History of the Word of Wisdom, Jan 15, 1859

-- Jan 15, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 15th I wrote a Letter to J. M. Bernhisel saying that He need not send me the sugar & Coffee but send the reeds and indigo. I delivered the $186 to John Y Green for the Mill. He gave his recept for the Same which is in the hands of Thomas W. Elebeck. He also sent for a [S/L?]acrarometer which cost $1 which I did not pay for.

I attended the Legislature at the Close of which I called upon the secretary Mr Hartnet but He was to drunk to do business with so I went home. (1)

-- Jan 21, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 21st I spent the whole day & night in the Legislature till 3 1/2 oclock in the morning. The Govornor remained up untill all the Bills were signed except a Liquor Bill & united Shambip County with Toille. Those are the ownly Bill that the Govornor has vetoed. We turned off much business during the Last 24 hours. We adjourned to meet on the second Monday in Dec 1859 in Great Salt Lake City. The secretary refused to pay the members ownly the identical Siting days. This Created some Considerable [ ] in the Assembly and an unusual thing. The Assembly offered a resolution of thanks to Govornor Cummings for his wise policy in keeping the peace & maintaining the Laws in this Territory. I went home at 4 oclok. (1)

-- Feb 13, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 13th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Gilbert Clements Preached upon the first principles of the gospel. Was followed by Elder O. Hyde with a strong exertation. He objected to any person selling whiskey & then Coming into this [desk?] to preach which Brother Clements had done. Yet he did not Call him by name.... (1)

-- Feb 21, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...E. T. Benson said that He fasted 3 days and was blessed in it and thought we should not be discouraged but fast & Pray and ask the Lord for what you want. Now if we use Coffee, tobaco, whiskey, & stuff ourselves with meat we will be like the Gentiles & cannot expect much of the spirit unless we prepare our bodies for it. I believe that Good will grow out of this meeting.... (1)

-- Mar 10, 1859
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th I Called at the office at 9 oclok. Bishop Bigelow Called upon us this morning & gave a report of the Provo Court. Judge Cradlebaugh had 80 soldiers with him to guard the Prisioners. The Judge had given his Charge to the Jury. Wished them to inquire into the Mountain Meadow massacree, & several other murders. He seemed quite vindictive against the mormons. Sinclair was there drunk or nearly so & darning the Mormons.

I had a conversation with James Cummings. He says he had a talk with Samuel J Lees. He says he knows who is writing those synonomous Letters to President Young. It is done by a Committee who are turning Infidels & apostitizing from the Church. They are vary vindictive against Brother Kimball. Cummings thought they would seek his life & many other things were said.

I Called upon the Presidet & had a private Conversation with him upon this subjet. He said the Lord would Controll all this matter & the Utah Court [too?]. See office Historians Private Journal.

I spent most of the day Journalizing.

I Attended a party at Sister Kames with Mrs Woodruff A. O. Smoot & wife J. C. Little & wife J. Horn & wife Samuel Richards & wife & others. After partaking of a good feast I was Called upon to make a speech. I spent 3/4 of an hour Preaching the gospel of Christ & speaking of the things of the kingdom of God. Was followed by A. O. Smoot J. Horn J. C. Little another Brother & S W Richards which occupied the time till near midnight. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom