LDS History, about Friday, April 04, 1828

-- about Friday, April 04, 1828
Palmyra, M and L Harris arrive in Palmyra from Harmony. (1)

-- about Tuesday, April 08, 1828
Palmyra, M Harris leaves Palmyra to return to Harmony. (1)

-- about Saturday, April 12, 1828
[Traveling] M Harris arrives to be Joseph Smith's scribe. (1)

-- Saturday, April 12, 1828
through Saturday, June 14, 1828: The translation begins (1)

Translation of the Book of Lehi (1)

-- 12 Apr. 1828
[Lucy Mack Smith] Martin Harris acts as scribe for Joseph and completes 116 pages. (2)

-- 1828 Apr 12
[Lucy Mack Smith] Martin Harris begins work as scribe for Joseph in translation of plates. LucyM

-- June 1828
[Joseph Smith] Martin Harris loses 116 pages of the translated manuscript of the Book of Mormon. (3)

1 -
2 - Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, Edited by Lavina Fielding Anderson, 2001, Signature Books
3 -

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LDS History, about Tuesday, March 04, 1828

-- about Tuesday, March 04, 1828
Harmony, M Harris arrives back at the Joseph Smith Farm. (1)

-- about Thursday, March 06, 1828
Harmony, M Harris departs Harmony to return home. (1)

-- about Monday, March 10, 1828
Palmyra, M Harris arrives home after 40 days traveling. (1)

-- about Wednesday, March 12, 1828
Palmyra, M and L Harris leave Palmyra for Harmony visit. (1)

-- about Sunday, March 16, 1828
Harmony, M and L Harris arrive, to visit J and E Smith (1)

-- about Monday, March 17, 1828
Harmony, Lucy searches Joseph Smith home for plates. (1)

-- about Tuesday, March 18, 1828
Harmony. Lucy continues her search outside the house. (1)

-- Monday, March 31, 1828
Harmony, M and L Harris leave Harmony, after 2 week visit. (1)

1 -

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Martin Harris visits 3 noted linguists

Additional information on the Martin Harris  trip to New York.

In December of 1827, Joseph Smith and Emma moved to Harmony, Pennsylvania, and Joseph was able to translate without persecution. Until February 1828, Joseph copied many of the characters and translated a few using the Urim and Thummim. Martin Harris, a wealthy farmer who had helped Joseph and Emma financially, came to visit. Martin was given a copy of some of the characters and asked to show them to noted linguists.This was done in accordance with a prophecy given in Isaiah and also quoted by Nephi in the Book of Mormon, "For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."1It is known that Martin Harris visited at least three men who were noted linguists; Luther Bradish, Dr. Samuel Mitchill, and Professor Charles Anthon. Luther Bradish was a diplomat, world traveler, and knew many languages. Samuel Mitchill was the vice president of Rutgers Medical College, and Charles Anthon was a professor at Columbia College in New York City. He was the leading classical scholar of the time and was a professor of Greek and Latin. He also knew French, and German, and was extremely familiar with the latest discoveries in the Egyptian language.Martin recorded that Anthon examined the characters and gave him a certificate saying that the characters and their translation were authentic. Martin took the certificate and was about to leave when Anthon asked him how the plates were found. Martin informed him that it was through revelation from God. Anthon asked for the certificate and Martin recorded, "He took it and tore it to pieces, saying, that there was no such thing now as ministering of angels, and that if I would bring the plates to him, he would translate them. I informed him that part of the plates were sealed and that I was forbidden to bring them. He replied, 'I cannot read a sealed book." This experience directly fulfilled the prophecy found in Isaiah, and also helped confirm Martin Harris' testimony of the truthfulness of Joseph Smith's mission. After this experience Martin was ready to help Joseph in any way possible to bring forth the Book of Mormon.


"There are two independent sources stating that Harris did indeed seek the opinion and advice of [Luther] Bradish [in Albany] concerning the transcription. The first source is Pomeroy Tucker. ... Tucker reports that Harris 'sought the interpretation and bibliological scrutiny of such scholars as Hon. Luther Bradish, Dr. Mitchell, Professor Anthon and others.' ..."

"The second source is a statement made by John H. Gilbert in September 1892. ... According to Gilbert, Harris 'stopped at Albany and called on Lt. Governor Bradish ...' (Furthermore, the statement by W.W.Phelps, that Harris 'went to New York City by way of Utica and Albany,' strengthens the possibility that Harris consulted Bradish about the transcription.)" [ATP 329-330] 

Professor Anthon wrote two letters, approximately seven years apart, and in each of the two letters he states that Martin Harris arrived with a note of introduction from Dr. Mitchell.

"Some years ago, a plain, apparently simple-hearted farmer called on me with a note from Dr. Mitchell, of our city, now dead, requesting me to decipher, if possible, the paper which the farmer would hand me." Letter to E. D. Howe, February 17, 1834. [CHC 1:103]

"Many years ago--the precise date I do not now recollect,--a plain-looking countryman called upon me with a letter from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell, requesting me to examine, and give my opinion upon a certain paper, marked with various characters, which the doctor confessed he could not decipher, and which the bearer of the note was very anxious to have explained." . . .
"As Dr. Mitchell was our 'Magnus Appollo' in those days, the man called first upon him; but the Doctor, evidently suspecting some trick, declined giving any opinion about the matter, and sent the countryman down to the college, to see, in all probability, what the 'learned pundits' in that place would make of the affair." Letter to T. W. Coit, April 3, 1841. [CHC

According to Joseph Smith's history, Martin Harris indicates that he saw Professor Anthon before seeing Dr. Mitchill.

"He [Professor Charles Anthon] replied 'I cannot read a sealed book' I left him and went to Dr. Mitchell, who sanctioned what Professor Anthony had said respecting both the characters and the translation." [PJS 1:285-286 and HC 1:20]

If, as Professor Anthon states, Dr. Mitchell initially declined giving any opinion on the matter, it is reasonable to believe that Martin Harris might return to see if Dr. Mitchell would be willing to make some definite statement after Professor Anthon had first expressed an opinion. This would tend to reconcile the differences in the accounts about the sequence of the visits.1:104-105, 106]

LDS History, about Monday, February 04, 1828

-- about Monday, February 04, 1828
Harmony, M Harris departs for Albany, New York City, etc. (1)

-- about Saturday, February 09, 1828
Albany, M Harris arrives in Albany, visits Mr. Luther Bradish. (1)

-- about Monday, February 11, 1828
Albany, M Harris departs Albany for New York City. (1)

-- about Thursday, February 21, 1828
New York City, M Harris arrives in New York City. (1)

-- about Saturday, February 23, 1828
New York City, M Harris visits with Dr. Samuel Mitchill. (1)

-- about Monday, February 25, 1828
New York City, M Harris visits with Professor Charles Anthon. (1)

-- about Tuesday, February 26, 1828
New York City, M Harris departs New York City for Harmony. (1)

-- 1828 Feb 27
[Lucy Mack Smith] Martin Harris takes facsimile transcript to New York City. (2)

1 -
2 - History of Joseph Smith by His Mother: Revised and Enhanced by Scot Facer Proctor Maurine Jensen Proctor

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LDS History, February, 1828 to April, 1828:

-- February, 1828 to April, 1828:
Martin Harris' trip to New York City - Professor Anthon. (1)

-- 1828 February
Martin Harris showed Book of Mormon characters to Charles Anthon and Samuel L. Mitchill. (2)

Martin Harris showed some of the characters transcribed from the Plates, and the translation of them to Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, of New York. (3)

-- February 1828
[Joseph Smith] A transcript and partial translation of the Book of Mormon is taken to academics by Martin Harris. (4)

-- 1828, February
[Joseph Smith] Martin Harris shows a copy of some characters from the gold plates to noted scholars, including Charles Anthon and Samuel L. Mitchill in New York City. (5)

-- ca. Feb. 1828
[Lucy Mack Smith] Martin and Dolly Harris visit Joseph Jr. in Harmony for about two weeks. Martin takes Mrs. Harris home, then returns. (6)

-- Feb. 1828
[Lucy Mack Smith] Martin Harris takes a transcript of Book of Mormon characters to New York City and shows them to Professor Charles Anthon, Columbia University. (6)

-- about Saturday, February 02, 1828
Harmony, Martin Harris arrives in Harmony to see Joseph. (1)

1 -
2 -
3 - Richards - Little, Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, Church Chronology, Ch.66, p.306
4 -
5 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
6 - Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, Edited by Lavina Fielding Anderson, 2001, Signature Books

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LDS History, 1827, December

-- 1827, December
[Joseph Smith] (age 22)Moves to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to escape from mobs in Palmyra and Manchester who are trying to steal the plates. Shortly thereafter, begins translating the Book of Mormon. (1)

-- 1827 Dec
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph and Emma move to Harmony. Martin Harris gives them $50. (2)

-- about Saturday, December 01, 1827
Manchester, Joseph and Emma begin their move to Harmony. (3)

-- about December 2, 1827
[Joseph Smith] Harmony, Pennsylvania. Joseph Smith spent much of the month copying characters off of the plates and translated them using the Urim and Thummin. (4)

-- about Thursday, December 06, 1827
Harmony, Joseph and Emma arrive at the Isaac Hale home. (3)

-- about Monday, December 10, 1827
Harmony, Joseph and Emma move into the old Jesse Hale house. (3)

-- 1828
[U.S. Religious History] Emancipation of Protestant dissenters (1828) (5)

-- about Tuesday, January 29, 1828
Palmyra, Martin Harris leaves Palmyra for Harmony. (3)

1 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 - Milton Backman, Regional Studies, British Isles, Birth of Mormonism, p.27. Preliminaries to the Restoration: Chronology

Mormon History

LDS History,

-- Sunday, November 25, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Alva Hale arrives to help Joseph Move to Harmony. (1)

-- about Monday, November 26, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Martin Harris gives Joseph Smith $50 in silver (1)

-- about December 1827 to February 1828,
[Book of Mormon Translation] JS copies characters and translates some of them (1)

[Book of Mormon Translation] JS copies characters and translates some of them (1)

-- 1827 December
Joseph Smith Jr. and his new wife, Emma, move to Harmony, Pennsylvania. (2)

Joseph Smith Jr. begins translation of the gold plates. (2)

-- December 1827
[Joseph Smith] Because of persecution, Joseph and Emma decide to leave Manchester and move to Harmony, Pennsylvania where they live with Emmas parents. (3)

-- 1827 December
[Joseph Smith] [Joseph Smith] Moves to Harmony, Pennsylvania. (4)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

Mormon History

LDS History,

-- 1827 Sept 22
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Jr. obtains the plates from the angel Moroni. (1)

