George Albert Smith, January 4, 1906; Thursday

-- January 4, 1906; Thursday
The regular meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles was held this morning in the temple.... Brother Charles W. Penrose reported the visit of President Smith and party to Vermont and return, briefly as follows:

Speaking for himself the said he appreciated very highly the great pleasure it had afforded him to accompany President Smith

and party to the birthplace of the Prophet Joseph Smith, to witness and take part in the dedication services of the monument erected to the memory of the Prophet Joseph. A splendid spirit prevailed during these services, and a great number of people came from the country round about more people in fact than the house could accommodate; so a meeting was held at the monument at the same time; and the services in the house after the memorial services were very enjoyable indeed. At night a meeting was held at South Royalton, in Willard's hall, which was tendered by the people. This was a very fine meeting on Sunday and spent Christmas day. From Boston [Massachusetts] they went to Palmyra [New York], where they visited the house where part of the Book of Mormon was translated, and here they visited the grove, which is said to be the place where the Father and Son appeared to the Prophet Joseph. The party sung a hymn here. They visited the Hill Cumorah, from which place a most exc
ellent view of the country round is afforded. The party of course was reminded of the great and final battle of the Jaredites which took place around this hill, and later between the Lamanites and Nephites, and as souvenirs some of them brought flint arrow heads, which are continually being gathered now and sold as souvenirs. Prayer was offered on the hill and the site was pointed out as near as possible where the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated were concealed. President Smith offered the prayer, but much to the regret of all it was not reported. This property belongs to the estate of the late Admiral Sampson. From the hill they went to the cottage occupied by the brother of the late Admiral, where they purchased the arrowheads. They also went to Palmyra and saw the press on which the first edition of the Book of Mormon was printed, and they also went to the office of Mr. P[liny]. T. Sexton, where they saw printed sheets of a copy of the first edition of
the Book of Mormon. From visiting the hill Cumorah their next trip was to Kirtland [Ohio], where they visited the temple. They were conducted through the building by a man named Greed, one of the Apostles of the Reorganized Church. They took dinner at Willoughby, the nearest town to Kirtland, afterwards they went to Chicago [Illinois], from which place they went to Kanosha [Wisonsin], in response to an invitation of the Bain Wagon people to visit their works at that place; and they also visited the Racine-Sattley Carriage Works, and the offices of the J.J. Gas Works. They also visited the Automobile works of the Jeffreys Co[mpany]., where they were also shown courtesies. At Chicago next day some of the party visited the Swift Stockyards. While President Smith and others dined with Mr. Calahan, Passenger Agent of the Nickel Plate Railroad. At Chicago they held a very fine meeting in our own chapel. Large congregation, good discourses. The return trip was very enjoyable, as wa
s also the going trip. They wound up the trip on New Year's eve by a testimony meeting, at which all present spoke. The spirit of the Lord attended them on the whole trip, and everything was done to promote the happiness of each other. All had a good time and a good rest, and he believed great good would result from it. He believed that seeds were sown which will bear fruit in a day nor far distant. they all felt greatly indebted to Brother George Albert Smith for

his personal attentions and the successful way in which he managed the affairs of the party, and resolutions of thanks were passed to him, also to Mr. W. H. Bancroft, through whose efforts they obtained the private car they occupied, for the kindness and courtesy shown the party.

Brother George Albert Smith said, in addition to what had been said, literature, containing pamphlets, views and books were taken with them for free distribution, some of which were distributed en route at various points where they stopped, and the balance left at the cottage to be distributed there to friends who may visit the monument..... (1)

-- Thursday, Jan. 25, 1906
[Diary of John Henry Smith (apostle and father of George Albert Smith)] Salt Lake City

At 10 a.m. all of the First Presidency, Francis M. Lyman, Myself, Rudger Clawson, Hyrum M. Smith, George Albert Smith, Charles W. Penrose and Patriarch John Smith and Secretary Geo. F. Gibbs [met]. Prayer by George Albert Smith. Mouth at the Altar Anthon H. Lund.

Minutes read and approved. The Routine business was gone through with. A. H. Lund is to go to Washington as also Franklin S. Richards. I may follow.

I met with the Directors of the Con. W. & M. Co. Directors.

I gave Bp. George Romney my appointment to the Seeing America First Congress. (2)

1 - First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes
2 - White, Jean Bickmore, Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,

LDS History Chronology: George Albert Smith

Mormon History Timeline: The life of George Albert Smith