History of the Word of Wisdom, Mar 6, 1885

-- Mar 6, 1885
[J.D.T. McAllister Diary] Man disfellowshipped for drinking

P.M. Jeremiah Leavitt called on us went to the Bishops had a talk concerning his being disfellowshipped. a meeting was called at 5 O. Clock. He Jeremiah made a statement. very good remarks in regard to his drunkeness and asked to be forgiven. on motitun the vote was unamous to forgive him. his baptism for the renewal of Covenants was set for tomorrow. (1)

-- Apr 16, 1885 (Thursday)
Judge Zane rendered a decision declaring the Territorial liquor law valid and sustaining the action of the county court against certain liquor dealers. (2)

-- May 7, 1885
[J.D.T. McAllister Diary] Drunken Man forgiven after repentance

Leicester Hendricks was before us for drunkeness. he promised not to take intoxicants any more. asked to be forgiven and was forgiven by a unamious Vote. (1)

-- Thurs. May 21st, 1885
[Abraham H. Cannon Journal] In Ogden, "I went to see Frank who has been on another drunk since Monday." (3)

-- Oct 9, 1885
[J.D.T. McAllister Diary] Erotic revelations of Herman Fascher

Conference. Apostle Erastus Snow addressed us, subject faith. signs of the Times, referred to the Epistle and the hearty response it met with. he occupied one hour and ten minutes I was called upon and spoke 30 minutes of the Elders in times of plague and sickness word of wisdom, and of the distress in past of the St. George Stake. from the Rio Virgin floods. and referred to the pretended and exotic Revelations of Herman Fascher. (1)

1 - Diary Excerpts of J.D.T. McAllister, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
3 - Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom