[Joseph Smith] (age 22)Moves to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to escape from mobs in Palmyra and Manchester who are trying to steal the plates. Shortly thereafter, begins translating the Book of Mormon. (1)
-- 1827 Dec
[Lucy Mack Smith] Joseph and Emma move to Harmony. Martin Harris gives them $50. (2)
-- about Saturday, December 01, 1827
Manchester, Joseph and Emma begin their move to Harmony. (3)
-- about December 2, 1827
[Joseph Smith] Harmony, Pennsylvania. Joseph Smith spent much of the month copying characters off of the plates and translated them using the Urim and Thummin. (4)
-- about Thursday, December 06, 1827
Harmony, Joseph and Emma arrive at the Isaac Hale home. (3)
-- about Monday, December 10, 1827
Harmony, Joseph and Emma move into the old Jesse Hale house. (3)
-- 1828
[U.S. Religious History] Emancipation of Protestant dissenters (1828) (5)
-- about Tuesday, January 29, 1828
Palmyra, Martin Harris leaves Palmyra for Harmony. (3)
1 - Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 - http://www.prophetjosephsmith.org/history_mother_appendix
3 - http://www.eldenwatson.net/BoM.htm
4 - http://josephsmith.byu.edu
5 - Milton Backman, Regional Studies, British Isles, Birth of Mormonism, p.27. Preliminaries to the Restoration: Chronology
Mormon History