Lorenzo Snow, Feb 12, 1849

-- Feb 12, 1849
Present.[:] B[righam]. Y[oung]., H[eber] C K[imball]., W[illard]. R[ichards]., P[arley]. P. P[ratt]., J[ohn]. T[aylor]., A[masa]. L[yman]., N[ewel] K W[hitney]., John Y[oung]., J[edediah]. M. Grant., C[harles] C Rich., Lorenzo Snow, E[rastus]. Snow., F[ranklin] D Richards, Bro [George B.]

Wallace, T[homas]. B[ullock]., R[eynolds]. C[ahoon].

The President having called the Bre[thren]. to be ordained to the middle of the floor, Cha[rle]s. C. Rich the oldest. Lorenzo Snow next & E. Snow then Franklin D Richards.

[Brethren took the] liberty to speak E. P. [?] and P P P[:] I have felt lonesome since [being] in the valley [we do] not [have the] privilege of meet[in]g. [B]r[ethren have] been called to [this] high station [and] 2 at least have been associated with us from the first. [B]ut 5 of [the] old Quorum left-

[as a] consequence of death & apostacy. B[righam]. Y[oung]. H[eber]. C. K[imball]. O[rson].

H[yde]. O[rson] P[ratt] & yourself-do not feel a separation from them in feelings. [A]lways when [you] hear [you] will rejoice to meet with them. I rejoice over these Bre[thren] who are candi[da]t[es]. [I] mourn over Lyman W [and] have equel confidence with these candidates as with the first 12. [We] have equal candidates as those above us-& I know not of 4 men in the wide circle of acquaintances in the Church & I might have nominated them myself.-I rejoice I dont know anything [that] has given me more animation than yesterday hearing we could have a Quorum of the 12 even now here in the absence of our Bre[thren], & I desire we may meet together with the Pres[iden]cy & ourselves that we may qualify ourselves for future de [?] of our work on the earth.-

[I] feel to ask all your forgiveness for anything [I have] ever done amiss. & I ask [the] H[oly] G[host] may rest down upon us in the ordination of these men.

H C K-Bro Pratt [is] talking of being separate from the 12-I consider myself one of the 12.

[T]ho [I am] placed in an unenviable position but this to further work of God-more than if otherwise I have got no ordination.-God knows anything put upon me always makes me feel smaller /[?]/-simple man-grown out without [?]-I am glad as I am.-[I] would not be Heber if I felt otherwise /[?]/ & these who are nominated. to fill places I always had confidence in them. I ll tell you one thing, [I] don t know [the] dif[ference] between [a] Dutch Penn harness from a light harness.-You were free men before bu[t] you will get [a] heavy harness on.-[B]ut know if you [will] be true & f[ai]t[hfu]l. youl [there will] never be greater men on the earth.-[Y]ou l[l] have all the power of the P[riesthoo]d & you l[l] convert the nations & they would worship you as a God.

[And] if I was if you were I would not seek to entangle myself but go free. & spend the remainder of my days in the nations. I have the best of feelings towards all men, [I] have felt indignant at the actions of men but my bosom [is] free from corrosion. [I] have nothing of it in my bosom. I am perhaps [as] free as any other.

E. Snow.[:] I feel my Bre[thren] as tho I could not express my feelings now as well as [I may] be able [to] some other time. [B]ut in some measure the remarks [of] Bro are & Pr have made [it so I] can look back at [a] time when [I] thot it [was a] different time [and I] had [the] idea to obtains some situation in the Ch[urch] more important & noble. & I had aspirations for it.-[T]hat feeling may be laudable when properly governed & controlled.-[F]or the last 2 or 3 years I have been enabled to reflect more maturely-that it was the greater responsibility.-[I] have learnt by the exper[ienc]e. of other men the path they have travelled-the rock on which they have split & place[d] between 2 fires.-[With just a] little deviation to any side. [it] may scorch him.-[I] have never had an aspirat[ion] for [a] higher station-but in a moment [I] have felt to revolt at the idea nor never have felt as Lorenzo said to prayer for it. [That was] the nearest I could come to it. O Lord thy will be done. Give Grace to call for it. & wherever my lot that I might spend my moments in.-[I] have had such thoughts & feelings cross my mind but have shuddered at the responsibilities. [B]ut I may be able to in a small degree co [illegible handwriting] the responsibility of such a station: my course [has] been [illegible handwriting] since unto the Church.-[I] never tryed to shrink from any duty put upon me,-[for] if I can do the will of the Lord thats my all.-[A]s to love & good feelings that bind my Bre[thren] to me, the ties are past feeling.-I know what is said of David & Jonathan- there is a love b[e]t[ee]wn men who bear the P[riesthoo]d. to each other that passes the love of women-but I can weep for joy. [M]y heart is full of love & tenderness.-I oftentimes in the course of lives /[?]/ manifested to my superiors-oftentimes appeared to them distant. I have been su[s]ppected of feeling distant,-but those feelings were dictated by the tenderest regard & profoundest feelings.-[S]ometimes I have reproached myself for it-[and] Joseph has [even] accosted me. [At that time he had] taken [me] by the hand-& asked me if I had anything ag[ains]t. him-when [reallly] I looked upon him as an Angel of God.-I feel by taking a more responsible station that these ties are stronger. [A]ll I can say at present is I move forward trusting in the Lord.-

J. T.[: I] have never desired anything to be put upon me. [It] reminds me of a Philosopher & King /Phil/ [who] wanted to take [the] place of [the] King. [The] King [was] wiling he should do it. & he was surrounded by all the royalty.-[B]ut a sword suspended & [he was] afraid he would fall upon it. I would not want to take upon me such a place but where God calls upon me [I] would stand.

