Dreams in LDS History, Nov 2, 1856

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Nov 2, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I attended the prayer Circle in the evening. President Young requested me to write out a list of the Commandments which he wished to make use of. I did not attend any other evening meeting. I spent the night at home & had a dream of meeting with President Young & he blessed me. I awoke. It was a dream. (1)

-- Nov 16, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I went to the 14th ward meeting in the evening. They met for the 1st time in the new Music Hall built by Capt Bellows band in the 14 ward. The Hall was dedicated unto God. W. W. Phelps made the dedication Prayer after which W Woodruff was Called upon to address the people who spoke about one hour. Related a Dream that He had of meeting with Joseph the other side of the veil. ... (1)

-- Dec 12, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...On the night of the 3d inst. the night before J[edediah] M. Grant was buried Mrs Batsheba Smith wife of G[eorge] A. Smith dreamed that George A. Smith was dead & that some other person wished to marry her which troubled her mind. On the same night Mrs Rose dreamed that George A. Smith was hung in Washing[ton] by the members of Congress because he was a Mormon. (1)

-- Dec 13, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...The following Dream was related by H. C. Kimball Nov 25 1856:

Nov 25 I dreamed that I was travelling with a Companion & we came to a powerful rapid stream of water like the Niagara River. The waves were rolling vary high & increasing in size. The waters had been muddy but were getting Clear. As we came to this powerful Stream we did not know how we should get over it. I turned my Eyes a few moments from my Companion & when I look back I saw him on the other side of the river & climing a steep hill. I did not know how he got there. I wanted to Cross so I called to him as loud as I Could to stop & wait for me but He paid no attention to me but went on as Hard as he Could. Then a person came to me & said you have an iron rod in your hand which I percieve I had several feet long. The Angel said to me you must use this rod & feel your way over the river & I awoke.

I Considered my dream & interpeted it as follows: My Companion was J. M. Grant. He has suddenly died & left me & is [on] the other side of the veil. The waters mean the people that are increasing in s[tran?]gs & growing better & clearer. The Iron rod is the word of God which I must Cling to till I get through death. I consider ther is great things awaiting this people. (1)

-- Dec 16, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 16th I spent the day in the office. Elders Cumings & Blair Came in & we talked about the Presidency & the Refermation & future Events. Brother Cummings related a Dream that Presidency had a few days since as follows:

<President Young dreamed that in 2 weeks [some?] [-] died about the> 12th Dec <that he died and in 2 weeks President Kimball died and the people were in the awfullest state of any people he ever saw. But I pray God it may not be fulfilled.>

I feel strongly pressed in spirit that some great trials await this people & many will not be able to stand but will fall away. I pray the Lord to preserve the presidency of this Church.

I called upon President Young a short time. Found him in his room in quite good spirits. I spent most of the evening in the office in Company with Bishop Hunter who Conversed upon a great variety of subjects. I went to bed feeling unwell. I dreamed of being among snakes & was quite worried. I was Called up in the night to go & administer to R. Ballantyne who was quite sick but being poorly myself I did not go untill morning. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Jun 1, 1856

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Jun 1, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I attended the prayer circle in the evening. The subject of the kansas question was spoken of. W. Woodruff asked B Young President Young if He remembered his dream that he had several Years since. He said [he] did not recollect it. He said several years since that He dreamed he saw two armies met. One came from the south & another from the East & met & fought & as fast as they were killed they continued to have new recruits from the East & South & I Wilford Woodruff testify that I herd President Young relate this dream several years ago but cannot state the Date. (1)

-- Jun 29, 1856
First Counselor Heber C. Kimball preaches: "I never said that I ever saw an angel from God, though I have dreamed about them;" In the same sermon he states: "My feelings are for you to learn to follow our leader, our Prophet, our President [Brigham Young]. He will be our President in eternity, and Joseph is his President and will counsel him, and you need not trouble yourselves, but do as you are told and you will obtain salvation and go into the celestial glory." (2)

-- Sep 28, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...President Kimball said I have told the people to day of far greater things than drawing hand Carts to Zion. Joseph Smith took President Brigham Young & myself to the vary spot In adam Ondi Aman whare Adam offered up his first sacrafize on a spot now called Hogback.

D. H. Wells said I had a dream last night & saw a butchers Cleaver in the Heavens in the East. I tried to show it to Bishop Pettigrew & he could not see it. I felt that there was a Strugle near & a great Slaughter, & much nearer than the people are aware of. President Kimball said it would be better for one half of the people to be cut off than for the rest to suffer as they had done & to go through what we would have to.... (1)

-- Oct 12, 1856
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I met with the Circle in prayer being 17 persons present. At the Close of prayer Elder Leonard Wilford Hardy was called forward & presidents. B. Young H. C. Kimball J M Grant F D. Richards & W Woodruff laid hands upon his head & ordained him to the office of an High Priest and a Bishop & also the first Councellor to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of his blessing. President Young was mouth.

Brother Leonard Wilford Hardy in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head & ordain you to be a High Priest & a Bishop in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints And we also ordain you to be the first Councellor to Bishop Edward Hunter, who is the Chief Bishop in the Church & we seal upon your head all the power & Authority of this priesthood & Bishopprick & we seal upon you the spir[it] of Council & Revelation that you may Council the people to pay their tithing & we bless you with the gift of Disernment that you may have power to magnify your Calling & you shall have the spirit of Prophesy & revelation visions Dreams & the Administering of Angels & you shall be filled with wisdom & shall assist in building up the kingdom of God on the Earth & shall be an active assistance unto Bishop Hunter in gathering the Tithing of the people that the Temples of our God may be built & his works carried on.

Let your heart be comforted. You shall be blessed with evry good thing your heart shall desire & your words shall be like a two Edged sword among the people & we seal you up unto Eternal Life & no man shall take your Crown. We seal all these Blessings upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

J C Little was then ordained unto the office of a Bishop & the 2d Councellor to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of the Blessing:

Brother Jesse C[.....] Little In the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands upon your head & we ordain you to be a Bishop & a second Councellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the blessings app[ertaining?] [to] the Bishopprick & we pray God to Let the Holy Ghost rest upon you & we say it shall rest upon you at this time & you shall live long upon the Earth & stand by thy Brethren untill death even with thy brethren whose hands are upon thy head & be with them both in time & in Eternity. You shall have visions Dreams & the spirit of Prophesy & thou shalt have the gift of disernment to know the harts of the Children of men & we seal these blessings upon you & seal you up unto Eternal Life in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.... (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Feb 9, 1853. Wednesday.

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Feb 9, 1853. Wednesday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Sister Perks related a dream, which sustains the feelings Brother Glover and myself both have in relation to Elder Roper and John Memmet. They are both in opposition to us and will injure us and destroy our influence as far as they can. (1)

-- Feb 20, 1853
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 20th Sunday Erastus Snow Addressed the meeting & spoke well. .... He spoke of his mission in denmark. The Lord showed him that the King & Counsel was taking counsel against him to stop his preaching. He herd their conversation in a night vision but He said as I kept the Law & my brethren they could find no accusation against me. He exhorted the Saints to faithfulness & said many interesting things. ... (2)

-- Mar 27, 1853
[Sermon] Brigham Young: Joseph, a True Prophet - Apostates - Dream, Etc., JD 1:81 - 84 (3)

-- Apr 6, 1853
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] + April 6th 1853 The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints Commenced this morning & this day was one of the most interesting ever witnessed by the church since its organization. The procedings of the day is published in the Deserett News of April 16 1853 so I will not record it here. I will say however that the four Corner Stones of the Temple in Great Salt Lake City [were laid].

...A Lyman spoke. Told a dream. Said Joseph came to him & told him to dip a large lake dry & gave him a spoon to do it with. Said he could not have any impression upon it with a spoon he thought but still would obey counsel & went to dipping & soon lowerd the lake 5 feet. Then Joseph told him He could not always Judge of things by appearances but the Lord would do all for us that our hearts could desire. Adjourned till tomorrow. (2)

-- Feb 25, 1855
[Sermon] Heber C. Kimball: Rebuking Iniquity - The Potter and the Clay - a Dream, JD 3:160 - 164 (3)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
3 - Journal of Discourses, http://jod.mrm.org

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Jul 21, 1850

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Jul 21, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 21 Sunday Brother Petty is dangerously sick this morning. We Administered to him. Mrs Woodruff & Mrs Foss both had dreams last night that appeared to be omens of death or distress. We lay in camp to day. Many of our Oxen have sore necks & lame feet. We held A meeting in Camp. (1)

-- Oct 20, 1850
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 20th Sunday I met with the Saints in the Bowery. Was Called upon to Address the meeting. I gave An account of my mission to the East. I spoke of my dream I dreamed of dying & going to the place of the departed spirits. I saw Brother Joseph & Hyram Smith & many of the Saints who had died. They all appeared to be in a Hurry. I thought Strange to find them in A Hurry And I enquired the Cause. They informed me that the time was set for Christ to Come as the great Bridegroom to the Earth to meet the Bride the Lambs wife & they had not had time to prepare as those of other dispensations & Had to be in a Hurry in order to get ready. And when I awoke I was overwhelmed with a peculiar sensation at the view of the work the Latter Day Saints Had to perform in order to prepair the Bride for to meet the Bridegroom. I was followed by P. P. Pratt who spoke well. (1)

-- Apr 9, 1852
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I dreamed the Devil Had a looking glass. By looking into it you could see all the faults of your Neighbors but Could not see any of your own. I also Dreamed A woman went into Bishop Hunter & stole sister Hunters dress & came out into the street. I followed her to get the dress. When I looked into her face I saw she was a Black Negro wench. I asked her name. She said it was Mesmerism. You who have the priesthood should be careful to do the will of God.... (1)

-- Dec 13, 1852. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...The three Sheffield brethren are determined to go to the Valley in the spring, but Brother Doolittle has not much faith in going. He told me that the Lord had shown him in a dream that he need not go to the Valley; he was better here &c. I told him it was a trick of the Devil to try to destroy him, and advised him by all means to go to the Valley as soon as possible. At 2 o'clock we retired to bed much fatigued. (2)

-- Dec 20, 1852
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I had a dream while on my way home. I thought the Ancients in their resurrected bodies were associating with us in this place. I have the most unbounded confidence not ownly in the quorum of the Twelve but also in the first Presidency. I hope the winter seasons may be profitable to us in our associations And that we may improve our time.... (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, May 28, 1849

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- May 28, 1849
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 28th + I walked with Father Carter to the East Cambridge glass works & went through them & home again.

+ I spent the evening with Br Delin from Sweeden. We compared the sweed Bible with the English. He related two interesting incidents which took place in sweeden. 1st as follows: During the days of the sixts reigning king before the present one on the Throne, The King had a dream in the night. He saw Blood upon the floor of his room untill it increased so that he stood in blood above his Ankles. It frightend him And He awoke.

He thought the room he occupied was the Parliament House. As soon As he awoke He Called one of his Generals to him to tell him his dream. And As the General Entered the room He drew his window curtain Aside & looked towards the Parliament House & saw A light in it. He said General I see A light in the Parliament House. The General says I think it must be the Moon. K[ing:] No sir the Moon does not shine there. He then Called Six other Generals & two soldiers And ordered them to accompany him to the Parliament House & they accompanied the king. When they arived at the House they saw it lighted with A large pair of Chandeliers holding lighted Candles And as their had never been any such thing in the house they were Afrighted.

The king ordered one of the Generals to take the key upon the door & go in & each one of the Generals in there turn fell upon there knees & said they would rather die than go into the house.

The King then said I am your king. I will lead the way. You must follow. So the king opened the door & the Generals & soldiers followed him. They Passed through A long Hall which was hung in black in morning. They went into the Main Hall of the Parliament house, which was brilliantly lighted. They there saw three tables. Two was occupied by two young men one sitting at each as recorders with Books. Upon the top of the other sat A vary Ancient Old looking man. Upon one side of the Hall or room stood an Exicutioner with an Ax in his hand And A Block before him And 500 Nobleman were crouded together like sheep in A pen. And when the old man gave the word the executioner took one at A time & cut their heads off upon the block untill he had beheaded evry man And the blood Coverd the floor more than Ancle deep & run into the street.

The king understanding that it was An open vision & not a reality Asked the old man several times when the fulfillment of it would be. The old man Answered not. The king then fell upon his knees And Prayed the Lord to tell him the fulfillment of the Vision. The old man then spoke & Said that it would not be in his day or the days of his Children but it would be in the days of the sixth or seventh living from him. Then the light went out the vision passed & all was darkness.

The king & Generals all went into the street shut the Parliament house door returned to there homes & wrote the testimony to the world in their own language which remains in the libraries of Swee-den to this day. The sixth King is now reigning And it is expected the seene will soon take place As the King is now with the poor And the Nobleman against both king & People.

The second incident was A Certain Hymn was herd sung in three different Meeting Houses in different parts of sweeden, at the same hour of the night, by three seperate parties. And the account was published in their seperate News papers at the same day in different parts of the kingdom. This was in the year AD 1837.

[ ] (1)

-- During 1849
(Jacob Hamblin) Hamblin married widow Rachel Judd Henderson of Council Bluffs eight months later. Having dreamed that he would marry her, he knocked on her door and announced, "My name is Jacob Hamblin, I was impressed to come to your home and ask you to be my wife." She replied, "I am Rachel Judd, and am willing to marry you, but it will be impossible for us to have children." Hamblin responded, "My name is Jacob, yours is Rachel, we will have two sons and shall name them Joseph and Benjamin." They also had three daughters. (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, May 24, 1847

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- May 24, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 24th It was A Cold morning. Yesterday morning the Thermometer stood at 52°, At noon 82, & this morning 38 accompanied with north wind. We travled 10 miles & nooned.

I dreamed this morning that some Indians came into camp in a friendly manner & stole 6 Horses before our eyes & rode off. We gave them chase on horsback & I awoke.

As soon as we camped this noon two Indians came to the Camp. They were Sioux. They were well dressed & clean. We gave them some dinner & showed them An Indian dog that had followed us several days but the dog would not follow them. ... (1)

-- Aug 15, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 15th + /||| Sunday The Camp of Israel met as usual at 10 oclok & was addressed by President Young in an interesting manner upon an interesting subject much to our edifycation. The following are some of the remarks made by President Young:

I am going to day to speak upon the subject of the Patriarchal Priesthood & by request of Br Crow say sumthing upon the death of his Child that was drowned the other day. I hope to speak so as to be understood. There is a reality in eternal things as much as in the things of time which we daily see with our eyes. When A man has A dream or vision of eternal things it is an evidence of its truth as much as though He saw it with his own eyes in one sens of the word. The Lord has hid from man the things that He knew before He came in the flesh that He might walk by faith & prove himself while here. The Lord converses with men on the earth in the form of A servent & by visions & dreams &c but He never appears [to] man in the flesh in the fulness of his glory, for He is as a consuming fire & a mortal body would perish in an instant.... (1)

-- Mar 5, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 5th Sunday I got my team home. Br Allexander and Br Petty spent part of the day & night with me.

I had one of the most interesting dreams of my life during the night. Most of it was taken from me when I awoke. I flew through the air from state to state & escaped from the hand of my enemies. I went to HEAVEN and saw the Saints in their employment. I saw Joseph & Hiram Smith & many others who had died of the Latter Day Saints. The innumerable company of Saints which I saw seemed to be prepairing for some grand & important event which I could not understand. Many were busily ingaged in making Crowns for the Saints. One crown did not suit the artist so they cut it in to in the middle to make it over new. The saints were all dressed in white robes both male and female. My soul was filled with Joy & glory while I gazed upon the seenery that surrounded me but I awoke and behold it was a dream. (1)

-- Oct 19, 1848
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 19th I spent the day at Mr Merrills writing. The storm of last night continued untill to day noon when the sun came out. I had A plesant time last night in A dream with Brs Brigham Young & H. C. Kimball And the Saints in the Salt lake Valley. We expressed our feelings to gether concerning the signs of the times & the Judgments of God which await this nation.

I had a good meeting with the Saints at Mr Mer-rills. I spoke to them one hour & read the epistle of the Twelve to them &c. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Apr 6, 1847

LDS History Chronology: Dreams
-- Apr 6, 1847
[George Laub Diary] Conference April 6, 1847, at Winter Quarters. B. Young was teaching the people to get the spirit of the Lord and to keep the spirit of the Lord for he seen Joseph in a dream and he told him to tell this people to get the spirit and to keep it and that he told him again and again and to try all spirits that they may know good spirit from evil ones and not to bar their hearts against any but cleave to the good for this is the way to try the different spirits. (1)

-- May 10, 1847. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] The morning fine but cool. The wind nearly ceased. Last night I dreamed that I was in company with the camp which was stopping beside a considerable river of deep water. Our horses and cattle were tied to stakes all around the camp to the distance of a quarter of a mile, some good timber thinly scattered around. I thought President Young, Kimball and several others started up the river in a flat boat without stating their object, leaving the brethren to guard the camp, cattle &c. in their absence. When they had been gone sometime I thought a large herd of buffalo came on full gallop right amongst our horses and cattle, causing them to break their ropes and fly in every direction. The brethren seemed thunderstruck and did not know what to do. Seeing a small skiff in the river I sprang into it and a paddle lying in it I commenced rowing in pursuit of the President. It seemed as though I literally flew through the water passing everything on the way like a railway carriage. In a few minutes I overtook the brethren in the flat boat, took the skiff and threw it on shore and to my astonishment I saw that the skiff was made only of barks and cracked all over and it seemed impossible to put it in the water without sinking it. The paddle with which I had rowed proved to be a very large feather and I had another feather in my left hand with which I steered the skiff. When I got into the flat boat I made known what had passed in the camp but the brethren seemed in no ways alarmed. I awoke and behold it was all a dream. Dr. Richards is going to deposit a letter in a stick of wood prepared for the purpose near this place in such a manner that the next company will discover it. He fixed it on a long pole and being assisted by President Young and others raised it and fixed it firm in the ground . . . (2)

