History of the Word of Wisdom, Jun 19, 1858

-- Jun 19, 1858
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 19th In Company with Brothers G. A. Smith C. F. Olip[han]t we visited the main peach orchards in the City & we saw 33 Green tea plants growing in his garden which seeds he had picked out of imported tea. The plants had Stood the winter well.

We then Called upon President Young Wells & Carrington at their office. It has rained nearly all day. We have never had as much rain in June as this year since we have been in these rallies. Col Johnson has made a proclamation to the Inhabitants of Utah upon receiving news of peace. (1)

-- Sep 10, 1858
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 10th I learned this morning that there was another Row on East Temple street last evening. Two Gamblers shot each other. One was shot dead. The other had a Ball in his head & one in his thigh. Another man was found dead in a woodpile. He was a Draggoon who was unmercifully beat a few days ago by a Lieut.

Thus we have the fruits of Christianity & Civilization as manifest in the world introduced into our Territory. Untill the armey and its attendants arived here we had no such scenes manifest in our midst. The priests and people & the whole Government of the United States have tried hard to introduce those evils in our midst which are so common in almost evry City throughout the Gentile world & they have now accomplished it for a season & their is hardly a day passes but their is drunken[ess?] Gambling, swearing fighting & murder in the midst of the Gentiles in our streets.

I spent the day in the office writing Letters & Compiling History. I wrote 3 letters one to Ozem T. Woodruff & one to sister Shuah Moulton and one to Dr J. M. Bernhisel. I Requested Br Bernhisel to send me 1 Bale of Cotton yarn 20 or 25 Bunches [of?] peaces of good sheeting 6 of Hickary & 6 of prints, 1 doz Reeds or stays for weaving of the following Numbers: 4 of 500, 2 of 400, 3 of 600, 1 L Reed 1 1/4 wide of 600 1 L Reed 1 1/4 wide of 700. Also 5 lbs of good Indigo 1 sack of sugar 100 lb & 1 sack of Coffee. These letters was sent by H S Eldridge. I sent 5 copies of the News to Ozem T Woodruff & 5 to Father Ezra Carter Containing my History. (1)

-- Oct 7, 1858
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 7th The Conference was addressed by Joseph Young. John Taylor, W. Woodruff E. Snow, & D H Wells. Much good council was given. The subjects treated upon were sellng Grain to the armey also spiritus Liquors keeping the Commandments of God & living their religion. The fair continued through the day & Closed at night.

The Conference Adjurned till the 13 Nov 2d saturday in Nov. I spent the evening with the board. (1)

-- Nov 8, 1858
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 8th I spent the day in the office Compiling History. Robert started this morning to draw lumber from the mouth of Cottonwood for Wm. Kimball. G. A. Smith went to Jordon Mill.

I called upon Presidet Young & spent the evening with him & D H Wells. We read to him the Article of agreement Between Mr Benson of New York & Samuel Brannan drawn up By Amos Kendel. President Young said not [to] put it in History But Copy it in a Book & seal it up stating on the outside of it what it is & let it lie untill we want it. It may be 20 years hence. He said President Polk was at the Bottom of it and Poke wanted to give the Mormons a grant of Land some whare in the west But secretary Marcy opposed him strongly & said if he did He would resign & do all he Could against him. There was a strong opposition against the Saints & Thomas Benton had prepared an Armey to destroy the saints in the wilderness & Nothing saved us ownly our fitting out the Mormon Battalion to go to Mexico at the Call of the Government.

It was reported that Peter Conover was drunk in a Store & nearly Crazy. Hopkins Pendor a Policeeman went in to take him when some of his friends said they would take care of him He said that was all he wanted was to have him taking Care of. As he was leaving the Store Calvin Foss Came to him and asked him if he was the man that Chased him the other night (as two men were Chased who had taken away a roans wife & daughter for the purpose of whoredom & was shot at while in their flight). He answered yes. Foss then said dam you I will shoot you if you ever follow me again. You just try it again & I will use you up.

Hopkins Fendor went into the street & told the Mayor of [it]. He asked him why he did not knock him down. He said why did you not go into the street & get help? The remark was made that He ought to be taken up. <President Young> one said I would not take him up if he was to threaten my life in that way.

Brother James Ida Called upon President Young for Council to go to Calafornia to settle his business. President Young advised him to remain & appoint some man there to settle it. This Brother Ida raised a large Crop of wheat for the saints in Calafornia. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom