citizens and drunken soldiers from Ft. Douglas. (2)

(Francis M. Lyman) As a fifteen-year-old freighter, Marion "took to drinking, and found that I really liked it … though it was miserable stuff, and I wonder we were not poisoned by it. … Freighters generally do their praying, if any, before they leave home or after they return, so nothing of that kind takes their attention while on the road." (2)

(Parley P. Pratt) Pratt had met the McLeans in San Francisco. Her Church activity and Mr. McLean's alcoholism led to separation, she moving to Salt Lake City. Though she and McLean were never divorced, Elenore married Pratt November 14, 1855. (2)

(Porter Rockwell) The widow of the Prophet's brother, Don Carlos Smith, had lost her hair from typhoid fever. Rockwell cut his hair to provide her with a wigâ€"and claimed that henceforth he could no longer control his drinking and swearing. (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Jul 24, 1854

-- Jul 24, 1854
[Sermon] Brigham Young: The Word of Wisdom Especially Suited to Infants and Youth - Privations in Missouri - Necessity of Integrity, and Strife for Excellence - Responsibility of Parents, JD 2:16 - 21 (1)

-- Apr 8, 1855
[Sermon] Ezra T. Benson: The Word of Wisdom, JD 2:357 - 359 (1)

[Sermon] George A. Smith: Ordaining Young Men to Office - The Word of Wisdom - Union, JD 2:360 - 368 (1)

-- May 20, 1855
[Sermon] Orson Pratt: Trials of the Saints - Redemption of Zion - Second Coming of Christ - The Word of Wisdom, JD 3:12 - 19 (1)

-- Oct 21, 1855
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] Sunday Oct 21 Meeting opened by singing & Prayer By T D. Brown at 10 oclock. Brother Lorenzo D Young addressed the People in the forenoon. He spoke upon the subject of setting up the kingdom of God On the Earth in our day & the blessings which God will give us & refered to the coming of Christ in the flesh to the Jews who were looking for a Great king to come to sit upon the throne of David.

Spake of the crusifixion of Christ. His blood was shed & that Nation had to be chastized in consequence of it & they deserved it for they were worthy. We know the Blood of Christ was shed for the redemption of mankind.

He spoke of the Endowments in the temple.

Said the people always were afraid of the truth & always prejudiced against the profits of God but that did not stop the spread of the work of God.

Some say Shall we stay here long? I do not know but I can say that we shall stay as long as we wish to. If all the Nations of the Earth were to Come against us they could not drive us away if we do our duty before the Lord & put our trust in him & do unto all men as we would wish to be done by in all things & if all will do this we shall not have much trouble in the kingdom of God.

Some think that we have not as much faith as we used to have. I cannot believe this. I believe we are advanceing in the kingdom of God.

Some are much tryed because all are not healed that they lay hands upon but I do not feel so. I had a Case during Conference concerning the case of Sister Baris. She was sick & I laid Hands upon her & blessed her with life & helth & went to meeting. In an hour I had word that she was dead. It did not try me. The Lord saw fit to take her & all is right.

There is many duties devolving upon us & one of these duties are to pay our debts. If I owe a man & He comes to me & says you owe me so much & I need it in my family I will pay that man to the full extent of my power. I will divide the last loaf with him. I consider this one of our duties & I will say I never knew a man [to] get rich by taking great Interest neither do I ever expet to.

He requested the Brethren to remember the Twelve & administer in temporal thing while they Administered in spiritual things.

Sunday PM. Elder O. Pratt addressed the Assembly. He arose & said I should have been pleased to have heard from Brother Woodruff & others [if I] had not been Called upon to speak.

I dont know when I have been more Edifyed than in the discourses I have heard at this Conference esspecially the discours of Brother Parley yesterday morning it was so plain & simple I tried to enter into the feelings of the speaker. I tryed to bring myself to this scene & fancied to myself how I would feel in Hearing the message of Glad tidings that a savior was born & also in being associated with him in life then the sorrow of his being taken away & crucified then the great Joy in his resurrection & his teachings while in his Immortal body.

But when I think of the greater things which are to take place in our day I do not regret that I did not live in that day for there are greater things to come forth than were manifest in that day. For that kingdom of God of which all the prophets have spoken since the world began has now come forth as a preparation for the second coming of Christ. Not coming to be born in a manger but He will come From Heaven Clothed with all that great Glory & power of which the prophets have spoken.

Now are we preparing for this great Event? Now if a stranger was to come to us they would not suppose that we were preparing for this great Event but was merely Cultivating the Earth to raise potatoes corn wheat &c. I do not believe for a moment that is the case. For I do believe that this people are preparing for the Coming of Christ.

What will take place at that time? I have red in the book of mormon what that book says will take plase. We can read the great things that are spoken in that Book. (He read some unto the people.)

I will take it to myself. I have not been as diligent in reading that Book as I should have been. I have red many other books of late but not so much in the book of Mormon as formerly. I have seen the time that I could read nearly whole Book in the book of Mormon without looking upon the book. I am trying to get all the sayings in the Books in my own mind that are spoken concerning the signs of the times in the day in which we live for I am well aware that it will overtake many as a thief in the night in the midst of the saints.

Now let us look at the tokens or signs of the times that are passing before us as many as present themselves to our minds. I will read a Revelation given to P P Pratt & others. "Jesus Christ will not come in the form of a woman nor like a man walking upon the face of the Earth. But look forth for the Heaven to be shaken & the mountains to be laid low &c.

When shall thes things be? When the Angel shall sound his trumpet two events will take place at the same time. Also the Lord said the Lamanites Shall Blossom as the rose in the wilderness. Now we know that this will not take place in a moment for we know it will take some time to prepare the Lamanites for this work. It will require a great miracle to bring that people to that State or it will take some great Changes to bring it about. This is but one of the Events that is to take place before the coming of Christ.

I am glad to hear the account of the brethren who have gone among that people. I am satisfied that that people will not be prepared to receive the blessings of God untill they cultivate the Earth & when this [is] done we shall Have accomplished the great work but /not/ untill that time is done. Then sumthing will be done. Then we will be inspired to teach them & ther Children and all men will be blessed who labour faithfully to bring them to this State of things.

Joseph Shall flourish in the wilderness. The Lamanites shall blossom as the rose. We shall hear of Israel and of their prophets & Revelations in other parts of the Earth. I do not say that they will have the priesthood from this people nor I do not say they will not for there are other men who hold the keys of the kingdom of God on the earth. The Revelator & the three Nephits hold the keys of the kingdom of God & they will administer unto the children of men. Zion shall flourish upon the Hills & rejoice excedingly upon the mountains.

When this revelations was given there was no gathering at all. Joseph had got to kirtland. I have no idea that the prophet himself knew at that time whare this would be. We are now here in the mountains in fulfillment of that Prophesy and Revelation.

Also in the 40th Chapter of Isaiah comforting words were spoken Concerning the Jews & Jerrusalem. They were to go to Jerrusalem for they had received double reward for all their sins. Now Comfort them. Did all thes things take place in the wilderness in Zion & in Jerrusalem in the days of the /Birth of the/ Savior? No they did not. Then that same John Had yet to do a great work in the Earth in the last days. Who first delivered the priesthood to Joseph Smith the prophet & founder of the church of Christ in this dispensation? It was this same John the Baptist. So he has fullfilled a part of his last day mission.

O Zion get the up into the High mountains that bringest good tidings. We say that this was not done at its first organization. Why shall Zion get up into the High mountains? Why to Judge the Nations of the Earth. This people will know righteous Judgment. This people will be protected & shall Judge the people of the Earth. It is said God will pour out knowledge & power upon Zion.