-- May 13, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 13 Many of the Brethren went out to visit the Indian encampment & brought in mogasens, parts of robes leather &c. We have A strong Cold north wind to day. We travled to day 11 miles & Camped on the west Bank of A stream about 18 rods wide with good ford that empties into the Platt.
This is nearly opposite the first Bluff that is formed between the two forks of the Platt. The grass was better than it had been. The Bluff here for the first time on the north fork comes bold to the river so that we have to go over the Bluffs with our waggons.
There is one thing concerning the Platt river which is worthy of note, which is not characteristic [of] any other river that I have any knowledge of in the world. It is much of the way A mile in wedth & generally coverd with water but vary shallow. When A South wind blows hard the water all rushes to the north shore untill one would suppose there was a great rise in the water. Let the wind shift & blow hard from the North & the water immediately leaves the north shore untill one Can walk across two thirds of the river on bare ground & the river constantly ebs & flows like the tide just according as the wind blows.
I went onto the bluffs Hunting Buffalo in the evening. Saw several small Herds.
President Young gave the stream we camped on the name of the Bluff fork.
I dreamed last night we had arived at our Journeys end whare we were to build up a stake of Zion. As we came onto the place there was An open vision of A temple presented before me. I asked some brethren that stood by me If they saw it. They said they did not. I gazed upon it & it was glorious. It appeared as though it was built of white & blue stone. The sight of it filled me with Joy and I awoke & behold it was a dream. 11 m. (3)

1 - George Laub Diary diary excerpts, http://www.signaturebookslibrary.org/journals/laub.htm
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Dec 15, 1846

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Dec 15, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...H C Kimball arose and related a dream. Said He was travelling with President Young vary fast and they thought they could fly and they flew through the air and lit down upon a large plain. And they saw it coverd with large groups of snakes and they had to jump from place to place to get over them but they lay still while they were in there midst. Brother Young said the interpetation was the people were full of evil and speaking evil of them but would not grumble while they were present. (1)

-- Jan 7, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 7th It was Colder to day than yesterday. It was 8 degrees below Zero. I spent the day at home And attended the High Council in the evening.
Retired to Bed And dreamed I was with the Saints Among the Indians in Peace but suddenly one came at me in a hostile manner to kill me. They shot at us but no one Killed And I awoke & it was a dream. (1)

-- Jan 9, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I went to bed, fell asleep, And dreamed some Indians came into my house with Axes with the intent to kill me. I got away from them went into the street And there two men one an Indian Stabed me with Knives in the side. I Hollowed murder and some came to my assistance And I awoke. These dreams mean sum thing. Some person or persons are plotting against my life And I am warned against the plots of my enemies. (1)

-- Jan 19, 1847
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 19th {<The company of Wilford Woodruff was organized this day.>}...
I Wilford Woodruff organized my family company this night At my own House consisting of 40 Men mostly Head men of families. Those that Joined me entered in a covenant with uplifted Hands to Heaven to keep all the commandments & Statutes of the Lord our God And to sustain me in my office.
.... We dismissed and parted in good spirits & feelings. I went to bed and fell asleep And dreamed {that I was <[-] with child and> ready to <be delivered> which was a singular dream. (1)

-- Feb 23, 1847
Brigham Young relates a dream to the "brethren of the Twelve" of meeting Joseph Smith (dead over a year and a half). "He looked perfectly natural, sitting with his feet on the lower round of his chair. I took hold of his right hand and kissed him many times, and said to him: 'Why is it that we cannot be together as we used to be. You have been from us a long time, and we want your society and I do not like to be separated from you.' Joseph rising from his chair and looking at me with his usual, earnest expressive and pleasing countenance replied, 'It is all right.' I said, 'I do not like to ba away from you.' Joseph Said, 'it is all right; we cannot be together yet; we shal be by and by; but you will have to do without me a while, and then we shall be together again.'" (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - This Day in Mormon History, http://www.advent-adam.com/jakestand.html

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Feb 28, 1846

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Feb 28, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] Feb 28th 1846 Saturday This is the last day of feb & of winter And here we are riding still upon the mountain billows of the great deep. The wind is still dead ahead. The sea is not quite so rough this morning & the gale is lade in some degree yet some sudden gusts & squalls are striking us. It is quite cold this morning. We are running North. We are now 36 days out from Liverpool And no outward prospect of its being better. We do not gain any at all.
I dreamed last night that there was a great Storm that killed thousands of Birds that were floating upon the water. I saw many that were not quite dead. I waided in 2 or three feet of water & picked out many of them & put them under a goose that was sitting & they were warmed brought to life & run about lively & well.... (1)

-- Mar 1, 1846
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] March 1st 1846 {39} Sunday This is the commencement of spring in the year AD 1846 And Also my birth day. I am thirty Nine years of Age this day And Am Still rolling upon the Atlantic on board the Ashburton.
There is much Joy manifest on board the Ship this morning in consequence of having A fair wind the first we have had for many days. I am fearful it will not last long but still I hope it may. The Cow had a fall last night is sick And they are about to kill her to day. We are running on our Course.
We have been 37 Days at sea And I expected to have been with my friends before this time. When that day will come I know not. The Probability is that the year now lying before me will be one of the most important years of my life. Whare the next birth day will find me I know not. Will it be in Calafornia with the Saints And will my Parents wife And all my Children be with me? Time must determin.
The old cow was killed at 1 oclok, And such a scene I never before beheld. A large number of the steerage Passengers mostly Irish who had not had any thing to eat but oat meal for many days they fell upon the carcase of the cow as soon as her skin was off And cut & tore her to peases like so many wolves And in a few moments she was carried away by peaces And scarcely any thing left of her but her entrails. And the Irish immediately fell to roasting stewing Boiling & eating her. The Cow was sick & her carcase vary lean.
We have been tuning about 8 not an hour through the day & 10 not through the night on our course. I had the best nights rest I have had on board the ship. I dreamed of seeing Br Young & other friends. We had a warm short cake for supper one third boiled potatoes & two thirds flour but it was nice. (1)

-- Mar 17, 1846
Brigham Young relates a dream he had the night before: "I was pursued by a beast which threatened my life, and I fled into a house for safety, the beast following me appeared to change into a human being which I attempted to shoot with a seven shooter, to save my own life but it would not go off, then to bluff off the person I drew my small six shooter which went off contrary to my expectations, the ball passed through the brain of the individual, soon as the blood started the man came to his senses and was sorry for what he had done. I felt so bad because I had shot a man, that I awoke and was thankful that it was but a dream." (2)

-- May 4, 1846. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] Finished my letter to [plural wife] Diantha and sent it by John Richards. [John] Horlick has concluded to tarry till my wagons are fixed. I spent the day examining my flour and crackers and helping [Margaret] to fix the tent as considerable of my crackers and flour are damaged on account of having poor wagons. I dreamed last night that I saw Diantha and her babe. Her babe was dres[se]d in white and appeared to be [layed] down with its eyes closed. She was bent over it apparently in sorrow. When I went to her she flew to me earnestly but the babe seemed to be kept still and I awoke. This dream has troubled me considerable. Evening met the clerks of 50's in my tent and instructed them how to make their reports &c. (3)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Mar 18, 1845

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Mar 18, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I preached in the evening to a crouded house & walked after meeting to Br Cruthers & spent the night & dreamed a rattle snake bit me on the ancle. I pulled him off squoze him to death & much poison came out of his mouth. The interpetation is when we arive at Edinborough I shall be opposed by (the presiding elder> for appointing Br Banks to preside over that branch of the Church & conference. Distance of the day 12. (1)

-- Apr 23, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...After I retired to rest at night I fell asleep And had the following dream: I was in company with a number of the Twelve & other Brethren. I thought I had Just returned to Nauvoo from my English mission. We met with Br Joseph Smith the Prophet. I shook hands with him And asked him if he & his family were well. He said they were. I Thought the endowment had been given & he was counciling us about taking a mission abroad some portion of the time. While talkinghe sat in a Chair & leaned upon my breast. He said he was going to take a mission to India & pointed out the man to go with him but I cannot now call him by name. G. A. Smith asked liberty of Joseph to become better acquainted with me or to spend more time with me that we might be prepared to take a mission together. It was granted him. O Pratt had his mission appointed I do not know whare. Lyman Wight was spoken of. Do not recollect what was said. We had an interesting time together.
All seemed happy to once more see the Prophet. (1)

-- Jun 27, 1845
[Lucy Mack Smith] In a family meeting, Lucy describes a three-part vision she has had the night before, showing William Smith as head of the church but surrounded by men who seek his life. (2)

-- Sep 21, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 21st Sunday I spent the day at home with my family through the day & evening. Mrs Woodruff was more composed concerning the death of her Mother & slep comfortible during the night. We had both dreamed of loosing teath which is generally a sign of a death of some friend. (1)

-- Nov 4, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I retired to rest & dreamed of being in A ship & a great storm arose And it seemed as though the ship would be swallowed up but it out lived the storm. I also Saw A large serpent which brought forth other serpents. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Dec 30, 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Dec 30, 1844
[Wilford Woodruff] A dream on the night of the 30th Dec 1844 (WWJ 2:492): Behold and lo in a dream I was in Council with the Martered Prophet & Patriarch & the quorum of the Twelve Apostles in America. I thought we had all got to be ordained for some purpose. I was called upon by Br Young & another person to assist in administering the ordinances. In the midst of the Council, Sidney Rigdon Came in & was objected to by Hyrum Smith.
I awoke & again fell asleep & dreamed of being in council with the Twelve & others. I made an address to them. John E. Page arose to address the meeting but was stoped by some female & was followed by Elder Willard Snow
I have recorded this dream yet I Pay but little attention to dreams that I have on ship board for I am nearly all the while in some dream while asleep on board of the ship. (1)

-- Dec 31, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...A dream on the night of the 30th Dec 1844
Behold and lo (W) in a dream I was in Council with the Martered Prophet & Patriarch & the quorum of the Twelve Apostles in America. I thought we had all got to be ordained for some purpose. I was called upon by Br Young & another person to assist in administering the ordinances. In the midst of the Council, Signey Rigdon Came in & was objected to by Hiram Smith.
I awoke & again fell asleep & dreamed of being in council with the Twelve & others. I made an address to them. John E Page arose to address the meeting but was stoped by some female & was followed by Elder Wiliard Snow.
I have recorded this dream yet I Pay but little attention to dreams that I have on ship board for I am nearly all the while in some dream while asleep on board of the ship.
Whole distance from New York to Liverpool is 3,800 miles.
Travled 91 miles not put down before in the Journal.
I procured 20 subscribers for the T & S & Neighbor & N York Prophet. 20. (2)

-- Feb 16, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] .... At the Close of the Conference I went home with Br Flint & spent the night, And had the following Dream:
I visited the flouring mill in Farmington Ct. whare I found my Father Aphek Woodruff who had attended those mills for the last 30 years. I looked upon my father who appeared to be so infirm & feeble he could not walk & said he felt strang. I went to his help. He seemed to be struck with death. He fell into my arms. I called upon Uncle Ozem Woodruff who was present to come to my assistance. He did so & it seemed that father was about breathing his last, & I awoke, & their was a deep impression left upon my mind by the dream. I some fear I shall not behold my fathers face again in the flesh but time will determin.
I recieved a letter from Br H Clark. (2)

-- Mar 2, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 2d Sunday I dreamed last night of seeing two large snakes coming out of a large tree. Their object seemed to be to bite me. Soon a third one appeared, but I thought they had no power to harm me. Soon I met another one which I draged with my foot a long distance in the road. He tried to bite me. I soon trod on his neck. He run his tongue out, but I killed him.... (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff Dreams and Visions, Saints Without Halos, Scott Kenny (http://saintswithouthalos.com/n/dreams_ww.phtml)
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Oct 23, 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams
-- Oct 23, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... Droped my watch & broke my crystal to atoms as I dreamed. (1)

-- Nov 1, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I had a peculiar dream last night one that is unutterable & Cannot be written for I cannot comprehend it all myself. I was called to hold the keys of the kingdom of God in all the world with the quorum of the Twelve & traveld with them over much of the world, & finally traveld through many countries alone & when I got through I saw many things I cannot write but in the end Br Joseph Smith Assisted me to come into the place whare he was and Pointed out my work, portion, & labour. I immediately entered into the duties assigned me.

I also had another dream. Was in the Presence of Br Joseph Smith. Was conversing about his death. Told him I felt bad about it & If I had known he would have been taken away so soon I should have conversed more with him & asked him more questions. Said it was not his fault that I did not. Speaking of my work & duties said I had better get a dozen to help me. D (1)

-- Nov 14, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I dreamed of being in Nauvoo. Br Kimball <going to> England. Br Webster, <denied the faith>, my sister Eunice <[left?] in the hands of Elder Young>. (1)
-- Dec 30, 1844

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 30th Wind Still dead ahead. Cloudy & cold. Still beating in the channel on the same ground we were yesterday. Gain none at all.

I was in dreams nearly all of last night. Saw A large fire, A field of green corn, repaird old tubs to hold water, ground grain for the Saints Among other things I had an interview with the Patriarch Hiram Smith who was mattered. He wished me to get a plain gold ring made of fine gold set a stone in it & put some of his hair in it & wear it, & also some of Joseph Hair. (1)

-- About Dec 30, 1844
[Wilford Woodruff] ... Joseph Smith visited me a great deal after his death, and taught me many important principles. The last time he visited me was going on my last mission to preside in England. My companions were Brother Leonard W. Hardy, Brother Milton Holmes, Brother Dan Jones, and another brother, and my wife and two other women. ...

We had been traveling three days and nights in a heavy gale, and were being driven backwards. Finally I asked my companions to come into the cabin with me, and I told them to pray that the Lord would change the wind. I had no fears of being lost; but I did not like the idea of being driven back to New York, as I wanted to go on my journey. We all offered the same prayer, both men and women; and when we got through we stepped on to the deck and in less than a minute it was as though a man had taken a sword and cut that gale through, and you might have thrown a muslin handkerchief out and it would not have moved it.

... Joseph and Hyrum visited me, and the Prophet laid before me a great many things. Among other things, he told me to get the Spirit of God; that all of us needed it. He also told me what the Twelve Apostles would be called to go through on the earth before the coming of the Son of Man, and what the reward of their labors would be; but all that was taken from me, for some reason. Nevertheless I know it was most glorious, although much would be required at our hands.
Joseph Smith continued visiting myself and others up to a certain time, and then it stopped. The last time I saw him was in heaven. In the night vision I saw him at the door of the temple in heaven. He came and spoke to me. He said he could not stop to talk with me because he was in a hurry. The next man I met was Father Smith; he could not talk with me because he was in a hurry. I met half a dozen brethren who had held high positions on earth, and none of them could could stop to talk with me because they were in a hurry. I was much astonished.
By and by I saw the Prophet again, and I got the privilege to ask him a question, "Now," said I, "I want to know why you are in a hurry. I have been in a hurry all through my life; but I expected my hurry would be over when I got into the kingdom of heaven, if I ever did."

Joseph said:
I will tell you, Brother Woodruff. Every dispensation that has had the Priesthood on the earth and has gone into the celestial kingdom, has had a certain amount of work to do to prepare to go to the earth with the Savior when He goes to reign on the earth. Each dispensation has had ample time to do this work. We have not. We are the last dispensation, and so much work has to be done, and we need to be in a hurry in order to accomplish it.

Of couse, that was satisfactory to me, but it was new doctrine to me. (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - Wilford Woodruff Dreams and Visions, Saints Without Halos, Scott Kenny (http://saintswithouthalos.com/n/dreams_ww.phtml)
Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, Aug 19, 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Aug 19, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...A letter was read directed to Dr Richards and some dreams rehearsed one of which I told as follows: I met with Br Joseph Smith in the Congregation of the Saints. He had his old Hebrew and Jerman Bible, and preached to the Saints. B[ut] he seemed to be to thronged by the people and he rose up lifted up a curtain and passed into another room where the people could not distirb him and there he was going to teach the people. (1)

-- Oct 4, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I rode on to Simsbury & stoped at Aunt Cossetts. She was deranged I lade hands upon her and rebuked the Spirit by which she was bound & she immediately seemed to be some better. I took the parting hand with the whole family & rode to Elder Ashbel Deweys Little river near westfield. 30 miles.
I retired to rest and had the following dream: I thought their was A large building standing in Nauvoo Joining my house. Appeared to be filled with lumber and many men to work in it. I saw the foundation of it begin to give way. I run in to warn the people to leave it but it fell with a mighty crash while I was in it. I narrowly escaped being killed, but got out without injury. I then saw my own dwelling brick house in Nauvoo the foundation of it to give way. I went into that to warn my family to leave it but it fell with us in it but I got out & my wife with her child in her arms all safe. The interpetation I shall understand before many days. (1)

-- Oct 12, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I had Conversation with Br Whitmore. He related A dream to me as follows: He had prayed to God to let him see Joseph in a dream. And he fell asleep And dreamed that he saw the heavens opened and deheld some of the things of eternity. He saw a personage arise out of the earth, and An Elder informed him that it was Joseph Smith. Joseph did not speak to him but droped some slips of paper on the ground from whence he rose. Br Whirmore picked up one of them & read the following words: (Emma is not worthy of me.) He wished to read the others but the person with him picked them up & put them in his pocket & did not let him read them.... (1)

-- Oct 14, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 14th I done up my package of letters to Nauvoo in a rapper & directed it [to] Brigham Young & put it into the hands of Elder Wingate Containing $13 dollars in all. I spent the night at Br Phelps, And dreamed of being in the midst of rattle snakes. I had power to kill them. A few nights previous I saw a monster of a serpent. Tried to kill me but had no power. (1)

-- Oct 19, 1844. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] Â…Last night I dreamed I was in a rich building in a very pleasant place. I thought I was married to Brother [Alpheus] Cutlers youngest daughter and she seemed as happy as an angel and I felt full of joy and peace. I thought I had received Miss Cutler in addition to those I had already got. When I awoke I felt disappointed and felt to pray in my heart O God if it be thy will give me that woman for a companion and my soul shall praise thee but thy will be done and not mine . . . Sister [Ann] Booth tells me that Sara Ann [Whitney] is very unhappy and wants to see me she says Jane Charnock is perfectly unhappy and if there is any way she can be loosed she wants me to take her. Mary Aspen is ready to unite to me as her savior and Sister Booth says she shall not risk her salvation in Roberts [Booth] hands and wants me to interfere. We had considerable conversation on many subjects and felt pretty well. (2)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