-- Sunday, September 23, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Macedon J Smith is hired to work on a well in Macedon. (2)

-- about Wednesday, September 26, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, J Smith returns home, retrieves the plates. (2)

-- about Monday, October 01, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Joseph Smith resumes his work on his father's farm. (2)

-- about Friday, October 12, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Joseph Smith retrieves the breastplate. (2)

-- Sunday, October 28, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, The plates and breastplate are buried under the hearth. (2)

-- Thursday, November 01, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Plates are concealed under the cooper's shop floor. (2)

-- Sunday, November 04, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Plates are removed to the cooper's shop loft. (2)

1 -
2 -

Mormon History

Joseph Smith Papers discussion

Mormon Miscellaneous World-Wide Talk Show
Host: Van Hale
Radio Station: KTKK 630 AM, Salt Lake City

Date: Sunday, 25 January 2009

Subject: Joseph Smith Papers Project

Mark Ashurst-McGee and Richard L. Jensen, two of the editors of the
first volume of the multi-volume work, the Joseph Smith Papers, will
join me to discuss this volume and the project in general. Volume one
includes Joseph Smith's diaries for 1832-1839, with extensive
footnotes, an excellent introduction, many maps, biographical and
geographical notes, a glossary, a chronology, charts and tables. They
will answer whatever questions may be asked

Time: 5:00 - 7:00 pm MST

Live Internet Streaming Audio can be accessed at: or

LDS History,

-- 1827 22 September
Moroni gave the gold plates to Joseph Smith. (1)

-- 1827, September 22
Joseph Smith obtained the gold plates from Moroni at the Hill Cumorah (see JS-H 1: 59). (2)

-- 1827 September 22
Joseph Smith, Jun, obtained the Plates of the Book of Mormon, the Urim and Thummim, and Breastplate. (3)

Joseph Smith, Jr. acquires the Golden Plates on which The Book of Mormon is inscribed. (4)

-- September 22, 1827
[Joseph Smith] Manchester, New York. Joseph Smith received the golden plates from the angel Moroni on the hill where they were buried. (5)

[Joseph Smith] Joseph receives the gold plates from the angel Moroni at the Hill Cumorah and begins translation of the Book of Mormon with the help of the Urim and Thummim. (6)

-- 1827 22 September
[Joseph Smith] [Joseph Smith] Obtains Book of Mormon plates. (7)

-- 1827, September 22
[Joseph Smith] Obtains the plates from Moroni, after having met with Moroni on September 22 each year since 1823. (8)

1 -
2 -
3 - Richards - Little, Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, Church Chronology, Ch.66, p.306
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

Mormon History

LDS History,

-- 1827 January 18
Joseph Smith, Jr. elopes with his wife, Emma Hale. (1)

-- January 18, 1827
[Joseph Smith] South Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York. Joseph Smith married Emma Hale. (2)

[Joseph Smith] Joseph Smith Jr. marries Emma Hale in South Bainbridge, New York. (3)

-- 1827 18 January
[Joseph Smith] [Joseph Smith] Marries Emma Hale at South Bainbridge, New York. (4)

-- 1827, January 18
[Joseph Smith] (age 21)Marries Emma Hale of Harmony, Pennsylvania; they are married in South Bainbridge, New York. (5)

-- 1827 Jan 18
[Lucy Mack Smith] Marriage of Joseph Jr. to Emma Hale at S. Bainbridge, N.Y. (6)

-- Thursday, September 20, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, Joseph Knight and Josiah Stowell arrive. (7)

-- Saturday, September 22, 1827
[Book of Mormon Translation] Manchester, J Smith gets the plates, hides them in a birch log. (7)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
6 -
7 -

Mormon History

LDS History,

-- 1825 Dec
[Lucy Mack Smith] Smith family loses farm by fraud and become tenants on their own land. (1)

-- 1826
[Deseret] Jedediah Smith leads the first overland expedition to California. (2)

[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Jr. works most of the year for Josiah Stowell and Joseph Knight Sr. (1)

-- 1826, March 20
Joseph Smith tried and acquitted on charge of being a disorderly person at South Bainbridge, NY. [See din Bookstore. (3)

-- March 20, 1826
[Joseph Smith] Joseph is put on trial for disorderly conduct. Charges are dismissed. (4)

-- 1826 Sept 22
[Lucy Mack Smith] Moroni meets with and teaches Joseph Jr. at Hill Cumorah. (1)

-- 1827 Jan
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph and Emma move in with the Smiths at the Manchester farm. (1)

-- 1827 18 January
Joseph Smith married Emma Hale in South Bainbridge, New York. (5)

1 -
2 -
3 - Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History
4 -
5 -

/LDS Church History Chronology/

LDS History,

-- 1825-1830
[U.S. Religious History] Rise of United Brethren, Plymouth Brethren, and Irvingites. (1)

-- 1825 Spring
Four members of Joseph Smith, Jr.'s family join the Presbyterian Church, including Hyrum Smith and his mother, Lucy Mack. (2)

-- 14 September 1825
[Heber C. Kimball] Joins Masonic Lodge, Victor Village, Victor Township, Ontario County, New York. (3)

-- September 22, 1825
[Joseph Smith] Manchester, New York. Joseph Smith met with Moroni at Hill Cumorah on this same day for three years to receive instructions until he could obtain the plates. (4)

-- 1825 Sept 22
[Lucy Mack Smith] Moroni meets with and teaches Joseph Jr. at Hill Cumorah. (5)

-- 1825, October
Joseph Smith hired by Josiah Stowell to work at Harmony, PA. Boarded at Isaac Hale's and met Emma Hale. (6)

-- 1825 Oct
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Jr. hires with Josiah Stowell and works in Harmony, Pa. (5)

-- November 17, 1825
[Joseph Smith] Near South Bainbridge, New York. Joseph Smith continued his employment on Josiah Stowells farm, although the mine excavation in Harmony, Pennsylvania, had ended. (4)

1 - Milton Backman, Regional Studies, British Isles, Birth of Mormonism, p.27. Preliminaries to the Restoration: Chronology
2 -
3 - On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanely B. Kimball editor. Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1987. Chronology
4 -
5 -
6 - Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History

/LDS Church History Chronology/

LDS History, 1824 Sept 22

-- 1824 Sept 22
[Lucy Mack Smith] Moroni meets with and teaches Joseph Jr. at Hill Cumorah. (1)

-- 1825
[Deseret] American trappers affiliated with William H. Ashley and led by Johnson Gardner and Peter Skene Ogden of the rival Hudson's Bay Company, a British outfit, met imperviously at Mountain Green on the Weber River. (2)

-- 1825
[Deseret] William H. Ashley arranged for his men to meet at Henry's Fork of the Green River for what became the first annual rendezvous. The next three rendezvous were held in Utah--one in Cache Valley and the next two on the south end of Bear Lake. (2)

-- 1825
In both 1824 and 1825, major religious revivals continue to take place in the Palmyra region. (3)

-- 1825
[John Taylor] Becomes a Methodist exhorter, or lay preacher. Receives a strong impression that he will go to America to preach the gospel. (4)

-- 1825
[Joseph Smith] (age 19)Moves with his family from the log home to a newly built frame home on their farm in Manchester Township, New York. (5)

-- 1825-1830
[U.S. Religious History] England, Repeal of Corporation and Test Acts (6)

-- 1825-1830
[U.S. Religious History] England,U.S. - Increase in Millennarianism. U.S. Rise of Disciples of Christ, Organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (6)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
5 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
6 - Milton Backman, Regional Studies, British Isles, Birth of Mormonism, p.27. Preliminaries to the Restoration: Chronology

LDS History, 1823 September 21

-- 1823 September 21
Joseph Smith, Jr. receives a visit from an angel named Moroni in the upstairs room of the cabin in which he lived. During this visit Joseph receives instructions on where to find the gold plates. The following day he receives another visit after which he goes to the Hill Cumorah to locate the plates. He is not however allowed to remove the plates until September 22, 1827. (1)

-- September 21-22 1823
[Joseph Smith] Joseph is visited five times by the angel Moroni, who reveals to Joseph information about the Book of Mormon and how to restore Christs gospel. (2)

-- 1823 Sept 22
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Jr. views the plates for the first time. (3)

-- 1823 November 19
Alvin Smith, Joseph Smith, Jr.'s older brother, dies from poor treatment by a doctor after feeling ill. (1)

-- 1823 Nov 19
[Lucy Mack Smith] Death of Alvin. (3)

-- 1824
[Brigham Young] Marries Miriam Works. (4)

-- 1824
[Deseret] General William H. Ashley sends trappers to northern Utah and Jim Bridger discovers the Great Salt Lake. (5)

-- 1824
[John Taylor] Leaves the Church of England and becomes a Methodist. Spends most of his free time studying the Bible, reading theological works, and praying. (6)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
5 -
6 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

LDS History, 1821

-- 1821
[Wilford Woodruff] Begins work as a miller. (1)

-- 1821 July 18
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Lucy. (2)

-- 1821 Fall
The log cabin on the Farmington land is built and the Smith family moves in. (3)

-- 1822
[John Taylor] Apprenticed as a cooper (barrel maker) in Liverpool. Within a year his masters business fails and he returns home. (4)

-- 1822
[Lucy Mack Smith] Alvin begins construction on frame house at Manchester farm. (2)

-- 1822
[West] California became part of Mexico. (5)

-- 7 November 1822
[Heber C. Kimball] Marries Vilate Murray. Living children--William, Helen, Heber Parley, David Patton, Charles, and Brigham Willard--by February 1846. (6)

-- 1823
[West] Monroe Doctrine declared North and South America closed to European colonization. (5)

1 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 -
3 -
4 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
5 -
6 - On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanely B. Kimball editor. Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1987. Chronology

1832 Account of the First Vision

Joseph Smith's 1832 Account (earliest) of His First Vision

I was born in the town of Charon [Sharon] in the of Vermont North
America on the twenty third day of December AD 1805 of goodly Parents
who spared no pains to instructing me in christian religion at the age
of about ten years my Father Joseph Smith Siegnior moved to Palmyra
Ontario County in the State of New York and being in indigent
circumstances were obliged to labour hard for the support of a large
Family having nine chilldren and as it required the exertions of all
that were able to render any assistance for the support of the Family
therefore we were deprived of the bennifit of an education suffice it
to say I was mearly instructid in reading writing and the ground of
Arithmatic which const[it]uted my whole literary acquirements.

At about the age of twelve years my mind become seriously imprest with
regard to the all importent concerns for the wellfare of my immortal
Soul which led me to searching the scriptures believeing as I was
taught, that they contained the word of God thus applying myself to
them and my intimate acquaintance with those different denominations
led me to marvel exce[e]dingly for I discovered that of adorn their
profession by a holy walk and Godly conversation agreeable to what I
found contained in that sacred depository this was a grief to my Soul

thus from the age of twelve years to fifteen I pondered many things in
my heart concerning the sittuation of the world of mankind the
contentions and divi[si]ons the wicke[d]ness and abominations and the
darkness which pervaded the minds of mankind my mind become
exce[e]dingly distressed for I become convicted of my sins and by
searching the scriptures I found that did not come unto the Lord but
that they had apostatised from the true and liveing faith and there
was no society or denomination that built upon the gospel of Jesus
Christ as recorded in the new testament and I felt to mourn for my own
sins and for the sins of the world

for I learned in the scriptures that God was the same yesterday to day
and forever that he was no respector to persons for he was God for I
looked upon the sun the glorious luminary of the earth and also the
moon rolling in their magesty through the heavens and also the stars
shining in their courses and the earth also upon which I stood and the
beast of the field and the fowls of heaven and the fish of the waters
and also man walking forth upon the face of the earth in magesty and
in the strength of beauty whose power and intiligence in governing the
things which are so exceding great and marvilous even in the likeness
of him who created and when I considered upon these things my heart
exclaimed well hath the wise man said fool saith in his heart there is
no God

my heart exclaimed all all these bear testimony and bespeak an
omnipotant and omnipreasant power a being who makith Laws and decreeth
and bindeth all things in their bounds who filleth Eternity who was
and is and will be from all Eternity to Eternity and when I considered
all these things and that being seeketh such to worship him as worship
him in spirit and in truth

therefore I cried unto the Lord for mercy for there was none else to
whom I could go and obtain mercy and the Lord heard my cry in the
wilderness and while in attitude of calling upon the Lord a piller of
light above the brightness of the sun at noon day come down from above
and rested upon me and I was filled with the spirit of god and the
opened the heavens upon me and I saw the Lord and he spake unto me
saying Joseph thy sins are forgiven thee. go thy walk in my statutes
and keep my commandments behold I am the Lord of glory I was crucifyed
for the world that all those who believe on my name may have Eternal
life the world lieth in sin at this time and none doeth good no not
one they have turned asside from the gospel and keep not commandments
they draw near to me with their lips while their hearts are far from
me and mine anger is kindling against the inhabitants of the earth to
visit them ac[c]ording to th[e]ir ungodliness and to bring to pass
that which been spoken by the mouth of the prophets and Ap[o]stles
behold and lo I come quickly as it [is] written of me in the cloud in
the glory of my Father

and my soul was filled with love and for many days I could rejoice
with great Joy and the Lord was with me but [I] could find none that
would believe the he[a]v[e]nly vision nevertheless I pondered these
things in my heart

LDS History, 1818 Fall

-- 1818 Fall
[Lucy Mack Smith] Smiths move into small cabin at north end of their Manchester property. (1)

-- 1819
[John Taylor] Moves with his family to Hale (near Milnthorpe), where he helps work on a small farm left to his father by an uncle. (2)

-- 1819/20
[Lucy Mack Smith] Attempted assassination of Joseph Jr. (1)

-- 1820
[Heber C. Kimball] Moves to Mendon Village, Mendon Township, Franklin County, New York; becomes an apprentice potter to his brother. (3)

-- 1820, Early Spring
The Prophet Joseph Smith received First Vision in a grove of trees in Palmyra and Manchester Townships, New York, near his home (see JS-H 1: 15-17). (4)

-- 1820 August
Joseph Smith, Sr. contracts to buy land in Farmington. (5)

-- 1821
[Deseret] Following the Mexican Revolution, traders from Spanish and Mexican territory barter actively in Utah. (6)

-- 1821
[Deseret] Mexico wins independence from Spain and claims Utah. (6)

1 -
2 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
3 - On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanely B. Kimball editor. Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1987. Chronology
4 -
5 -
6 -

LDS History, 1815

-- 1815
[Lucy Mack Smith] Complete crop failures for the Smiths in Norwich. (1)

-- 1815
[Lucy Mack Smith] Newspaper reports of good land available in western N.Y. (1)

-- 1816 Mar 25
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Don Carlos. (1)

-- 1816 June
[Lucy Mack Smith] Crops are killed by series of untimely ice storms. "Year without a summer." (1)

-- 1816 Fall
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move from New England to Palmyra, N.Y. (could be Jan. 1817). (1)

-- 1817-1892
[General Religious History] The life of Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Bahá'í Faith (2)

-- 1817
[Lucy Mack Smith] Smiths purchase 100 acres of virgin forest land two miles south of Palmyra. (1)

-- ca. 1818-19
[Joseph Smith] (age 12 or 13)Moves with his family from the village of Palmyra to a log home in Palmyra Township, New York. (3)

1 -
2 -
3 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

LDS History, 1810 Mar 13

-- 1810 Mar 13
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Ephraim. (LucyM)

-- 1810 Mar 24
[Lucy Mack Smith] Death of Ephraim. (LucyM)

-- 1810, November 9
[Wilford Woodruff] His father marries Azubah Hart. (P-RS-Woodruff)

-- 1811
[Heber C. Kimball] Moves to West Bloomfield Village, Bloomfield Township, Ontario County, New York. (HCK)

-- 1811 Mar 13
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of William. (LucyM)