These [are] some of the things that will take place before the Coming of Christ. Now that we may know that this is the case see what the Lord says. Behold the Lord will come. He will gather his people & carry them in his arms. We have come up Here in these mountains. Well now have we flourished? Yes we have. We have flourished. Yet not as much as we shall.

The Lord has said that we shall be the ri[ghteous?] of all people yet we are cautioned to beware of pride lest we become like the Nephites of old & some prophets have said that we should be chastized that the church wandered in the wilderness were faint & ready to fall down. This people from the Commencement have passed through oppression & difficulty. We that have not been in the church from an Early day & do not know the History of it can learn it by reading the News published in Salt Lake City and we can Just as well read the future History & events of this church by reading the prophets that have spoken concerning us.

Shall we be in these mountains when Christ Comes? No at least head quarters will not be here. It will have to be on more ground. It will be in Jackson Co Mo. We may leave some Millions here but the Head quarters will be on More ground.

Where shall we go? To the New Jerrusalem whare there will be built a great Capitol & Temple & we have got to build it. We & all our Children who are 8 years old know that when we have tryed to build a City the Lord has suffered it to be thrown down so that we may have experience. So that we shall know how to build up a New Jerrusalem. So that it will be exceptable unto the Lord. So that it will never be thrown down but be saved & taken into Heaven and preserved in Eternity & when that is done Jesus Christ will Come to visit it. Angels will come. That will be before the great day of Christs Coming & our dwellings will be overshadowed with a Cloud by day & a pill[ow?] of fire by night so we can see to get home without Stumbling. It will be the most improved plan of lighting up our City.

How will it be with the Lamanites? They will be the most important actors in the scene. We shall be secondly in that work. They will be so delightful & have such great knowledge of Architecture that they will be able to build up a New Jerrusalem. Then we shall go out throughout all the land to gather all the remnant of Jacob the Lamanits to come to the New Jerrusalem. What For? Why that they may be prepared to be Caught up to meet Christ in the clouds of Heaven.

Then Christ will Come & stand in the midst of this people & they will be prepared to be caught up to meet Jesus Christ in the air.

Then do I want to have lived in the day when Christ was born? No I do not. I would rath[er] live in this age. Now some of us may live in that day to see the seed of Israel gatherd. What Should you expect? We should expect to see Jesus come. But should we see him come without any sign? No. We should see Angels flying through the Heavens crying to all the Earth to prepare for the great day of Judgment is coming.

What next should we see? There will be a sign that all people will see in all the Earth. As Israel made a Calf to worship so will there be five foolish virgins in the midst of all these signs, what shall we hear then? We shall hear another Trumpet sounded saying that the great day of God will Come upon Babylon that her bands are made strong so that No man can loose them. Then shall the curtain of Heaven be unfolded as a scroll so you can see it as you would gaze upon a map. Then you may know the time has come for the Saints of God to be Caught up into Heaven. That will be the great day for the Saints of God, but awful to the wicked. Then the Earth will reel to & fro like a drunken man. It will be the greatest Earthquake there ever has been On Earth.

What next will take place? The graves of the Saints will be opened & they will come forth out of their graves clothed with glory Immortality & Eternal life & Enter into the cloud. Jesus Christ does not Come yet for there is other signs to take place.

The Angels are to sound there Trumpets. O what must be the feelings of the people of all the Earth when they see the Heavens opened and the New Jerrusalem with all its inhabitants & the resurrected Saints all asscend into the Cloud while they are left upon the Earth. There feelings must be awful.

There are many more things I might speak of but time will not permit. There is many of the greatest things to take place in our day that has ever taken place on Earth. Are we prepared? I think not. I mourn over this people to see them so Stupid. I feel that there hearts are more set upon the things of their farms than they are to prepare for the great day of the Lord. I pray the Lord to Bless us & give us his Holy spirit to prepare us for his kingdom & Comeing for Christ sake Amen.

At 7 oclock in the evening the people again assembled & Filled the House and they were addressed by W. Woodruff who said Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in the capacity of a quarterly Conference & visit you as a mission[ary]. I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in connextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles. For it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum that I have had this privilege of being associated together with these two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met in a conference from time to time to transact business as a Quorum.

I Called them Apostles. Is it true that they are apostles? It is either [true] or false. If it [is] false then your faith is vain your religion is vain you have not the kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood with the blessings have you? But if they are true Apostles then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit of the people. Then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching & to the teaching of the presidency of this Church.

When I arived in this place I spent the night at Brother Steels. After I retired to rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach to the people. The spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people to obtain the Holy spirit that they may receive teaching. Then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with them & that will Constantly dictate them what to teach.

You have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the commencement of this Conference & we should listen to it. We should pay particular attention to our children & teach them good things & not permit them to spend their time in reading novels & filling their minds with falshood & folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction. When this is the case through the parents neglect they will have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenant[s] should be read by our Children instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit will be produced. (2)

1 - Journal of Discourses, http://jod.mrm.org
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Feb 23, 1853. Wednesday.

-- Feb 23, 1853. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...About 4 o'clock we were visited by a very heavy snow storm from the north accompanied by high wind. For a short time the atmosphere was dark as approaching night. It was such a storm as is rarely witnessed. Elder Schofield arrived soon after, having been in the storm from its commencement. After tea, we returned to Chesterfield, and took the Railroad to Clay Cross Station 4 miles.... (1)

-- Feb 24, 1853. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...We arrived at Bolsover about 5 o'clock, and called at Brother Stocks' where we took tea. ... (1)

-- Feb 25, 1853. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...After tea Elder Schofield and myself walked out together. He informed me that Elder [] Wheelock is one who has tried to injure my character deeply. At this I was astonished, as I have not seen Elder Wheelock for many years, much less ever given him any cause for such treatment. However as the revelations came from Elder Schofield of Brother Wheelocks conduct I am not much astonished.... (1)

-- Feb 27, 1853. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] A.M. at home preparing for the evening's lecture. Afternoon attended meeting and spoke to the saints a short time. Went to Brother Morris's to tea, and at 6 o'clock returned to the room, and delivered a lecture on the Restoration of the Jews, and Apostacy of the Gentiles, according to previous notice given in the hand bills.... (1)

-- Feb 28, 1853. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... After taking tea with Brother Hopkins, we repaired to the Baths, where Elder Glover baptized five brethren and sisters for remission of sins. These baths have a very filthy appearance, and I felt to advise the brethren not to use them any more. The water looks dirty, and the room is also very dirty. Moreover there is no convenience for changing clothing.... (1)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Feb 17, 1853. Thursday.

-- Feb 17, 1853. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Orson Spencer expects to go to Washington to labor in connexion with Elder Orson Pratt. We went to Sister Whartons to tea, and tarried a season there; then went to the Theater to spend the evening, to be out of the way, and relieve our minds a little. (1)

-- Feb 19, 1853. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] Sister Hall called to get counsel in relation to her going to Liverpool to emigrate. Her daughter has wrote for her to go. We advised her to be still untill she heard from President Richards. Sister Hall's husband is a very drunken man, and abuses her shamefully.... (1)

-- Feb 20, 1853
Brigham Young preaches: These persons do not depend upon themselves for salvation, out upon another of their poor, weak, fellow mortals. . . . say they, . . . I depend upon you, brother Joseph, upon you, brother Brigham, upon you, brother Heber, or upon you, brother James; I believe your judgment is superior to mine, and consequently I let you judge for me. . . . Now those men or those women, who know no more about the power of God, and the influence of the Holy Spirit, than to be led entirely by another person, suspending their own under standing, and pinning their faith upon another's sleeve, will never be capable of entering into the celestial glory, to be crowned as they anticipate." On a mission to England William Clayton writes in his diary: "Took Tea at Brother Wm Memmet's, then again went to meeting. I addressed the Congregation and proved to them, that even if we were deceived in regard to the administering of the angel &c. we were still better off than the sectarian
s in every sense of the word." (2)

-- Feb 20, 1853. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Took Tea at Brother W[illia]m Memmet's, then again went to meeting. I addressed the Congregation and proved to them, that even if we were deceived in regard to the administering of the angel &c. we were still better off than the sectarians in every sense of the word.... (1)

-- Feb 22, 1853. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...In the afternoon went to see Elder Schofield, to make arrangements to meet at the Railroad Station. Not finding him at home, Elder Glover, Sutherland and myself went to Brother Morris' to tea. ... (1)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Jan 28, 1853. Friday.

-- Jan 28, 1853. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] ... I arrived at Sheffield at 4 o'clock and went direct to Brother Barraclough's where I lodged and took tea. Brother Glover has not yet returned from his weeks mission. After tea I started to go to Brother Memmets to see if there were any letters for me from home. I met him on the way and learned that no letters have arrived. I then went and spent the evening at the circus to pass away a lonely hour. (1)

-- Jan 29, 1853. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] Spent several hours with Sister Plant formerly from Manchester and took dinner with her. Then went to Brother Wharton's and took tea and shaved there.... (1)

-- Feb 3, 1853. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Evening went and took tea with Brother Walters, and visited some with him. (1)

-- Feb 4, 1853. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] Went to visit Sister Womack, who is some better, a little wine apparently nourishing her. Took dinner with them and watched Brother Womack put some pocket knives together. It is astonishing to see the number of times such small things have to go through the workmens hands. Returned in a snow storm, very cold and spent the afternoon and took tea with Brother Newsham. (1)

-- Feb 9, 1853. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... We then took a walk to the old Manor House, and returned to Thomas Leas to tea, where we spent an hour and a half. We then went to the Circus and spent the evening.... (1)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Nov. 8, 1852

-- Nov. 8, 1852
... Pres[ident] Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Tho[ma]s Bullock, W[illia]m C. Staines, James Ure, James W. Cummings, Samuel L. Sprague, W[illia]m W. Phelps, each with a wife met in the Temple room. The brethren annointed each other. The wives were annointed by Sister [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney and [Eliza R.] Snow; afterwards all partook of cakes and wine. Some spoke in tongues, etc. [Journal History, Nov. 8, 1852] (1)

-- Dec 6, 1852. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] Some of the other passengers being as anxious to get on shore as we were, at 4 o'clock this morning we got some of the hands to set us on shore in the yawl. After a toilsome journey, we arrived at Beaver Town at 6 o'clock. Altho' we had but a little over two miles to walk, the exertions to get up the long steep banks of the river, and having my trunk and other things to carry we felt pretty tired. From this place Brothers Walker and Harper, took the cars at half past 7 for Pittsburgh. We had to wait till 2 o'clock for the Youngstown Packet and after taking some bread and cheese and beer, we spent the time till 2 in walking round the town &c.... (2)

-- Jan 4, 1853. Tuesday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...After the Officers had got through with us, we proceeded to Brother Cowley's Temperance Coffee House in Great Cross Hall Street, where we took up our abode for the time being. After eating dinner we went to the Bath House where we took a glorious scrubbing for about an hour. This with a change of clothing refreshed us very much. In the evening we went to the Office in Wilton Street, and spent a season with Brother S[amuel] W. Richards, taking some bread and cheese and Port Wine; after which we returned to Brother Cowley's and were soon comfortable in a warm bed. (2)

-- Jan 7, 1853. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... We went to Brother John Mellen's to tea. He appears to have settled down to stay in Preston and manifests but little desire to gather with the Saints. While here we were visited by John Halsal, who appears much the same as when we left him twelve years ago. (2)

-- Jan 26, 1853. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... I arrived in Liverpool about half past 8 and went direct to Wilton Street; but found to my sorrow that Brother Samuel had gone to a tea party and would not be home till after midnight. I then went to Brother Cowleys and after taking a little supper went to bed. (2)

1 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/mo-temple
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Apr 7, 1852

-- Apr 7, 1852
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Brother Parley Pratt said I was ingaged in the best work I could be ingaged in. I feel that we are bringing that people to a knowledge of the things of God.

When I have traveled among them they have treated me vary kind. I called upon a Chief one day & I was hungry. His squaw went to work & dryed some wheat heads by the fire rubed out the wheat in her hands put it onto a smooth stone & took another smooth round stone & ground it fine & made me a cake of it & baked it by the fire. While she was doing this her daughter made me some good wine out of some buries she had preserved. So I had bread & wine for my dinner, all manufactured in a few moments. They rejoiced at our visit with them & many of them have been baptized & in some instances try to imitate our practices. In one instance a company of three came to visit us all highly painted up & dressed in the best they had. When they came to us we told them the mormons did not paint. They went to the creek & washed it all off. We feel that much good is begining to be done among that People. (1)

-- Apr 22, 1852. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] Heavy showers of rain and hail, accompanied by thunder most of the night. This morning is very cold. Heavy showers constantly falling attended by very strong winds. At 9 o clock the weather was more favorable and we continued our journey. The road [round] the point of the mountain although considerable digging has been done is yet very rough, and appears dangerous. We got over safe and it immediately after commenced raining heavy and continu[ed] some time. We arrived at E[dwar]d Robinson, at noon very cold and wet. He pressed us to stop and warm and gave us plenty of good beer. We tarried with him one hour and then went on to Battle Creek,2 where we found Geo[rge] Wardle Edwin Rushton and W[illia]m Dunn waiting for us having travelled [] miles. (2)

-- Aug 21, 1852
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 21st Met in Council with the Presidency & 6 of the 12. It seemed good to see so many of the 12 together again. We had a Social time to gether for several hours then dispersed to their homes.

The Shoshonees or snake Indians came into the City to day to make peace with the Utahs & Walkers Company. They smoked the pipe of peace & shook hands in friendship & fellowship. They have been at war for many years but through the wise course of President Young they are brought to peace. (1)

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] The Shoshonees or snake Indians came into the City to day to make peace with the Utahs & Walkers Company. They smoked the pipe of peace & shook hands in friendship & fellowship. They have been at war for many years but through the wise course of President Young they are brought to peace. (1)

-- Oct 9, 1852. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...There are two trading stations between Fort Laramie and this point, and upwards of 120 Lodges of Indians in the neighborhood. At the lower trading house we noticed a stack of wheat in the sheaf. Wheat is offered at $4 per bushel, Sugar and Coffee 50 cents per lb, tea $2.50 per lb. Four of the brethren suceeded in trading each a worn down horse with the Indians for a good pony each; the Indians following the camp and appearing very anxious to trade, which was indeed unexpected by the brethren. This again convinces us that the Lord is with us and favors us every day for it seems unreasonable to suppose that the Indians would have traded for such animals as they have, unless they were impelled by a superior power.... (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Jun 22, 1851

-- Jun 22, 1851
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 22d Sunday President Young Addressed the saints as follows:... A word more upon Law suits. Their would not be a Law suit in this valley if all men would do right & were saints but the net has gathered all kinds good bad & worse. Let twelve men get drunk in this community & it ruins the place in the estimation of Good men. We have to bear the character of the drunkard. A few stinking fish in the net defile it & the whole net stinks And it creates a prejudice against it. Those who were acquainted with Joseph know that if He delt any in temporal things it created a prejudice against him. He bought many goods to help carry on the public works but the people were ready to get it all away from him. So it is now.... (1)

-- Sep 8, 1851
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...B Young said I will put the motion. Will the Sisters + vote to quit using tea & coffee? The Brethren have voted not to use tobaco.

I will speak of the Bishops. I spoke of them yesterday, & reproved them sharply. Some wanted me to offer an apology to them. I will not. I will see them in Hell before I will do it. If this people do not do Better than the Bishops have they will [go to hell] And if you do not do better than you have done you will go to Hell.....

President Young said He wished all the people to pay their tithing to the Bishops of their ward. He refered to the remarks made by Father Smith on the word of wisdom. He said $50,000 dollars had Been spent in the valley during the past year for needless things for Coffee tea Tobaco &c. Many others remarks were made By president Young.... (1)

-- Sep 9, 1851
Brigham Young has conference covenant to accept and obey Word of Wisdom as commandment and to accept excommunication for non-payment of tithing. Church leaders do not consistently enforce either practice until 20th century. (2)

-- During 1851
(Almon W. Babbitt) In 1851 he was again disfellowshipped for "profanity and intemperance in the streets of Kanesville; for corrupting the morals of the people ... by giving them liquor to beguile them from the path of duty and honor." (3)

-- Mar 20, 1852
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 20 + I planted 8 wine grape slips large on the East & 7 Rhode island grape slips small on the west. I spent the day in the Big field ploughing. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
3 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Oct 28, 1850

-- Oct 28, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 28th The Presidency on Consideration of the case thought I might as well settle my own affairs So I commenced this morning to sell some goods which I had on hand. The people crouded Hard around my waggon to buy sugar Coffee &c as they had not had a supply in the valley. (1)

-- Dec 22, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 22d Sunday I Attended meeting at the Bowary And herd An interesting & Edifying sermon preached by President Brigham Young. His text was truth. ... He spoke of the desire for tobaco Alchohol Coffee tea &c and the desire for such things was because they contained poison & excited the nervous system & it was death & not life & many useful remarks were made.

I attended A prayer meeting at the Presidents in the Afternoon & Had a good time. (1)

-- During 1850
Levi Ward Hancock: Three known children: Emily Melissa, Temperance, and Levi W. Residing in Salt Lake City 1850. (2)

-- Jan 17, 1851
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 17th I spent the day in the Legislature. We had an interesting day. Councellor O. Spencer made an interesting speach & was followed By the Govornor who presented light & truth in the spirit of God.

I spent the evening in A Lyceum of the Seventies. The word of wisdom was the subject discused. Five speakers were called upon who addressed the meeting & was followed by president Young who made many interesting remarks. He spoke upon the word of wisdom of its origen &c. Said it was well kept when it was first given. (1)

-- May 24, 1851
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 24th We drove into the Salt Lake valley. I left Brothers Smoot & Stewart quite sick. They were glad to get Home. I took tea with Br & Sister Smoot... (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Mar 3, 1850

-- Mar 3, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... We stoped an hour, took tea gave some Council, & returned to Portland. And it was exeeding Cold. I became quite Chilled.

I spent a portion of the evening with Ilus Ezra & Mr Shaw. I then went home with Mr Ezra Carter & spent the night. Miss Sarah Elizabeth Foss was residing with Brother Ezra Carter. 24 m. (1)

-- Jun 21, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Remarks were made by W. Woodruff Concerning the order of the Camp regulations &c. Strongly opposed drunkenness Swareing, gambling, whiping oxen &c & was followed by Captain Petty who sustained the remarks made by W Woodruff.... (1)

-- Jul 4, 1850 (Thursday)
The general assembly of the State of Deseret held a joint session and passed an ordinance taxing the sale of liquor at the rate of 50 per cent. ad valorem. (2)

-- Jul 28, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 28 Sunday We stayed in camp. I had A severe Attack of Sickness. I was Administered to & took herb tea & was better at night. I did not set up any through the day. (1)

-- Aug 26, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 26th Elder Whipple took some of my loading to carry one sack of Coffee from Bess wagon 160 lbs 1 Box of paper from Watts waggon 200 lbs. We travled over 17 miles of the worst road on the Journey. Our oxen wearied out & darkness overtook us in the Hills. We camped on a branch or near the La Prele river. We find but little of any grass for cattle in this region & expect to find grass vary short on much of the journey. The first & 2d Division of our company was camped on this creek. They killed two Buffalo this evening. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Sep 11, 1849

-- Sep 11, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 11th I wrote two Letters to Nathan & Thomas F. Eldridge & John Luce care of Benjamin Knowlton. Brother Sweat left for home to day. Brother Boynton & Richery took tea with me. (1)

-- Sep 17, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 17th It was a cloudy day. I went & gatherd some herbs in the fore part of the day And went to fishing in the Afternoon. We caught 20 Pickerell & about the same Number of other fish. (1)

-- Dec 14, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 14th In Company with Elder David Turner I took Cars. Rode to Summerville to Preach. Also to Baptize Mr Isaac Moorehouse.

But when I arived I found He had been on A Drunken spree with two Irishmen Patrick Burnes And Another man at Mr Burns House which finally resulted in the murder of one of the Irishmen. Burns knocked the other man down & stamped on his breast untill He killed him under the following Circumstances: Moorehouse gave Burnes 1 Bill to go & buy some liquor. He gave the $1 to the other Irishman to go on the errand. He Pocketed the money & would not go Burns then Knocked him down Stamped on his breast untill He Could not speak. He then left him lying on the floor with the Blood running out of his mouth.

Burns then looked up Moorehouse in his house for two days. Said He would kill him also if [he] stired out of the house or reported against him in any way. The 2d day Moorehouse got out. The man died soon after He left. Moorehouse reported the case. Burnes & wife were both imprisioned. The Jury brought in A verdict of murder & Moorehouse will be the witness in the trial. But Moorehouse was miserable fearing that Burnes & wife would sware the Murder upon him. I did not baptize him of course, But preached at Brother Turners to A full House & spent the night. 40. (1)

-- Jan 6, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 6th Sunday I preached to the Saints in Bradford. Had a good time. Took tea with Br Burbank. I spent the night with Elder G J Hardy. (1)

-- During January 1850
The self-designated "State of Deseret" provided essential government services in the Great Basin. A bicameral General Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives) met in January 1850 and intermittently thereafter to enact ordinances having the force of law. .... Taxes on property and liquor were authorized, gambling was suppressed, and the use of water, timber, and other natural resources was regulated. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was incorporated, as were the Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company and the University of Deseret. (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Deseret, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/d/DESERET.html

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Jun 17, 1849

-- Jun 17, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] + 17th Sunday I preached to the saints in Lowell. I read A Book in the evening Called Book of Captives Among the Indians including Smith Captivity. He gave an interesting account of A sacrafice offered upon to the Lord by An old Indian Chief who was nearly in a state of starvation & in great trouble. After purifying himself for 3 days with the best herbs He could get He goes before the Lord And builds An Alter lays A stone on the Alter And burns upon it all the tobaco He has And says O though Great Spirit I Here offer up unto thee the best thing I have, And all I have, And I know not when I shall get any more. And I now pray thee to hear my prayer & grant me my Petition which is this. Send A rain to raise this river two feet & a half that my Canoe can go into the Lake (Erie) so I can meet my brethren. Give me one Bear 2 Beaver, & 3 Coones. The Lord Herd his prayer & granted his request in all things. A rain came, the river rose 2 1/2 feet th
at night, He killed A bear 2 Beaver & 3 Coones.