Dreams in LDS History, July 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- During July 1844
Lyman Wight: Vision/dream July 1844 of martyred Joseph Smith Jr. (1)

-- Aug 4, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I dreamed during the night of seeing Br Asahel at Farmington Ct. at fathers house. (2)

-- Aug 5, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... Elder Kimball had a dream last evening. Thought he was preaching to a large Congregation. Said the Prophet Joseph Smith had laid the foundation for a great work and it was now for us to build upon it. He thought Br Joseph was present and appeared natural. We took the steemer st Croix and left Galena for Nauvoo. We had a plesant sail through the day and evening, though some unplesant feelings during the evening. (2)

-- Aug 5, 1844. Monday.
[William Clayton Journal] This last night I dreamed that Joseph and Emma came to me and appeared very much dissatisfied and displeased because I had kept back the money sent by Brother [Heber C.] Kimball. I thought I explained the reason and told them I had been councilled to do so. (3)

-- Aug 18, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...I had a dream which I will here relate. I saw a fruit tree, & I went into the tree in search of fruit. I soon discoverd that some of the main branches on top going from the main body was dead. It seemed necessary to cut off the dead branches in order to save the tree. So I told some person to help me cut them off & they steped on to a large green limb. They were afraid it would break, so I put my sholder under it & held it up while he cut off the dead branches. It cracked the green limb but it did not break. After we cut of the dry limbs the wounds healed up and the tree grew finely.) Now let us cut of the dead branches of the Church that good fruit may grow and the voice will soon be herd Go and build Zion and the great Temple of the Lord.... (2)

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, Jul 18, 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Jul 18, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...A man told me he dreamed that some man spoke to him and said Lama, Lama, and he looked and it was Joseph Smith retreating from him and saying those words, the interpetation of which is my God my God & when Joseph Smith was shot he repeated those words. So with the Savior when he was crucified. He said Lama, Lama, Sabacthana.
As the Jews were not satisfied with killing Jesus Christ, but must thrust a spear into his side so with the gentiles. They were not satisfied with shooting the Prophet but stabed him with a dagger in the breast. As soon as they killed them they all fled and in an hour their was not a man left in the place. But the wicked flea when no man persues.
But why did the people murder this Prophet? What were they afraid of? O if he lives he will take away our power of goverment get the rule in his own hands and we will be distroyed. But they were mistaken. If they had let him alone or had recieved him he would have saved the nation from ruin and destruction. But now the nation has got to answer for his blood and the blood of his brother both of which were the Lords anointed. Besides the nation will now be deprived of the benefit of that wisdom and intelligence which the Prophet seer & revelator would have brought to light that would have been used for the benefit of the nations.
But now their die is cast and doom is sealed, & their judgment will come in an hour they are not aware of. It was so with the Jews. They said if we let Jesus alone he will come and take away our state and Nation so they crusifyed him shed his blood and said let it be upon us and our Children. And the judgments came upon them. Their city was laid in the dust, & the inhabitants fell by the sword & famine and the remnant was scattered throughout the gentile world, while if they had recieved Jesus Christ he would oft had gatherd together the people & saved the City.
When the nations of the earth send their messengers or ministers to any people & they are not recieved but treated lightly and killed will not that nation take vengance on their enemies? Is God then of less consequence than man? When he sends his Prophets, messengers & servants to the world with a message & the people Cast them out stone shoot and kill them will not God take vengance on that nation? Yea he ever did and ever will, and this nation will not escape.
John said in pouring out the plagues upon the earth 16 ch. 3 v. that he poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man and evry living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountain of waters and they became blood. And the Angels Said the Lord was righteous in so doing for they have shed the blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy. 6 v.
Some say it was in the days of Jesus Christ, But it was not in the days of Jesus Christ for John lived after and saw things in the last days. It seems that the waters was turned to blood because they had shed the Blood of Prophets and Saints. Their was to be two Prophets in Jerrusalem slain, for they tormented them. Prophets are always a torment to the People for they tell them the truth, reprove their transgressions speak of the Judgments that are to come. When those prophets were to be slain the people all would rejoice & send Presents to one another because the prophets who had tormented them were slain. But in three days they stood upon their feet & the Joy of their enemies was of short duration.
It is so now. Their is a secret Joy in the hearts of the Priest and many people that the Prophet and Patriarch is murdered and some manifest their joy openly. It is always a dark time Just before day. It is a dark time now but it will soon be light.
When Christ was crucifyed it was a dark time. They were ready to go to their farm fishing and merchandize and Peter sent to inquire if he was the one or if we should look for another. The answer was go and tell them what you see and hear. Feel my body I have arisen. And Joy immediatly arose in their bosom. As soon as the Jews found he had arisin they bribed the guard to say that while they were asleep his deciples stole him away, which saying is believed among the Jews untill the present day. And they are taken in their own snare for it has been that vary key that has Chained them untill the present time, & so it is with this nation. They have sealed their damnation by shedding the blood of the vary man that holds the keys of this last dispensation and consequently their destiny.
A word about Br Joseph being killed. Some have thought he could not be killed. But the Lord never said so neither did Joseph say so. So did Peter say to Jesus when he told him that he would be slain or offered, far be it from thee. This shall not come upon thee. Jesus said get the behind me Satan. Thou savoreth not the things that be of God but of men.
In the first instance The Prophet crossed the river to Iowa & while there he inquired of the Lord what he should do and the Lord told him to return and give himself up. He appeared to be aware that he would be slain. The covenants convey this same idea concerning Joseph. See Page 159 4 par. Behold I grant unto you eternal life if you should be slain. Page 126, 1 & 2 Par.
It is supposed by some that the Govornor had a hand in this affair. At first they were not ready to recieve him for the plan was not finished how to dispose of him. The Govornor had taken away all of the state arms, & was in Nauvoo requesting them to give up their private arms at the same time that they were murdering our brethren at Carthage Jeal. As soon as the word Came the govornor fled. The women and Children removed so as to stir up the world to come and destroy the place but this failed.
In consequence of the death of the prophets the Editors seem to get the spirit of prophecy and say the work is done & will stop, and die. But as I am in the midst of the Prophetic Editors like Saul I ketch some of the spirit of Prophecy, & so I will prophecy that instead of the work dying it will be like the mustard stock that was ripe that a man undertook to throw out of his garding and scattered seed all over it and next year it was nothing but mustard. It will be so by shedding the blood of the prophets. It will make 10 saints whare their is one now.
Some said that he would be President, but is now dead. Now what will he do? The Revelator Says He that overcometh will I give Power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of Iron. I dont know but he may hold the keys of the Plagues that are to be poured out in the last days upon this and other nations. Angels appeared anciently to John who were his fellow servants. The prophet Joseph may appear in this day to his brethren. ... (1)

-- Jul 22, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 22d (Home)(Home) I parted with the friends in Simsbury and rode to my Fathers house in farmington and was truly glad to once more behold the face of my Father and step mother. I found them alone not a child with them in their decline of life to watch their cares. I had but 24 hours to spend with them. I happily improved it. I never enjoyed a better visit with them.
My mind had been deeply impressed for weeks that I had sumthing to do for my parents before they died. Now was my time. My father was near seventy /67/ years of age. I might never see him again. That night I shall never forget while time endures. Eternity alone can ownly unfold the strength of its deeds. As the Sable Shades of night drew her Serene Curtin ore the earth to still the cares of day we met alone; none but congeniel spirits their.
Wilford arose and with the spirit of a Joseph towards his father Jacob opened his heart to his father and spoke his mind. The sentiment was re-cieved. I lade my hands upon my Father Aphek head (And according to the authority of the Priesthood and Apostleship confered upon me by the Revelations of Jesus Christ under the hands of the Twelve Apostles, President B. Young being mouth upon the cornor stone of the house of the Lord in far west in the land of Zion,) I ordained My father Aphek Woodruff unto the office of an high Priest and Patriarch after the order of Melchezedeck. I sealed him up unto eternal life. I placed upon his head the seals of the covenant. [One and a half lines crossed out and illegible.]
When all was oer it was right, my soul was satisfyed. I had accomplished what my soul longed after. My Dear father and stepmother retired. I was left alone: Alone did I say? No not alone. A congeniel spirit, A kindred spirit dwelt with me, around my + bed upon my briest, within my heart. 0 glorious night. Sleep departed from me. Meditations, seenes and visions of by gone days and days to come, formed my covering, my curtain. Who knows the sweets of obedience, the gospel, eternal truth? The Ancient Patriarch's. So do we.
I shall never forget the last night I spent beneath my fathers Roof. I may never spend another there. O God protect my aged father, through life. Let the strength of Parental obligation rest with due wait upon my head. Console the heart of her who has watched my wants, my youth, my life, and when my mother rises from the grave let the union of my father be like a three fold cord not easily broaken. Let him stand in the linage of his fathers in his exhaltations. What I say unto one I say unto all. Watch, for thoughts dwell deep, but words pass away. (Vera amieitia est sempiterna.) 15 m. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, May 28, 1844