My feelings toward the Pres[ident]. and off[icer]s /[?]/ are good. [I] want to sustain them & that Holy Ghost may overshaddow them [and have] the heavens opened to them.-[I]f [there is] anything I

[have] ever done to corrode feelings I ask forgiveness,-& I have no [hard] feelings towards any man.-[W]hen I heard of the nomination I rejoiced. I greet you in the name of the Lord. & bless you in the name of Israels God.-I feel that you will be a blessing to the whole house of Israel,-but I hope you may never be shipwreck[ed] of faith.

B. Y.[:] I want now to attend to [the] ordin[ation]. prev[iously mentioned]. [I] want to lay before the Bre[thren] our present situation.-[In the] first place-[I will] say here what [has] never [been] said since Joseph['s] death till now-I was in Bro Beaments /[?]/ house in Petersborough.

[T]hey received letters from [P]owers-giving [an] ac[c]o[un]t. of [the] mob [causing the] death [of Joseph] &c when we got that letter Orson Pratt & I [were] there.-[We] read the letter-[and] I felt then as I never felt in my live.-I [have] never cryed [before]-[?] [but when it now] crosses [my] /mind/ [it] brings tears my head [I] felt so distressed. [I] thought it would crack-whilst I was med /meditating/. [I] forgot myself [and] thot I, ['I]s the Priesthood off the earth[?] Josep[h] & H[yrum] is gone & it [had] come like a clap of hands.-[I]t [did] come to me like Rev[elation]. [I realized] the keys of the kingdom is here [and] I felt satisfied. [N]o man ever loved a man better than I loved Joseph. [W]hen I [first] came to Nauvoo-I [did] know by visions of the Spirit from the 12 [that] there would be a first Pres[idenc]y [I] knew who would be there as well as now.-Joseph told the story himself.-I never told the told the story,-but [I] got so full that when [we] left W[inter]

Q[uarters]. I leaked out & said so & so & suggested so & so. I looked [a]round a year ago. [I] saw the 12 completely shackled up, [and], says I, this must not be. [It] came to me like thunder-that this sha[c]kling must be loosed. [T]hey have got to go to all the nations. Orson /Pratt/ would dip into every thing, a perfect guager.-[H]e would enquire & pry /[?]/ it.-[I]t is the Disposition of some [who think, "]I want to know about this & that.["]-[A] great deal said [to me, "]Here is 12 apostles.

[D]o they not hold [the] keys equally[?"] No & yes. [You can] prove both when a man [is] ordained an apostle of J[esus]. C[hrist]. & can receive no more keys. [B]ut he may not be [?] King Prest. [W]e locked horns, Orson & I,-but all to bring things out. We leave the traveling apostles but not the 12.-[W]ho can ordain me Pres[iden]t. if I have to ordain[?]-[T]his may not be a 100[th] part of a Inch in difference in lots-but I may. If I was not 2 hours older than Heber gives me as much the right to be King & Pres[iden]t a. Am I not an apostle[?]-Yes.-Bre[thren] of the 12 may yet be called to other places,-[just as] I am called to another place.-I am an apostle-as to the Bret[hren] of the 12 having lived in love round each other. I have loved them as much as they all have loved one another. No man can tell how the harness K[imball] spoke of feels till its on-[and] you are in the harness.-[B]ut let there be some particle of variation in your movements-[or] I will cuff you.-

[Y]ou have the Pres[ident]. on one side-& the p[eo]pl[e] on the other-& youl find you are squeezed out into the vice.-I do leave /[?]/ the 12. I do not-I [do not] want other men to take our place.-I want the body to be perfect that there may be no jar[ring] nor discord in the body.-As to being the Qu[orum] of 12-the 12 are the first Presidency. There is a defect of first Presidency out of the [?] are you not going to [?] of us then we will drop an letter /[?]/-I dont want to be lessened in my power & influecne-who need[s] to reflect-I shall [?] the 12. [I]f any person has any cause to grumble about it is is us who are taken out.-[W]ell, our places are filled up.-Joseph behind the veil he is the first President-who then is Brigham[?] [W]here is B H & Ws place[? T]hey are the men that complain-& since Thomas B Marsh s left the 12 [there are] no bickerings. [Let s] talk about the 12 being between the fires-if I aint then you aint.-[I]f I havent to walk as tho Joseph [was] filled with the H[oly]. G[host]. looking me in the face,-[for] every thing I do I do it as tho Joseph was looking me right in the eye.-And if Joseph fine says he my boys that s right when he gets this men /[?]/ with me doing here-I am willing to know of it & then to go & do it.

A. L.[: I] do not wish but to occupy a moment of time [and I] dont expect to derive any satisfaction.-[I]t might be a source of gratification to those who [are] being about to be ordained to know the feelings of those /into/ whose Quorum they are about to [illegible handwriting]. I never expect to have but one feeling to those who are taken out of the Quorum to fill the Places /[?]/. I have learned that assocation with the virtuous & upright there alone can a man find [his] place . [And I] have no law but the principles of righteousness,-[and I] want this to be [the] state of feeling predominant in the 12. [T]he 12 are men who have been proved. [I] would not go by them for any man I know.

P. P. Pratt.[:] I wish to be understood as perfectly coincided with the views of Heber & Bro.

Taylor. [W]hether a man stand[s] in 3[s],-12[s],-or 70[s], the apostleship [is] the same. [And] the 3 are called to act in a separate Quorum. [And] the 12 in [the] Quorums capacity are different, but the apostleship [is] the same.-[B]ut we are one in spirit & mind as to the Pres[iden]t. asking where his place is when Joseph & his Couns[elors] & the 12 ful he will be a fule.