How much the sacrafice of this Indian Chief was like the offerings of Ancient Israel. This Exhample should teach even the Latter Day Saints A lesson. Let them offer their sacrafices as did this Indians And their prayers will be herd And Answered. (1)

-- Jun 27, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 27th I was sick this morning. Have taken cold. Settelled in my side. In the Afternoon I crossed the bay to Camden with Br Pearce & Luce. Called upon sister Glover. Took tea & walked to Goose River. Spent 2 Hours with Br Henry Mullen who was at work on a ship. We went to Mr Paul Perrys who was friendly & spent the night. 15 m. (1)

-- Aug 1, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] Elder James Skerry who formerly presided over this branch of the Church was Accused of Adultery & Drunkenness. He was 42 miles distant & not present but from the abundant testimony of witnesses present He was Cut off from the Church by the unanimous vote of the same. (1)

-- Aug 10, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th It was vary rough all through the day. I suffered much with sickness. We landed at Portland at 1 oclok. I was sick. I Called upon Ilus F Carter. Took tea. I then went to the cars to go to Boston. I there found sister Sarah B Foss going with the same train to my house. It rained all the way. I was still sick. Went to Boston at 8 oclok. Took cab to Brattle street & omnibus to my House. My family were all in bed. Mrs Woodruff arose & were glad to recieve us home. Distance from St Johns to Boston 500 miles. (1)

-- Sep 9, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 9th Sunday I preached to the saints & had a good time. I Ordained Brother [ ] Delin A native of Sweeden to the Office of an Elder. I walked with Mrs Woodruff through Boston Common & saw the water spout near 100 feet into the Air. We took tea at Mr Websters & returned Home. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Apr 1, 1849

-- Apr 1, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] April 1st Sunday I preached to the saints in New York in the forenoon & afternoon in great plainness to the Saints. G J Adams was present in the Afternoon. Left before meeting Closed. I took tea with Elder Hollister. I Called upon Ilus F Carter in the evening. (1)

-- Apr 10, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th A rainy day. I had An interview with Appleby & Crump. I deliverd to Br Appleby $21, $15 for A. O. Smoot And $6 for Aphek Woodruff to buy Groceries with. I wrote A O Smoot A letter. I Called upon Mrs Mary Ann Banks 254 Seventh street. I took tea with them. Herd excellent Music & went home. (1)

-- Apr 11, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 11th I wrote A letter to Aphek Woodruff & done up a bundle of papers to A O Smoot, A. Woodruff J. Benbow & B Young. I put my package in A Box & put in 4 lb. of [-] 2 lbs. tea for Aphek Woodruff besides the main bundle. I had $2 for the Above things of Crump. I met with the Saints. Had a good time. (1)

-- Apr 23, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I was introduced to them. I took tea with him & family. He put £1 A sovereign into my hands at the table. May the Lord bless him fourfold I pray. 15 miles. (1)

-- May 8, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 8th I wrote 3 letters to James Mellen, Wm Maxfield and Samuel Dam. I demanded Br Samuel Dam license for intoxication lying & disgracing the Cause.... (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Jan 22, 1849

-- Jan 22, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 22 And rode to Boston And Arived home sick And weary. Mrs Woodruff commenced doctering me. I took an Emetic of strong thoroughwert or Boneset tea. I found myself very Bilious And the tea done me much good... (1)

-- Feb 4, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... And Wilford Woodruff Jr. Now ordained A Priest can bless the bread And wine And Administer it to the family who Are members of the Church from time to time inasmuch As they have not A chance to Attend meeting in Any branch of the church.... (1)

-- Feb 6, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 6th Wilford was vary sick through the day And at night. His symtoms were vary much like the Cholera. His symtoms of cramping vomiting &c Appeared dangerous. We Administered to him by the laying on of hands. We also steemed him And gave him herb teas. His cramping stoped yet he Complained of great pain in his bowels, which commenced swelling & Appeared As though inflammation was setting in. We gave pulverized charcoal in his teas to stop infla-mation which has great effect in such cases. We each bowed before the Lord & Called upon his name And Administered to him according to the order of the Priesthood And from that hour he began to recover & slept comfortably the latter part of the night. (1)

-- Feb 16, 1849
"Joseph said I command you to go and get another wife. I felt as if the grave was better for me than anything - but I was filled with the Holy Ghost that my wife and Brother Kimballs wife would upbraid me for lightness in those days - I could jump up and hallow. my blood clear as India rum, my flesh clear... (2)

-- Mar 10, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th I recieved 3 letters to day one from Br & Sister Luther Scammans one from W. I. Appleby one from Br John Druce Haverstraw N.y. I also recieved the Herald N york weekly. It contained the Closing & breaking up of Congress which was A disgraceful scene. The member got drunk, fought, knocked each other down had bloody noses cursed damned &c which shows the state the Government is runing into. Elders J. C. Little & Whipple called upon me & spent the evening. I had a good time with them. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Discourses of Brigham Young

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Aug 12, 1848

-- Aug 12, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 12th We took the rail road for Boston. Were 11 hours on the way. Distance 200 miles.

We put up for the night at the Western Echange Hotel. After tea I took A walk over Cambridge bridge to Cambridge port & found Br Alexander Badlam Manufacturer of Coach Piano Forte And furniture copal Varnish Corner of Washington & Main Street Cambridgeport.... (1)

-- Aug 13, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... He is the Presiding Elder of that Branch of the church Miremichi N. Brunswick. He went home with me & took tea & spent the evening with me. I had A happy time with him. I found him to be a good spirited man. (1)

-- Oct 8, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... We took tea with Br Adams on 5 st above Brown A tobaconist. Br Appleby Preached in the evening from Gal ch 7, 8, 9 vers Though we or an Angel from Heaven &c. He spoke well & much to our edifycation.

I followed him. Bore testimony to the work Addressed the saints & dismissed the meeting. I had A good time all day And the best meeting that I have had in the eastern country on this mission. (1)

-- Nov 30, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 30th This is thanksgiving day in Mass. I dined upon A Baked goose And plum pudding with my family.

Br & sister Page took tea with me. Br & Sister Badlam Br & sister Bird & sister Luce spent the evening with us. I spoke upon the things of the Kingdom of God. I recieved A letter from Little & Hardy & wrote one to Br Haven.

I was At A large fire in Cambridgeport during the evening several Buildings Burned. (1)

-- 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...It is here [America] whare Presidents Govornors Judges and rulers of the Land with thousands of the people have broaken the laws & constitution of the United States and the several States by turning mob And persecuting many of their own citizens who were the Saints of Goth Have deprived them of the rights of citizenship, burned their goods & dwellings, taken some of them prisioners held mock trials over them by a mob Jury who were their Jury by Day & guard by night who would pour whiskey down each others throats And then God Dam God, And Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost, And evry religious sect they could think of & close their songs with the words God Dam the God Dam Mormons. Then would imprision the saints in Chains And feed them on Human flesh And finally murdered many of the Saints with the Prophets whom God hath sent unto them to Call them to Repentance.... (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Sep 25, 1847. Saturday.

-- Sep 25, 1847. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... tie has got plenty of flour meal, beans, tea, coffee, sugar &c. while most of the camp are destitute of everything but meat, and while he continues to take the tallow and best of the meat there will be hard feelings against him.... (1)

-- Dec 5, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Went into Br Hydes House & Had a feast of pie & strawbury wine & retired to rest. (2)

-- 1847. December 23
(Emma Smith) : Married non-Mormon businessman Lewis C. Bidamonâ€"an attentive husband and father, although he had a drinking problem and fathered an illegitimate child whom Emma raised as her own. (3)

-- Feb 13, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Meeting was dismissed After which in company with Mrs Woodruff I went to Br Pulsiphers And soon Presidents Young & Kimball came & attended to sealing four couple in matrimony. We had A feast of spruice beer & cakes on the occasion.... (2)

-- Feb 23, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] [Brigham Young's remarks] ...The spirit of devils who are deprived of Having tabernacles are constantly making war with men who have tabernacles & they strive to take up their abode in the tabernacles of men because they have none of their own, & when they can get a chance they will many of them croud into one man & try to reign there & some times they will kill the body & then the spirit of the man & devils all have to leave it. Some times in sickness & weakness the spirit of deavels get possession of the body whare the spirit of man is pure & overcomes it but the moment the spirit leaves the Body it is beyound the power & reach of the devils. Some children are killed in this way for the devil is making war with every thing that has A tabernacle esspecially the Saints, & the devil rules a great deal in the hearts of the Children of men. And if He cannot go in any other way He will go into A Barrel of whiskey & run down their throats. And wh
en the saints get into the valley away from the gentiles the deavel will get into the Half mormons Hickery mormons & will plead with them to get into them.... (2)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, 1847. July

-- During 1847. July
(George A. Smith) Five feet, ten inches tall, Smith weighed 250 pounds. An English traveler described him as "a huge, burly man, with a Friar Tuck joviality of paunch and visage, and a roll in his bright eye which, in some odd, undefined sort of way, suggested cakes and ale. He talked well, in a deep rolling voice, and with a dash of humour in his words and toneâ€"he it was who irreverently but accurately likened the Tabernacle to a land turtle." (1)

-- Aug 10, 1847. Tuesday.
[William Clayton Journal] ... I acknowledge that I have had the privilege of riding in a wagon and sleeping in it, of having my victual cooked, and some meat and milk, and occasionally a little tea or coffee furnished. My flour I furnished myself.... (2)

-- Sep 7, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 7th The camps were all busy this morning in preparing to leave. ...The ground was coverd with snow which continued to fall untill evening. I took supper with Br Shirtliff. This Hundred prepared A feast for the whole Pioneer Camp & furnished A table Here in the wilderness In the most splendid manner for one hundred persons. More than that Number eat at the table & were filled with roast, & Broiled Beef, pies, Cakes, Bisket Butter, Peach sauce, Coffee, tea, Shugar, & a great variety of good things.... (3)

-- Sep 12, 1847
William Clayton writes: "Our bread stuff is now out and we have to live solely on meat the balance of the journey. John Pack has got flour enough to last him through. We have all messed together untill ours was eat up, and now John Pack proposes for each man to mess by himself. He has concealed his flour and beans together with tea, coffee, sugar &c. and cooks after the rest have gone to bed. Such things seem worthy of remembrance for a time to come." (4)

-- Sep 21, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... The old Chief then proposed that we smoke the pipe of peace, And also Said that if our chief pointing to President Young would go to their Camp they would smoke with him & give him up the Horses which his men had taken. But Brother Young did not feel well & we did not think it prudent for him to go.... (3)

1 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
4 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

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Want more Mormon history? Check out Today-in-Mormon-History, three daily snippets of what happened on this day in Mormon Church History. More info can be found here: http://today-in-mormon-history.blogspot.com/2010/01/about-today-in-mormon-history.html

History of the Word of Wisdom, May 24, 1847. Monday.

-- May 24, 1847. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... Elder Sherwood returned with them and soon after came back accompanied by the chief and his squaw who signified a wish to abide with our camp tonight. The brethren fixed up a tent for them to sleep under. Porter Rockwell made them some coffee, and they were furnished with some victuals. The old chief amused himself very much by looking at the moon through a telescope for as much as twenty minutes.... (1)

-- May 29, 1847. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] President Young then addressed the meeting in substance as follows:

".... The brethren say they want a little exercise to pass away time, but if you can't tire yourselves bad enough with a days journey without dancing every night, carry your guns on your shoulders, and walk, carry your wood to Camp instead of lounging and laying sleeping in your wagons, increasing the load untill your teams are tired to death and ready to drop into the earth. Help your teams over mud holes and bad places instead of lounging in your wagons and that will give you exercise enough without dancing. Well, they will play cards, they will play checkers, they will play dominoes, and if they had the privilege and were where they could get whiskey, they would be drunk half their time, and in one week they would quarrel, get to high words and draw their knives to kill each other. This is what such a course of things would lead to. Don't you know it? Yes. Well then why don't you try to put it down? I have played cards once in my life since I became a Mormon to see what k
ind of a spirit would attend it, and I was so well satisfied that I would rather see the dirtiest thing you could find on the earth, than a pack of cards in your hands... (1)

-- Jun 2, 1847. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... A few weeks ago a party came down and stole twenty-five horses, all that they had at the Fort, although they were within 300 yards of the Fort at the time and a guard round them. The Sioux will not steal on their own land. A pair of Moccasins worth a dollar, a lariette a dollar, a pound of tobacco a dollar and a half and a gallon of whiskey $32. They have no sugar, Coffee nor spices as their spring stores have not yet arrived. They have lately sent to Fort Pierre 600 bales of Robes with 10 robes in each bale. Their wagons have been gone 45 days &c. There are about [] souls at this fort, mostly French, half-breeds and a few Sioux Indians.... (1)

-- Jun 20, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... We turned out our horses in good feed got supper which was Bacon, Buffalo, corn bread, coffee Milk &c then lay down upon the ground & spent the night under A tent with the Missourians but did not rest well.... (2)

-- Jun 29, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] I returned to meet the camp about 4 miles & was informed that Br Fowler was vary sick & in my carriage I went back & met him & found him in great distress in his head, back, & bones through out. He Complained bitterly of the jar of the waggon, And finally was out of his head & became wild. I did not get into camp untill near 9 oclok. I then Commenced doctoring him with composition, tea, pills &c & He soon began to get better & had a comfortable nights rest. Distance of the day 23 3/4. (2)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Mar 7, 1847

-- Mar 7, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 7th Sunday I met with the Saints in our ward. Bishop Smoot addressed the people concerning the [ ]. I followed him And requested the people that had means to carry sumthing to the Bishop to [for ] the poor to carry flour meal meat coffee shugar &c & I promised I would do the same. We dismissed the meeting & I called in to hear Br Kimball speak A few moments.

I then went home & carried the Bishop 30 lbs flour half bushel meal 4 lbs shugar 2 lb coffee & others took him some things. Br Smoot & myself took some of the things brought in & went to visit the sick. We called upon Br Bundy & Sister Cox both of which were sick. Also Job Smith. We anointed them with oil lade hands upon them & prayed for them & left them some provisions. I then visited Sister Harris & administered to Her with Br Phelps. I spent the night at Br Smoots untill bed time. (1)

-- Apr 14, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 14th After getting all things in Readiness to leave I called my family to gether & Blessed my wife & childrens And left them in the hands of the Lord. I bid farewell to father Woodruff & family and all around me & took my leave of winter quarters & in company with Elders O Pratt, Lyman G. A Smith E Snow & others we again took the indian trail & rode through the prairie to the Elk Horn & went over on a raft & camped two miles below the ferry, & we had a splendid supper composed of fried Cat fish pork beans, short Cake, Honey Comb, coffee, milk &c &c. We all eat vary Harty. Had prayers & retired to bed. 25 miles. (1)

-- Apr 21, 1847. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] Arose at 5, my face easier, but swelled and my gums raw. Took breakfast on fish and coffee, but ate no bread it being very dry and hard I could not bear to put it in my mouth.... (2)

-- May 4, 1847. Tuesday.
[William Clayton Journal] .... Brother Johnson bought a buffalo robe of the man for about a pound and a half of coffee, and another brother bought one for a pound of sugar and a little Pork. I feel my mind relieved by this unexpected privilege of writing back to my dear family and hope they will have the pleasure of perusing the contents . . . (2)

-- May 9, 1847. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...President Young took tea with Elder Kimball, and afterwards they started out together, with one or two others to look at the country ahead of us . . . (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Dec 18, 1846

-- Dec 18, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 18th I spent the day getting Br John Sherman Fowler ready to go to Missouri to get a load of Provisions for the family's use. In the evening I went to the store to trade out my bill of goods consisting of shugar Molasses, Salt, Salaratus, cotton cloth drilling striped shirting flannel cotton batting shoe thread coffee tea, a lantern 3 primmers calico and [.] amounting in all to $[ ].