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- May 28, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] .... We spent the night here. I had the following dream:
I was passing by my house with my cloak on & I saw Br Morgan & Harriett. I asked whare Mrs Woodruff was. The answer was in her room but she has company. I walked in to see her & found her in company with two females. It appeared like some of our friends from the east. I thought she appeared at first some unwell. I asked her how she did. She said I get along vary well. I told her I had not herd from her since I left home. She remarked I wrote you a letter day before yesterday which would have been on the 26th of May. I did not see the children. 35 mi. (1)

-- Jun 13, 1844
[Joseph Smith] The several brethren who were arrested by Bettisworth with Joseph take out writs of habeas corpus and are released. In the evening Joseph relates a dream in the Seventies Hall in which his enemies, Foster and Higbee, are symbolized as two large snakes who are locked together so tightly that they cannot get any power over Joseph. The dream also refers to the plans of William and Wilson Law being overcome.The Warsaw Signal carries a story about an anti-Mormon meeting held on the night of June 13 in which several resolutions are drawn up to immediately drive any sympathizers of the Saints from the state. The Signal's editor, Thomas C. Sharp, accuses Hyrum Smith of planning to destroy the Signal press and of threatening his own life. A committee is drawn up to "notify all persons in our township suspected of being the tools of the prophet to leave immediately on pain of instant vengeance." (2)

-- Jun 15, 1844. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] A.M. conversing with Dr. [Joseph] Wakefield and others in the Bar Room, telling a dream concerning his father killing a man who attempted to stab him. He also spoke concerning key words. The g[reat] key word was the first word Adam spoke and is a word of supplication. He found the word by the Urim and Thummim. (3)

-- Jun 24, 1844
[Joseph Smith] .... Dr. Richards records notes dictated by Joseph and Hyrum and addressed to their families. Joseph relates a dream he had in Kirtland in which his enemies tried to destroy him but ended up destroying themselves. ... (2)

-- Jul 16, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 16th As I arose in the morning Sister Phelps handed me two Letters one from [.] Snow and one from J. E. Page both Confirming the death of the Patriarch and Prophet Joseph & Hyram Smith. I immediately wrote three letters & sent to Brigham Young one to Peterboro N.H. one to Lowell & one to Brab-ford Mass. I then went to the Post Office & took out a letters directed to G. A. Smith written mostly by his wife. Mrs Woodruff wrote a few lines in it to me the first intelligence I had from her since I left home. She related the following dream that Joseph Smith had a few days before he sealed + his testimony with his blood, about Wm. & Wilson Law:
He thought they bound him and cast him into prision a pit or well as Joseph was anciently. He struggled hard & got up so he could look out & he saw the Laws a little distance off one of them in the hands /grasp/ of a tiger & the other a snake. They called to him to come & help them. He told them they had bound him & they could not. He thought a brother soon came along & took him out of the pit. +
I called upon Sister Voce 57 Temple St. Saw Sister Ruth Sayers who was with her. She also recieved a letter from her husband this day Dated Nauvoo June 30th & still confirmed the death of Joseph & Hiram Smith. Gave the whole particulars Concerning it. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - Conklin, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, Sep 8, 1843

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Sep 8, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I had a dream concerning the Saints there. I thought I was in a field of wheat that was stacked up & we had got to draw it into the barn. Come to open the stack the bundle would all fall to peices & it was filled with clusters of Rats & mice, who had been eating up the grain. I thought these Rats & mice were the Elders & official members who had been in & lain on the Church, lived on the wheat eaten them up instead of building up New Churches. So that when the Twelve came along they could not get any thing for the Temple or Nauvoo House, or Hardly a place to stay. The rats had eat up the wheat so & we had to go to the world for a home to stay while we were their.... (1)

-- Jan 5, 1844
[Joseph Smith] Joseph dreams of "2 serpents swallowing each other tail foremost." During the cold night some people had built a fire on the shore opposite Stake President William Marks's house. Marks swears before the city council that the fire was a warning against his life. It is charged that Joseph's statement about a "Judas" was a signal to the forty special policemen to take certain action against traitorist brothers. Thirty policemen swear that they were never given any special or private instructions. After many testimonies, Wilson Law says, "I am Joseph's friend: he has no better friend in the world: I am ready to lay down my life for him." Joseph records his own thoughts: "What can be the matter with these men? Is it that . . . hit pigeons always flutter, that drowning men catch at straws, or that Presidents Law and Marks are absolutely traitors to the Church, that my remarks should produce such an excitement in their minds. Can it be possible that the traitor whom P
orter Rockwellreports to me as being in correspondence with my Missouri enemies, is one of my quorum?" (2)

-- Feb 2, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ...Brother & Sister Wm. W Phelps Received their 2d Anointing & sealing.
/Feb 3d 1844 I walked into President Joseph Smith Store or office over the store & spent a few moments in conversing with Elders W Richards And Wm. W. Phelps & President Joseph Smith Came into the room & Said he had a dream & related it to us which was as follows:
+ I was standing on a peninsula in the midst of a vast body of water whare their appears to be a large harbor or a peer built out for boats to Come into. I was surrounded by my friends & while looking at this harbor I saw a Steem boat approaching the harbour. Their was bridges on the peer for persons to cross & there came up a wind & drove the steem boat under one of the bridges & upset it. I run up to the boat expecting the persons would all drowne. And wishing to do sumthing to assist them I put my hand against the side of the boat & with one surge I shoved it under the bridge & righted it up & then [I] told them to take care of themselves. But it was not long before I saw them starting out into the channel or main body of the water again. The storms were raging & the waters rough. I said to my friends that if they did not understand the signs of the times & the spirit of Prophecy they would be apted to be lost. It was but a few moments after when we saw the waves break ov
er the boat & she soon founderd & went down with all on board & perished.
The storm & waters were still vary rough. Yet I told my friends around me that I believed I could stem those waves & storm & swim in the waters better than the steem boat did & at any rate I was determined to try it. But my friends laughed at me & told me I Could not stand the storm at all but should be drouned. The waters looked Clear & beautiful though exeeding rough, & I said I believed I could swim & I would try it anyhow. They said I would drown. I said I would have a frolic in the water first if I did & I dove of into the raging waves.
I had swum but a short distance when a towering wave overwhelmed me for a time but I soon found myself on the top of it & soon I met the second wave in the same way & for awhile I struggled hard to live in the midst of the storm & waves. But I soon found I gained upon evry wave & stemmed the torrent better & better & I soon had power to swim with my head out of water so the waves did not break over me at all & I found I had swam a great distance & in looking about me I saw Br Samuel by my side. I asked him how he liked it. He said first rate & I thought so to. I was soon enabled to swim with my head & Sholdiers out of water & I Could swim as fast as any steem Boat, & in a little time it becaim calm & I Could rush through the water & ownly go in to my loins & so[n?] I ownly went in to my knees & finally could tread on the top of the water & went almost with the speed of an arrow & I said to Samuel see how swift I can go & I thought it was great sport & pleasure to travel with
such speed & I awoke.
What the interpetation of the foregoing dream was the spirit of God or time must determin.
[ ]
In the evening of this day the quorum met at Joseph store. Brothers Wm. W Clayton & Joseph Young met with them But I was not present. Elder Kington Came after me with a waggon to go to his house & hold a meeting so I took my family & rode 6 miles across the prarie in the storm & spent the night at his house. Joseph Young & wife & Wm. Clayton Received their 2d Endowments &c. 6 mils. (1)

1 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
2 - Conklin, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, May 19, 1843

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- May 19, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] Friday, May 19th 1843 Told Bro[ther] Phelps a dream that the history must go ahead before any thing 5 P.M. gave a warrant against Samuel Fuller for running a boat on the Ferry. (1)

-- Jul 13, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 13th We passed Vevey at 8 oclock. We had a plesant view of President Harrison's Tomb as we passed along. We Reached Cincinnati at half past 5 oclock. Spent the night at Br Timothy Bakers at Elm street Between fifth & sixth st. Elder Smith was quite sick through the night. I dreamed that Br Joseph was taken with another writ to be tried in Illinois. Elder B Young also dreamed that we were called home. The distance from the mouth of the Ohio to Cincinnati is 538 miles. (2)

-- Jul 24, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 24th Got of a sand bar at half past 7 oclok. Got along well through the day. I dreamed at night of seeing Mrs Woodruff & Elder Cordon told me that I had a fine Child. I saw Br Joseph dressed in Military. Thought their was to be a meeting in Nauvoo &c. (2)

-- During Jul 1843
[Polygamy] Desdemona Fullmer (Age 32): ...According to the Nauvoo 4th Ward records, in the spring of 1842, Desdemona was living in Joseph Smiths home. She probably knew Emily and Eliza Partridge and Elvira Cowles who were also living there at the time. Some time before the spring of 1843, Desdemona moved out of the Smith home.
Desdemona married Joseph Smith in July of 1843. As Joseph continued to secretly accumulate wives, his first wife, Emma, struggled with polygamy. Perhaps Desdemona experienced, or maybe only feared, the anguish of Emma discovering her and Josephs relationship. She recalls the resultant anxiety, In the rise of poligamy i was warned in a dream Amy [Emma] Smith was going to poisen me. Desdemona was not poisoned and remained Josephs wife until he was killed in June of 1844. In 1846, before leaving for Utah, Desdemona had her sealing to Joseph re-performed in the Nauvoo temple.... (3)

