Speaking in Tongues, Jan 19, 1836

-- Jan 19, 1836
[Joseph Smith Diary] 19th Tuesday the 19th Spent the day at School. The Lord blessed us in our Studies. This day we commenced reading in our Hebrew Bibles with much success. It seems as if the Lord opens our minds in a marvelous manner to understand his word in the original language. My prayer is that God will speedily indu [endow] us with a knowledge of all langnages and toungs [tongues] that his servants may go forth for the last time to bind up the law and seal up the testimony.

Form of Marriage Certificate

I hereby certify that agreeably to the rules and regulations of the Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints on matrimony, were joined in marriage Mr. William F. Cahoon and Miss Nancy M. Gibbs, both of this place, on Sabbath the 17th instant.

Joseph Smith, Jun[ior]

Presiding Elder of said Church

Kirtland, Ohio, January 18th 1836 (1)

-- Jan 21, 1836
[Joseph Smith Diary] ....

The heavens were opened upon us ... [I saw] Eld[e]r Brigham Young standing in a strange land in the far southwest, in a desert place, upon a rock in the midst of about a dozen men of colour who appeared hostile. He was preaching to them in their own toung [tongue] and the angel of God standing above his head with a drawn sword in his hand protec[t]ing him, but he did not see it. ... (1)

-- Jan 22, 1836
[Joseph Smith Diary] ...

We called [the meeting] to order and organized. The Presidency then proceeded to consecrate the oil. We then laid our hands upon Elder Thomas B. Marsh who is the President of the 12 [Apostles] and ordained him to the authority of anointing his brethren. I then pour[eld the consecrated oil upon his head in the name of Jesus Christ and sealed such blessings upon him as the Lord put into my heart. The rest of the Presidency then laid their hands upon him and blessed him each in their turn beginning at the eldest. He [Elder Marsh] then anointed /and blessed/ his brethren from the oldest to the youngest. I also laid my hands upon them and pronounced many great and glorious [blessings] upon their heads. The heavens were opened and angels ministered unto US.

The 12 [Apostles] then proceeded to anoint and bless the Presidency of the 70 and seal upon their heads power and authority to anoint their brethren. The heavens were opened upon Elder Sylvester Smith and he leaping up exclaimed, "The Horsemen of Israel and the chariots thereof." Br[other] [Don] Carloss Smith was also annointed and blessed to preside over the High Priesthood.

President Rigdon arose to conclude the servises of the evening by invoking the benediction of heaven upon the Lord's anointed /which he did/ in an eloquent manner. The congregation shouted a loud hosannah.

The gift of toungs [tongues] fell upon us in mighty pow[e]r, angels mingled their voices with ours, while their presence was in our midst and unseasing pra[i]ses swelled our bosoms for the space of half an hour.

I then observed to the brethren that it was time to retire. We accordingly /closed/ our interview and returned home at about 2 o'clock in the morning. The spirit and visions of God attended me through the night. (1)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1835-36, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries

LDS History Chronology: Speaking in Tongues

Mormon History Timeline: the gift of Tongues