[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...President Young spoke 25 Minuts. He said my Council to the People Concerning Liquor and beer is to let it alone. Your grain you want yourselves. The Liquor & Beer is of no use to you. I dont object to your making root beer for that is healthy.... (1)
-- May 26, 1867
[Sermon] Brigham Young: Our Delegate to Congress - The Word of Wisdom - The Union Pacific Railroad - Spiritual Ignorance of Popular Preachers, JD 12:50 - 55 (2)
-- Aug 17, 1867
[Sermon] Brigham Young: The Word of Wisdom - Degeneracy - Wickedness in the United States - How to Prolong Life, JD 12:117 - 123 (2)
-- Oct 8, 1867
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] Oct 8 Conference opened At 10 oclok. Prayer by E. Snow. E. T. Benson spoke 23 Minuts Presidet Young 14 on the word of wisdom. Commanded all to keep the word of wisdom & if the Saints trifled with this they would be sorry. And I say unto you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel keep the word of wisdom. ... (1)
-- Dec 16, 1867
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...President Young spoke of the first organization of this school By Joseph Smith the Prophet. The word of wisdom was given in this school. Presidet Young said Adam was Michael the Ark angel & he was the Father of Jesus Christ & was our God & that Joseph taught this Principle.
Presidet Young D. H. Wells & G A Smith Addressed the school on the 9 & on the 13 Presidt Young H C. Kimball & Joseph F Smith Addressed the School. The revelation Called the olive leaf was read & remarks made upon it By President Young. O Pratt also spoke. (1)
1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Journal of Discourses, http://jod.mrm.org
LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom
Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom