[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th We had a frost this morning. It is pleasant but Cool for the time of the year. G. A. Smith left with E.T.B on Thursday last & has not returned yet.
On Sunday night while in Council May 8th C. C. Rich introduced to the Quorum of the Twelve Miner Prisbrey. He had married Joice Danse of sanbernadeno & took her to Cedar City. There she wanted a Bill but did not get it. He then took her to Bever. She Applyed to Daniel M Thomas Judge of the County court of Bever County. He gave her a Bill. She then brought him up before the Teachers and accused him of Getting drunk & other things which she Could not prove & which he says was not a word of truth in. Yet there seemed to be a little prejudice against [him] so much so that they voted to take away his license or rather his Priesthood.
He told his story to the Twelve and showed his Recommend as being in good Standing from Bishop Philo P Farnsworth. C. C Rich bore Testimony to the good Conduct of Brother Prisbrey. O Hyde said He knew about those Austrailia women who had been in tow by Brother Farnham & if Brother Prisbrey had not broaken any lay [law] he did not want him to loose his Priesthood through the Influence of that woman.
He Called a vote and all the Quorum present voted that He be ordained to the office of an Elder which was done under the Hands of O. Pratt C C Rich & F. D. Richards C C Rich being mouth & a Licens given him signed by O Hyde On the 8 day of May 1859.
I spent the day in the office. I Called upon President Young. He invited me to walk with him in his Garden. I went with him A Carrington & B. H. Young. We went all through his Garden & orchard. It was a splendid sight Peaches & Apple trees all in Bloom. His large grape vineyard is puting forth its young & tender vines. He requested me to save him some of my Catawaba grape & in return would give me a Black walnut tree that would bear. I would have to dig around it in the winter & let it freeze & it would not injure it to take it up.
I spent the evening at S. M. Blairs. (1)
-- May 28, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 28th I arose at 7 oclok went to Townsends Assisted in laying the corps into the Coffin & got a team & carried it to Elder Orson Hyde. Here his Father for the first time saw the body of his murdered son for a moment it almost over come him.
The Funeral of James Johnson was attended at 2 oclok. W. Woodruff opened by Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke upon the evil Consequences of the introduction of so much whiskey into this Territory which was adulterated by Strictnine & this was introduced by the followers of the Army sutlers Merchants and a great Many persons were making use of it and much Crime was the consequen[ce]. When a man was found in the Gutter or had killed somebody he would make for an excuse that He was strictnined but if we all let the Liquor alone we would not get the Strictnine. He made many remarks upon the evils of the use of Alchahal most of which was drugged. (1)
-- Jul 6, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I will here reveal a secret which I have not told. Bell & Livingston Came to me last summer & asked my advise. They told a sad tale of losses & said they Could not sell sugar & Coffee short of 65 cts Cotton Cloth 35 cts and all things in proportion. I told them to ask it for I did not believe their were 20 fools in this territory. But I found there were thousands. He sold all his stock out at those high prices before winter. I beat myself in giving that Council.... (1)
1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom
Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom