Lorenzo Snow, 1840

-- During 1840
Lorenzo Snow remembers coming to a realization of the concept ("as Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become") in 1840 prior to his mission, and then sharing it with Brigham Young in a private conversation in 1841. (1)

-- 1841, April 6
Nauvoo Temple cornerstones laid. (2)

-- November 11, 1841
Letter to parents: "I have sent you a tract [The Only Way to Be Saved] which I have written and got published I have published four thousand copies. It is expected that annother Edition will be wanted. Tho' they have been out of the press only a week or two yet they have been mostly spoken for." (3)

-- During 1841
In 1849 Brigham Young remembered the couplet ("as Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become") came to him as a strong impression in 1841. He shared the couplet with Lorenzo Snow eight years later in 1849. His 1849 reply to Lorenzo Snow was recorded immediately (by several individuals) which includes the text of the couplet. (1)

-- 1842, March 1
Publication of Book of Abraham commenced in Times and Seasons. (2)

-- 4 March 1842
[Wife of Lorenzo Snow] Birth of Phoebe Amelia Woodruff, future wife of Lorenzo Snow (4)

1 - "Origin of famous Mormon couplet," Clair Barrus, examiner.com
2 - Ludlow, Daniel H. editor, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Macmillan Publishing, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4, Appendix 2: A Chronology of Church History, http://amzn.to/eG0DIp
3 - Crawley, Descriptive Biography
4 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Snow#Wives_and_children

LDS History Chronology: Lorenzo Snow

Mormon History Timeline: the life of Lorenzo Snow