-- Aug 20, 1843
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] ... I dreamed last night that I was in Nauvoo & our cow was lost & I thought it Best to advertise her that we might find her. But I hope she is not lost. (2)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993
3 - Remembering the Wives of Joseph Smith, http://www.wivesofjosephsmith.org/

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, Mar 11, 1843

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Mar 11, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] Saturday, March 11th Too cold last night as to freeze water in the warmest rooms in the city. River filled with anchor ice. 8 1/2 o'clock in the office, Joseph said he had tea with his breakfast. His wife asked him if [it] was good. He said if it was a little stronger he should like it better, when Mother Granger remarked, "It is so strong and good I should think it would answer Both for drink and food."
A dream then related. Night before last I [Joseph] dreamed that an /old/ man came to me /and said/ there was a mob force coming upon him, and he was likely to loose his life, that I was Lieut[enant] General and had the command of a large force. I was also a patriot and disposed to protect the innocent and unoffending and wanted I should assist him. I told him I wanted some written documents to show the facts that they are the agressors, and I would raise a force sufficient for his protection, that I would call out the Legion. He turned to go from me, but turned again and said to me. "I have any amount of men at my command and will put them under your command."
The words of Joseph: "While conversing about the sign in the heavens last evening, as sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens, and as sure as he ever spoke by me. So sure there will be a speedy and bloody war, and the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof."/ ... (1)

-- Mar 15, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] Wednesday, March 15th Dictated a letter to G[eorge] J. Adams [and] read letter from Butterfield and [James] Arlington Bennet. Signed deeds for Sister Granger and Smith and Alread.
Spent the day mostly in the office. Gave the following [new] name to the ''Wasp" enlarged as is contemplated "The Nauvoo Neighbor", [with the following in the masthead:] "Our Motto, the Saints Singularity" "Is unity, liberty, charity".
Joseph prophecied in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that [Orrin] Porter Rockwell will get away from the Missourians.
Told [Peter] Hawes he must curtail his boys or they will get into State Prison.
Dream, last night dreamed of swimming in a river of pure water, clear as crystal, over a school of fish of the largest /size/ I ever saw. They were directly under my belly. I was astonished and felt afraid they might drown me or do me injury. They were the largest I ever saw.
Conversed much about Porter, wishing the boy well. (1)

-- Apr 2, 1843
(1) (Sunday Afternoon). Ramus, Illinois.
William Clayton Diary
P.M. Joseph preached on Revelations chap. 5. he called on me to open the meeting. He also preached on the same subject in the evening. During the day president Joseph made the following remarks on doctrine. "I was once praying very ernestly to know the time of the coming of the son of man when I heard a voice repeat the following 'Joseph my son, if thou livest untill thou art 85 years old thou shalt see the face of the son of man, therefore let this suffice and trouble me no more on this matter.' I was left thus without being able to decide wether this coming referred to the beginning of the Millenium, or to some previous appearing, or wether I should die and thus see his face. I believe the coming of the son of man will not be any sooner than that time." In correcting two points in Er Hydes discourse he observed as follows, "The meaning of that passage where it reads 'when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is' is this, When the savior appears w
eshall see that he is a man like unto ourselves, and that same sociality which exists amongst us here will exist among us there only it will be coupled with eternal glory which we do not enjoy now. Also the appearing of the father and the son in John c 14 v 23 is a personal appearing and the idea that they will dwell in a mans heart is a sectarian doctrine and is false"
In answer to a question which I [William Clayton] proposed to him as follows, 'Is not the reckoning of gods time, angels time, prophets time & mans time according to the planet on which they reside['] he answered yes "But there is no angel ministers to this earth only what either does belong or has belonged to this earth and the angels do not reside on a planet like our earth but they dwell with God and the planet where he dwells is like crystal, and like a sea of glass before the throne. This is the great Urim & Thummim whereon all things are manifest both things past, present & future and are continually before the Lord. The Urim & Thummim is a small representation of this globe. The earth when it is purified will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim & Thummim whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom or all kingdoms of a lower order will be manifest to those who dwell on it. and this earth will be with Christ Then the white stone mentioned in Rev. c 2 v
17 isthe Urim & Thummim whereby all things pertaining to an higher order of kingdoms even all kingdoms will be made known and a white stone is given to each of those who come into this celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.
"Whatever principle of intelligence we obtain in this life will rise with us in the ressurection: and if a person gains more knowledge in this life through his diligence & obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of this world upon which all blessings are predicated; and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
"The Holy Ghost is a personage, and a person cannot have the personage of the H. G. in his heart. A man receive the gifts of the H. G., and the H. G. may descend upon a man but not to tarry with him.["]
He also related the following dream. "I dreamed that silver-headed old man came to see me and said he was invaded by a gang of robbers, who were plundering his neighbors and threatening distruction to all his subjects. He had heard that I always sought to defend the oppressed, and he had come to hear with his own ears what answer I would give him. I answered, if you will make out the papers and shew that you are not the agressor I will call out the Legion and defend you while I have a man to stand by me. The old man then turned to go away. When he got a little distance he turned suddenly round and said I must call out the Legion and go and he would have the papers ready when I arrived, and says he I have any amount of men which you can have under your command.
[Note: the above paragraph is crossed through with a penciled line and at the beginning in handwriting that is not William Clayton's, a comment simply says "repeated his of 10 March." ]
Er Hyde gave this interpretation "The old man represents the government of these United States who will be invaded by a foreign foe, probably England. The U. S. government will call on you to defend probably all this Western Territory, and will offer you any amount of men you may need for that purpose.
Once when prest. Joseph was praying ernestly to know concerning the wars which are to preceed the coming of the son of man, he heard a voice proclaim that the first outbreak of general bloodshed would commence at South Carolina---see Revelation
The sealing of the 144000 was the number of priests who should be anointed to administer in the daily sacrifice &c. During Prest. Joseph's remarks he said their was a nice distinction between the vision which John saw as spoken of in Revelations & the vision which Daniel saw, the former relating only to things as they actually existed in heaven---the latter being a figure representing things on the earth. God never made use of the figure of a beast to represent the kingdom of heaven---when they were made use of it was to represent an apostate church.
Joseph Smith Diary, by Willard Richards
1. P.M. attended meeting. Joseph read 5th Chapter of [DEL: Johns :DEL] revelation. referring particularly to the 6th verse. showing from that the actual existence of beasts in heaven probable those were beasts which had lived on another planet than ours---
God never made use of the figure of a beast to represent the kingdom of heaven.---Beasts 7 eyes Priesthood. ---this is the first time I have ever taken a text in Revelation.---and if the young elders would let such things alone it would be far better.---then corrected Elder Hyde as in private. [We here include the text of the corrections made to Orson Hyde]
after breakfast called on Sister Sophronia 10 A. M. to meeting. Elder Hyde Preached 1 epistle John 1. chap 1st 3 verses---when he shall appear we shall be like him &c. he will appear on a white horse, as a warrior, & maybe we shall have some of the same spirit.---our god is a warrior.---John 14.23---it is our privilege to have the father & son dwelling in our hearts.
ÃÂdined at Sophrona's & soon as we arrived.---Elder Hyde I am going to offer some corrections to you. Elder H. replied---they shall be thankfully received.---When he shall appear we shall see him as he is. we shall see that he is a Man like ourselves.---And that same sociality which exists amongst us here will exist among us there only it will be coupled with eternal glory which glory we do not now enjoy.
14 John 23.---the appearing of the father and of the Son in that verse is a personal appearance.---to say that the father and the Son dwell in a mans heart is an old Sectarian notion. and is not correct.
There are no angels who administer to this earth but who belong or have belonged to this earth. The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth. but they reside in the presence of God---but on a Globe like a sea of glass & fire. "Sea of glass before the throne, &c." where all things are manifest past present & to come.---The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummin. This earth in its sanctified & immortal state will be a Urim & Thummin for all things below it in the scale of creation, but not above it. ---related the Dream written on page 3d Book B Interpretation By O. Hyde--- [The dream referred to is located at the beginning of the second volume of Joseph Smith's Diary under the date 11 March 1843 and is as follows:]
A dream, then related. Night before last I dreamed that an old man come to me and said there was a mob force coming upon him, and he was likely to loose his life, that I was Lieut General and had the command of a large force, and I was also a patriot and disposed to protect the innocent & unoffending. & wanted I should assist him. I told him I wanted some written documents to show the facts that they are the aggressors, & I would raise a force sufficient for his protection, that I would call out the Legion,---He turned to go from me, but turned again and said to me. "I have any amount of men [DEL: at my command :DEL] and will put them under your command." [Then follows the] Interpretation by O. Hyde---
old man.---Government of these United States, who will be invaded by a foreign foe. probably England. U. S. Government will call on Gen Smith to defend probably all this western territory and offer him any amount of men he shall desire & put them under his command.
I prophecy in the Name of the Lord God that the commencement of bloodshed as preparatory to the coming of the son of man. will commence in South Carolina,---(it probably may come through the slave trade.)---this the voice declared to me. while I was praying earnestly on the subject 25 December 1832. ---
I earnestly desired to know concerning the coming of the Son of Man & prayed, when a voice Said to me, Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art 85 years old thou shalt see the face of the son of man. therefore let this suffice & trouble me no more on this matter --- (2)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843
2 - The Words of Joseph Smith by Joseph Smith by Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, Jan 18, 1843

