George Albert Smith, Oct 20, 1905

-- Oct 20, 1905
Apostle John Henry Smith writes, "All of the First Presidency and Twelve in the City met in the Temple and discussed the situation at Washington and the position in which the absent brethren had placed themselves by their acts." The "absent brethren" were apostles John W. Taylor and Matthias F. Cowley, who continued to refuse to testify in the Smoot hearings to avoid questioning concerning their post-manifesto polygamy activities. (1)

-- Oct 23, 1905
[Apostle George Albert Smith Journal] "Met with quorum. Important matters discussed." (2)

-- Oct 26, 1905
[Apostle George Albert Smith Journal] "Attended council meeting. Met at 5 PM at Presidents (Sic) office." (2)

-- Oct 28, 1905
[Apostle George Albert Smith Journal] "Met with council. Important matters. Conclusion arrived at on two of the brethren." (2)

-- Saturday, Oct 28, 1905
[Diary of John Henry Smith (apostle and father of George Albert Smith)] Salt Lake City
I met Jerry Langford and two other gentlemen and talked over some Improvements at Saltair Beach.
I met with the First Presidency and 7 of the Twelve at the Church offices. Later we met 2 more of the Twelve and were to gether along time and had a very serious visit. (3)

[Quorum of Twelve] After week of Quorum of Twelve meetings so secret that no official minutes are kept, apostles John W. Taylor and Matthias F. Cowley write formal resignations due to their participation in post-Manifesto polygamy. Resignations are held in reserve unless considered necessary to save church from U.S. constitutional amendment or to save Apostle Reed Smoot from expulsion from U.S. Senate. (1)

-- Thursday, Nov. 9, 1905
[Diary of John Henry Smith (apostle and father of George Albert Smith)] Salt Lake City
The Presidency and Myself, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, George Albert Smith and Brigham H. Roberts met and read a Document on the question of the one spoken of in Section 85 of the D&C. (3)

-- Friday, Nov. 10, 1905
[Diary of John Henry Smith (apostle and father of George Albert Smith)] Salt Lake City
At 10 a.m. at the office of the First Presidency the following named brethren met in Council: Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, Anthon H. Lund of the First Presidency, Myself, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. and George Albert Smith and C. W. Penrose of the Twelve, Seymour B. Young, Brigham H. Roberts, George Reynolds, J. Golden Kimball, Rulon S. Wells, and Joseph W. McMurrin of the Seven Presidents, Patriarch John Smith, and William B. Preston and Robert T. Burton of the Presiding Bishopric. It was decided to publish a Document on the question of the one mighty and strong spoken of in the D.&C.
At 2 p.m. all of the Presidency, myself, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, George Albert Smith, C. W. Penrose, B. H. Roberts, Franklin S. Richards met at the office and talked over Reed Smoots speach in Congress. (3)

-- Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1905
[Diary of John Henry Smith (apostle and father of George Albert Smith)] Salt Lake City
At 10:30 a.m. all of the First Presidency and myself, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, George Albert Smith and C. W. Penrose met at the
office, read the speach of Senator Thomas Kearns and discussed it. It is a very vicious attack on the church. (3)
1 - On This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Journals of George Albert Smith
3 - White, Jean Bickmore, Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,
LDS History Chronology: George Albert Smith
Mormon History Timeline: The life of George Albert Smith