Returned home. Mrs Woodruff took out of her family box her portrait to see the likeness of her little Joseph we had buried. (1)

-- Jan 17, 1847
Brigham Young addresses the assembled Saints "showing that the church had been led by Revelation just as much since the death of Joseph Smith as before, and that he was a great and good a man, and as great a Prophet as ever lived upon the earth, Jesus excepted. Joseph received his apostleship from Peter and his brethren, and the present apostles received their apostleship form Joseph the first apostle, and Oliver Cowdery, the second Apostle." Later at Municipal High Council meeting Young "cautioned the brethren against selling whiskey to the Indians . . ." (2)

-- Jan 21, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 21st I spent this day in Council with the Twelve And searching out the news of the day. I attended the High Council in the evening with the Twelve & Bishops But was quite unwell with cold and sore throat.

- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The following is A true copy of A Revelation given dated Winter quarters Camp of Israel Jan 14th 1847:

- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The word and will of the Lord concerning the camp of Israel In their journeyings to the west.

Let all the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and those who journey with them, be organized into Companies with a covenant and promise to keep all the commandments and Statutes of the Lord our God: Let the companies be organized with Captains of Hundreds, Captains of Fifties, and captains of Tens with A President & his two councillors at their head, under the direction of the Twelve Apostles. And this shall be our Covenant that we will walk in all the ordinances of the Lord.

Let each Company provide themselves with all the Teams, waggons provisions, Clothing, and other necessaries for the journey that they can. When the companies are organized let them go to with their might to prepare for those who are to tarry.

Let each Company with their Captains, And Presidents, decide how many Can go next spring; then Choose out a sufficient number of able bodied and expert men, to take teams, Seeds, and Farming utensils, to go as Pioneers, to prepare for puting in spring crops.

Let each company bear an equal proportion, according to the dividend of their property, in taking the poor, the widows, the Fatherless, and the families of those who have gone into the Armey, that the Cries of the widow and the Fatherless come not up into the ears of the Lord against this people.

Let each company prepare houses, and fields for raising grain, for those who are to remain behind this season. And this is the will of the Lord concerning his people; Let every man use all his influence and property &c to remove this people to the place whare the Lord shall locate a stake of Zion; And if ye do this with a pure heart in all faithfulness, ye shall be blessed. You shall be blessed in your flocks, and in your herds, and in your fields, and in your houses, and in your families.

Let my servents Ezra T. Benson and Erastus Snow organize a Company, and let my servants Orson Pratt and Wilford Woodruff organize A Company: Also let my Servants Amass Lyman and George A. Smith organize a company and Appoint Presidents and Captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens; And let my servants that have been Appointed go and teach this my will to the Saints that they may be ready to go to a land of peace.

Go thy way and do as I have told you; and fear not thine enemies for they shall not have power to stop my work. Zion shall be redeemed in mine own due time, and if any man shall seek to build up himself and seeketh not my council he shall have no power, and his folley shall be made manifest. Seek ye and keep all your pledges one with another and covet not that which is thy brothers.

Keep yourselves from evil to take not the name of thy God in vane, for I am the Lord your God even the God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob. I am he who led the children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt and my arm is streched out in the last days to save my people Israel.

Cease to contend one with another. Cease to speak evil one of another. Cease drunkenness, and let your words tend to edefying one another. If thou borrowest of they neighbor, thou shalt restore that which thou hast borrowed. And if thou Canst not repay, then go straitway, and tell thy neighbor lest he condemn thee.

If thou shalt find that which thy neighbor has lost, thou shalt make diligent search, till thou shall deliver it to him again. Thou shall be diligent in preserving what thou hast, that thou mayest be a wise steward; for it is the free gift of the Lord thy God, and thou art his steward.

If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. If thou art sorrowful call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be Joyful.

Fear not thine enemies for they are in mine hands and I will do my pleasure with them. My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to recieve the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion. And he that will not bear Chastizment, is not worthy of my Kingdom.

Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself, and Calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that He may hear, for my spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble And Contrite, and to the condemnation of the ungodly.

Thy brethren have rejected you and your testimony, even the Nation that has driven you out; and now Cometh the day of their Calamity, even the days of sorrow like a woman that is taken in travel; and their sorrow shall be great, unless they spedily repent! /Yea very spedily./ For they killed the prophets, and they that were sent unto them. And they have shed innocent Blood, which crieth from the ground against them.

Therefore marvel not at these things, for ye are not yet pure: thou canst not yet bear my glory, But thou shalt behold it, if ye are faithful in keeping all my words that I have given you from the days of Adam to Abraham; from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to Jesus and the Apostles and from Jesus and his Apostles to Joseph Smith, whom I did Call upon by mine Angels, my ministering servents and by mine own voice out of the Heavens, to bring forth my work, which foundation he did lay, and was faithful and I took him to myself.

Many have marvelled because of his death, but it was needful that He should seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned.

Have I not deliverd you from your enemies, ownly in that I have left a witness of my name? Now, therefore, harken O ye people of my church; and ye Elders, listen together. You have recieved my kingdom. Be diligent in keeping all my Commandments, lest judgment come upon you, and your faith fail you, and your enemies triumph over you. So no more at present. Amen and Amen. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Aug 19, 1846

-- Aug 19, 1846
Brigham Young writes to the members of the Mormon Batallion: "We have the opportunity of sending to Fort Leavenworth, this morning, by Dr. Reed, a package of twenty-five letters, which we improve, with this word of counsel to you all: If you are sick, live by faith, and let the surgeon's medicine alone if you want to live, using only such herbs and mild food as are at your disposal. If you give heed to this counsel, you will prosper; but if not, we cannot be responsible for the consequences. A hint to the wise is sufficient." (1)

-- Aug 28, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 28th Met in Council this morning with theOmaho's Chiefs & braves. We smoked the pipe ofpeace And then President Young spoke to them through there interpeter whose name was [ ] Informing them It was our desire to winter here And if they wished we would do some work for them make them a field & fix there guns &c. And many things were said which I Cannot now name. (2)

-- During August 1846
George Miller: Persuaded by Ponca Indian Chief Tea-Nuga-Numpa, traveled with pioneer company to mouth of Niobarra River August 1846, arriving 23 August. (3)

-- Oct 7, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 7th Crossed the ferry early in the morning And returned to the Camp of Israel quite weary. We commencd getting juice out of the grape. We got out about 20 gallons of juice for wine, And met in Council with the Twelve. ... (2)

-- Oct 8, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 8th I spent a part of the day making wine. ... (2)

1 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Apr. 29, 1846

-- Apr. 29, 1846
Minutes of the Dedication of the [Nauvoo] Temple April 30th, 1846. ... (I speak confidently[.] When Porter Rockwell came in with mail I met him. The last time he came[,] [he] was intoxicated.)... (1)

-- Apr. 30, 1846
Met at sundown in the temple for prayers as usual, after which (with our [temple] clothing) we repaired to the lower room for the purpose of dedicating the same. [A total of] 30 men selected for that purpose were present. After some conversation and singing[,] a prayer circle was formed immediately in front of the Melchizedek stand. O[rson] Hyde was President, and Joseph Young, mouth, after which those present were seated in the stands to represent the order of the Priesthood; myself being seated in the Teachers Stand, and a Dedicatory prayer was offered by O[rson] Hyde to which all responded "amen." After the prayer ended all shouted with a loud voice, "Hosannah, Hosannah, Hosannah to God and the Lamb, Amen, Amen, Amen!" which was repeated three times * After the services of the evening were over, by proposition of Bro. Hyde, we all went into the attick storey of the Temple and enjoyed a feast of rasins, cakes, and wine * and there decided that the temple hands should meet [
the] next day at 2 oclock to enjoy themselves with cakes and wine. When about 12 we dispersed having enjoyed the blessings [and] privilege of dedicating the second Temple, built upon the Land of Zion in the last days, unto the Lord, and it was accepted by him. [Samuel W. Richards journal, Apr. 30, 1846] (1)

-- Jun 10, 1846. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] Went fishing at daybreak and caught 36. Weather hot. We started about 9 o'clock and found the roads good but over hills and ravines all the day. At about 6 o'clock we came in sight of the Pottawattamie [Indian] village. [Then] about 2 miles from it they discovered us coming and we soon saw a number of them riding towards us. Some had bells on their horses which frightened our horses and cattle. James and I took the horses and let the others take the Oxen the best way they could. Some of the Indians followed our wagons and enquired often for whiskey.... (2)

-- Jul 6, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 6th It was A warm day. We continued our journey And camped at night at the same place whare I camped in the grass with Br Parley. An Indian Chief And some squaes camped near us. The Indian said He was going to meet with mormons & smoke the pipe of peace. (3)

-- Jul 18, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 18th My left side was exeeding lame this morning But Col Little rubed it thoroughly with red pepper, lumborum, whiskey &c and it was much better.... (3)

1 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/mo-temple
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Mar 2, 1846

-- Mar 2, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 2d Our spirits are better cheered this morning than they possibly could be with new wine. For the wind has not ownly continued through the night to blow us on our course 10 not an hour but this morning it seems settelled in the North East And we have A beautiful fair gale that fills evry sail & wafts us on our Course towards New York 11 or 12 not an hour.... (1)

-- Mar 8, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 8th Sunday I Attended Meeting at the American Hall corner of Grand & Broadway. I Preached in the morning communed in the Afternoon took Dinner with Br I F. Carter & tea with Br Davis 142 Spring st. I Preached in the evening. Br & Sister Carter was Present. I saw Mrs Sloan. She sends her respets to Phebe. I spent the night with Br Carter. Distance 6 mile. (1)

-- Mar 10, 1846. Tuesday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...A beer keeper next sent word that he did not want us to slight him and we went and played him a tune and then took some of his cake and beer... (2)

-- Mar 31, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...After going through the town we took tea with Br Hollister. We then returned to the tavern whare we spent the night. I called upon one Brother And his family the ownly Saints residing in the city. They were baptized by Elder O. Pratt in Washingtom The whole distance of the day 110 miles. (1)

-- Apr. 29, 1846
[Temple] In the afternoon met in the attick story of the temple with the members[,] who formed a prayer circle in [Room] No. 1 and apart in [Room] No. 2 with our wives and had a feast of cakes, pies, wine & where we enjoyed ourselves with prayer, preaching, administration for healing, blessing children, and music and dancing untill near midnight. [Samuel W. Richards journal, Apr. 29, 1846] (3)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
3 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/mo-temple

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Dec 14, 1845. Sunday.

-- Dec 14, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Soon after 11 o clock those who were present were ordered by the president to clothe themselves, which being done and seated at 20 minutes after 11 o clock, sang, "Adam Ondi Ahman" &c. After which we bowed before the Lord and President Young offered up prayers. We next sang "Glorious things of thee are spoken" &c. When bread and wine having been provided by Bishop N. K. Whitney Elders Isaac Morley and Charles C. Rich were called upon to administer the sacrament. They broke the bread which was then blessed by Isaac Morley and passed round by Charles C. Rich, who also blessed the wine and passed it round likewise.... (1)

-- Dec 21, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] According to appointment on Sunday last, a meeting was held in the east room this day of all those who could clothe themselves in the garments of Priesthood, 75 persons were present, Elder H. C. Kimball presiding . . .

At 5 minutes before 11, the song "Glorious things of thee are Spoken" was sung. Father John Smith then made a few remarks, blessed the bread and it handed round by Bishop Geo. Miller, the Wine was blessed by Geo. Miller and handed round by him. While the wine was passing round, Elder George A. Smith arose and addressed the congregation.... (1)

-- Dec 25, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Br Enion accompanied us across the river And we all attended A tea meeting of the Saints held at the Music Hall. There were 3 or 400 sat [at] the tables pertaking of the bounties of the earth. After the repast was over tables were Cleared away. Elder Woodruff was chosen Chairman of the meeting. Many speaches was made by Elders Woodruff, Ward, Hedlock & A large Number of other elders & the meeting past off well & interesting. 10 m. (2)

-- Dec 28, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] ... Prayer by Amasa Lyman asking a blessing on the bread. Bread passed round by Charles C. Rich and George Miller. Blessing on the wine asked by P. P. Pratt. While the wine was passing, sung the hymn Adam Ondi Ahman.... (1)

-- Feb 9, 1846
... on one of the flatboats a wagon and team of oxen go off into the river after "a filthy wicked man squirted some tobacco juice into the eyes of one of the oxen." This unbalances the flatboat which takes on water and sinks. Mormon Samuel W. Richards writes: "In the eve. met at the Temple with a select party for a Dance, several of the twelve being present, and all the Brass band. Commenced a little before Eight with preyer by Bro. Hyde, and continued the merriment with a plenty of wine untill 10 minutes to 3 morn. Continued work at the Temple as usual and on" (3)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom

History of the Word of Wisdom, Aug 27, 1845

-- Aug 27, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 27th I spent the day in Manchester. Dined with Mr Holebrook & took tea with Br Shelden. Then Parted with Br Holebrook Br Holmes & the Saints. Took cars rode to Liverpool & spent the night at home. 30 m. (1)

-- Sep 15, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 15th I spent the day in Manchester with Elders Holmes & Ross. We took tea with friend Holebrook.

In company with Mrs Woodruff & others friends I went through the Manchester Museum. Among other Curiosities we saw the representation in glass of the Largest diamond in the world now in the possession of the Emperor of Russia about the size of a turkeys egg valued at £125,000,000 pound sterling or $625,000,000 dollars.

During the evening we rode to Newton & spent the night with Br Simpkins. 20 m. (1)

-- Sep 18, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 18th I recieved 4 letters to day & wrote 4 one to M Holmes containing 16 Reciepts for Temple Money for the Manchester Confernce. The spirit of the devil is manifesting itself in some of the Churches abroad at the Present time. A priest in the Glasgow Conference has published a work denying the attonement of Christ. James Gallet has surrendered his Presidency in the Mackelsfield Conference. Father Crook over the Birmingham Conference gets drunk & fights with the Saints and thus the enemy is trying to creep in to the midst of the Saints at the present time.

Mrs Woodruff come home with her Children in the evening well & cherfull & spent the night. I did not inform her of the death of her Mother wishing her to get rested first. 4. (1)

-- Oct 12, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 12th I recieved 4 letters & wrote 3 to Elders Holmes, Hardy, Crump, & A. Fielding took tea at my house. (1)

-- Dec 7, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] In the Temple all day. All the first quorum with one or two exceptions were present both male and female. About 1 o'clock we clothed. Dressed in ceremonial robes and aprons. The meeting was opened by prayer by Joseph Fielding. After which Elders Taylor, Hyde, Phelps, Pratt and John Smith each expressed their feelings in regard to our present privilege of meeting in the Temple in spite of the combined opposition of men and devils. During the speaking, the Bishops having provided Bread and Wine, the bread was broke by Brother Kimball and then blessed by him and handed round by Bishop Whitney. Joseph Young then blessed the wine which was also passed around by Brother Whitney. ... (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom