History of the Word of Wisdom, 1859

-- During 1859
(Sam Brannan) Purchased 2000 acres of prime Napa Valley lands on which he built a huge resort, Calistoga, where Merino sheep and blooded Spanish horses grazed, and a distillery turned out an annual 90,000 gallons of brandy made from the grapes of 100,000 vines. "Calistoga" was coined when Brannan, in an inebriated state had declared he would make the resort the "Calistoga of Sarafornia." (1)

-- Jan 7, 1860
[Francis M. Lyman] Francis finally succeeded in breaking his smoking habit, and from then on he held the Word of Wisdom as "a great principle of liberty, an essential for strong bodies and minds, a thing indispensable to the work men are sent on earth to do." On 7 January 1860 Francis Lyman was ordained to the church priesthood office of a Seventy. In May of that year, he and his father went on missions to England. (2)

-- Feb 5, 1860
Brigham Young's office journal records: "Pres[ident] Young addressed the third Quorum of Seventies; most of his remarks were confined to the subject of drunkenness. He regretted very much its prevalence. He remarked it was not the drink that influenced men to wicked actions, but the drink weakened the body so that Evil Spirits had power over it." (3)

-- Feb 24, 1860
Brigham Young's office journal records: "President Young in the course of his remarks alluded to the zeal of Hyrum Smith Brother of the Prophet, in his views of the word of wisdom. who prophesied that every Saint who chewed tobacco would apostatize. President Young observed he prophecied by Hyrum Smith and not by the Spirit of the Lord. and that he (Hyrum) would eat about 3 lb. of fat pork in a day; and yet be so severe upon a tobacco chewer; upon other points observed the President Hyrum Smith was a man of knowledge. Once Joseph told his Brother Hyrum if he would suffer him to dictate [to] him he should lead the Church to Hell; and he would frequently sit and sneer at the remarks of Bro[ther] Hyrum, which were frequently delivered to the congregation when they were weary with the remarks of the preachers that had preceded him." (3)

-- Jun 26, 1860
Brigham Young's office journal records: "In the Evening Br T. Ellerbeck came into the Office and had some conversation about grape raising, Br[other] Carrington joined in and conversed about making grape wine." (4)

1 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies
2 - Utah History Encyclopedia: Francis M. Lyman, http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/l/LYMAN%2CFRANCIS.html
3 - Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower
4 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com

LDS History Chronology: the Word of Wisdom

Mormon Timeline: the Word of Wisdom