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Jan 18, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] January 18th 1843 Party /began to/ assembleet at the time appointed and before 12 o'clock the Jubilee songs—by Gen[eral] Law and Miss [Eliza R.] Snow were distributed by the governor of the feast to fifty individuals—the party invited except Mr. Moffat who were seated in the Court Room, who sung the same. Elder Taylor then read a vision from a New Orleans paper. Broilher] and Sister Marks came in.
Gen[era]l S[mith]: "I will call your attention to one of the most enticing cases you ever saw." He then arose and read a letter from John C. Bennet[t] to [Elders Orson] Pratt and [Sidney] Rigdon dated Springfield, January 10th 1843, Stating that [Jacob B.] Backenstows was soon going to have Joseph arrested on the old score from M[iss]o[uri] and for Murder &c. Mr. Pratt shewed Joseph the Letter. Mr. Rigdon did not want to have it known that he had any hand in showing the letter. Joseph said he had sent word to Gov[ernor] Ford by Backensto[s] that before he would be troubled any more by M[iss]o[uri] he would fight first.
Dreamed that a sheriff came after me [Joseph]. A man put a musket in my hand and told me to keep him [the sheriff]. I took the musket and walked around him. When he went to go away, I would push him back and if others came to trouble him I would keep them off.
Conversation continued fre[e]ly until 2 o'clock when 21 sat down to dinner. The Governor and Governess in waiting—while thus serving the table—Joseph stated that this was not only a Jubilee but commemoration of his marriage to Emma. Just 15 [16] years this day.
20 [people] sat at the 2d table, 18 at the 3d table including Joseph and Emma—with many jokes. /15 at the 4th table including children
/H[enry] G. Sherwood preached a Methodist Sermon and received a vote of thanks from the company and he continued to tell story. /Elder Hyde told the Eddy Story/ (1)

-- Jan 20, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] Friday, January 20th Visited President Marks. Returned at 10 o'clock and gave some instructions about [W. W.] Phelps and Richards uniting in writing the history of the church. Bro[ther] Phelps presented some po[e]try to Joseph Smith the Prophet—"Will you go with me in."
Joseph told his dream in council[:] I dreamed this morning that I was in the Lobby of the Representative House at Springfield when some of the members who did not like my being there began to mar and cut and pound my shins with pieces of Iron. I bore it as long as I could, then Jumped over the rail into the hall, caught a rod of Iron and went at them cursing and swearing at them in the most awful manner and drove them all out of the house. I went to the door and told them to send me a clerk and I will /would/ make some laws that would do good. There was quite a collection around the /State/ house trying to raise an army to take me and there were many horses tied around the square. I thought they would not have the privilege of getting me so I took a rod of Iron and mowed my way through their way /ranks/, looking after their best race horrse thinking they might catch me when the[y] could find me when I was awoke.
To dream of flying signifies prosperity and deliverence from Enemies. Swimming in deep water signifies success among Many people. The word will be accompanied with power. Told Elder Hyde when he spoke in the name of the Lord, it should prove true, but do not curse the people.
Prophecy in the name of the Lord God. [Joseph said,] "As soon as we get the temple built so that we will not be obliged to exhaust our means. Thereon we will have means to gather the saints by thousands and tens of thousands."
Elder Hyde told of the excellent white wine he drank in the east [Palestine]. Joseph prophesied in the name of the Lord that he would drink wine with him in that country. Joseph [said], "From the 6th day of April next, I go in for preparing with all present for a Mission through the United States and when we arrive at Maine we will take ship for England and so on to all countries where we are a mind for to go." P[r]e[se]nt: H[yrum] Smith, B[righam] Young, H[eber] C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, W[ilford] Woodruff, Geo[rge] A. Smith, [and] W[illard] Richards.
[Joseph said,] "We must write for John E. Page. We must love the whole Quorum. We must send Kings and Queens to Nauvoo and we will do it. We must all start from this place. Let the 12 [Apostles] be called in on the 6th of April and a notice be given for a special conference on the platform on [the] House of the Lord. We are sure to go as we live till spring. If I live I [will] take these b[r]ethren through these United States and through the world. I will make just as big a wake as God Almighty will let me."
/4 P.M./ Baptized Orson Pratt and wife and Lydia Granger and confirmed them. Ordained Orson to all the authority of his former office. (1)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1842-43

Mormon Timeline: Dreams

LDS Dreams History, Jan 18, 1843

LDS History Chronology: Dreams

-- Jan 18, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] January 18th 1843 Party /began to/ assembleet at the time appointed and before 12 o'clock the Jubilee songs—by Gen[eral] Law and Miss [Eliza R.] Snow were distributed by the governor of the feast to fifty individuals—the party invited except Mr. Moffat who were seated in the Court Room, who sung the same. Elder Taylor then read a vision from a New Orleans paper. Broilher] and Sister Marks came in.
Gen[era]l S[mith]: "I will call your attention to one of the most enticing cases you ever saw." He then arose and read a letter from John C. Bennet[t] to [Elders Orson] Pratt and [Sidney] Rigdon dated Springfield, January 10th 1843, Stating that [Jacob B.] Backenstows was soon going to have Joseph arrested on the old score from M[iss]o[uri] and for Murder &c. Mr. Pratt shewed Joseph the Letter. Mr. Rigdon did not want to have it known that he had any hand in showing the letter. Joseph said he had sent word to Gov[ernor] Ford by Backensto[s] that before he would be troubled any more by M[iss]o[uri] he would fight first.
Dreamed that a sheriff came after me [Joseph]. A man put a musket in my hand and told me to keep him [the sheriff]. I took the musket and walked around him. When he went to go away, I would push him back and if others came to trouble him I would keep them off.
Conversation continued fre[e]ly until 2 o'clock when 21 sat down to dinner. The Governor and Governess in waiting—while thus serving the table—Joseph stated that this was not only a Jubilee but commemoration of his marriage to Emma. Just 15 [16] years this day.
20 [people] sat at the 2d table, 18 at the 3d table including Joseph and Emma—with many jokes. /15 at the 4th table including children
/H[enry] G. Sherwood preached a Methodist Sermon and received a vote of thanks from the company and he continued to tell story. /Elder Hyde told the Eddy Story/ (1)

-- Jan 20, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary] Friday, January 20th Visited President Marks. Returned at 10 o'clock and gave some instructions about [W. W.] Phelps and Richards uniting in writing the history of the church. Bro[ther] Phelps presented some po[e]try to Joseph Smith the Prophet—"Will you go with me in."
Joseph told his dream in council[:] I dreamed this morning that I was in the Lobby of the Representative House at Springfield when some of the members who did not like my being there began to mar and cut and pound my shins with pieces of Iron. I bore it as long as I could, then Jumped over the rail into the hall, caught a rod of Iron and went at them cursing and swearing at them in the most awful manner and drove them all out of the house. I went to the door and told them to send me a clerk and I will /would/ make some laws that would do good. There was quite a collection around the /State/ house trying to raise an army to take me and there were many horses tied around the square. I thought they would not have the privilege of getting me so I took a rod of Iron and mowed my way through their way /ranks/, looking after their best race horrse thinking they might catch me when the[y] could find me when I was awoke.
To dream of flying signifies prosperity and deliverence from Enemies. Swimming in deep water signifies success among Many people. The word will be accompanied with power. Told Elder Hyde when he spoke in the name of the Lord, it should prove true, but do not curse the people.
Prophecy in the name of the Lord God. [Joseph said,] "As soon as we get the temple built so that we will not be obliged to exhaust our means. Thereon we will have means to gather the saints by thousands and tens of thousands."
Elder Hyde told of the excellent white wine he drank in the east [Palestine]. Joseph prophesied in the name of the Lord that he would drink wine with him in that country. Joseph [said], "From the 6th day of April next, I go in for preparing with all present for a Mission through the United States and when we arrive at Maine we will take ship for England and so on to all countries where we are a mind for to go." P[r]e[se]nt: H[yrum] Smith, B[righam] Young, H[eber] C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, W[ilford] Woodruff, Geo[rge] A. Smith, [and] W[illard] Richards.
[Joseph said,] "We must write for John E. Page. We must love the whole Quorum. We must send Kings and Queens to Nauvoo and we will do it. We must all start from this place. Let the 12 [Apostles] be called in on the 6th of April and a notice be given for a special conference on the platform on [the] House of the Lord. We are sure to go as we live till spring. If I live I [will] take these b[r]ethren through these United States and through the world. I will make just as big a wake as God Almighty will let me."
/4 P.M./ Baptized Orson Pratt and wife and Lydia Granger and confirmed them. Ordained Orson to all the authority of his former office. (1)

1 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1842-43

Mormon Timeline: Dreams