[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] Then Presidet Young spoke 23 Minutes and Preached a good Sermon to the Sisters. Requested them to keep the word of wisdom not to drink Coffee or tea & He wished all to keep the word of wisdom. Afternoon. D. H. Wells spoke 40 Minuts & John Taylor Spoke 72 minutes. (1)
-- Apr 7, 1867
[Sermon] Brigham Young: The Word of Wisdom, JD 12:27 - 31 (2)
[Sermon] Ezra T. Benson: Word of Wisdom - Happiness to Be Obtained Only Through Obedience, JD 11:366 - 368 (2)
[Sermon] George A. Smith: Raising Flax and Wool - Home Manufactures - Church Literature - Folly of Using Tobacco and Liquor, JD 11:359 - 366 (2)
-- Apr 21, 1867
[Sermon] George Q. Cannon: Remarks on Revelation, Missionary Fund, Word of Wisdom, Etc., JD 12:40 - 47 (2)
1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Journal of Discourses, http://jod.mrm.org
LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom
Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom