LDS Tithing History, Apr 21, 1878

LDS Tithing Chronology

-- Apr 21, 1878
[Sermon] Lorenzo Snow: United Order - Tithing - Cooperative Labors in Brigham City, JD 19:341 - 350 (1)

-- During December 1878
[John Nuttle] winter - spoke on Polygamy - I presented & read the statistical report the principal feature being that over one third of our population are under 8 years of age. spoke on the increase of this people soon our numbers will increase to a Nation and a power in the earth - read report of the Womens Grain committee & encouraged our Sisters in this laudable object also to gather & store Beans - referred to the stake organization of the Relief Societies as a good & praise worthy measure - spoke on the payment of P. E. Fund indebtedness - settlement of Tithing. Temple offerings &c before the end of the year also explained the arrangments entered into for procuring the Millenial Star in these mountains. wished the brethren & Societies to procure this work- 1 copy $2.10 per year or 3 copies $4.20 per year. gave appointments for Young Mens & Y. L Meeting & the Preisthood Meeting this evening. Choir Sang. Ben. by Bp W D Johnson Jun. till 2 P.M. 2. P.M. Prayer by Elder Jas
A. (2)

-- During 1878
(George Q. Cannon) "I have been desirous to … restore to the Church all I had ever drawn from it for services, so my labors might be gratuitous. I have paid tolerably heavy tithing and I felt if I could square up these credits I should be grateful," Cannon said. For twenty years of Church service and the funds he had drawn to build his "Big House," Cannon's "debt" totaled $39,914. He offered the $75,000 house to cancel the amount, but his fellow apostles declined the offer. Finally he deeded the house to the Church, his account was cancelled, and he received a credit of $20,000. (3)

-- Jun 25, 1879
The SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, asserts that during Brigham's term of office he received about $13,000,000 in tithes, of which 'about $9,000,000 was squandered on his family,' and dying, left the remainder to be quarrelled over by his heirs and assigns, including the church. The actual final total of Brigham Young's estate that is claimed by the church after his death is slightly less than $1,000,000. (4)

-- Apr 6, 1880
John Taylor restores Old Testament practice of jubilee celebration, in honor of church's fiftieth birthday. He forgives half of unpaid tithing and debts owed to Perpetual Emigrating Fund and encourages charitable gifts to poor. (4)

1 - Journal of Discourses,
2 - Diary Excerpts of L. John Nuttall,
3 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons
4 - On This Day in Mormon History,

Mormon Tithing Timeline /Chronology