-- 1811 Apr
[Lucy Mack Smith] First in series of seven visions received by Joseph Smith Sr. (1811-19). (LucyM)

-- 1811 Summer
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Lebanon, N.H. (LucyM)

-- 1812/13
[Lucy Mack Smith] Typhoid fever epidemic. All Smith children contract the disease. (LucyM)

-- 1812 July 28
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Catharine. (LucyM)

-- ca. 1813
[Joseph Smith] (age 7)Contracts typhoid fever; complications require surgery on his left leg. At this time, the Smith family was living in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, one of several places to which the family moved between 1808 and 1816 in search of opportunities for work. (P-RS-JS)

-- 1813
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Jr.s leg operation. (LucyM)

-- 1813
[U.S. Religious History] England, Toleration Act extended to Unitarians (1813) (Backman)

-- 1814
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move from Lebanon, N.H., to Norwich, Vt. (LucyM)

-- 1814, April 3
Lorenzo Snow (1814-1901) b. Mantua, Portage Co., OH. (EofM)

-- 1814 3 April
Lorenzo Snow born in Mantua, Ohio. (Hemidakota)

-- 1814 Fall
[Lucy Mack Smith] Complete crop failures for the Smiths in Norwich. (LucyM)

-- 1815-21
[Brigham Young] Mother dies; Brigham begins to earn his own way in life, eventually becoming a carpenter. (P-RS-BY)

/LDS History Chronology/

LDS History, 1803 Summer

-- 1803 Summer
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Royalton, Vt. (LucyM)

-- 1803 Fall
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Sharon, Vt. Rent farm from Solomon Mack. (LucyM)

-- 1803 Winter
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move back to the Tunbridge farm (early in the year). (LucyM)

-- 1804, July 10
Emma Hale Smith (1804-1879) b. to Isaac Hale and Elizabeth Lewis Hale, Harmony, Susquehanna Co., PA. (EofM)

-- 1804 July 10
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Emma Hale at Harmony, Pa. (LucyM)

-- 1805, December 23
Joseph Smith (1805-1844) b. to Joseph Smith, Sr., and Lucy Mack Smith, Sharon, Windsor Co., VT. (EofM)

-- 1806/7
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Tunbridge. (LucyM)

-- 1807, March 1
Wilford Woodruff (1807-1898) b. Farmington, Hartford Co., CT. (EofM)

-- 1807 1 March
Wilford Woodruff born in Farmington (now Avon), Connecticut. (Hemidakota)

-- 1807 March 1
[Wilford Woodruff] Born in Avon, Hartford --- County, Connecticut, to Aphek Woodruff and Beulah Thompson (KennyWW)

-- 1807, March 1
[Wilford Woodruff] Wilford Woodruff is born in Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, to Beulah Thompson Woodruff and Aphek Woodruff. (P-RS-Woodruff)

-- 1808/9
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Royalton, Vt. (LucyM)

-- 1808 Mar 13
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Samuel Harrison. (LucyM)

-- 1808, June 11
[Wilford Woodruff] His mother dies at age 26. (P-RS-Woodruff)

-- 1808, November 1
John Taylor (1808-1887) b. Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, England. (EofM)

-- 1808 1 November
John Taylor born in Milnthorpe, England. (Hemidakota)

-- 1808, November 1
[John Taylor] Born in Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, England, the second of James and Agnes Taylors 10 children. (P-RS-JT)

/LDS History Chronology/

LDS History, 1787

-- 1787
[U.S. Religious History] Constitution and Bill of Rights advanced freedom. (Backman)

-- 1791
[U.S. Religious History] England, Toleration Act extended to Roman Catholics (Backman)

-- 1796, January 24
Joseph Smith, Sr., and Lucy Mack Smith m. in Tunbridge, VT. (EofM)

-- 1796 Jan 24
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Smith and Lucy Mack married at Tunbridge, Vt. (LucyM)

-- 1797
[Lucy Mack Smith] Loss of firstborn son of the Smiths. (LucyM)

-- 1798 Feb 11
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Alvin. (LucyM)

-- 1800-1820
[U.S. Religious History] England, U.S., Continued growth of pluralism (Backman)

-- 1800, February 9
[Joseph F. Smith] Hyrum Smith, Joseph F. Smiths father, born in Tunbridge, Vermont. (P-RS-JFS)

-- 1800 Feb 9
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Hyrum. (LucyM)

-- 1801, June 1
[Brigham Young] Born in Whittingham, Widdham County, Vermont. (P-RS-BY)

-- 1801, June 1
Brigham Young (1801-1877) b. Whitingham, Windham Co., VT. (EofM)

-- 1801 1 June
Brigham Young born in Whitingham, Vermont. (Hemidakota)

-- 14 June 1801
[Heber C. Kimball] Born in Sheldon Village, Sheldon Township, Franklin County, Vermont. (HCK)

-- 1801, July 21
[Joseph F. Smith] Mary Fielding, his mother, born in Honidon, England. (P-RS-JFS)

-- 1802 Spring
[Lucy Mack Smith] Move to Randolph, Vt. (LucyM)

-- 1803 Spring
[Lucy Mack Smith] Loss of the Tunbridge farm. (LucyM)

-- 1803 May 17
[Lucy Mack Smith] Birth of Sophronia. (LucyM)

/LDS History Chronology/

LDS History, 1660

-- 1660
[U.S. Religious History] Protestants for all new mainland colonies (Pa., Del., N.J., N.Y., S.C., N.C.) (Backman)

