Speaking in Tongues, Friday, the 22nd

-- Friday, the 22nd
[Oliver Cowdery] Copied blessings. At evening met in the president's room where were the presidents, the twelve, the presidents of the 70, the high councils of Kirtland and Zion, and the bishops and their counsellors. The presidents proceeded and annointed Thomas B. Marsh, the president of the twelve, and he annointed the other eleven. The twelve then proceeded, president Marsh taking the lead, and annointed the presidents of the Seventy. Elder Don Carlos Smith was ordained and annointed president of the high priesthood of the Melchisedek priesthood, by the presidents of the Church Church. Near the Close of the meeting, 2 O'clock in the morning, almost all present broke out in tongues and songs of Zion. (1)

-- Feb 6, 1836
[Joseph Smith Diary] Saturday, 6th Called the anointed together to receive the seal of all their blessings. The High Priests and Elders [met] in the council room as usual. The Seventy [met] with the Twelve [Apostles] in the second room and the Bishop in the 3rd. I laboured with each of these quorems for some time to bring [them] to the order which God had shown /to/ me which is as follows:

[The] first part to be spent in solemn prayer before God without any talking or confusion and the conclusion with a sealing prayer by Pres[ident] Sidney Rigdon when all the quorems are to shout with one accord a solemn hosannah to God and the Lamb with an Amen, Amen, and Amen. Then all take [their] seats and lift up their hearts in silent prayer to God and if any obtain a prophecy or vision to rise and speak that all may be edified and rejoice together.

I had considerable trouble to get all the quorems united in this order. I went from room to room repeatedly and charged each separately, assuring them that it was according to the mind of God. Yet notwithstanding all my labour, while I was in the east room with the Bishops' quorems, I felt by the spirit that something was wrong in the quorem of Elders in the west room.

I immediately requested Pres[ident] O[liver] Cowdery and H[yrum] Smith to go in and see what was the matter. The quorem of Elders had not observed the order which I had given them. [They] were reminded of it by Pres[ident] [Don] Carloss Smith and mildly requested to observe order and continue in prayer and [as] requested. Some of them replied that they had a teacher of their own and did not wish to be troubled by others. This caused the spirit of the Lord to withdraw. This interrupted the meeting and this quorem lost th[e]ir blessing in a great measure.

The other quorems were more careful and the quorem of the Seventy enjoyed a great flow of the Holy Spirit. Many arose and spok[e], testifying that they were filled with the Holy Spirit which was like fire in their bones, so that they could not hold their peace, but were constrained to cry hosannah to God and the Lamb and glory in the highest.

Pres[ident] W[illia]m Smith, one of the Twelve [Apostles], saw a vision of the Twelve and Seven[ties] in council together in old England. [He] prophecied that a great work would be done by them in the old co[u]ntries and God already beginning the work in the hearts of the p[e]ople. Pres[ident] Z[ebedee] Coltrin, one of the seven [Presidents of the Seventy], saw a vision of the Lord's Host. Others were filled with the spirit and spoke in tongues and prophecied. This was a time of rejoicing long to be remembered! Praise the Lord. (2)

1 - Oliver Cowdery Sketch Book
2 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1835-36, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues