[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Manti
We all went through the Temple, all but Lucy E. Woodruff getting endowments for the dead.
I sealed Lucy Emily Woodruff to my son George Albert Smith. (1)
-- Wednesday, June 22, 1892
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
I reached home at 12 midnight and found all well. I called at the office to see President Jos. F. Smith and he set my son George apart for his mission. (1)
-- Thursday, June 23, 1892
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
My son George Albert left for his mission to the Southern States this morning. I went to Ogden with him. (1)
-- Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1892
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
Aunt Lucy died at 12:07 a.m. today. I telegraphed her death to George, my brother Charles, my sister Mary, Lorin Farr, and Edward Lyman. (1)
-- Sunday, November 13, 1892
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
... [Took Lucy Woodruff Smith, George Albert's wife, to Chatanooga, Tennessee, where they met George Albert, who was serving a mission there.] (1)
-- Thursday, Dec. 8, 1892
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
I paid the Equitable Life Insurance Co. $504.00 for myself and $133.00 for my son George. (1)
-- During 1892
One week after their wedding, Lucy and George Albert Smith were called on a mission to the Southern States. (2)
[George Albert Smith] George Albert attended Brigham Young Academy and the University of Deseret, was a sergeant in the Utah National Guard, worked for ZCMI as a salesman, and was a surveyor for the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. While working in the latter capacity, he suffered a permanent injury to his eyesight. He married Lucy Emily Woodruff in 1892; she bore him three children. (3)
-- During 1892-1894
[George Albert Smith] He served a mission to the Southern States from 1892-1894 (age 22-24). He left for this mission just one week after his marriage. His wife Lucy was able to join him in the missionary service during the last year of this mission. (4)
-- Monday, Feb. 27, 1893
[Apostle John Henry Smith [father] Diary] Salt Lake City
I wrote to [wife] Josephine and sent Draft for $75.00, to George and sent Draft for $25.00. (1)
1 - White, Jean Bickmore, Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith
2 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
3 - Utah History Encyclopedia: George Albert Smith, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/s/SMITH%2CGEORGE.html
4 - LDSIndex.com
LDS History Chronology: George Albert Smith
Mormon History Timeline: The life of George Albert Smith