B. Y.[:] Bro. Pratt observed [that] when a man [is] ordained [an] apostles his keys & powers [are] all alike,-[but] they are not.-Joseph ordained O[liver]. C[owdery]. an apostle and O. C. ordained Joseph.-[T]hen Joseph [was] commanded to ordain /the church & other/ Apostles were to be called.-[W]ell, these other apostles were ordained,-they were ordained to the same power.-

[B]ut God called upon him to lead & you hold the keys,-altho you may ordain thousand of apostles.-Brigham was ordained the same as Joseph was-but the calling of God to men are different.-[and] a man has got to act in the /his/ calling in the Priesthood & if he wont go according to his calling to be dam.-[T]he 70s that were ordained in Kirtland were ordained High Priests & apostles.-[He was told "]be sure to ordain on the 70s the High Priesthood & the apostleship to Hazen Aldrich,["] & Joseph turned the 70s [to] have the power & if the 12 & Pres[idenc]y [were] out of the way they have got the calling. [W]hat matter[s was] wher[e]. the three Peter, James & John['s] places filled up. [T]hat Church decreased, but it is not the case with this church.-[F]or the Devil would cut off the 3. then muster all his forces & cut off the 12. & gather all his forces & cut off the 70s. If I /wanted I could have/ have [received] Revelation about these men coming into the Quorum.

Bro. Heber & I have ordained 8 of the 12 already when we ordained the 4. [W]e shall have got /ordained/ the 12.

B. Y.[:] I presided over Far West. I cut off the Hi[gh] Council at Far West when Whitmer & Phelps [was] cut off. I got the Council together when some of them were away. [I] got 6 together-

[the] biggest half of them [were] disaffected [-] but [I] gave [the] Hi[gh] Priests the wink to be on hand.- [I]f men [are] full of fire-[for] only 3 of that Council [are still] firm in the faith [and the] other 4 [are] disaffected.-got B. Y. to C C R[:] Bro Chas C R, In the name of the L[ord] J[esus] C[hrist] we lay [our] hands upon thee at this time to ordain thee an apostle of J[esus] C[hrist to this] latter day work. Joseph the martyr [blank]. [We] seal upon thee all the blessings & calling[s] of this office. [T]hou art called of the Lord & chosen to be one of 12 & set apart to be ordained inasmuch as thee [thou] are called to occupy the place of [?]. [W]e call thee-& set thee apart [and] thou shalt be great & mighty.-[T]hy wisaidom [shall] expand [and] increase & grow & magnify the name of Israels God that thou mayest see & understand all things.-[T]hat thou shalt go abroad-& not be a whit behind the chiefest of the apostles [blank] [and] quick to discern the pur[pose]s of the children of men. [We ask Thee, Lord, to] make him mighty before thee & before his [blank]. [M]ay he be a councillor to his Bre[thre]n.-[I]n the name of the L[ord] J[esus]. C[hrist]. thou shalt be [illegible] without the 12

Apostle[s whose] name[s are] registered, then never [to] be taken out without [?] & the Lord rewardest every man according to his works. [Lord, let] his faith may increase,-his health increase,-[and] his brow be like the bre[e]zes of the summer like [an] Angel,-& we seal these blessings upon thee in the name of J[esus] C[hrist]. Amen.

Bro Lorenzo Snow, We lay our hands upon thee at this time in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth & we ordain thee to be an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to hold a standing with thy Brethren, the 12 apostles, & we seal upon thy head all the keys, power & authority of this calling-that thou might not be one whit behind the chiefest of them. [May you] mount [up] on eagles wings-[and] walk & not faint. [May you] go forth & proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ-[and] feel that influence & power [?] [and] integrity that thou never felt. [May you have power to] heal [the] sick, cast out devils, [and raise up the] Dead [to] come forth.-[T]hou shall see [the] day [when] men [will] desire to worship thee as God & we seal with all the holy anointings as thou hast had,-[that] thy faith shall increase [blank] to that extent be astonished at what thou hast past thro [blank]. [Be] strong in mind & strong in form & intellect. [We bless you to] live to a good old age [and] we seal the holy authority as an Apostle [blank] of [illegible handwriting] & [in His]

Holy name.

Bro E(rastus) S(now), In name of Lord Jesus Christ., [we] lay [our] hands upon [thy] head [and] set thee a part to be a Apostle of the last dispensation of the Pro[phet] Joseph [Smith]. [You] shall not fear [but] let thy heart be comforted. [B]ehold many nations & many people-to the bringing of many thousands. [We] seal thy Blessings [that] thy desires [will] be equal to thy Bre[thren]. that thou mayest go forth. & be faithful /so thou be f[aith]f[u]l./ as thy Br[ethren]. [blank]

Blest [blank] thou be blest [blank] cry that thy mind may be strong & mighty & bring comfort to the honest in heart.-[T]hou hast been faithful from [thy] youth-thou declared to men let the sword be unsheathed-until many nations be saved [in] the gathering of Israel. [And] we seal this blessing upon thee with all the keys & say thou wilt not be one whit behind the chiefest Apostle in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bro F. D. Richards, We as the Servants of [blank] God lay our hands upon thee by authority of the Holy Priesthood, & set thee apart to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, that thou mayest hold the keys with them [blank] [and] be equal with them & not one whit behind them & we seal all this [and] we now confer it upon thy head with all the keys & power thereof that thou mayest comprehend things in heaven & on earth. [blank] that it may be [?] to the enemies of God. [And] they will not have power to harm thy head when the power of the Almighty God shall go with thee.-[W]e seal all these blessings upon thee & wherin he is deficient in any measure /[illegible]/.-[W]e ask it may be whole & perform his function & we pronounce thee whole.-[It is] an honor unto the Church & to the house of faith & we seal all these blessings upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Joseph /ned [?]/ ordained any of the 12 [such as]-O C & [David] Whitmer.-[W]e have ordained 12.-I expect if any more comes into this Quorum here to be ordain[ed] by the 12-I can say to those ordained you will have to do as were dont.-[Y]ou will have to lay the plainer & jointer in the way [and]-lay the paint brush pass.-[and] we should have preached the Gospel & the people supply their wants-burst [the] band[s]-take off feters /[?]/ cut loose.-If I had to go away-[I] would feel like flying over the m[oun]t[ain]s. If the Council house [gets] finished [we will] be there every night with the 70s, the 12,-& the High Priests.-[T]he 12 have got to come to me.-I never shall go to them for ever [-] they have got to court me. If I dont live right-the Lord [would] soon remove me out of the way but others couldn t.

[Meeting a]djourn[ed] for 3/4 hour till 3 OC. [At] 4 P.M. all convened again. [We] sung "Come Come ye Saints."

H C K[:] I motion that John Young be President of the High Priests Quorum.-[Motion was] seconded by C C Rich. [and] carried unanimously.

B. Y.[:] I can find fault with Bro. John just as well as not.-[A]s to capability, he is just [as] capable as any body else.-[H]e is a good judge of Spiritual things. [I] never saw better. Bro Joseph is more femin[in]e than Bro. John., but John is a little so & apt to be bowed down. As to knowing what is right, he knows just as well as any other man, but I want to see him like a lion [-] firm to put down evil wherever he sees him /[?]/. [I]f he would just as soon knock a man down as not who ought to be knocked down.-I want a man that can neither be coaxed nor bought, driven nor pushed.

[T]hat s the fault I have to find with him. [He is a] father to the family. [H]e is hum/ble/-[I] want to see him like a giant.-

H C K.[: T]hats the only fault I have to find with him & if [he is] Pres[iden]t. of the Quorum [he] will have the power of God upon him, & if he ll only open his voice his tongue will flutter & the power of God will be upon him.-[and] I feel as tho , Bro: John, to pray [for] you [that you] will have wives & children & you will have wombs that are not barren-& I ll spur you to it before you leave this world.-

Heber C K & John Taylor laid hands on John Young [and] ordained him to be a President to preside over the High Priests Quorum.

H C K mov[e]d. D[anie]l. Spencer [to be] /pres[iden]t of this stake/-A. Lyman Second[ed].

[It was] carried unanimously.

Moved that Cahoon & Wallace Prayer by Erastus Snow. 5" o C[lock] P.M.

Monday, Feb[ruar]y. 12. 1849. 11" AM

Meeting in G[eorge]. B, Wallace s house. Present[: Brigham] Young, [Heber C.] Kimball, [Willard] Richards, P[arley P]. Pratt, J[ohn]. Taylor, A[masa] Lyman. C[harles]. C. Rich., E[rastus].

Snow, L[orenzo]. Snow., F[ranklin]. D. Richards,-N[ewell]. K. Whitney, J[edediah]. M. Grant, G[eorge]. B. Wallace., N [?]. Campbell, John Young, T[homas] Bullock.

Prayer by P. P. Pratt.-Pres[iden]t. Young requested the Candidates to sit in the centre according to age.-

P. P. Pratt has been in this Valley are [and] has felt lonesome in our Quo[rum] capacity.-

[He] felt at a loss & wod, rejoice when they co[ul]d. see the day to meet ag[ai]n. & rej[oice]. tog[ethe]r. I feel joy & sorrow-[for] those who have made a vacancy have been called to higher offices. [T]hese our bre[thre]n have associated since 1830. [S]ome have turned awa[y] from the faith & only 5 [are] left[:] Y[oung]., K[imball]., O. Hyde, O. Pratt, & myself of the original 12.-[T]heir duties are more at home & we [have gone] abroad & I op /hope/ for their society in the capacity of a Quo[rum].-I rej[oice] in these bre[thre]n as candidates [and]-I mourn over bro Lyman [for] we have travelled in much suffering.-I have confidence in all the 12 who are in good standing & these Candidates.-I love them all & hail these my bre[thre]n with joy & thanksgiving,-& I [k]no[w] of no 4 men who have met my mind more than these 4.-[T]he nomination of the Pres[iden]t have met the warmest feelings of the 3 of 12 present & I rej[oice] in the prospect of having a Quo[rum] in this place.-[I]t fills me with joy that it is so fixed that we can have a Quo[rum] of 12,-& I [h]op[e] we may meet as a Quo[rum and]-do good & prepare ourselves for our duties.-I ask the forgiveness of the Pres[idenc]y. or any here who I ma[y] have offended & I renew my cov[enan]tn to do my duty,- & I pra[y] the H[oly] G[host] to rest down upon us this da[y] in the ord[inatio]n. of these my bre[thre]n.-

H. C. K.[:] I dont consider we are sep[ara]t[e]d. from the 12, only set apart into a posit[io]n not enviable to any man on the Earth.-[I]t seems to be in the Providence of God that the work of God ma[y] be furth[ere]d. on with more zeal.-I dont feel bigger than I did before,-but smaller.-I am glad as I am & I wo[ul]d. not be any thing else for all the world.-[T]hese my bre[thre]n that are nominated to take a posit[io]n. in this Quo[rum] I have implicit confidence in,-but they dont realize the diff[erence] bet[wee]n wearing a lit[tle]. carriage harness & an old Penn Wagon harness.-[Y]ou are going to be placed in a sit[uation]. that you dont realize.-[I]f you are faithful there is no men on the Earth that will be greater men than you & by a steady diligent walk the heavens will be opened & you will be mighty men. [B]e humble & have faith in the L[or]d. J[esus]. C[hrist]. & if I was as you I wo[ul]d. not entangle myself any more but labor all the day in the vineyard.-I have no hard feelings in my breast.-

E. Snow[:] I feel my bre[thre]n as tho I co[ul]d. not express my feelings now as I ma[y] at some o[the]r. time,-but I feel in some measure the remarks that have been made.-I can look back when I thot. it wo[ul]d. be a funny thing, or rat[he]r.-I had an idea that to obt[ai]n. some station in the Ch[urch] was something desirable when I had aspirations for it.-[T]hat feeling ma[y] be laudable when regulated & contolled, but for the last 2 or 3 y[ea]rs my feelings have undergone a change by mature deliberation.-I have learnt some lessons that ma[y] be profitable hereafter in watching the progress of o[the]rs. & seen the Rocks on which they split.-I have never had a thot. for a station or place in the P[riesthood]. in the K[ingdom] above what I held., & [I] shuddered at the thot. & shrunk from it & never breathed a prayer for it.-[T]he nearest I co[ul]d sa[y] ["]O L[or]d., thy will be done, only give me wisdom to fill whatever place I ma[y] be called to stand in my lot to the end of my days.["]-I doubt not I still am ignorant of the responsibilities of it & in y[ea]rs to come I ma[y] appreciate more fully what has been said.-[M]y course has been onward & [I] have never felt to shrink back from any responsibility that is placed on me.-[A]s to the love & good feeling & ties that bind my bre[thre]n of the Quo[rum] of 12 are past telling. I [k]no[w] & it is no longer a query in my mind [that like] /the love of David & Jona[tha]n./ there is a love with men of God that passeth the love of woman. I have felt it for some y[ea]rs-[and] I can weep for joy.-

[T]here is nothing sorrowful but love & tenderness. I oftentimes have manifested to my superiors & app[ea]r[e]d. distant & have been suspected of feeling distant & cool,-& those feelings have been from tender regard & warmest esteem,-yet it has made me appear distant.-[B]ro Jos[eph] has many a time wounded my feelings.-[H]e has taken me by the & c /hand and/ asked if I had anything ag[a]i[ns]t. [h]im.-I looked upon him as an Angel of God.-I feel as [in] taking a more responsible station these ties are becoming every day stronger [and]-/all I can say is/ I move forward trusting in the L[or]d.

J. Taylor[:] I am pleased with the opportunity & priv[ilege] I now enjoy.-[M]y mind has run back for y[ea]rs & [has] seen the contingencies that have taken place.-[W]hen I reflect on how many men have made [a] shipwreck of their faith,-this reminds me of the departure of the o[the]r. presidency & of the necessity of filling up their places.-I feel we are one in faith & are all engaged in building up the K[ingdom] of God. I have just the same feelings I ever had,-& in regard to calling or office or P[riesthood]., I never desire any thing but what is placed on me. I dont envy them their sit[uatio].n. [I]t reminds me of 2 great Philosophers,-Dionysius & the King.-[T]here was a sword put over his head [that was] hung by a thread.-[H]e was feasting in magnificence & was afraid the sword wo[ul]d. fall.-[I]f I was called to fill a place I wo[ul]d. try to fill it,-yet they have the more labor resting on their shoulders.-[M]y feelings are to sustain them all the da[y] long that Is[rael s] God may direct them & not a hair of their head be inj[u]r[e]d., but they may go forth in the holy P[riesthood]., & the power of Is[rael s] God /be/ with them.-[and] if I have done any thing to hurt the feelings of any man I ask their forgiveness.-When I heard of the nomination I rej[oice]d- &c I greet you all in the N[ame] of Is[rael s]. God, & ma[y] God bless you in time & all et[ernit]y.-

[and] I bel[ieve] you will be [a] blessing to the house of Israel & I pray we may all be kept faithful- & finally hail each o[the]r. on /[?]/ the bands /[?]/ of deliverance,-Amen, B. Y.[: P]revious to attending to the ord[inatio]n., I la[y] cert[ai]n. prin[ciples] bef[ore] them concerning our present sit[uatio]n.-[I]n the 1st. place I se[e] /[?]/ [blank] there were cert[ai]n. persons heard me [a]s in bro Bemants room in Peterboro.-O. Pratt & myself were there [and]-they rec[eive]d. letters from N(auvoo). [W]hen we got that lre [letter] /[?]/ /from Livingstones/ on a Monday morn[ing],-I felt then as I [have] never felt bef[ore].-I never cry-all disappointments, losses, & crosses never bring a tear.-I felt as tho my head wo[ul]d. crack.-[I]t come to me J[oseph]. & H[yrum]. are gone, [so] is the P[riesthood]. taken from the Earth[?]-I had forgot[ten] myself.-[T]he org[anizatio]n. of the K[ingdom] & the Ch[urch] passed bef[ore] me-it came like a clap-the keys of the K[ingdom]. are here-& [I] was satisfied it was all ri[gh]t.-[N]o man ever loved ano[the]r. man more than I did Joseph, & when I came to N./auvoo/ I knew there wo[ul]d. have to be a first Pres[idenc]y.-[H]e shewed me from the 12 there wo[ul]d. be a 1st Pres[idenc]y.,-& looking at the acts of Joseph, he had told the Story virtually.-[I]t kept filling up in me after leaving W[inter]. Q[uarters]. In the course of the summer I wo[ul]d. leak out such & such a thing & as I passed along last winter a y[ea]r ago, I saw [that] the 1st. Pres[idenc]y. must walk out.-[T]here were 12 men were shackled.'[T]he 12 Apos[tles] must be cut loose [for] their mission was to [go to] all the nation of the Earth where the 1st. Pr[e]s[idenc]y. co[ul]d. not go,-[where the]

Pr[e]s[idenc]y. co[ul]d. not go.-[I]t came up in Council-[and] 9 were present.-O. Pratt prys into every thing-[for he is] used to /an/ immense sight.-[S]ome are digging out every thing-[and] we turned things out amongst ourselves.-[D]ont the 12 Apos[tles] hold [the] keys alike[?] Yes [and]

No. I can prove both [are] alike.-[W]hen a man is ord[aine]d. an apost[le] he has got [all] the keys he can get.-Orson is a perfect little bull-we locked horns-& [he] dug up every thing that cou[l]d. be dug. [But] I laid him over.-[A]ll right, said he, go ahead.-[D]o we leave the 12.[? W]e leave the travelling Apostles-who co[ul]d. ord[ai]n. me Pres[iden]t. of the Ch[urch] of J[esus]. C[hrist]. of L[atter] D[ay] S[aints].-[I]f they say I preside that gives me preeminence.-I[']m the pres[iden]t. bec[ause] I[']m 14 days older than H[eber] C K[imball]. [I]f I was 100,000 y[ea]rs old I wo[ul]d. be no more his Pres[iden]t., the K[ingdom] & the Pres[iden]t., & thats enough.-[I]ts fallen to my lot to preside over this p[eo]pl[e].-[Othe]r. bre[thre]n may be called to preside,-[for] I dont [k]no[w] where the L[or]d. will lead me.-[I]ts none of your bus[iness] where the L[or]d. loves me.-I have loved the 12 more than they have all loved each ot[her]. [W]hen the time comes that their love sho[ul]d. be exercised is the love of a tender fat[he]r. to his Chil[dren].-[Y]ou cant tell how this harness feels on you till you feel it.-[T]hey are in the harness & must keep in the line or they will be cuffed.-[L]et there be one particle of variance in feeling in the Quo[rum] of the 12 [and] it will cut.-[Y]ou will find you have the p[eo]pl[e] on one side & the Pres[iden]t. on the o[the]r.-[Y]ou have got to look out how you walk or you will fall.-[Y]ou will find you are squeeze[d] up in a vice.

I am an Apostle no more or less.-I want o[the]r men to take our place that the work may spread & prosper & not be marred.-[A]ll we have got to do is to make the body perfect.-[I]f the org[anizatio]n. [showed] Joseph was perfect & the 12 were to occupy his shoes theres a defect.-Are you going to be lessened, & drop a little[?]-[W]ho has any grumbling, say I, or think I shall be the loser & be out of my place.-[I]f you go thro the vail then is Joseph the 1st. Pres[iden]t.[?]-[I]f any p[er]son /person/ has got cause of regret it is myself. [W]ill I be the Pres[iden]t. of the Ch[urch] yonder.[? B]ro Jos[ep]h is our head & will be in all et[er]n[it]y.-[W]here is B[righam] & H[eber] & W[ilford?]. [W]hy, they are nobody.-[I]t is the men who are taken from the Quo[rum] of 12 who have the cause to feel.-[W]hen T[homas] B. Marsh was Pres[iden]t. of the 12-he was as like a toad s hair comb[ing] up & down.-[S]ince I have been the Pres[iden]t. I am daddy.-[W]e never had any thing more than for me to do & say as I please.-[I]f we are not betw[ee]n. the fires-you are not, I am sure.-[I]f I dont render an acc[oun]t to Jos[ep]h.-you have not to-I am sure.-I have to walk, [but] Joseph is ri[gh]t. with me all the time.-[A]ll I do to build up the K[ingdom] is just as if Jos[ep]h. was looking me ri[gh]t. in the eye,-& our hearts & feelings are one.-[H]e wo[ul]d. say, thats ri[gh]t., my boys-& I have not done a thing without knowing that.-[A]ll I ask is for my Fa[the]r. to give me grace that I may go right along.-

A. Lyman[:] I dont expect to derive any par[ticu]lar /particular/ satisfaction for what I may say.-[I]t may not be any dissatisfaction to the candidates to [k]no[w] what kind of a Quo[rum] they were going to be united with.-[T]he circ[umstanc]es are diff[eren]t. with them than those who are called in the early history of the Ch[urch].-[T]hese bre[thre]n have had a no. [number] of y[ea]rs to mature them & learn prin[ciples]-& render it not as irksome as to the first.-[A]s to the matters that have been spoken of,-I never have had but one feeling, & [I] realize in my feelings any o[the]r. than an increase of affection.-I have learned one thing, that an association with men of God & noble motives-is the only place that man can find rest or peace,-[and] it exists no where else.-I want this ever to be to the state with those who are in the Quo[rum] of the 12.-I am satisfied with the men for they have been proved, & I am satisfied.-

P. P. Pratt[: Brigham s feelings are the] same as my feelings, [my feelings] are precisely the same as has been said by the o[the]rs. [I]n the 1st. Pres[idenc]y. acting at home we are separated,- but the Apostleship remains the same in time & all et[e]r[nit]y.-[B]ut the keys of the power have to be given to act in any one par[ticu]lar station.-[C]irc[umstanc]es call one to preside at home & the o[the]r. to go abroad. [W]e are one in duties & int[erests].,-& I hope we always shall be as the Fat[he]r., Son, & [the] H[oly]. G[host]. are one.-B[righam] will be an apos[tle] of J[esus]. C[hrist]. & there will be fields of labor that we shall never be in the way of one ano[the]r.

B. Y.[: T]he keys are not equal[;] they are diff[eren]t. Jos[ep]h. was ord[aine]d. an apostle- then 01.-[T]hen Jos[eph] was called upon to organize the Ch[urch]-for you have got the keys.-

[H]e rec[eive]d. a rev[elatio]n. that o[the]r. apostles wo[ul]d. be called.-[H]e org[anize]d., then o[the]r. apostles were ord[aine]d. to[o. A]ll the power was [with] Jos[eph] & the 12 equal[ly].-

[T]hey were equal in the ord[inatio]n. but not in calling.-[H]e wills & directs & every man has to walk as he wills.-[T]he L[or]d. says, walk on [for] you have the keys-& they never shall be taken from my serv[an]t. Jos[eph] in time & all et[ernit]y.-Brig[ham] is just the same as Jos[ep]h. but was not so when Jos[ep]h. lived,-& their ord[inatio]n. is the same but there calling is not the same.-Where the Pres[idenc]y. cannot be, there the 12 go to fill it.-[T]hats as strait as a line.-

[A]ll the 70 that were ord[aine]d. [to the] H[oly]. P[riesthood] have all the power of an Apostle. [H]e came in a ns. /numbers of times & said be sure, to put the H[oly]. P[riesthood]. on every man you ordain-& then [he] told them to ordain them Apostles.-[W]hen the 12 & the 1st. Pres[idenc]y. are taken awa[y],-then the 70 wo[ul]d. take the lead.-[W]e have no acc[oun]t. of the place of Peter, James & John placed being filled.-[In biblical times] the 12 were killed & there was an end.-[B]ut this is the time that it is to increase until it fills the whole earth.-[B]y & by you cut off the Pres[idenc]y. then the Devil slays the 12,-then he kils the 70-until he kills the whole body.-[B]ut as soon as the /a/ Quo[rum] is cut off-[the Lord will] fill it up again.-I can have a Revelation all the time,-but we are better [off] without it than with [it] until they think of some of the old ones.-

[B]r H[eber]. & I have ord[aine]d. 8 of the 12.-[W]hen we ord[ai]n these 4 we shall have ord[aine]d. a perfect Quo[rum].-[T]he Hi[gh] Council of Far West were disaffected.-6 were gone out of Town-[and] we called a little over one half [of the quorum].-I gave [them] the H[oly]

P[riesthood], the wink, when we got 5 of the H[oly] P[riesthood]. & 3 or 4 of the good in faith.-

[W]e then drew up the disaffected & disfellowshiped them.-[I]f all the disaffected ones had been tog[ethe]r. they wo[ul]d. have whipt us out.- (Here follows the ordination blessings for C. C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow & F. D. Richards as Apostles. Not transcribed here. See other copy of minutes for Feb 12, 1849.)

B. Y.[: W]e have ord[aine]d. 12 Apos[tles, so] expect no more.-Jos[ep]h. never d[i]d. 1-

O[liver]. C[owdery]., D[avid]. Wh[itmer]. did it,-then [it] fell on [the] 12.-[T]hey have been ord[aine]d. by us.-[I]f any more come in, or[daine]d. by [a] Quo[rum and] not by us,-we have done our work.-7 are here[;] I can see you will have to do as we were directed.-[Y]our future lives will drop the hammer & work.-[L]et them alone for ever & ever.-[H]ad we rem[embere]d. [that], there the 12 wo[ul]d. never have raised a bushel of grain any more.-[W]e sho[ul]d. have preached the Gospel & the p[eo]pl[e would have] supplied our wants [and]-[we would have] burst the bands from their feet,-cut [them] loose & let them go.

[I]ntermission for 3/4 hour.-

Quorum met ag[ai]n. at 4 P. M. (same as morning) Sung "Come Come ye Saints,"

H. C K[:] I motion that bro John Young be the Pres[iden]t. of the H[igh]. P[riests]. Quorum.

C C Rich sec[onde]d. Clear vote.-

B. Y.[:] I can find fault with bro John, tho it wo[ul]d. please me to see him walk up & magnify his calling.-[And I] never was deceived in him in judging Spiritual things.-John is possessed of a feminine feeling,-but if he will step up & when he sees any thing wrong put his c /hand/ on it-& in the strength of the Lord put it down.

H. C. K. followed on the same strain[:]-[H]e cant speak on [a] wrong thing if he tries, for it aint in him.-I bel[ieve] a man has got to stand in every position that God has been in.-[Then Kimball said] & prophesied[:]-Bro John, I prophesy that you shall have Wives, & Sons & Dau[ghte]rs-& you shall have Wombs that are not barren.

H. C. K. & J. Taylor[:]-[B]ro J[ohn]. Y[oung]., we la[y] our cs /hands/ [and] by J[esus].

C[hrist]. of N/azareth/ by v/irtue/ Of [the] h/oly/. P[riesthood]. inspire our hearts & minds filled with [the] Sp[irit] of [the] Al[mighty],-& [may you] have strength & power to perform the same.-[W]e ord[ai]n. thee to be P[resident] of [the] H[igh]. P[riests]. Quo[rum] & sl. /seal/ on thy head all those bless[in]gs. & powers conf[irme]d. by Jos[ep]h. as rec[eive]d. from [an] Angel of God. [And the]

Sp[irit] of [the] L[or]d. shall inspire they [thy] heart & mind & [that you may k]no[w the] duty of this call[in]g. & [be] shew [shown the] plan of Sal[vation].-[You] lived up [to] that time that brot. thee into existence-& [you will] go back to rec[eive] power given by our Fat[her]. [M]ay angels be round ab[ou]t. him, [let] his age [be] renewed & [that he may] bring forth good on Earth & bring forth Sons to bec[ome] Prophets.-[May you] realize them & have joy therein & ask our Fat[he]r. to verify [the] same.-[L]et these be sanctioned on the he[a]d. of thy Serv[an]t. that he ma[y] be liberal /[?/ unto the Son of God & seal blessings of exalt[atio]n., in [the] n[ame] of [the] F[ather]., S[on], & H[oly]. G[host]. Amen.