-- 1660
[U.S. Religious History] U.S., To strengthen colonies England adopted a policy of toleration for Trinitarian (Backman)

-- 1689
[U.S. Religious History] England, Toleration Act (1689) (Backman)

-- 1689
[U.S. Religious History] England, Toleration Act of 1689 (for all Trinitarian Protestants). (Backman)

-- 1689
[U.S. Religious History] U.S., Principles of Toleration Act of 1689 adopted in all colonies (Backman)

-- 1739
[U.S. Religious History] England, Beginning of Methodist Revolt. (Backman)

-- 1739
[U.S. Religious History] U.S., Great Awakening (Backman)

-- 1750-70
[U.S. Religious History] England, Slow growth of dissent (Backman)

-- 1750-70
[U.S. Religious History] U.S., Rapid increase if pluralism (Backman)

-- 1770-1800
[U.S. Religious History] England, U.S. Rapid growth of pluralism: especially Methodists (England) and Baptists (U.S.); (Backman)

-- 1770-1800
[U.S. Religious History] Rise of Unitarianism, Universalism, and New Jerusalem church (Backman)

-- 1770-1800
[U.S. Religious History] U.S., New states passed laws granting freedom of conscience to all, Christians and non-Christians. (Backman)

-- 1771, July 12
Joseph Smith, Sr. (1771-1840) b. Topsfield, Essex Co., MA. (EofM)

-- 1771 July 12
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph Smith Sr. born in Topsfield, Mass. (LucyM)

-- 1775, July 8
Lucy Mack Smith (1775-1856) b. Gilsum, Cheshire Co., NH. (EofM)

-- 1775 July 8
[Lucy Mack Smith] Lucy Mack born in Gilsum, N.H. (LucyM)

-- 1776
[Deseret] Fathers Silvestre Velez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Dominguez seek a new route from New Mexico to California and explore Utah. (Explorers)

/LDS History Chronology/

LDS History, June 21, 1607

-- June 21, 1607
[U.S. Religious History] America's first Protestant Episcopal parish was established in Jamestown, Virginia. (USRelHist)

-- July 22, 1620
[U.S. Religious History] Under the leadership of John Robinson, English Separatists, began to emigrate to North America - eventually, they came to be known as the Pilgrims. (USRelHist)

-- September 16, 1620
[U.S. Religious History] The Mayflower left Plymouth, England with 102 Pilgrims aboard. The ship would arrive at Provincetown on November 21st and then at Plymouth on December 26th. (USRelHist)

-- March 05, 1623
[U.S. Religious History] The Virginia colony enacted the first American temperance law. (USRelHist)

-- September 06, 1628
[U.S. Religious History] Puritan colonists landed at Salem and started the Massachusetts Bay Colony (USRelHist)

-- June 30, 1629
[U.S. Religious History] Samuel Skelton was elected the first pastor of Salem, Massachusetts. The church covenant created by Skelton made his congregation the first non-separating congregational Puritan Church in New England. (USRelHist)

-- February 05, 1631
[U.S. Religious History] Roger Williams first arrived in North America. He would soon question the rigid religious policies in the Massachusetts colony, leading to his being banished to Rhode Island five years later. There he would create the first Baptist church in America. (USRelHist)

-- May 18, 1631
[U.S. Religious History] The General Court of the Massachusetts issued the decree that "no man shall be admitted to the body politic but such as are members of some of the churches within the limits" of the colony. (USRelHist)

-- 1633
[U.S. Religious History] England, U.S., Only one legal religion in England and all her mainland colonies (Backman)

-- March 25, 1634
[U.S. Religious History] The Roman Catholic Church made its first steps in North America when the colony ships "Dove" and "Ark" arrived in Maryland with 128 Catholic colonists. The members of this group had been chosen by Cecilius Calvert, second Lord Baltimore and the colony itself would be led by Leonard Calvert, Lord Baltimore's brother. (USRelHist)

-- October 09, 1635
[U.S. Religious History] Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts. Williams had argued against civil punishments for religious crimes and, as a result of his expulsion from the colony, he founded the town of Providence and the new colony of Rhode Island, specifically as a place of refuge for those seeking religious freedom. (USRelHist)

-- September 08, 1636
[U.S. Religious History] Harvard College (later University) was founded by the Massachusetts Puritans at New Towne. It was the first institution of higher learning established in North America, and was originally created to train future ministers. (USRelHist)

-- March 22, 1638
[U.S. Religious History] Religious dissident Anne Hutchinson was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as punishment for heresy. (USRelHist)

/LDS History Chronology/

LDS History, 599 BCE

-- 599 BCE
[General Religious History] Mahavira, the final (24th) Tirthankara of Jainism is born. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 563 BCE
[General Religious History] Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 551 BCE
[General Religious History] Confucius, founder of Confucianism, is born. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 7-2 BCE
[General Religious History] Jesus Christ is thought to have been born. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 250-900
[General Religious History] Classic Mayan civilization, Stepped pyramids are constructed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 405
[General Religious History] St. Jerome completes the Vulgate, the first latin translation of the bible. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 570-632
[General Religious History] Life of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 650
[General Religious History] Qur'an is completed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 712
[General Religious History] Kojiki the oldest surviving book and Shinto texts are written (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1350
[Utah] The Fremont Indians, who had lived in Utahs Range Creek Canyon since about 200, disappeared from the archeological record. (TimelineDB)

-- 1469-1539
[General Religious History] The life of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1500
[General Religious History] African religious systems are introduced to the Americas, with the commencement of the trans-Atlantic forced migration. (Wiki-Rel)

-- April 29, 1607
[U.S. Religious History] At Cape Henry, Virginia, the first Anglican (Episcopal) church in the American colonies was established. (USRelHist)

/LDS History Chronology/

Source Information

Source Information

(available at  and


Key (category) -- Source


Backman (U.S. Religious History) -- Milton Backman, Regional Studies, British Isles, Birth of Mormonism, p.27. Preliminaries to the Restoration: Chronology

BYU-Studies (Joseph Smith) --

EofM (General) -- Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History

EofM-P (Periodicals) -- Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol.4, Appendix 3: Church Periodicals

Explorers (Deseret) --

Fifty (Council of Fifty Member) -- Council of Fifty Members, 1844-1945, D. Michael Quinn, BYU Studies 20, #2 (1980)

Financial (Financial) --

HCK (Heber C. Kimball) -- On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanely B. Kimball editor.  Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1987. Chronology

Hemidakota (General) --

JSorg (Joseph Smith) --

JSP1832-39 (Joseph Smith) -- Joseph Smith Papers: Chronology for the Years 1832-1839

JSPapers (Joseph Smith) --

KennyWW (Wilford Woodruff) -- Wilford Woodruff's Journals 1833-1898: Typescript Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books, Midvale, Utah.  Chronology

Kenny-ZC (Joseph Smith) --

Larsen (Apostle Rudger Clawson) -- A Ministry of Meetings:The Apostolic Diaries of Rudger Clawson, Significant Mormon Diaries Series No. 6, Edited by Stan Larson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City 1993.  A Rudger Clawson Chronology

LDSOrg (General) --

Lesueur (Missouri War) -- Stephen C. LeSueur: The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri, Appendix: Chronology of Events in Missouri, 1838-1839

LucyM (Lucy Mack Smith) --

Mining (Deseret) --

MMisc (Utah War) --

MoTab (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) --

OldW (Deseret) --


Paulos (Smoot Hearings) -- The Mormon Church on Trial: Transcripts of the Reed Smoot Hearings, Michael Harold Paulos, Editor

Pioneers (Deseret) --

P-RS-BY (Brigham Young) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-DOM (David O McKay) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O McKay, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-HBL (Harold B. Lee) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Harold B. Lee, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-HJG (Heber J. Grant) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-JFS (Joseph F. Smith) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-JS (Joseph Smith) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-JT (John Taylor) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

P-RS-Woodruff (Wilford Woodruff) -- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah

Richards (General) -- Richards - Little, Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, Church Chronology, Ch.66, p.306

SKimball (Spencer W. Kimball) --

Statehood (Deseret) --

Thatcher (Utah Statehood) --

TimelineDB (Utah) --

TSMonson (Thomas S. Monson) --,5143,695250351,00.html

USRelHist (U.S. Religious History) --

USWest (West) --

Utah20th (Utah) --

UtahTD (Utah) --

Watson (Book of Mormon Translation) --

White (Apostle John Henry Smith) -- Jean Bickmore White, Church, State, and Politics, p.xviii, A John Henry Smith Chronology

Whittaker (Mark Hofmann) -- BYU Studies Vol. 29, No. 1, pg.80, The Hofmann Maze, A Book Review Essay with a Chronology and Bibliography of the Hofmann Case by David J. Whittaker

Wiki12 (Quorum of the Twelve) --

Wiki-19th (General) --

Wiki-1stp (1st Presidency Changes) --

Wiki-20th (Joseph Smith) --

Wiki21 (General) --

Wiki-Civil-Marriage (U.S. Marriage History) --

WikiHC (General) --

WikiMem (Membership) --

Wiki-Patriarch (Church Patriarch) --

Wiki-Rel (General Religious History) --

Wiki-war (Deseret) --

LDS History, 3800(?)-3000 BCE

-- 3800(?)-3000 BCE
[General Religious History] Indus Valley Civilization begins to mature. A number of religious aspects of this civilization would eventually be incorporated in the Indian religions. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 3000 BCE
[General Religious History] Writing is invented in Sumeria, it is first used for accounting but is later used to record myth. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 2494-2345 BCE
[General Religious History] The Pyramid Texts arguably the oldest known religious texts in the world are composed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 2300 BCE
[General Religious History] Earliest Confucian writing, Shu Ching incorporates ideas of harmony and heaven. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 2200 BCE
[General Religious History] Minoan Civilization in Crete develops. Citizens worship a variety of Goddesses. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1850 BCE
[General Religious History] Abraham is thought to have lived. Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is written. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1500 BCE
[General Religious History] Earliest Vedas are composed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1250 BCE
[General Religious History] Moses is thought to have led the Hebrews out of Egypt. The first books of the Torah are composed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 1200 BCE
[General Religious History] Olmecs build earliest pyramids and temples in Central America. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 950 BCE
[General Religious History] Pentateuch is written. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 877 BCE
[General Religious History] Parsva, the penultimate (23rd) Tirthankara of Jainism is born. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 800 BCE
[General Religious History] Early Brahmanas are composed. (Wiki-Rel)

-- 628 BCE
[General Religious History] Zoroaster, founder of Zoroastrianism is thought to have been born (Wiki-Rel)

-- For a look at current events in Mormonism, see

/Mormon Church History Chronology/

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