H C. K.[:] I nominate Daniel Spencer to be the Pres[iden]t. of this Stake.-A. Lyman sec[onde]d. [Vote was c]arried.

John Young nominated Reynolds Cahoon & G[eorge]. B. Wallace for /his/ councillors. [It was] sec[onde]d. [and c]arried.

Prayer by Erastus Snow.

Preface This Book purports to be a record of the Acts of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints from the time the Quorum was filled up and the Church generally organized in this Stake of Zion in the valley of the Great Salt Lake which reorganization was commenced on the Twelfth day of February 1849.

Elder Orson Hyde, senior member of the Quorum is presiding over the Church and the Pottowatomie lands assisted by Elders George A. Smith and Ezra T. Benson. Elder Orson Pratt is presiding over the Church in Europe and adjacent islands. Elder Wilford Woodruff is presiding over the saints in North American British provinces. Lyman White has until recently been continued as a member of the Quorum, but by his publication (Pamphlet) has dishonored his holy priesthood and has been taken from him. Pres[ident] Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards have been stepped forward to the first presidency of the church now leaves a vacancy of four in the Quorum of the Twelve, which is next in order after the first presidency to fill up. Great Salt Lake City, 1849.

On Monday 12th day of February 1849 at 11 " o'clock A.M. Council met at the house of George B. Wallace in the North Fort present Presidents Young, Kimball & Richards, Parley P. Pratt, John Taylor & Amasa Lyman, Bishop N. K. Whitney, J. M Grant, John Young, Thomas Bullock, George B. Wallace and Robert Campbell. Elders C. C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow & Franklin D. Richards were called upon by Pres[iden]t Young to take seats in the centre of the room.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Pratt who then addressed the council expressing his pleasure at the idea of again associating with his brethren in the capacity of the Quorum of the Twelve and giving vent to his feelings generally upon the occasion and expressing his entire confidence in the candidates before them. Elders Kimball, E. Snow, O. J. Taylor, Pres[iden]t Young, A. Lyman, P. P. Pratt, Pres[iden]t Young again in their turns made remarks at considerable length which would be most interesting to insert here but for want of room their speeches were reported by Tho[ma]s Bullock & kept in the general records.

Then follows the ordaining of Charles C. Rich as an apostle, of Jesus Christ and of his servant Joseph the martyr to seal upon thee all the blessings, keys and powers and callings of the office and say unto thee thou art called of the lord and chosen and set apart as one of the Twelve apostles. Inasmuch as the Lord has called thee to occupy a place thou art called to go forth in the Quorum of the Twelve. Thou shalt be mighty and great and thy wisdom shall expand and increase and grow until thou shalt understand the things of God and magnify the name of Israel's God with visions and power and the Holy Ghost that thou mayest learn all things, surmount all things. We ordain thee and set thee apart and thou shalt not be behind the chiefest of the apostles, thou shall cause the pure and honest to rejoice. Thou shall be piercing and quick to discern the hearts of the children of men. We pray our Heavenly Father to command thee blessings upon his servant, Charles, before nations and before brethren in the Church may be counselor to his brother, father in the work given him to do and we seal all these things upon thee and thou shalt be numbered with the Twelve apostles of the Latter-day Saints and be remembered in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thou art called to preside over matters not and pray our Father in Heaven that his faith may increase, his health may increase, power that he may have the tongue of an angel and voice like the breeze of a summer evening, Now we seal these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The next is Lorenzo Snow and he is ordained by Heber C. Kimball. Among other things he was promised influence and fortitude to heal the sick, cast out devils, call the dead to come forth.

Next, A. Erastus Snow was ordained by Brigham Young.

Next, Franklin D. Richards was blessed by Pres[ident] Heber C. Kimball.

After adjourning for one hour they met again and unanimously voted that John Young be ordained as President of the High Priest Quorum. He was ordained by Pres[ident] Heber C. Kimball.

John Taylor. He nominated Reynolds Cahoon and George P. Wallace as his counselors. Daniel Spencer was also unanimously voted to the presidency of this stake of Zion.

Pres[iden]t Young then said Bro[ther] Heber and I have now ordained Twelve Apostles & we expect to ordain no more. Joseph ordained me Oliver Cowdery & david Whitmer did it, it then fell on the Twelve they have been ordained by us, if any more come in they will be ordained by the Quorum not by us, we have done our work.

Seven of the Twelve are here & I can say you will have to do as we were directed. Your future lives will be to drop the hammer the plane & the Brush & all maner of work & let them alone forever & ever.

Had we remained there the Twelve would never have raised a bushel of grain anymore. We should have preached the Gospel & the people supplied our wants. Burnt the Bands from their feet, take off their fetters, cut loose & let them go It was adjourned until the next day. (1)

[Lorenzo Snow] He led a party of pioneers across the Great Plains and was called as one of the church's twelve apostles on 12 February 1849, shortly after settling in the Salt Lake valley. Over the years, he served five proselyting missions, in Ohio, Missouri, England, Italy, and northern Idaho. Because of his love for pomp, ceremony, cultural activities, and grand events he was always organizing plays, recitations, singing, and parades wherever he lived. (2)

1 - Minutes; Minutes; Record of the Twelve Apostles
2 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Lorenzo Snow, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/s/SNOW%2CLORENZO.html

LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow

Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow


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